Seminář Laboratoře softwarových architektur a informačních systémů
Week 11 - GraalVM polyglot programming (Petr Chalupa )
Sub-title: with Tooling, AOT compilation, and Embedding
Abstract. GraalVM is a universal virtual machine for running applications written in JVM-based languages like Java, or written in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, R, and LLVM-based languages such as C and C++. GraalVM removes the isolation between programming languages and enables interoperability in a shared runtime. It can run either standalone or in the context of OpenJDK, Node.js, Oracle Database, or MySQL. Multi-lingual tooling (debugger, profiler, etc.) is available for the developers.
In the talk we explore how to do polyglot programming with GraalVM and dive into the technologies and ideas behind it all.
The deadline for application is November 30, 2019.
Speaker: Petr Chalupa, Principal Member of Technical Staff, Oracle Labs