Course guide PB007 Software engineering I
2. Requirements specification, UML Activity diagram
Requirements Specification lecture
- Better Requirements Yield Better Project Results
- Why do projects fail? ... and in a different way
- Agile Requirements Best Practices
- Google's "50 shades of blue"
- The tale of two bridges
- List of Requirements Management Tools
- Activity Diagram Tutorial
UML Activity Diagram
Activity diagram:
In cases of complex use cases, such as the CourseManagement in our example, it is recommended to document these with the help of activity diagrams, which allow us to model the flow of activities and actions executed within the use case. At the same time, the activity diagram is very general and can be used in many different scenarios, including the modelling of business processes that have nothing to do with system use cases.
Example 1: Swimlanes, decision among alternatives
Example 2: Parellel flow of independent activities/actions