Question 1. x = 6 (mod 17) x = 3 (mod 7) x = 9 (mod 11) First we check that gcd(17, 7) = 1, gcd(17,11) = 1 and gcd{7.11) = 1, therefore we can use the Chinese remainder theorem. Let's denote the numbers from the assignment as a\ = 6, ni\ = 17, aaa, 03 st 0 < a-i < m-i, 1 < i < 3. The system of congruences x = a, mod 771 j ? 1 < z < 3 has the solution x = ajMjNj, where M = fli=l m^ = ^> = ^fT* m°d and the solution is unique up to the congruence modulo M. Since we are looking for 0 < x < M, we can do the computation of x — 5Zf=i