IA168 — Problem set 3 For an extensive-form game G, let SPE(G) denote the set of subgame-perfect equilibria of G and NE(G) denote the set of Nash equilibria of G. Problem 1 [6 points] Consider the following two-player strategic-form game G: C S C (−5, −5) (0, −20) S (−20, 0) (−1, −1) a) Calculate the number of strategies of Player 1 and Player 2 in G2−rep; b) calculate the number of strategy profiles in G2−rep; c) calculate the number of Nash equilibria in G2−rep. Moreover, in dependence on parameter t ∈ Z+ d) calculate the number of strategies of Player 1 and Player 2 in Gt−rep. e) calculate the number of strategy profiles in Gt−rep. f) find all subgame perfect equilibria in Gt−rep. Use the definition, not the example from the lecture. Justify your reasoning. Problem 2 [5 points] Consider the following two-player strategic-form game G X Y A (4, 4) (−1, 5) B (5, −1) (1, 1) a) In Gavg irep, find a subgame-perfect equilibrium whose outcome is (3.2, 3.5). b) Calculate infs∈SPE(Gavg irep) u1(s). c) Calculate sups∈SPE(Gavg irep) u1(s). Justify your reasoning. Problem 3 [4 points] Give an example of a two-player strategic-form game G = ({1, 2}, (S1, S2), (u1, u2)) such that all of the following conditions are satisfied a) |S1| + |S2| = 5; b) maxs∈SPE(Gavg irep) u1(s) = 0; c) maxs∈NE(Gavg irep) u1(s) = 5. Find the SPE s such that u1(s) = 0 and NE s such that u1(s ) = 5. Explain your reasoning. Problem 4 [5 points] Consider the following strategic-form game G A2 B2 A1 (2, 1) (7, −1) B1 (−2, 6) (x, y) Consider also strategy profile s = (s1, s2) si(h) = Bi if h ∈ (B1, B2) ∗ Ai otherwise Find all pairs (x, y) ∈ R2 for which the minimal discount required for s to be an SPE is equal to 3 5 . Formally: find all the pairs (x, y) ∈ R2 such that inf{δ ∈ (0, 1) | s is SPE in Gδ irep} = 3 5 . Justify your reasoning.