Filters in Image Processing 2nd Generation of Wavelets – Lifting Scheme David Svoboda email: Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ October 21, 2019 David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 1 / 40 Outline 1 Motivation 2 Introduction to Z-transform 3 Analysis of FWT 4 Lifting scheme (LS) 5 Integer Wavelet transform 6 Applications David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 2 / 40 Motivation Practical use of DWT or FWT? Complexity of: DWT: O(n2 ) FWT: O(cn) Can we do it faster? DWT/FWT are computed in floating point arithmetic. Can we restrict ourselves to integer number? DWT/FWT are computed out-of-place. Can we reduce the memory usage? Some basis functions in DWT are not orthogonal → dual basis must be found. Can we avoid this issue? David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 4 / 40 Z-Transform Definition (bilateral) Z-Transform F(z) = ∞ n=−∞ f (n)z−n (unilateral) Z-Transform F(z) = ∞ n=0 f (n)z−n Notice: Here z ∈ C, i.e. for z = eiω we get a special case of Z-transform, which is DFT. David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 6 / 40 Z-Transform Definition Forward transform converts discrete series into continuous signal (Z-plane) F(z) = ∞ n=0 f (n)z−n Inverse transform maps continuous signal into discrete series f (n) = Z−1 (F(z)) = 1 2πi C F(z)zn−1 dz where C is a counterclockwise closed path encircling (with radius 1) the origin David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 7 / 40 Z-Transform Properties Important notes: green circle (z = eiϕ ⇒ |z| = 1) reduces Z-transform simply to discrete Fourier transform DC (direct current) term is DC term from DFT Re Im r=1 ω Z−plane DC term David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 8 / 40 Z-Transform Properties List of the most important properties linearity: Z{af (n) + bg(n)} = aF(z) + bG(z) delay (shift): Z{f (n − k)} = F(z)z−k convolution theorem: Z{f (n) ∗ g(n)} = F(z) · G(z) symmetry: Z{f (−n)} = F(z−1 ) David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 9 / 40 Z-Transform Some examples Z-transform of a constant signal: f (n) = [1, 1, 1, 1, . . . ] F(z) = 1 + z−1 + z−2 + z−3 + · · · = 1 1 − z−1 = z z − 1 Z-transform of a linear filter: filter(f (k)) = (−2)f (k − 1) + 3f (k) + 5f (k + 2) = [−2, 3 , 0, 5] /written as a kernel/ Filter(z) = (−2)z−1 + 3z0 + 5z2 Notice: Inverse for linear filters is straightforward. David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 10 / 40 Analysis of FWT Let |f | = N = 8 = 23 = 2J and j0 = 0 f (0) f (1) f (2) f (3) f (4) f (5) f (6) f (7) A3(0) A3(1) A3(2) A3(3) A3(4) A3(5) A3(6) A3(7) ⇓ A2(0) A2(1) A2(2) A2(3) D2(0) D2(1) D2(2) D2(3) ⇓ A1(0) A1(1) D1(0) D1(1) ⇓ A0(0) D0(0) David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 12 / 40 Analysis of FWT An example (Haar wavelets) Let f = A2 = [1 4 -3 0] be an input signal: A1 = f ∗ √ 2 2 , √ 2 2 (↓ 2×) D1 = f ∗ √ 2 2 , − √ 2 2 (↓ 2×) During one transition, we perform only one averaging and difference: A1(k) = (f (k) + f (k + 1)) √ 2 2 (↓ 2×) D1(k) = (f (k + 1) − f (k)) √ 2 2 (↓ 2×) David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 13 / 40 Analysis of FWT An example (Haar wavelets) >> [LoD, HiD, LoR, HiR] = wfilters(’haar’) LoD = 0.7071 0.7071 HiD =-0.7071 0.7071 LoR = 0.7071 0.7071 HiR = 0.7071 -0.7071 >> [A1,D1] = dwt([1 4 -3 0], LoD, HiD) A1 = 3.5355 -2.1213 D1 =-2.1213 -2.1213 >> [A0,D0] = dwt(A1, LoD, HiD) A0 = 1.0000 D0 = 4.0000 Here c = |LoD| = |HiD| = 2. David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 14 / 40 Lifting scheme (LS) Developed in 1996 by Wim Sweldens Adopted idea of FastDWT The transition from level j to j − 1 is computed efficiently Basic idea: split → predict → update → normalize j−1A j−1D predictsplit update even odd − + jA N NA D David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 16 / 40 Lifting scheme Split step Also known as