Course Organization Vlastislav Dohnal PA220: Database systems for data analytics 05.10.2020 PA220 DB for Analytics1 Course Overview • Overview of data warehousing • Planning a data warehouse • Modelling your data for BI • Querying your data • Tuning and physical optimization • ETL – getting your data into a data warehouse • Case Study • Novel technology (e.g., for real-time BI) – Apache Hive, Pig 05.10.2020 PA220 DB for Analytics 2 Course Organization • Lectures: • slides and video commentary – available for studying at anytime • Assignments: • 5 home assignments with optional online consultation • at the time scheduled for lecture (Tuesday at 12am) – see the schedule in IS • at least 4 must be submitted; grading of each will be announced later • Exam: • oral exam – 2-3 tasks to solve/discuss instantly • Evaluation: • composite of assignment result (weight 1/3) and oral exam (weight 2/3) • for passing – at least 50 % of total points 05.10.2020 PA220 DB for Analytics 3 Practice • Postgresql • • may use you own installation or student’s DB@FI • Microsoft Power BI • • install locally on your computer 05.10.2020 PA220 DB for Analytics 4 Sources • Textbooks: • Ralph Kimball et al.: The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit. Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2008. • William Inmon: Building the Data Warehouse. John Wiley and Sons, 1996. • Christian Jensen et al.: Multidimensional Databases and Data Warehousing. Synthesis Lectures on Data Management. Morgan & Claypool, 2010. • Journal paper: • Mark Levene and George Loizou: Why is the Snowflake Schema a Good Data Warehouse Design? Information Systems, Elsevier, 2003. • Courses: • Data Warehousing – Jens Teubner, TU Dortmund • Data Warehousing and Data Mining – Johann Gamper and Mouna Kacimi, Univ. Bolzano • Data Warehousing and Data Mining Techniques – Wolf-Tilo Balke, TU Braunschweig 05.10.2020 PA220 DB for Analytics 5