Exercise 1 (a) Ci = {00000,11100, OHIO, 00111,10011,11001} No, it's not a cyclic code, because it's not a linear code. 11100 + OHIO = 10110 ^ Ci (b) C2 = C U (1... 1 + C), where C is binary cyclic code and 1... 1 is all 1 codeword, Yes. Ikt;liisc il lineal rule: for any ci, C2 € C and c\, c!| € (1... 1 + £7), where c'i = Ci + 1... 1 and Cg = C2 + 1... 1 • + 4 = (Cl + 1... 1) + {a + 1... 1) = Ci + + 2 • 1... 1 = d + a and {Ci + a) € C • Cj + C2 = (ci + 1... 1) + C2 = (ci + C2) + 1... 1 and (ci + C2) € C and therefore (ci +c2 + 1...1) € (C + 1...1) • ci + c2 € C unci because operation +1...1 just. Hips all bits independently on their po.sit.iou, Following holds: \ for III = WJl . . . tUn, Wn-lWnWl . . . tilTt-2 = . ..11% therefore Wi = Wi-2 modn and that holds only for 000000,111111,010101,101010 (c) of length 6 such that cr*{itf) = w. for w = w\... 1%, tUj = ii)j-3 modn must hold and that holds only for 000000, 001001,010010,011011,100100,101101,110110,111111 Exercise 3 1. (a) This is a straightforward use of the definition from the slides. Codes from Rj have length and since deg{l + x2 + x3) = 3, the dimension of the code is n — '& = 4. We need to write four cyclic shifts of 1011000 as rows of the matrix: /l 0 1 1 0 0 0\ 0 10 110 0 ' = 0 0 10 110 \(i 0 0 1 0 1 1; (b) According to slides x7 — 1 = (1 + x2 + x3) - h(x) and the dual code of C is generated by reciprocal h(x) of h{x). We thus need to find h(x) first. This is done by polynomial division. We get that h(x) — 1 + x2 + x3 + x4 and thus h(x) — 1 + x + x2 + x4. Since dual of C has dimension 3, three cyclic shifts of 1110100 are rows of H. Thus: (1 1 1 0 1 0 0\ 0 1110 10] 0 0 1110 1/ (c) In order to encode with the use of polynomials we need to make an identity between the message m = 1010 and a polynomial message m (x) = 1 + x2. Now c{x) — m(x)g(x) mod X — 1 = (l+x2)(l + x2 + i3) = 1 + x2 + xA + x2 + x4 + x5 = 1 + X* + x4 + x5. Exercise 4 3.4 (a) How Niiiny binary cyclic codes of lengl h !> Fire Iheic? Solution: We sin- in >Y I'iisi of fill we have lo facloriw z° — 1 = ;r' 4 I into a irreducible polynomials over F^. ifl + 1 = (a: + l)(a^ - x + l)(z6 - a:3 + 1) All binary cyclic codes are in form: (i + l)0,(i2 - i + 1)oj(i6 - i3 + l)01;Vi € {1,2,3},« € {0,1} We have 2'' possibilit ies, | liereforethere are 8 binary cyclic codes of length 9, □ (l>) How iiiiiity ternary cyclic codes of length 9 are there? ShIilI ii hi: Wc .in' in ■ In si ill .ill ivi' Iliivi- In l.n'11 n i/i- .1 " ] .1 " I '2 ml .1 a ......Lur il 1 lr | n ilv 11.....nK over F;i, a;9 + 2 = (a; + 2)° All binary cyclic codes are in form: (x + 2)"\a) <= {0,9} We haw 10 ]k)k.sil)iliiic.s, therefore (here are 10 ternary cyclic codes of length 9, □ {<■) How many ternary cyclic codes of length 9 have dimension 77 Solution: We have to faetoriae ,r' - I over Fn, As above we have ,r' + 2 = (,r4- 2)''. We have [9, 7]-code, therefore we have to iind fin-tors of decree: dtg{f{x)) = n-fc = 9-7=2. Therefore we have only 1 code of degree 2 with generator polynomial (x + 2)2. □ Exercise 5 Let Ci and C2 be cyclic codes with generator polynomials gi(x) and f)2{£)- Then Ci C C2 iff ^(a;) divides gi(x) Since we know from slides that C is generated by hi'x), we obtain the proof by setting C\ — C and C2 — C1- in the above theorem. The nice proof is as follows. Essentially we want to prove the following: (ffl) Q {92) 02I01 If #2|#it there exists /1, such that pi = /i^2- Since by definition O2 — {92) = {/(^Js^f^) mod — £ ^u}, it in particular contains all elements in {hg2) = {f(x}h(x)g2{x) mod a:" — l\f{x) € i?TJ} = C\. Since {#1} C {#2)> for each /(a;) 6 there exists such that fgi = /?,#2- 111 particular this holds for f(x) — 1. meaning there exists h(x) such that pi = hg2> in other words ^Ifli- Proof. C is self-orlhogonal if and only if I he reciprocal polynomial h(x) divides g{x). we know that C C C' y(x) is divisible by g'{x) and we know that generator polynomial of C1" is h(x) i [in r[in f ht know i (' ■ c < •■