Final Project Questions GENERATIVE DESIGN PROGRAMMING Is it gonna be user-interactive? If so, how? What type of interactivity are you gonna use? Mouse / keyboard / movement / face / sound / hand gestures / ... How will you present your work? What will be the output of your final project? It can be e.g. a serie of printed posters / interactive website / interactive installation / animation / music video / ... What technologies and resources? Are you gonna work in Processing, JavaScript or anything else? What hardware are you gonna use? PC / Kinect / Arduino / Raspberry Pi / Leap motion / Mics / Camera / ... Are you gonna use some data? Inspiration What was your inspirations? It could be artworks, artists, projects, talks, or just life. Why? What is your motivation for selecting your topic? What do you want to take away from this project? Five keywords Select five keywords that would describe your project. It can be described in adjectives, emotions, goals, concepts you want to include, experiences you want to create.