lazy wavelet. The signal Aj is split into odd and even samples: (Aj−1, Dj−1) = split(Aj ) j−1A j−1D predictsplit update even odd − + jA N NA D David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 17 / 40 Lifting scheme Prediction step j−1A j−1D split update even odd − + jA N NA D predict Dj−1(k) = Dj−1(k) − predict(Aj−1(k)) Also known as dual lifting step When using Haar wavelets the neighbouring samples are supposed to be equal, i.e. the predictor is simple: predictHaar (f (k)) = f (k) Dj−1(k) = Dj−1(k) − Aj−1(k) David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 18 / 40 Lifting scheme Update step j−1A j−1D predictsplit update even odd − + jA N NA D Aj−1(k) = Aj−1(k) + update(Dj−1(k)) Also known as primal lifting step Update step repairs the wrong estimate of the prediction step. When using Haar wavelet, we use: updateHaar (f (k)) = 1 2f (k) Aj−1(k) = Aj−1(k) + 1 2Dj−1(k) David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 19 / 40 Lifting scheme Normalization step j−1A j−1D predictsplit update even odd − + jA N NA D Aj−1(k) = Aj−1(k) · NA Dj−1(k) = Dj−1(k) · ND NA · ND = 1 The output signals are normalized to avoid boosting the signal. David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 20 / 40 Lifting scheme Inverse lifting The forward algorithm can be simply inverted: Aj−1(k) = Aj−1(k) − update(Dj−1(k)) Dj−1(k) = Dj−1(k) + predict(Aj−1(k)) Aj = merge(Aj−1, Dj−1) jA j−1A j−1D ND AN + − update predict even odd merge David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 21 / 40 Lifting scheme Inverse lifting (example) Namely for Haar wavelets we get: Aj−1(k) = Aj−1(k) · ND Dj−1(k) = Dj−1(k) · NA Aj−1(k) = Aj−1(k) − (Dj−1(k)/2) Dj−1(k) = Dj−1(k) + Aj−1(k) Aj = merge(Aj−1, Dj−1) jA j−1A j−1D ND AN + − update predict even odd merge David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 22 / 40 Lifting scheme From Filters to Lifting There exists algorithm invented by Wim Sweldens (1996): 1 Input: either ’LoD’ and ’HiD’ filters or φ and ϕ functions 2 Convert both filters ’LoD’ and ’HiD’ to Z-domain 3 Create polyphase matrix (2×2) 4 Factorize matrix into simple (lower and upper diagonal) matrices 5 Each simple matrix correspond either to one update or prediction step 6 Convert each matrix from Z-domain to time domain The algorithm is quite tricky → we utilize Matlab function ’liftwave’ that performs steps 1-5. All we have to do is to enjoy step 6 David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 23 / 40 Lifting scheme From Filters to Lifting (Haar) >> h = liftwave(’haar’) h = ’d’ [ -1] [0] ’p’ [0.5000] [0] [1.4142] [0.7071] [] ’d’ . . . dual lifting step (predict) Predict(z) = (−1) · z0 → predict(f (k)) = (−1) · f (k) ’p’ . . . primal lifting step (update) Update(z) = 0.5 · z0 → update(f (k)) = 0.5 · f (k) [1.4142] . . . NA [0.7071] . . . ND David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 24 / 40 Lifting scheme From Filters to Lifting (Daubechies-2) In general, there may appear two or more predict(.) and update(.) steps: >> h = liftwave(’db2’) h = {... ’d’ [ -1.732] [0] ’p’ [ -0.067 0.433] [1] ’d’ [ 1.000] [-1] [ 1.932] [ 0.518] [] ’d’ . . . dual lifting step (predict) Predict1(z) = (−1.732) · z0 → predict1(f (k)) = (−1.732) · f (k) ’p’ . . . primal lifting step (update) Update1(z) = (−0.067) · z1 + 0.433 · z0 → update1(f (k)) = (−0.067) · f (k + 1) + 0.433 · f (k) ’d’ . . . dual lifting step (predict) Predict2(z) = 1.000 · z−1 → predict2(f (k)) = 1.000 · f (k − 1) [1.932] . . . NA [0.518] . . . ND David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 25 / 40 Lifting scheme From Filters to Lifting (Daubechies-2) NA j−1A ND j−1D predictsplit update even odd − + jA − predict predict1(f (k)) = (−1.732) f (k) update1(f (k)) = 0.433 f (k) − 0.067 f (k + 1) predict2(f (k)) = f (k − 1) David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 26 / 40 Lifting scheme Technical/Implementation