Support for U2F LIDO tokens in mobile applications The goal of this bachelor thesis is to analyse the state of the tools for second factor authentication within mobile platforms, focusing mainly on U2F (LIDO) protocol family and hardware tokens. Theoretical part will covers analysis of U2F standard, consulting its strong and weak points. Practical part will consists of a native mobile application for Android, communicating with a hardware token through NFC or Bluetooth. It will also includes analysis and necessary modifications of existing Java Card U2F applet. The application will beis complemented by a demonstration of use in a real use case with usage of an existing LIDO token and a card with U2F Java Card applet. - nevysvětlené zkratky - budoucí čas namísto přítomného Intrusion detection system in faculty network The main goal of this thesis is to research possible advantages of usage IDS (intrusion detection system) in faculty network. IDS is the term used for tools, that are used forof monitoring network traffic. This monitoring system can warn computer emergency response team about suspicious activity of some user or computer. This monitoring can be done on each personal computers in computer classrooms or on network gateways like routers. TheA system can be build up from anti-threat applications such as firewalls, antivirus software, and spyware-detection. - malá písmena ve vysvětlení zkratky - opakování slovního spojení Tvorba výukových materiálov pre školenia frameworkov Angular 2 a Ionic 2 Cieľom tejto práce je tvorba výukových materiálov pre frameworky Angular 2 a Ionic 2 pre školenia odbornej verejnosti. Materiály by mali obsahovať ako teoretickú časť vo forme slajdov, tak praktickú časť vo forme ukážok kódu. Bakalárska práca sa okrem samotnej tvorby materiálov bude zaoberať zrhnutím metodík výuky informačných technológií a ich vhodnosti pre dané školenia.