Language Models Philipp Koehn 11 September 2018 Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 1Language models • Language models answer the question: How likely is a string of English words good English? • Help with reordering pLM(the house is small) > pLM(small the is house) • Help with word choice pLM(I am going home) > pLM(I am going house) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 2N-Gram Language Models • Given: a string of English words W = w1, w2, w3, ..., wn • Question: what is p(W)? • Sparse data: Many good English sentences will not have been seen before → Decomposing p(W) using the chain rule: p(w1, w2, w3, ..., wn) = p(w1) p(w2|w1) p(w3|w1, w2)...p(wn|w1, w2, ...wn−1) (not much gained yet, p(wn|w1, w2, ...wn−1) is equally sparse) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 3Markov Chain • Markov assumption: – only previous history matters – limited memory: only last k words are included in history (older words less relevant) → kth order Markov model • For instance 2-gram language model: p(w1, w2, w3, ..., wn) p(w1) p(w2|w1) p(w3|w2)...p(wn|wn−1) • What is conditioned on, here wi−1 is called the history Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 4Estimating N-Gram Probabilities • Maximum likelihood estimation p(w2|w1) = count(w1, w2) count(w1) • Collect counts over a large text corpus • Millions to billions of words are easy to get (trillions of English words available on the web) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 5Example: 3-Gram • Counts for trigrams and estimated word probabilities the green (total: 1748) word c. prob. paper 801 0.458 group 640 0.367 light 110 0.063 party 27 0.015 ecu 21 0.012 the red (total: 225) word c. prob. cross 123 0.547 tape 31 0.138 army 9 0.040 card 7 0.031 , 5 0.022 the blue (total: 54) word c. prob. box 16 0.296 . 6 0.111 flag 6 0.111 , 3 0.056 angel 3 0.056 – 225 trigrams in the Europarl corpus start with the red – 123 of them end with cross → maximum likelihood probability is 123 225 = 0.547. Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 6How good is the LM? • A good model assigns a text of real English W a high probability • This can be also measured with cross entropy: H(W) = 1 n log p(Wn 1 ) • Or, perplexity perplexity(W) = 2H(W ) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 7Example: 3-Gram prediction pLM -log2 pLM pLM(i|) 0.109 3.197 pLM(would|i) 0.144 2.791 pLM(like|i would) 0.489 1.031 pLM(to|would like) 0.905 0.144 pLM(commend|like to) 0.002 8.794 pLM(the|to commend) 0.472 1.084 pLM(rapporteur|commend the) 0.147 2.763 pLM(on|the rapporteur) 0.056 4.150 pLM(his|rapporteur on) 0.194 2.367 pLM(work|on his) 0.089 3.498 pLM(.|his work) 0.290 1.785 pLM(|work .) 0.99999 0.000014 average 2.634 Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 8Comparison 1–4-Gram word unigram bigram trigram 4-gram i 6.684 3.197 3.197 3.197 would 8.342 2.884 2.791 2.791 like 9.129 2.026 1.031 1.290 to 5.081 0.402 0.144 0.113 commend 15.487 12.335 8.794 8.633 the 3.885 1.402 1.084 0.880 rapporteur 10.840 7.319 2.763 2.350 on 6.765 4.140 4.150 1.862 his 10.678 7.316 2.367 1.978 work 9.993 4.816 3.498 2.394 . 4.896 3.020 1.785 1.510 4.828 0.005 0.000 0.000 average 8.051 4.072 2.634 2.251 perplexity 265.136 16.817 6.206 4.758 Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 9 count smoothing Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 10Unseen N-Grams • We have seen i like to in our corpus • We have never seen i like to smooth in our corpus → p(smooth|i like to) = 0 • Any sentence that includes i like to smooth will be assigned probability 0 Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 11Add-One Smoothing • For all possible n-grams, add the count of one. p = c + 1 n + v – c = count of n-gram in corpus – n = count of history – v = vocabulary size • But there are many more unseen n-grams than seen n-grams • Example: Europarl 2-bigrams: – 86, 700 distinct words – 86, 7002 = 7, 516, 890, 000 possible bigrams – but only about 30, 000, 000 words (and bigrams) in corpus Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 12Add-α Smoothing • Add α < 1 to each count p = c + α n + αv • What is a good value for α? • Could be optimized on held-out set Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 