IA���: Computational Logic �. Modal Logic Achim Blumensath blumens@fi.muni.cz Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Basic Concepts Transition Systems directed graph S = ⟨S, (Ea)a∈A, (Pi)i∈I , s0⟩ with ▸ states S ▸ initial state s0 ∈ S ▸ edge relations Ea with edge colours a ∈ A (‘actions’) ▸ unary predicates Pi with vertex colours i ∈ I (‘properties’) a b b b a aa, b pq Modal logic Propositional logic with modal operators ▸ ⟨a⟩φ ‘there exists an a-successor where φ holds’ ▸ [a]φ ‘φ holds in every a-successor’ Notation: φ, ◻φ if there are no edge labels Formal semantics S, s ⊧ P :iff s ∈ P S, s ⊧ φ ∧ ψ :iff S, s ⊧ φ and S, s ⊧ ψ S, s ⊧ φ ∨ ψ :iff S, s ⊧ φ or S, s ⊧ ψ S, s ⊧ ¬φ :iff S, s ⊭ φ S, s ⊧ ⟨a⟩φ :iff there is s →a t such that S, t ⊧ φ S, s ⊧ [a]φ :iff for all s →a t , we have S, t ⊧ φ Examples P ∧ Q ‘The state is in P and there exists a transition to Q.’ [a] ‘The state has no outgoing a-transition.’ Interpretations ▸ Temporal Logic talks about time: ▸ states: points in time (discrete/continuous) ▸ φ ‘sometime in the future φ holds’ ▸ ◻φ ‘always in the future φ holds’ ▸ Epistemic Logic talks about knowledge: ▸ states: possible worlds ▸ φ ‘φ might be true’ ▸ ◻φ ‘φ is certainly true’ Examples: Temporal Logic system S = ⟨S, ≤, ¯P⟩ ▸ “P never holds.” Examples: Temporal Logic system S = ⟨S, ≤, ¯P⟩ ▸ “P never holds.” ¬ P ▸ “After every P there is some Q.” Examples: Temporal Logic system S = ⟨S, ≤, ¯P⟩ ▸ “P never holds.” ¬ P ▸ “After every P there is some Q.” ◻(P → Q) ▸ “Once P holds, it holds forever.” Examples: Temporal Logic system S = ⟨S, ≤, ¯P⟩ ▸ “P never holds.” ¬ P ▸ “After every P there is some Q.” ◻(P → Q) ▸ “Once P holds, it holds forever.” ◻(P → ◻P) ▸ “There are infinitely many P.” Examples: Temporal Logic system S = ⟨S, ≤, ¯P⟩ ▸ “P never holds.” ¬ P ▸ “After every P there is some Q.” ◻(P → Q) ▸ “Once P holds, it holds forever.” ◻(P → ◻P) ▸ “There are infinitely many P.” ◻ P Translation to first-order logic Proposition For every formula φ of propositional modal logic, there exists a formula φ∗ (x) of first-order logic such that S, s ⊧ φ iff S ⊧ φ∗ (s) . Proof Translation to first-order logic Proposition For every formula φ of propositional modal logic, there exists a formula φ∗ (x) of first-order logic such that S, s ⊧ φ iff S ⊧ φ∗ (s) . Proof P∗ = P(x) (φ ∧ ψ)∗ = φ∗ (x) ∧ ψ∗ (x) (φ ∨ ψ)∗ = φ∗ (x) ∨ ψ∗ (x) (¬φ)∗ = ¬φ∗ (x) (⟨a⟩φ)∗ = ∃y[Ea(x, y) ∧ φ∗ (y)] ([a]φ)∗ = ∀y[Ea(x, y) → φ∗ (y)] Bisimulation S and T transition systems Z ⊆ S × T is a bisimulation if, for all ⟨s, t⟩ ∈ Z, (local) s ∈ P ⇔ t ∈ P (forth) for every s →a s′ , exists t →a t′ with ⟨s′ , t′ ⟩ ∈ Z, (back) for every t →a t′ , exists s →a s′ with ⟨s′ , t′ ⟩ ∈ Z. S, s and T, t are bisimilar if there is