notes Lifting ordering (for N = 8) f(0) f(1) f(2) f(3) f(4) f(5) f(6) f(7) A2(0) D2(0) A2(1) D2(1) A2(2) D2(2) A2(3) D2(3) A1(0) D1(0) A1(1) D1(1) A0(0) D0(0) Notice: The computation is performed completedly in-place. From filters to lifting scheme conversion ’LoD’,’HiD’ → update(·), predict(·) always exists but is not unique conversion is performed in frequency domain via Z-transform (decomposition of polyphase matrices) David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 27 / 40 Lifting scheme FWT and DWT comparison (examples) Price of one decomposition level using DWT (|f | = N) family of wavelets multiplications additions Haar 4N 2N Daubechies-2 8N 6N Extra memory usage: one memory buffer of size O(N) needed for convolution. Price of one decomposition level using LS (|f | = N) family of wavelets multiplications additions Haar 2N N Daubechies-2 3N 2N Extra memory usage: ∅ David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 28 / 40 Integer Wavelet Transform Basic idea & Properties IWT originates from lifting scheme (chain of predictions and updates). The fixed point arithmetic is guaranteed via ’floor’ function. The rounding error produced in forward transform is compensated by mirror ’floor’ in inverse lifting. The lifting is the same as the standard one but each multiplication is followed but the truncation no normalization is present David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 30 / 40 Integer Wavelet Transform An example (Haar) j−1D j−1A split even odd − + jA predict update floor floor & & (Aj−1, Dj−1) = split(Aj ) Dj−1(k) = Dj−1(k) − floor (Aj−1(k)) Aj−1(k) = Aj−1(k) + floor (Dj−1(k)/2) David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 31 / 40 Integer Wavelet Transform An example (Haar) >> h2 = liftwave(’haar’, ’Int2Int’) h2 = ’d’ [ -1] [0] ’p’ [0.5000] [0] [1.4142] [0.7071] ’I’ >> [A1,D1] = lwt([1 4 -3 0], h2) A1 = 2 -2 D1 = 3 3 >> ilwt(A1,D1,h2) ans = 1 4 -3 0 David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 32 / 40 Applications Image fusion – in confocal microscopy ⇓ source: B. Z´ıtov´a, UTIA, CAS David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 34 / 40 Applications Image fusion – in photography ⇓ David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 35 / 40 Applications Noise removal source: B. Z´ıtov´a, UTIA, CAS David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 36 / 40 Applications Image compression original (979 kB) JPEG (6.21 kB) JPEG2000 (1.83 kB) David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 37 / 40 Applications . . . and the others fusion of images with different resolution image registration edge detection . . . David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 38 / 40 Bibliography Li H., Manjunath B.S., Mitra S.K. Multisensor Image Fusion Using the Wavelet Transform, Graphical Models and Image Processing, Volume 57, Issue 3, May 1995, Pages 235-245, ISSN 1077-3169 Jensen A., La Cour-Harbo A. Ripples in mathematics: the discrete wavelet transform, Springer, Berlin, 2001, ISBN 3-540-41662-5 Sweldens W. The lifting scheme: A custom-design construction of biorthogonal wavelets. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 1996, Vol 3, Issue 2, pp 186200 David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 39 / 40 You should know the answers . . . Describe the relationship between Fourier transform and Z-transform. Can you apply Z-transform to a given signal or a linear filter? Give an example. Explain three principal phases of lifting scheme. Compare the time and spatial complexity of FWT and lifting scheme. Compute one level of wavelet transform (using Haar’s basis) via lifting scheme for signal f=[3 5 0 -1 4 2]. What does integer wavelet transform mean? How does image fusion via DWT work? How does image denoising via DWT work? David Svoboda (CBIA@FI) Filters in Image Processing autumn 2019 40 / 40