Deadline 09.10.2019 8:00 1. Generate chain of certificates root CA, sub-ordinate CA (sub-ordinate CA signed by root CA) and end-user cert. [3] 2. Verify (extract signature, extract cert body and verify) signature of root CA. [3] 3. Write simple program in C programming language and generate random (try to generate random key of highest quality) key K.bin and encrypt and decrypt arbitrary message(of at least 100 characters) with AES128.[4] 4. Describe entire process and all commands you used in Desc_XXXX.txt. The format of Desc_XXXX should be as follows: openssl ... #comments Add here short comments. Archive all files and upload it as a single file (XXXX stands for your UCO) to IS Assignement02 vault. Describe entire process, commands you used in Desc_xxxx.txt (xxxx stands for your UCO). Archive all required files (so it can be opened in Windows 10 without installation of additional SW) and submit it as a single file into IS.