a bisimulation Z with ⟨s, t⟩ ∈ Z. s s′ t t′ a a Z Z Examples Examples Examples Examples Unravelling b a a S b a a b b a a b U(S) Lemma S and U(S) are bisimilar. Bisimulation invariance Theorem Two finite transition systems S and T are bisimilar if, and only if, S ⊧ φ ⇔ T ⊧ φ , for every modal formula φ . Definition A formula φ(x) is bisimulation invariant if S, s ∼ T, t implies S ⊧ φ(s) ⇔ T ⊧ φ(t) . Theorem A first-order formula φ is equivalent to a modal formula if, and only if, it is bisimulation invariant. First-Order Modal Logic Syntax first-order logic with modal operators ⟨a⟩φ and [a]φ First-Order Modal Logic Syntax first-order logic with modal operators ⟨a⟩φ and [a]φ Models transistion systems where each state s is labelled with a Σ-structure As such that s →a t implies As ⊆ At First-Order Modal Logic Syntax first-order logic with modal operators ⟨a⟩φ and [a]φ Models transistion systems where each state s is labelled with a Σ-structure As such that s →a t implies As ⊆ At Examples ▸ ◻∀xφ(x) → ∀x ◻ φ(x) is valid. ▸ ∀x ◻ φ(x) → ◻∀xφ(x) is not valid. Tableaux Tableau Proofs Statements s ⊧ φ s ⊭ φ s →a t s, t state labels, φ a modal formula Rules s ⊧ φ s ⊧ ψ . . . s ⊭ ϑ s ⊭ ψm s ⊧ ϑn Tableaux Construction A tableau for a formula φ is constructed as follows: ▸ start with s0 ⊭ φ ▸ choose a branch of the tree ▸ choose a statement s ⊧ ψ/s ⊭ ψ on the branch ▸ choose a rule with head s ⊧ ψ/s ⊭ ψ ▸ add it at the bottom of the branch ▸ repeat until every branch contains both statements s ⊧ ψ and s ⊭ ψ for some formula ψ Tableaux Construction A tableau for a formula φ is constructed as follows: ▸ start with s0 ⊭ φ ▸ choose a branch of the tree ▸ choose a statement s ⊧ ψ/s ⊭ ψ on the branch ▸ choose a rule with head s ⊧ ψ/s ⊭ ψ ▸ add it at the bottom of the branch ▸ repeat until every branch contains both statements s ⊧ ψ and s ⊭ ψ for some formula ψ Tableaux with premises Γ ▸ choose a branch, a state s on the branch, a premise ψ ∈ Γ, and add s ⊧ ψ to the branch Rules s ⊧ ¬φ s ⊭ φ s ⊭ ¬φ s ⊧ φ s ⊧ φ ∧ ψ s ⊧ φ s ⊧ ψ s ⊭ φ ∧ ψ s ⊭ φ s ⊭ ψ s ⊧ φ ∨ ψ s ⊧ φ s ⊧ ψ s ⊭ φ ∨ ψ s ⊭ φ s ⊭ ψ s ⊧ φ → ψ s ⊭ φ s ⊧ ψ s ⊭ φ → ψ s ⊧ φ s ⊭ ψ s ⊧ φ ↔ ψ s ⊧ φ s ⊧ ψ s ⊭ φ s ⊭ ψ s ⊭ φ ↔ ψ s ⊧ φ s ⊭ ψ s ⊭ φ s ⊧ ψ Rules s ⊧ ⟨a⟩φ s →a t t ⊧ φ s ⊭ ⟨a⟩φ t′ ⊭ φ s ⊧ [a]φ t′ ⊧ φ s ⊭ [a]φ s →a t t ⊭ φ s ⊧ ∀xφ s ⊧ φ[x ↦ u] s ⊭ ∀xφ s ⊭ φ[x ↦ c] s ⊧ ∃xφ s ⊧ φ[x ↦ c] s ⊭ ∃xφ s ⊭ φ[x ↦ u] t a new state, t′ every state with entry s →a t′ on the branch, c a new constant symbol, u an arbitrary term Example φ ⊧ ◻φ s ⊭ φ s → t t ⊭ φ t ⊧ φ Example ⊧ ◻(φ → ψ) → (◻φ → ◻ψ) s ⊭ (φ → ψ) → ( φ → ψ) s ⊧ (φ → ψ) s ⊭ φ → ψ s ⊧ φ s ⊭ ψ s → t t ⊭ ψ t ⊧ φ t ⊧ φ → ψ t ⊭ φ t ⊧ ψ Example ⊧ ◻∀xφ → ∀x ◻ φ s ⊭ ∀xφ → ∀x φ s ⊧ ∀xφ s ⊭ ∀x φ s ⊭ φ[x ↦ c] s → t t ⊭ φ[x ↦ c] t ⊧ ∀xφ t ⊧ φ[x ↦ c] Soundness and Completeness Consequence ψ is a consequence of Γ if, and only if, for all transition systems S, S, s ⊧ φ , for all s ∈ S and φ ∈ Γ , implies that S, s ⊧ ψ , for all s ∈ S . Soundness and Completeness Consequence ψ is a consequence of Γ if, and only if, for all transition systems S, S, s ⊧ φ , for all s ∈ S and φ ∈ Γ , implies that S, s ⊧ ψ , for all s ∈ S . Theorem A modal formula φ is a consequence of Γ if, and only if, there exists a tableau T for φ with premises Γ where every branch is contradictory. Complexity Theorem Satisfiability for propositional modal logic is in deterministic linear space. Theorem Satisfiability for first-order modal logic is undecidable. Temporal Logics Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) Speaks about paths. P → → → P, Q → Q → → ⋯ Syntax ▸ atomic predicates P, Q, . . . ▸ boolean operations ∧, ∨, ¬ ▸ next Xφ ▸ until φUψ ▸ finally Fφ = ⊺Uφ ▸ generally Gφ = ¬F¬φ Examples FP a state in P is reachable GFP we can reach infinitely many states in P (¬P)U(P ∧ Q) the first reachable state in P is also in Q Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) Theorem Let L be a set of paths. The following statements are equivalent: ▸ L can be defined in LTL. ▸ L can be defined in first-order logic. ▸ L can be defined by a star-free regular expression. Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) Theorem Let L be a set of paths. The following statements are equivalent: ▸ L can be defined in LTL. ▸ L can be defined in first-order logic. ▸ L can be defined by a star-free regular expression. Translation LTL to FO P∗ = P(x) (φ ∧ ψ)∗ = φ∗ (x) ∧ ψ∗ (x) (φ ∨ ψ)∗ = φ∗ (x) ∨ ψ∗ (x) (¬φ)∗ = ¬φ∗ (x) (Xφ)∗ = ∃y[x < y ∧ ¬∃z(x < z ∧ z < y) ∧ φ∗ (y)] (φUψ)∗ = ∃y[x ≤ y ∧ ψ∗ (y) ∧ ∀z[x ≤ z ∧ z < y → φ∗ (z)]] Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) Theorem Let L be a set of paths. The following statements are equivalent: ▸ L can be defined in LTL. ▸ L can be defined in first-order logic. ▸ L can be defined by a star-free regular expression. Theorem Satisfiablity of LTL formulae is PSPACE-complete. Theorem Model checking S, s ⊧ φ for LTL is PSPACE-complete. It can be done in time O( S ⋅ 2O( φ ) ) or space O(( φ + log S )2 ) . (formula complexity: PSPACE-complete; data complexity: NLOGSPACE-complete) Computation Tree Logic (CTL and CTL*) Applies LTL-formulae to the branches of a tree. Syntax (of CTL*) ▸ state formulae φ: φ = P φ ∧ φ φ ∨ φ ¬φ Aψ Eψ ▸ path formulae ψ: ψ = φ ψ ∧ ψ ψ ∨ ψ ¬ψ Xψ ψUψ Fψ Gψ Examples EFP a state in P is reachable AFP every branch contains a state in P EGFP there is a branch with infinitely many P EGEFP there is a branch such that we can reach P from every of its