Cassandra: Practice Seminar 4 of NoSQL Databases (PA195) David Novak & Vlastislav Dohnal Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Agenda ● Column-Family Stores: Fundamentals ● Cassandra: Basics ● Cassandra: Practice ○ CQL - Cassandra Query Language ■ Basic examples ■ Dynamic columns using TABLEs ○ Cassandra stress test ■ Individual work 2 Cassandra: Practical Experience ● Objective: Cassandra basics for users ○ not administration ● Pre-installed Apache Cassandra at our VM ○ template "PA195 - Cassandra" ○ # cd apache-cassandra-3.10/ ● or Install Cassandra ○ Straightforward installation from a tar archive ○ ■ store the tar.gz file to /var/tmp/ ■ unpack the archive: $ tar xvzf apache-cassandra.tar.gz 11 Template ID 249 stratus ● Inspect the installation directory ○ binaries ○ configuration (conf/cassandra.yaml) ○ logs ○ tools ○ … ● Start in Stratus VM ○ # cd apache-cassandra-3.10/ ○ # bin/cassandra Cassandra Directory 12 ● Connect to a running Cassandra node ○ run CQL shell: cqlsh ● CQLSH basic features & commands ○ CQL syntax: CREATE, INSERT, SELECT, DROP,... ○ help ○ use tab for command completion ○ use up/down arrows for command history ○ use ctrl+R for reverse command search Query language docs: CQLSH: CQL Shell 14 ● Keyspace is like “database” in RDBMS DESCRIBE KEYSPACES; CREATE KEYSPACE pa195 WITH REPLICATION = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 }; USE pa195; DESCRIBE KEYSPACE; CREATE TABLE students ( uco int PRIMARY KEY, first_name text, surname text, active boolean ); DESCRIBE TABLE students; Task 1: Keyspace and Table 15 INSERT INTO students (uco, first_name, surname, active) VALUES (4335, 'David', 'Novák', false); INSERT INTO students (uco, first_name, surname, active) VALUES (123, 'Some name', 'Some surname', true); SELECT * FROM students; SELECT * FROM students WHERE first_name = 'David'; InvalidRequest: Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query] ... CREATE INDEX ON students (first_name); SELECT * FROM students WHERE first_name = 'David' ; Task 2: Data Manipulation and Query 16 CREATE TABLE students2 ( uco int, field text, value text, PRIMARY KEY (uco, field) ); INSERT INTO students2 (uco, field, value) VALUES (4335, 'first_name', 'David'); INSERT INTO students2 (uco, field, value) VALUES (4335, 'surname', 'Novák'); INSERT INTO students2 (uco, field, value) VALUES (4335, 'email', ''); SELECT * FROM students2; Dynamic Columns with CQL 3 17 CREATE TABLE students2 ( uco int, field text, value text, PRIMARY KEY (uco, field) ); ● Keys work like this: ○ Primary key is compulsory ■ Unique per table (row key) ○ Partition key - the key to partition table to nodes ■ Records with the same key are stored on the same node ■ The first column of the primary key (or a set of columns) ○ Clustering columns ■ Determine per-partition clustering, i.e., the order for physical storing rows Partition Key 18 Data Sharding in Columnar Systems System Terminology BigTable tablets HBase regions Cassandra partitions 19 ● Values can use “collection” types: ○ set – unordered unique values ○ list – ordered list of elements ○ map – name + value pairs ■ a way to realize super-columns ● Realization of the original idea of free columns ○ Internally, all values in collections as individual columns ○ Cassandra can well handle “unlimited” number of columns Tables: Dynamic Columns 20 CREATE TABLE users ( login text PRIMARY KEY, name text, emails set, // column of type “set” profile map // column of type “map” ); INSERT INTO users (login, name, emails, profile) VALUES ( 'honza', 'Jan Novák', { '' }, { 'colorschema': 'green', 'design': 'simple' } ); UPDATE users SET emails = emails + { '' } WHERE login = 'honza'; Tables: Dynamic Columns (2) 21 ● The syntax of CQL selects is similar to SQL ○ But search just in one table (no joins) SELECT FROM [.] [WHERE ] [ORDER BY [DESC]] [LIMIT m]; Search with CQL SELECT column_name, column_value FROM mytable WHERE row_id=3 ORDER BY column_value; 22 ● The search condition can be: ○ on columns in the partition key ■ And only using operators == and IN ... WHERE row_id IN (3, 4, 5) ■ Therefore, the query hits only one or several physical nodes (not all) CQL: Limitations on “Where” Part CREATE TABLE mytable ( row_id int, column_name text, column_value text, PRIMARY KEY (row_id, column_name) ); ○ on columns from the clustering key ■ Especially, if there is also condition on the partitioning key ... WHERE row_id=3 AND column_name='login' ■ If it is not, the system must filter all entries SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE column_name IN ('login', 'name') ALLOW FILTERING; 23 ● Other columns can be queried ○ If there is an index built the column ● Indexes can be built also on collection columns (set, list, map) ○ And then queried by CONTAINS like this CREATE INDEX ON users(emails); CREATE INDEX ON users(KEYS (profile)); SELECT login FROM users WHERE emails CONTAINS ''; SELECT * FROM users WHERE profile CONTAINS KEY 'colorschema'; CQL: Limitations on “Where” Part (1) 24 ● Get data from study materials ○ people-cassandra.json ● Check its structure & create a table “people” for it ● Import the json ○ Convert JSON array into a series of INSERT command ○ or use people-cassandra-insert.json ■ # time bin/cqlsh -f people-cassandra-insert.json Task 3: Table for people & import 25 1. Total number of rows in people 2. Select records with surname “Hanna” 3. Find people with salary greater than 3000 4. Distinct surnames a. Count distinct surnames (it is 640) ??? 5. Expire “email” in the record id 1190 in 60s 6. Delete “number” from address of record id 1190 7. Expire the record with id 1190 in 60s Task 4: Querying for people 26 Copy & paste the queries and their responses to the file cassandra.txt and upload to the IS’s vault! In case you fail to form any query, make a notice there! Task 5: Cassandra’s Stress Test ● Task: use a cassandra tool to test performance ○ cassandra$ tools/bin/cassandra-stress help ● Read these docs & manuals ○ ○ ● Modify and use the YAML configs ○ Either in cassandra/tools/*.yaml ○ or use examples from the manual ● Report the insert & query performance ○ Find out what the values in the result mean 27 # Show defaults $ tools/bin/cassandra-stress help -schema # Insert (write) one million rows $ tools/bin/cassandra-stress write n=1000000 -rate threads=50 # Read two hundred thousand rows. $ tools/bin/cassandra-stress read n=200000 -rate threads=50 # Read rows for a duration of 3 minutes. $ tools/bin/cassandra-stress read duration=3m -rate threads=50 # Read 200,000 rows without a warmup of 50,000 rows first. $ tools/bin/cassandra-stress read n=200000 no-warmup -rate threads=50 Task 5: Cassandra’s Stress Test 28 References ● I. Holubová, J. Kosek, K. Minařík, D. Novák. Big Data a NoSQL databáze. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2015. 288 p. ● RNDr. Irena Holubova, Ph.D. MMF UK course NDBI040: Big Data Management and NoSQL Databases ● ● ● 29