Seminář Laboratoře softwarových architektur a informačních systémů

Week 7 - Machine Learning for Mobile Security at Scale (Zdenek Letko)

Abstract. Security is a big subject in recent years. Historically, the detection of malware or phishing attacks relied mainly on the skills and tools used by highly specialised teams such as Threat operations. Their work was tedious and didn't scale with the number of threats present on the Internet nowadays. In this talk, I'm going to speak about how we detect malware and phishing attacks at nearly real-time using a ML-based solution. For each attack, I cover all the necessary steps one has to go through in order to deliver a scalable, high available, ML-based solution. Starting with problem analysis and feature extraction, ending in deployment, scaling and monitoring issues. The talk is going to be enriched by many lessons we have learned the hard way in the past few years.

Speaker:  Ing. Zdenek Letko, PhD., Team lead, Wandera

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