13What is the Right Count? • Example: – the 2-gram red circle occurs in a 30 million word corpus exactly once → maximum likelihood estimation tells us that its probability is 1 30,000,000 – ... but we would expect it to occur less often than that • Question: How likely does a 2-gram that occurs once in a 30,000,000 word corpus occur in the wild? • Let’s find out: – get the set of all 2-grams that occur once (red circle, funny elephant, ...) – record the size of this set: N1 – get another 30,000,000 word corpus – for each word in the set: count how often it occurs in the new corpus (many occur never, some once, fewer twice, even fewer 3 times, ...) – sum up all these counts (0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 0 + ...) – divide by N1 → that is our test count tc Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 14Example: 2-Grams in Europarl Count Adjusted count Test count c (c + 1) n n+v2 (c + α) n n+αv2 tc 0 0.00378 0.00016 0.00016 1 0.00755 0.95725 0.46235 2 0.01133 1.91433 1.39946 3 0.01511 2.87141 2.34307 4 0.01888 3.82850 3.35202 5 0.02266 4.78558 4.35234 6 0.02644 5.74266 5.33762 8 0.03399 7.65683 7.15074 10 0.04155 9.57100 9.11927 20 0.07931 19.14183 18.95948 • Add-α smoothing with α = 0.00017 Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 15Deleted Estimation • Estimate true counts in held-out data – split corpus in two halves: training and held-out – counts in training Ct(w1, ..., wn) – number of ngrams with training count r: Nr – total times ngrams of training count r seen in held-out data: Tr • Held-out estimator: ph(w1, ..., wn) = Tr NrN where count(w1, ..., wn) = r • Both halves can be switched and results combined ph(w1, ..., wn) = T1 r + T2 r N(N1 r + N2 r ) where count(w1, ..., wn) = r Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 16Good-Turing Smoothing • Adjust actual counts r to expected counts r∗ with formula r∗ = (r + 1) Nr+1 Nr – Nr number of n-grams that occur exactly r times in corpus – N0 total number of n-grams • Where does this formula come from? Derivation is in the textbook. Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 17Good-Turing for 2-Grams in Europarl Count Count of counts Adjusted count Test count r Nr r∗ t 0 7,514,941,065 0.00015 0.00016 1 1,132,844 0.46539 0.46235 2 263,611 1.40679 1.39946 3 123,615 2.38767 2.34307 4 73,788 3.33753 3.35202 5 49,254 4.36967 4.35234 6 35,869 5.32928 5.33762 8 21,693 7.43798 7.15074 10 14,880 9.31304 9.11927 20 4,546 19.54487 18.95948 adjusted count fairly accurate when compared against the test count Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 18 backoff and interpolation Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 19Back-Off • In given corpus, we may never observe – Scottish beer drinkers – Scottish beer eaters • Both have count 0 → our smoothing methods will assign them same probability • Better: backoff to bigrams: – beer drinkers – beer eaters Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 20Interpolation • Higher and lower order n-gram models have different strengths and weaknesses – high-order n-grams are sensitive to more context, but have sparse counts – low-order n-grams consider only very limited context, but have robust counts • Combine them pI(w3|w1, w2) = λ1 p1(w3) + λ2 p2(w3|w2) + λ3 p3(w3|w1, w2) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 21Recursive Interpolation • We can trust some histories wi−n+1, ..., wi−1 more than others • Condition interpolation weights on history: λwi−n+1,...,wi−1 • Recursive definition of interpolation pI n(wi|wi−n+1, ..., wi−1) = λwi−n+1,...,wi−1 pn(wi|wi−n+1, ..., wi−1) + + (1 − λwi−n+1,...,wi−1 ) pI n−1(wi|wi−n+2, ..., wi−1) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 22Back-Off • Trust the highest order language model that contains n-gram pBO n (wi|wi−n+1, ..., wi−1) = =    αn(wi|wi−n+1, ..., wi−1) if countn(wi−n+1, ..., wi) > 0 dn(wi−n+1, ..., wi−1) pBO n−1(wi|wi−n+2, ..., wi−1) else • Requires – adjusted prediction model αn(wi|wi−n+1, ..., wi−1) – discounting function dn(w1, ..., wn−1) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 23Back-Off with Good-Turing Smoothing • Previously, we computed n-gram probabilities based on relative frequency p(w2|w1) = count(w1, w2) count(w1) • Good Turing