Document Databases: Practice Seminar 3 of NoSQL Databases (PA195) David Novak & Vlastislav Dohnal Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Agenda: MongoDB ● MongoDB: Review ● Operations ○ Using mongo shell ■ insert/update/querying ■ JSON Schema ■ adding indexes ● Basic Administration ○ Log monitoring, performance ○ Other tools: mongoimport, mongodump, etc. ● Language Connectors ○ Python: pymongo, mongoengine 2 MongoDB ● Initial release: 2009 ○ Written in C++ ○ Open-source ○ Cross-platform ● JSON documents ○ Use JSON for API communication ● Internally: BSON ○ Binary representation of JSON ○ For storage and inter-server communication 3 MongoDB: Terminology ● each JSON document: ○ belongs to a collection ○ has a field _id ■ unique within the collection ● each collection: ○ belongs to a "database" RDBMS MongoDB database instance database schema --- table collection row document rowid _id 4 MongoDB Installation 1. Create your VM via ○ template: PA195 ○ systemctl start mongod 2. or Install MongoDB on your machine ○ download: ○ install: 3. or Install on nymfe (very easy): ○ Download and unpack to /var/tmp// ./bin/mongod --dbpath /var/tmp//data --logpath /var/tmp//mongo.log & 5 You have it ready from Seminar 2, just start the VM.stratus Accessible from outside the FI net MongoDB Shell ● Connect to a running MongoDB database: doc ○ run mongo shell: $ mongo local ● MongoDB shell basic features & commands ○ use tab for command completion ○ use up/down arrows for command history ○ use ctrl+R for reverse command search ○ JavaScript syntax ■ var record = { "_id": 1, "name": "david" } > help > show dbs > use local 6 stratus To create a new database, just type: use newdbname Insert Follow: Or db.inventory.insert( { _id: 10, type: "misc", item: "card", qty: 15 } ) ● Inserts a document with three fields into collection inventory ○ User-specified _id field 7 ● May set a validator when creating a collection ○ It is JSON schema db.createCollection( "inventory", { validator: { $jsonSchema: { ... } } ) OR db.createCollection( "inventory", { validator: { $and: [ { item: { $type: "string" } }, { price: { $type: "number" } }, { type: { $in: ["food", "snacks", "accessories", "misc"] } } ] }, validationLevel: "strict", validationAction: "error" } ) JSON Schema of Inventory { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "_id": { "type": "string" }, "item": { "type": "string" }, "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "food", "snacks", "accessories", "misc" ] }, "price": { "type": "number" }, "qty": { "type": "number" }, "producer": { "type": "object", "properties": { "company": { "type": "string" }, "address": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "company" ] } }, "required": [ "item", "type" ] } 8 Task 1 ● Create 5-10 JSON objects according to the schema ● of all types, i.e. "food", "snacks", "accessories", "misc" ○ Use an online editor + validator: ● Insert these JSON documents into your database ○ into collection inventory 9 Update db.inventory.update( { type: "book", item: "journal" }, { $set: { qty: 10 } }, { upsert: true } ) ● May create a new doc. ○ if no document in the inventory collection contains { type: "books", item: "journal" } ○ Adds the _id field with a generated value a unique ObjectId ○ Result contains fields type, item, qty, _id 10 Delete db.inventory.deleteOne({ type: "food" }) ● Deletes first matching record db.inventory.deleteMany({ type: "food" }) ● Deletes all matching records 11 Manipulation Alternatives { _id: 10, type: "book", item: "notebook", qty: 40 } ) ● Updates the existing document with the passed _id. ● or Creates a new document in inventory ○ if _id is not specified or does not exist in the collection; db.inventory.remove( { type : "food" } ) ● Removes all documents that have type equal to food from the inventory collection db.inventory.remove( { type : "food" }, 1 ) ● Removes one document that have type equal to food from the inventory collection 12 Task 2 ● Insert these items into the database: var macdonalds = [ {item: "burger", type: "snacks", price: 0.99, qty: 200 }, {item: "coke", type: "food", price: 1.99, qty: 500 }, {item: "french fries", type: "snacks", price: 1.0, qty: 5}, {item: "six pack", type: "food", price: 11.99, qty: 60 }, {item: "cup", type: "accessories", price: 0.05, qty: 1000, producer: { address: '123 Street', company: 'ABC123'} }, {item: "straws", type: "accessories", price: 0.9, qty: 300, producer: { company: 'ABC123', address: '123 Street'} } ] db.inventory.insert(macdonalds) ● Update items “burger” and increment quantity by 50. 13 Querying ● A MongoDB query: ○ Targets a specific collection of documents ○ Specifies criteria that identify the returned documents ○ May include a projection to specify returned fields ○ May impose limits, sort, orders, … ● Basic query - all documents in the collection: db.inventory.find() db.inventory.find( {} ) 14 Querying (2) ● Mongo query language 15 Querying (3) db.inventory.find({ type: "snacks" }) ● All documents from inventory where the type field has the value snacks ● Copy&paste the response to the file find-snacks.txt and upload to the IS’s vault! db.inventory.find({ type: { $in: [ 'food', 'snacks' ] } } ) ● All inventory docs where the type field is either food or snacks db.inventory.find( { type: 'food', price: { $lt: 9.95 } } ) ● All ... where the type field is food and the price is less than 9.95 16 Attendance Check Querying (4) db.inventory.find({ $or: [ { qty: { $gt: 100 } }, { price: { $lt: 9.95 } } ] } ) ● All inventory docs where the qty field is greater than ($gt) 100 OR the price is less than ($lt) 9.95 db.inventory.find( { type: 'food', $or: [ { qty: { $gt: 100 } }, { price: { $lt: 9.95 } } ] } ) ● All inventory docs where the type field is food AND EITHER the qty is greater than ($gt) 100 OR the price is less than ($lt) 9.95 17 Querying (5) db.inventory.find({ type:'accessories' }, {item:1, price:1, _id:0 }) ● Find the relevant documents and projects selected attributes 18 Querying (6): Nested Values db.inventory.find( { producer: { company: 'ABC123', address: '123 Street' } } ) ● All docs where the value of the field producer is a subdocument that contains only the field company with the value ABC123 and the field address with the value 123 Street, in the exact order db.inventory.find( { '': 'ABC123' } ) ● All docs where the field producer is a subdocument containing field company with value ABC123 (and may contain other fields)19 Indexes ● Indexes are key for MongoDB performance ○ Without indexes, MongoDB must scan every document in a collection to select matching documents ● Indexes store some fields in easily accessible form ○ Stores the value of a specific field(s) ordered by the value of the field ● Defined per collection ● Purpose: ○ To speed up common queries ○ To optimize performance of other specific operations 20 Indexes: Example of Use 21 Index Types by Attributes ● Default: _id ○ Exists by default ■ If applications do not specify _id, it is created. ○ Unique ● Single Field ○ User-defined indexes on a single field of a document ● Compound ○ User-defined indexes on multiple fields ● Multikey index ○ To index the content stored in arrays ○ Creates separate index entry for each array element 22 Index Types by Technique ● Ordered Index ○ B-Tree (see above) ● Hash Indexes ("hashed") ○ Fast O(1) indexes the hash of the value of a field ■ Only equality matches ● Geospatial Index ○ "2d" = use planar geometry when returning results ■ For data representing points on a two-dimensional plane ○ "2dsphere" = spherical (Earth-like) geometry ■ For data representing longitude, latitude ● Text Indexes ("text") ○ Searching for string content in a collection 23 Indexes: Management ● Basic command: db.inventory.createIndex( { type: 1 }) ○ The number controls ordering (1:asc, -1:desc) ● Check indexes & create hashed index db.inventory.stats() db.inventory.dropIndex({type:1}) db.inventory.createIndex({type:"hashed"}) db.inventory.dropIndex({type:"hashed"}) 24 Indexes: Management (2) ● Query execution plan (is index used?): db.inventory.find({item: "burger"}).explain() ● In real application, all queries should use indexes 25 MongoDB Management ● Installation & running ○ service mongod start/stop/status ● Configuration file ○ /etc/mongod.conf ● Data files ○ dbpath=/var/lib/mongo ● Log file ○ logpath=/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log ● MongoDB tools: ○ mongo ● Admin GUI interfaces: link 26 Task 3: Import Large Data ● generate JSON data: ○ ● or use generated file at # ~/mongo/people.json ○ or download from study materials { "_id" : "%index%", "surname" : "%surname%", "fullname" : "%fullname%", "email" : "%email%", "salary": "%randFloat(10,50000)%", "address" : { "city" : "%name%", "street" : "%name%", "number" : "%randInt(0,50)%", "location" : { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ "%randFloat(0,180)%", "%randFloat(0,90)%" ] } } } 27 Generate GPS coordinates (GeoJSON) Task 3 (cont.) mongoimport --db --collection -- type json --file --jsonArray ● database: (use "local") ● collection: (use "people") ● file type: JSON (default) ● file path: (use "~/mongo/people.json") ● assuming that the file contains an array of JSON documents 28 Task 4: Querying ● Find people living in the city “Andrew” ● Find people with salary greater than 3000 ○ list their names and salary only ● Find people with email from the domain “” ● Count records in people collection (it is 10,000) ○ count distinct last names (it is 640) Copy & paste (at least 3) queries and their responses to the file find-people.txt and upload to the IS’s vault! 29 Using an aggregate function? Attendance Check Monitor Performance ● Monitor performance of operations ○ Change MongoDB option in /etc/mongod.conf operationProfiling: slowOpThresholdMs: 5 ○ drop operation system disk caches ■ Only root can do: # echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ○ run queries, index, and monitor MongoDB log file # tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log 30 Geospatial Indexes ● GeoSpatial index and queries db.people.ensureIndex({"address.location": "2dsphere"}) db.people.find( { "address.location": { $near : { $geometry : { type : "Point" , coordinates : [ 128.4, 48.13 ] }, $maxDistance: 10000 }}}) 31 In meters for GeoJSON type Connectors from Languages ● Python ○ Pymongo: basic operations with the database ■ like MongoDB shell encapsulated in Python ○ Mongoengine: Object-Document Mapper ■ transparent storing of object data ■ ● Example in # ~/mongo/ # ./ --help 32 Questions? Please, any questions? 33 References ● I. Holubová, J. Kosek, K. Minařík, D. Novák. Big Data a NoSQL databáze. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2015. 288 p. ● Sadalage, P. J., & Fowler, M. (2012). NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence. Addison-Wesley Professional, 192 p. ● RNDr. Irena Holubova, Ph.D. MMF UK course NDBI040: Big Data Management and NoSQL Databases ● MongoDB Manual: 34