The email has a good structure, the author divided it into multiple paragraphs, in the first one he explains the reason he is writing a complaint, in the second one he provides us with more details, but in my opinion the language he uses is too difficult and uselessly complicated, I would suggest using more simple and explanatory sentences, for example replace " due to certain issues on the recently purchased cellphone " with "because my new cellphone did not work correctly" or "because I had some problems with my new cellphone". I would also suggest replacing " I explained the issues I was experienced with the cellphone " with " I explained the defects of the cellphone ", again I think that the sentence is difficult to understand if not read multiple times. I would also suggest to provide more detail on what the author wants the company to do in the last paragrah, because he asks for " improvement of knowledge of employees " but doesn't specify what kind of knowledge or information should they be taught. At the end of the email, the author used "Sincerely" before the sign off, but Sincerely is usually used when we know the name of the recipient, so I would suggest using "Yours faithfully" or "Yours truly" instead. There are some minor spelling mistakes like "writting" or "finaly" but overall the spelling and grammar is okay. Overall I think the author did a good job, he was polite and respectful all the time.