Key-value Stores: Practice Seminar 2 of NoSQL Databases (PA195) David Novak & Vlastislav Dohnal Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Agenda ● Key-value stores: properties and representatives ● Riak ○ Mission, types of communication, HTTP API ○ Riak Links & Riak Search ○ Java client ■ Example ○ Internal features ● Infinispan ○ Mission, basic features ○ Example with embedded cache store 2 Technologies Used ● OpenNebula - private cloud at FI ○ Infrastructure as a Service ● SSH private/public key pairs ● SSH tunneling ● curl to communicate with HTTP REST API ● Java ○ IDE 3 Practical Work with Riak 4 Riak: Basic Information ● Developer: Basho, open source community ○ there is a company behind ● Initial release date: 2009 ○ it is not a new (shaky) technology ● License: Apache 2 + commercial enterprise ○ for free but with option to have a paid support ● Language: Erlang, C, C++, some parts in JavaScript ○ Efficient; not possible to embed to e.g. Java application ● Server OS: Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, Solaris basic info: website: 5 Test Environment ● Private cloud at FI: ○ tech info: link ○ log in with your faculty credentials (user/password) ● User -> settings -> Public SSH Key ○ create an ssh public-private key pair (if you do not have any): nymfe$ ssh-keygen OR aisa$ ssh-keygen ■ by default stored in .ssh/id_rsa ■ store the text from .ssh/ in the settings at Stratus account ● Create new VM from template "PA152 CentOS 7" nymfe$ ssh root@172.26.1.ddd OR $ ssh -t ssh root@172.26.1.ddd 6 localhost ID 648 Accessible from outside the FI net Test Environment (2) ● Use the VM @Stratus (so skip this slide) ● ...or install Riak from packages on your machine ○ ○ Requires admin rights (sudo) ● ...or compile (on nymfe) mkdir /var/tmp/$USER cd /var/tmp/$USER wget -O riak-2.2.1.tar.gz tar xf riak-2.2.1.tar.gz cd riak-2.2.1/ make rel cd rel/riak/bin ./riak start 7 Basic Riak Commands Edit the Riak config: (nodename and internal cluster connection) [root@centos7 ~]# nano /etc/riak/riak.conf change: nodename = @ listener.protobuf.internal = :8087 [root@centos7 ~]# riak start [root@centos7 ~]# riak ping [root@centos7 ~]# riak-admin test [root@centos7 ~]# riak stop documentation: 8 stratus If it fails, try it a minute later. Admin Web GUI ● Admin GUI for a running Riak instance ○ http://localhost:8098/admin ● To access the Admin GUI from localhost, use ssh tunneling nymfe$ ssh root@172.26.1.ddd -L 8098:localhost:8098 OR $ ssh -L 8098:172.26.1.ddd:8098 -t ssh root@172.26.1.ddd 9 localhost Riak: HTTP API ● Riak HTTP API - simple HTTP Restful service ● HTTP API uses different HTTP methods ○ for different operations ○ GET (retrieve), PUT (update), POST (create), DELETE (delete) ○ ● We will use curl (curl --help) ○ a command line tool to communicate with server (http(s),...) ○ HTTP REST examples can be accessed on 172.26.1.ddd using $ curl http://localhost:8098/… 10 localhost Riak: Example 1 - Buckets ● List all the buckets curl http://localhost:8098/buckets?buckets=true -s | json_pp ● Everyone will use their own bucket $ export ARTISTS=${USER}_artists Then, the bucket URL is: http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ARTISTS ● Buckets are created on the fly ○ Only when needed 11 localhost Riak: Example 2 - Basic Operations ● Store a plain text using a generated key (POST) curl -X POST http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ARTISTS/keys/ -d 'text' ● List all keys within a bucket ■ not recommended for production (slow and not reliable) curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ARTISTS/keys?keys=true ● Get an object: curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ARTISTS/keys/ 12 localhost Riak: Example 3 - Buckets properties ● Store a JSON object with key Bruce curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "Bruce Springsteen", "nationality": "USA"}' http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ARTISTS/keys/Bruce ● Get properties of your bucket: curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ARTISTS/props | json_pp ● Change properties of the bucket: ○ Set replication factor to “2” curl -X PUT http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ARTISTS/props -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"props": {"n_val": 2}}' 13 localhost Riak: Example 4 - Updates ● Update an object = store a new value curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "Bruce Springsteen", "nationality": "USA", "date-of-birth": "1949-Sep-23"}' http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ARTISTS/keys/Bruce ● Check the updated object (with headers): curl -i