Lesson 4 – Deferred shading PV227 – GPU Rendering Jiˇrí Chmelík, Jan ˇCejka Fakulta informatiky Masarykovy univerzity 10. 10. 2018 PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 1 / 23 Motivation: A loooot of lights PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 2 / 23 Forward and deferred shading Forward shading PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 3 / 23 Forward and deferred shading Deferred shading PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 4 / 23 Task: Create and display G-buffer Task 1 Complete notexture_deferred_fragment.glsl and texture_deferred_fragment.glsl, output position, normal, and albedo. Look at the result. Note that positions are scaled to 0.02 (our scene is large). PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 5 / 23 Task: Create and display G-buffer Positions Normals Albedo PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 6 / 23 Task: Evaluate the lighting Task 2 Evaluate the lighting in evaluate_quad_fragment.glsl. PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 7 / 23 Task: Evaluate the lighting Result PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 8 / 23 Reducing the number of evaluated lights View-frustum culling Light volume PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 9 / 23 Light volume implementation Render one sphere per light, use instancing :-) In vertex shader, place the sphere at the position of the light, and scale it to the range of the light In fragment shader, evaluate the light Add all lights together using blending PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 10 / 23 Light volume implementation Use depth test Don’t evaluate pixels if the light is behind something. We need the depth texture of the scene, in addition to the color buffer. Only compare the depth with the scene, don’t render the spheres into the depth buffer. Render front faces only Use blending to sum the lighting, configure the blend function properly PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 11 / 23 Task: Implement light volume algorithm Task 3 Configurate the depth test, culling, and blending in C++ code In evaluate_sphere_vertex.glsl, place the sphere to the position of the light. Also, sphere’s radius is one, so enlarge it to the range of the light (light_range constant). In evaluate_sphere_fragment.glsl, do not evaluate the light yet, output only the diffuse color of the light. PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 12 / 23 Task: Implement light volume algorithm Result PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 13 / 23 Task: Implement light volume algorithm Task 4 Evaluate the lighting in evaluate_sphere_fragment.glsl. PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 14 / 23 Task: Implement light volume algorithm Result PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 15 / 23 Task: Implement light volume algorithm Task 5 In evaluate_sphere_fragment.glsl, discard fragments that are too far from the light. PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 16 / 23 Task: Implement light volume algorithm Result (when displaying only the diffuse color of the light) PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 17 / 23 Pros and cons Pros: Lighting (one of the most expensive operations) is evaluated only once per pixel. Lighting is processed independently, reducing the number of combinations of materials and lighting. G-buffer is good for other postprocessing effects. PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 18 / 23 Pros and cons Cons: Does not work with multisampling. Transparency G-buffer needs a lot of memory (ours: 3x16B/pixel, 100 MB FullHD) Materials must not be too much complicated (the space of G-buffer is limited) PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 19 / 23 Things we used OpenGL queries, very briefly: glGenQueries generates a query object glBeginQuery(GL_TIME_ELAPSED, obj) starts measuring of the time, only one measuing may run at the same time. glEndQuery(GL_TIME_ELAPSED) stops measuring. GPU time is measured, not the CPU time. glGetQueryObjectiv(obj, GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, result) returns 1 if the result of the query is available. glGetQueryObjectui64v(obj, GL_QUERY_RESULT, result) returns the result of the query. PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 20 / 23 Things we used Interpolation of variables between vertex shader and fragment shader Usage: flat int light_idx, in vertex and fragment shader. smooth: default interpolation, interpolates the values between vertices with perspective correction. noperspective: linear interpolation, i.e. without perspective correction. flat: no interpolation, the value of the “provoking” vertex is used. Necessary for integers. Interpolation without and with perspective correction. Source Wikipedia. PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 21 / 23 Things we used Shader storage buffer objects (SSBO): Since OpenGL 4.3 Similar to uniform buffers, similar usage: Use GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER instead of GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER Use buffer instead of uniform in shaders Much larger than uniform buffers (at least 128 MB, but usually limited by the memory of the GPU) Shaders can write to them (preferably using atomic operations) Try changing LIGHTS_MAX_COUNT and LIGHTS_STORAGE in the project (6 places) to use shader storage buffers and 1000 lights. Don’t use forward shading for this :-) PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 22 / 23 Next lecture Using G-buffer for: Screen-space ambient occlusion Depth of field Screen-space ambient occlusion PV227 – GPU Rendering (FI MUNI) Lesson 4 – Deferred shading 10. 10. 2018 23 / 23