For your homework, you will continue working with shared libraries and call overrides. In particular, you should look at overriding hostname resolution that is available in the system `libc`. Override these two functions: * `gethostbyname` [1pt] * `getaddrinfo` [2pt] in such a manner than both return the address `` when the program tries to resolve ``. You should hand in your modified `preload.c` as the solution. In addition to explaining what you did in the code, the report should have two additional items: * explain the consequences of your hooks [1pt] In particular, focus on how dangerous this is and whether SSL or some other common security measure would thwart the attack. * try your preloaded library with a few programs [1pt] You should at least check `telnet`, but include at least one other program, preferably two, and explain your observations. Besides telnet, you can try with `ssh` or a browser -- in the latter case, you need to do your work on a desktop computer. If you are working on `aisa` exclusively, you can try with the command `links` -- however, do bear in mind that this is a very simple program and its behaviour is not representative of modern browsers!