http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ARTISTS/keys/Bruce ● Delete an object: curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ARTISTS/keys/Bruce 14 Riak: Links ● Allow to create relationships between objects ○ Like foreign keys in RDBMS or associations in UML ● Attached to objects via HTTP header “Link” ● Add an album and link to its performer: export ALBUMS=${USER}_albums curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Link: ; riaktag=\"performer\"" -d '{"title": "The River", "year": 1980}' http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ALBUMS/keys/TheRiver check: curl -i http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ALBUMS/keys/TheRiver 15 localhost Riak: Link Walking ● Locate a key and then continue by link(s) ○ target specification: /bucket,linktype,[0/1] ● Find the artist who performed album The River curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ALBUMS/keys/TheRiver/$ARTISTS,p erformer,1 ○ Restrict to bucket artists ○ Restrict to tag performer ○ 1 = include this step to the result (see below) 16 localhost Riak: Link Walking (2) ● Which artists collaborated with the one who performed album The River ○ We don't have data for this example curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/$ALBUMS/keys/TheRiver/_,performe r,0/$ARTISTS,collaborator,1 ○ _ = wildcard (any bucket) ○ 0 = do not include this step to the result 17 localhost Let us Cluster ● Let us connect our nodes into one cluster ○ # riak-admin cluster join xdohnal@ # riak-admin cluster plan # riak-admin cluster commit ● Check in Web GUI http://localhost:8098/admin 18 stratus localhost Riak Explorer ● GUI data explorer ○ ● It is downloaded at the Stratus VM ○ # cd /root/riak_explorer ● Optional task: Make it run and connect to our cluster ○ Configure it: # nano etc/riak_explorer.conf ○ Start it: # bin/riak_explorer start 19 stratus Java Client ● There are clients for many languages ○ Erlang, Java, Python, Ruby, C, PHP, Node.js, … ● Java Library for communication with Riak ○ Uses Protocol Buffers for communication (port 8087) ● Download a project from the study materials ○ uses If you are not on nymfe but on your computer, you must tunnel !!! your_computer$ ssh -L 8087:172.26.1.ddd:8087 20 Java Client (2) ● Development with InteliJ IDEA $ unzip $ module add idea-2019.2-loc $ & 21 localhost Use “localhost” (when forwarding port 8087 to 172.26.1.ddd)Java Client: Test ● Basic communication with our Riak instance RiakClient client = RiakClient.newClient("172.26.1.ddd"); Namespace bucket = new Namespace("_artists"); Location location = new Location(bucket, "Bruce"); FetchValue fv = new FetchValue.Builder(location).build(); FetchValue.Response response = client.execute(fv); String obj = response.getValue(String.class); System.out.println("result: " + obj); client.shutdown(); 22 Task To Do Individually! ● Create a database of all students in PA195 1. Download CSV file with the list of students 1. Read the file by Java 2. Store each record into bucket “_students” ■ Key is UCO (the second column) 3. Test the output from both Java and HTTP API Copy & paste the output for either and upload it to IS vault: ● Stop your VM in Stratus when you're finished 23 localhost Attendance Check Practical Work with Infinispan (optional) 24 Basics ● Developer: Red Hat, open source community ○ Originally developed as a memory-based cache for JBoss ● Initial release date: 2009 ● License: Apache version 2 ● Language: Java ○ embedding to Java application ○ various APIs (REST service, Memcached protocol, Hotrod) 25 Infinispan: Hello World ● We will use Infinispan as an embedded store ● Create a new Java Maven project ○ And add dependency package infinispan-core-8.1.2 ● Or download project from the study materials ○ Development with InteliJ IDEA 26 Infinispan: Hello World public static void main(String args[]){ Cache store = new DefaultCacheManager().getCache(); store.put("key1", new MyClass("value1")); store.put("key2", "value2"); if (store.containsKey("key1")) { Object result = store.get("key2"); store.removeAsync("key2"); } store.replaceAsync("key2", "value3"); store.clear(); } 27 Infinispan: Practical Example ● Students example (from Riak) ○ Memory cache ○ Disk-oriented cache ● Use ispn-config.xml to configure Infinispan 28 References ● I. Holubová, J. Kosek, K. Minařík, D. Novák. Big Data a NoSQL databáze. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2015. 288 p. ● Sadalage, P. J., & Fowler, M. (2012). NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence. Addison-Wesley Professional, 192 p. ● RNDr. Irena Holubova, Ph.D. MMF UK course NDBI040: Big Data Management and NoSQL Databases ● what-and-when ● ● 29