smoothing adjusts counts c to expected counts c∗ count∗ (w1, w2) ≤ count(w1, w2) • We use these expected counts for the prediction model (but 0∗ remains 0) α(w2|w1) = count∗ (w1, w2) count(w1) • This leaves probability mass for the discounting function d2(w1) = 1 − w2 α(w2|w1) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 24Example • Good Turing discounting is used for all positive counts count p GT count α p(big|a) 3 3 7 = 0.43 2.24 2.24 7 = 0.32 p(house|a) 3 3 7 = 0.43 2.24 2.24 7 = 0.32 p(new|a) 1 1 7 = 0.14 0.446 0.446 7 = 0.06 • 1 − (0.32 + 0.32 + 0.06) = 0.30 is left for back-off d2(a) • Note: actual values for d2 is slightly higher, since the predictions of the lowerorder model to seen events at this level are not used. Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 25Diversity of Predicted Words • Consider the bigram histories spite and constant – both occur 993 times in Europarl corpus – only 9 different words follow spite almost always followed by of (979 times), due to expression in spite of – 415 different words follow constant most frequent: and (42 times), concern (27 times), pressure (26 times), but huge tail of singletons: 268 different words • More likely to see new bigram that starts with constant than spite • Witten-Bell smoothing considers diversity of predicted words Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 26Witten-Bell Smoothing • Recursive interpolation method • Number of possible extensions of a history w1, ..., wn−1 in training data N1+(w1, ..., wn−1, •) = |{wn : c(w1, ..., wn−1, wn) > 0}| • Lambda parameters 1 − λw1,...,wn−1 = N1+(w1, ..., wn−1, •) N1+(w1, ..., wn−1, •) + wn c(w1, ..., wn−1, wn) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 27Witten-Bell Smoothing: Examples Let us apply this to our two examples: 1 − λspite = N1+(spite, •) N1+(spite, •) + wn c(spite, wn) = 9 9 + 993 = 0.00898 1 − λconstant = N1+(constant, •) N1+(constant, •) + wn c(constant, wn) = 415 415 + 993 = 0.29474 Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 28Diversity of Histories • Consider the word York – fairly frequent word in Europarl corpus, occurs 477 times – as frequent as foods, indicates and providers → in unigram language model: a respectable probability • However, it almost always directly follows New (473 times) • Recall: unigram model only used, if the bigram model inconclusive – York unlikely second word in unseen bigram – in back-off unigram model, York should have low probability Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 29Kneser-Ney Smoothing • Kneser-Ney smoothing takes diversity of histories into account • Count of histories for a word N1+(•w) = |{wi : c(wi, w) > 0}| • Recall: maximum likelihood estimation of unigram language model pML(w) = c(w) i c(wi) • In Kneser-Ney smoothing, replace raw counts with count of histories pKN(w) = N1+(•w) wi N1+(•wi) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 30Modified Kneser-Ney Smoothing • Based on interpolation pBO n (wi|wi−n+1, ..., wi−1) = =    αn(wi|wi−n+1, ..., wi−1) if countn(wi−n+1, ..., wi) > 0 dn(wi−n+1, ..., wi−1) pBO n−1(wi|wi−n+2, ..., wi−1) else • Requires – adjusted prediction model αn(wi|wi−n+1, ..., wi−1) – discounting function dn(w1, ..., wn−1) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 31Formula for α for Highest Order N-Gram Model • Absolute discounting: subtract a fixed D from all non-zero counts α(wn|w1, ..., wn−1) = c(w1, ..., wn) − D w c(w1, ..., wn−1, w) • Refinement: three different discount values D(c) =    D1 if c = 1 D2 if c = 2 D3+ if c ≥ 3 Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 32Discount Parameters • Optimal discounting parameters D1, D2, D3+ can be computed quite easily Y = N1 N1 + 2N2 D1 = 1 − 2Y N2 N1 D2 = 2 − 3Y N3 N2 D3+ = 3 − 4Y N4 N3 • Values Nc are the counts of n-grams with exactly count c Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 33Formula for d for Highest Order N-Gram Model • Probability mass set aside from seen events d(w1, ..., wn−1) = i∈{1,2,3+} DiNi(w1, ..., wn−1•) wn c(w1, ..., wn) • Ni for i ∈ {1, 2, 3+} are computed based on the count of extensions of a history w1, ..., wn−1 with count 1, 2, and 3 or more, respectively. • Similar to Witten-Bell smoothing Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 