states Theorem Satisfiability for CTL is EXPTIME-complete. Model checking S, s ⊧ φ for CTL is P-complete. It can be done in time O( φ ⋅ S ) or space O( φ ⋅ log2 ( φ ⋅ S )) . (data complexity: NLOGSPACE-complete) Theorem Satisfiability for CTL is EXPTIME-complete. Model checking S, s ⊧ φ for CTL is P-complete. It can be done in time O( φ ⋅ S ) or space O( φ ⋅ log2 ( φ ⋅ S )) . (data complexity: NLOGSPACE-complete) Theorem Satisfiability for CTL* is �EXPTIME-complete. Model checking S, s ⊧ φ for CTL* is PSPACE-complete. It can be done in time O( S 2 ⋅ 2O( φ ) ) or space O( φ ( φ + log S )2 ) . (formula complexity: PSPACE-complete; data complexity: NLOGSPACE-complete) The modal µ-calculus (Lµ) Adds recursion to modal logic. Syntax φ = P φ ∧ φ φ ∨ φ ¬φ ⟨a⟩φ [a]φ µX.φ(X) νX.φ(X) (X positive in µX.φ(X) and νX.φ(X)) The modal µ-calculus (Lµ) Adds recursion to modal logic. Syntax φ = P φ ∧ φ φ ∨ φ ¬φ ⟨a⟩φ [a]φ µX.φ(X) νX.φ(X) (X positive in µX.φ(X) and νX.φ(X)) Semantics Fφ(X) = {s ∈ S S, s ⊧ φ(X)} µX.φ(X) X0 = ∅ , Xi+1 = Fφ(Xi) νX.φ(X) X0 = S , Xi+1 = Fφ(Xi) The modal µ-calculus (Lµ) Adds recursion to modal logic. Syntax φ = P φ ∧ φ φ ∨ φ ¬φ ⟨a⟩φ [a]φ µX.φ(X) νX.φ(X) (X positive in µX.φ(X) and νX.φ(X)) Semantics Fφ(X) = {s ∈ S S, s ⊧ φ(X)} µX.φ(X) X0 = ∅ , Xi+1 = Fφ(Xi) νX.φ(X) X0 = S , Xi+1 = Fφ(Xi) Examples µX(P ∨ X) a state in P is reachable νX(P ∧ X) there is a branch with all states in P Expressive power Theorem For every CTL*-formula φ there exists an equivalent formula φ∗ of the modal µ-calculus. Expressive power Theorem For every CTL*-formula φ there exists an equivalent formula φ∗ of the modal µ-calculus. Proof (for CTL) P∗ = P (φ ∧ ψ)∗ = φ∗ ∧ ψ∗ (φ ∨ ψ)∗ = φ∗ ∨ ψ∗ (¬φ)∗ = ¬φ∗ (EXφ)∗ = φ∗ (AXφ)∗ = ◻φ∗ (EφUψ)∗ = µX[ψ∗ ∨ (φ∗ ∧ X)] (AφUψ)∗ = µX[ψ∗ ∨ (φ∗ ∧ ◻X)] The modal µ-calculus (Lµ) Theorem A regular tree language can be defined in the modal µ-calculus if, and only if, it is bisimulation invariant. Theorem Satisfiability of µ-calculus formulae is decidable and complete for exponential time. Model checking S, s ⊧ φ for the modal µ-calculus can be done in time O(( φ ⋅ S ) φ ). (The satisfiability algorithm uses tree automata and parity games.) Fixed points Theorem Let ⟨A, ≤⟩ be a complete partial order and f A → A monotone. Then f has a least and a greatest fixed point and lfp(f ) = lim n→∞ f n ( ) and gfp(f ) = lim n→∞ f n (⊺) Monotonicity ≤ f ( ) Monotonicity ≤ f ( ) ⇒ f ( ) ≤ f (f ( )) Monotonicity ≤ f ( ) ⇒ f ( ) ≤ f (f ( )) ⇒ f (f ( )) ≤ f (f (f ( ))) Monotonicity ≤ f ( ) ⇒ f ( ) ≤ f (f ( )) ⇒ f (f ( )) ≤ f (f (f ( ))) ⇒ . . . ⇒ f n ( )) ≤ f n+1 ( ) Monotonicity ≤ f ( ) ⇒ f ( ) ≤ f (f ( )) ⇒ f (f ( )) ≤ f (f (f ( ))) ⇒ . . . ⇒ f n ( )) ≤ f n+1 ( ) ⇒ ≤ f ( ) ≤ f 2 ( )) ≤ ⋅⋅⋅ ≤ f n ( ) ≤ ⋯ Monotonicity ≤ f ( ) ⇒ f ( ) ≤ f (f ( )) ⇒ f (f ( )) ≤ f (f (f ( ))) ⇒ . . . ⇒ f n ( )) ≤ f n+1 ( ) ⇒ ≤ f ( ) ≤ f 2 ( )) ≤ ⋅⋅⋅ ≤ f n ( ) ≤ ⋯ exists n with f n ( ) = f n+1 ( ) Monotonicity ≤ f ( ) ⇒ f ( ) ≤ f (f ( )) ⇒ f (f ( )) ≤ f (f (f ( ))) ⇒ . . . ⇒ f n ( )) ≤ f n+1 ( ) ⇒ ≤ f ( ) ≤ f 2 ( )) ≤ ⋅⋅⋅ ≤ f n ( ) ≤ ⋯ exists n with f n ( ) = f n+1 ( ) Least fixed point P = f (P) fixed point, f n ( ) = f n+1 ( ) Monotonicity ≤ f ( ) ⇒ f ( ) ≤ f (f ( )) ⇒ f (f ( )) ≤ f (f (f ( ))) ⇒ . . . ⇒ f n ( )) ≤ f n+1 ( ) ⇒ ≤ f ( ) ≤ f 2 ( )) ≤ ⋅⋅⋅ ≤ f n ( ) ≤ ⋯ exists n with f n ( ) = f n+1 ( ) Least fixed point P = f (P) fixed point, f n ( ) = f n+1 ( ) ≤ P Monotonicity ≤ f ( ) ⇒ f ( ) ≤ f (f ( )) ⇒ f (f ( )) ≤ f (f (f ( ))) ⇒ . . . ⇒ f n ( )) ≤ f n+1 ( ) ⇒ ≤ f ( ) ≤ f 2 ( )) ≤ ⋅⋅⋅ ≤ f n ( ) ≤ ⋯ exists n with f n ( ) = f n+1 ( ) Least fixed point P = f (P) fixed point, f n ( ) = f n+1 ( ) ≤ P ⇒ f n ( ) ≤ f n (P) = P Monadic Second-Order Logic Syntax • element variables: x, y, z, . . . • set variables: X,Y, Z, . . . • atomic formulae: R(¯x), x = y, X(x) • boolean operations: ∧, ∨, ¬, →, ↔ • quantifiers: ∃x, ∀x, ∃X, ∀X Example • “The set X is empty.” Monadic Second-Order Logic Syntax • element variables: x, y, z, . . . • set variables: X,Y, Z, . . . • atomic formulae: R(¯x), x = y, X(x) • boolean operations: ∧, ∨, ¬, →, ↔ • quantifiers: ∃x, ∀x, ∃X, ∀X Example • “The set X is empty.” ¬∃xX(x) • “X ⊆ Y” Monadic Second-Order Logic Syntax • element variables: x, y, z, . . . • set variables: X,Y, Z, . . . • atomic formulae: R(¯x), x = y, X(x) • boolean operations: ∧, ∨, ¬, →, ↔ • quantifiers: ∃x, ∀x, ∃X, ∀X Example • “The set X is empty.” ¬∃xX(x) • “X ⊆ Y” ∀z[X(z) → Y(z)] • “There exists a path from x to y.” Monadic Second-Order Logic Syntax • element variables: x, y, z, . . . • set variables: X,Y, Z, . . . • atomic formulae: R(¯x), x = y, X(x) • boolean operations: ∧, ∨, ¬, →, ↔ • quantifiers: ∃x, ∀x, ∃X, ∀X Example • “The set X is empty.” ¬∃xX(x) • “X ⊆ Y” ∀z[X(z) → Y(z)] • “There exists a path from x to y.” ∀Z[Z(x) ∧ ∀u∀v[Z(u) ∧ E(u, v) → Z(v)] → Z(y)] Equivalence Quantifier rank nesting depth of quantifiers in φ Equivalence Quantifier rank nesting depth of quantifiers in φ Equivalence A, ¯P, ¯a ≡m B, ¯Q, ¯b :iff A ⊧ φ(¯P, ¯a) ⇔ B ⊧ φ( ¯Q, ¯b) for all φ( ¯X, ¯x) of quantifier rank ≤ m Equivalence Quantifier rank nesting depth of quantifiers in φ Equivalence A, ¯P, ¯a ≡m B, ¯Q, ¯b :iff A ⊧ φ(¯P, ¯a) ⇔ B ⊧ φ( ¯Q, ¯b) for all φ( ¯X, ¯x) of quantifier rank ≤ m word structures: W = ⟨[n], ≤, (Pa)a∈Σ⟩ Equivalence Quantifier rank nesting depth of quantifiers in φ Equivalence A, ¯P, ¯a ≡m B, ¯Q, ¯b :iff A ⊧ φ(¯P, ¯a) ⇔ B ⊧ φ( ¯Q, ¯b) for all φ( ¯X, ¯x) of quantifier rank ≤ m word structures: W = ⟨[n], ≤, (Pa)a∈Σ⟩ Lemma u ≡m u′ and v ≡m v′ implies uv ≡m u′ v′ Proof induction on m Automata Given φ of quantifier rank m, construct Aφ = ⟨Q, Σ, δ, q0, F⟩ Automata Given φ of quantifier rank m, construct Aφ = ⟨Q, Σ, δ, q0, F⟩ • Q = Σ∗ /≡m Automata Given φ of quantifier rank m, construct Aφ = ⟨Q, Σ, δ, q0, F⟩ • Q = Σ∗ /≡m • q0 = [ε]m Automata Given φ of quantifier rank m, construct Aφ = ⟨Q, Σ, δ, q0, F⟩ • Q = Σ∗ /≡m • q0 = [ε]m • δ([w]m, c) = [wc]m Automata Given φ of quantifier rank m, construct Aφ = ⟨Q, Σ, δ, q0, F⟩ • Q = Σ∗ /≡m • q0 = [ε]m • δ([w]m, c) = [wc]m • F = {[w]m w ⊧ φ } Automata Given φ of quantifier rank m, construct Aφ = ⟨Q, Σ, δ, q0, F⟩ • Q = Σ∗ /≡m • q0 = [ε]m • δ([w]m, c) = [wc]m • F = {[w]m w ⊧ φ } Theorem Aφ accepts a word w ∈ Σ∗ if, and only if, w ⊧ φ. Automata Given φ of quantifier rank m, construct Aφ = ⟨Q, Σ, δ, q0, F⟩ • Q = Σ∗ /≡m • q0 = [ε]m • δ([w]m, c) = [wc]m • F = {[w]m w ⊧ φ } Theorem Aφ accepts a word w ∈ Σ∗ if, and only if, w ⊧ φ. Corollary φ is satisfiable if, and only if, Aφ accepts some word. Description Logics Description Logic General Idea Extend modal logic with operations that are not bisimulation-invariant. Applications Knowledge representation, deductive databases, system modelling, semantic web Ingredients ▸ individuals: elements (Anna, John, Paul, Marry,…) ▸ concepts: unary predicates (person, male, female,…) ▸ roles: binary relations (has_child, is_married_to,…) ▸ TBox: terminology definitions ▸ ABox: assertions about the world Example TBox man = person ∧ male woman = person ∧ female father = man ∧ ∃has_child.person mother = woman ∧ ∃has_child.person ABox man(John) man(Paul) woman(Anna) woman(Marry) has_child(Anna, Paul) is_married_to(Anna, John) Syntax Concepts φ = P ⊺ ¬φ φ ∧ φ φ ∨ φ ∀Rφ ∃Rφ (≥nR) (≤nR) Terminology axioms φ ⊑ ψ φ ≡ ψ TBox Axioms of the form P ≡ φ. Assertions φ(a) R(a, b) Extensions ▸ operations on roles: R ∩ S, R ∪ S, R ○ S, ¬R, R+ , R∗ , R− ▸ extended number restrictions: (≥nR)φ, (≤nR)φ Algorithmic Problems ▸ Satisfiability: Is φ satisfiable? ▸ Subsumption: φ ⊧ ψ? ▸ Equivalence: φ ≡ ψ? ▸ Disjointness: φ ∧ ψ unsatisfiable? All problems can be solved with standard methods like tableaux or tree automata. Semantic Web: OWL (functional syntax) Ontology( Class(pp:man complete intersectionOf(pp:person pp:male)) Class(pp:woman complete intersectionOf(pp:person pp:female)) Class(pp:father complete intersectionOf(pp:man restriction(pp:has_child pp:person))) Class(pp:mother complete intersectionOf(pp:woman restriction(pp:has_child pp:person))) Individual(pp:John type(pp:man)) Individual(pp:Paul type(pp:man)) Individual(pp:Anna type(pp:woman) value(pp:has_child pp:Paul) value(pp:is_married_to pp:John)) Individual(pp:Marry type(pp:woman)) )