IA���: Computational Logic Introduction Achim Blumensath blumens@fi.muni.cz Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Why Logic? Logics are formal languages to make statements about mathematical objects. Why Logic? Logics are formal languages to make statements about mathematical objects. They are used everywhere in computer science: ▸ databases (SQL) ▸ regular expressions ▸ software verification, hardware verification ▸ controller synthesis ▸ type systems ▸ SAT-solvers (optimisation) ▸ theorem provers Basic logic problems Basic logic problems Model Checking Given a model M and a formula φ, check whether M ⊧ φ. Basic logic problems Model Checking Given a model M and a formula φ, check whether M ⊧ φ. Satisfiability Given a formula φ, check whether there is some model M with M ⊧ φ. Course organisation Lectures ▸ Friday, ��:��, D� ▸ language: English ▸ slides and a video recording will be available on IS Exercise classes ▸ exercises done by students ▸ come prepared Examination ▸ final written exam ▸ in English ▸ k and z completion possible Prerequisites ▸ basic knowledge of logic ▸ propositional and first-order logic ▸ formula, model, satisfaction relation, entailment relation ▸ syntactic normal forms Topics covered ▸ resolution method for propositional logic ▸ resolution method for first-order logic ▸ Prolog ▸ proof calculi (natural deduction and tableaux) for first-order logic ▸ modal logic ▸ induction ▸ many-valued logic