34Formula for α for Lower Order N-Gram Models • Recall: base on count of histories N1+(•w) in which word may appear, not raw counts. α(wn|w1, ..., wn−1) = N1+(•w1, ..., wn) − D w N1+(•w1, ..., wn−1, w) • Again, three different values for D (D1, D2, D3+), based on the count of the history w1, ..., wn−1 Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 35Formula for d for Lower Order N-Gram Models • Probability mass set aside available for the d function d(w1, ..., wn−1) = i∈{1,2,3+} DiNi(w1, ..., wn−1•) wn c(w1, ..., wn) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 36Interpolated Back-Off • Back-off models use only highest order n-gram – if sparse, not very reliable. – two different n-grams with same history occur once → same probability – one may be an outlier, the other under-represented in training • To remedy this, always consider the lower-order back-off models • Adapting the α function into interpolated αI function by adding back-off αI(wn|w1, ..., wn−1) = α(wn|w1, ..., wn−1) + d(w1, ..., wn−1) pI(wn|w2, ..., wn−1) • Note that d function needs to be adapted as well Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 37Evaluation Evaluation of smoothing methods: Perplexity for language models trained on the Europarl corpus Smoothing method bigram trigram 4-gram Good-Turing 96.2 62.9 59.9 Witten-Bell 97.1 63.8 60.4 Modified Kneser-Ney 95.4 61.6 58.6 Interpolated Modified Kneser-Ney 94.5 59.3 54.0 Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 38 efficiency Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 39Managing the Size of the Model • Millions to billions of words are easy to get (trillions of English words available on the web) • But: huge language models do not fit into RAM Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 40Number of Unique N-Grams Number of unique n-grams in Europarl corpus 29,501,088 tokens (words and punctuation) Order Unique n-grams Singletons unigram 86,700 33,447 (38.6%) bigram 1,948,935 1,132,844 (58.1%) trigram 8,092,798 6,022,286 (74.4%) 4-gram 15,303,847 13,081,621 (85.5%) 5-gram 19,882,175 18,324,577 (92.2%) → remove singletons of higher order n-grams Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 41Efficient Data Structures verythe large boff:-0.385 majority p:-1.147 number p:-0.275 important boff:-0.231 and p:-1.430 areas p:-1.728 challenge p:-2.171 debate p:-1.837 discussion p:-2.145 fact p:-2.128 international p:-1.866 issue p:-1.157 ... best boff:-0.302 serious boff:-0.146 very very large boff:-0.106 amount p:-2.510 amounts p:-1.633 and p:-1.449 area p:-2.658 companies p:-1.536 cuts p:-2.225 degree p:-2.933 extent p:-2.208 financial p:-2.383 foreign p:-3.428 ... important boff:-0.250 best boff:-0.082 serious boff:-0.176 4-gram 3-gram backoff large boff:-0.470 accept p:-3.791 acceptable p:-3.778 accession p:-3.762 accidents p:-3.806 accountancy p:-3.416 accumulated p:-3.885 accumulation p:-3.895 action p:-3.510 additional p:-3.334 administration p:-3.729 ... 2-gram backoff aa-afns p:-6.154 aachen p:-5.734 aaiun p:-6.154 aalborg p:-6.154 aarhus p:-5.734 aaron p:-6.154 aartsen p:-6.154 ab p:-5.734 abacha p:-5.156 aback p:-5.876 ... 1-gram backoff • Need to store probabilities for – the very large majority – the very language number • Both share history the very large → no need to store history twice → Trie Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 42Reducing Vocabulary Size • For instance: each number is treated as a separate token • Replace them with a number token NUM – but: we want our language model to prefer pLM(I pay 950.00 in May 2007) > pLM(I pay 2007 in May 950.00) – not possible with number token pLM(I pay NUM in May NUM) = pLM(I pay NUM in May NUM) • Replace each digit (with unique symbol, e.g., @ or 5), retain some distinctions pLM(I pay 555.55 in May 5555) > pLM(I pay 5555 in May 555.55) Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018 43Summary • Language models: How likely is a string of English words good English? • N-gram models (Markov assumption) • Perplexity • Count smoothing – add-one, add-α – deleted estimation – Good Turing • Interpolation and backoff – Good Turing – Witten-Bell – Kneser-Ney • Managing the size of the model Philipp Koehn Machine Translation: Language Models 11 September 2018