Deadline 25.9.2019 8:00 1. Generate random key K for aes128 and save it to K.bin. [1 point] 2. Encrypt securely the message "This is my UCO_XXXXXX" stored in the file plaintext.txt using aes128 and key in K.bin [2] 3. Compute MAC of the message using sha256 with string "sharedsecret" used as shared secret. [2] 4. Decrypt ciphertext.txt to plaintext.txt and verify the MAC. [2] 5. Use shattered-1.pdf, shattered-2.pdf files and find(construct) other SHA1 collision (new files shattered-3.bin, shattered-4.bin with the same sha1 hash i.e. sha1(shattered-3.bin)=sha1(shattered-3.bin) != sha1(shattered-1.pdf) )[3] Hint: SHA1 design is Merkle–Damgard construction. 6. Describe entire process, commands you used in Desc_XXXX.txt. The format of Desc_XXXX should be as follows: openssl r... openssl enc... ... openssl sha1(shattered-3.bin) openssl sha1(shattered-4.bin) #comments 1. Used standard ... 2. I used ... which is stored ... 3. ... 6. I used shattered-1.pdf,shattered-3.pdf and performed .... to get new shattered-3.bin, shattered-4.bin. Archive all files and upload it as a single file (XXXX stands for your UCO) to IS Assignement01 vault.