Lecture 11 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PB007 Software Engineering I Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Fall 2020 1© Barbora Bühnová Topics covered  Project management  Project planning  Risk management  People management ▪ Roles in a software company 2Chapter 22 Project management Project Management Lecture 11/Part 1 3Chapter 22 Project management  Concerned with activities involved in ensuring that software is delivered on time and within budget and in accordance with the organisations developing and procuring the software.  Success criteria: ▪ Deliver the software to the customer at the agreed time. ▪ Keep overall costs within budget. ▪ Deliver software that meets the customer’s expectations. ▪ Maintain a happy and well-functioning development team. Software project management 4Chapter 22 Project management  The product is intangible. ▪ Software cannot be seen or touched. Software project managers cannot see progress by simply looking at the artefact that is being constructed.  Many software projects are 'one-off' projects. ▪ Large software projects are usually different in some ways from previous projects. Even managers who have lots of previous experience may find it difficult to anticipate problems.  Software processes are variable and organization specific. ▪ We still cannot reliably predict when a particular software process is likely to lead to development problems. Software management distinctions 5Chapter 22 Project management  Project planning ▪ Project managers are responsible for planning, estimating and scheduling project development and assigning people to tasks.  Risk management ▪ Project managers assess the risks that may affect a project, monitor these risks and take action when problems arise.  People management ▪ Project managers have to choose people for their team and establish ways of working that leads to effective team performance. Management activities 6Chapter 22 Project management Management activities  Reporting ▪ Project managers are usually responsible for reporting on the progress of a project to customers and to the managers of the company developing the software.  Contract negotiation ▪ The first stage in a software project may involve writing a proposal to win a contract to carry out an item of work. The proposal describes the objectives of the project and how it will be carried out. ▪ Then the contract is negotiated and later extended with requirements changes and changing schedule constraints. 7Chapter 22 Project management Project Planning Lecture 11/Part 2 8Chapter 23 Project planning Project planning  Project planning involves breaking down the work into parts and assign these to project team members, anticipate problems that might arise and prepare tentative solutions to those problems.  The project plan, which is created at the start of a project, is used to communicate how the work will be done to the project team and customers, and to help assess progress on the project. Chapter 23 Project planning Plan-driven development  Plan-driven or plan-based development is an approach to software engineering where the development process is planned in detail. ▪ Plan-driven development is based on engineering project management techniques and is the ‘traditional’ way of managing large software development projects.  A project plan is created that records the work to be done, who will do it, the development schedule and the work products.  Managers use the plan to support project decision making and as a way of measuring progress. Chapter 23 Project planning The project planning process Chapter 23 Project planning Project scheduling  Project scheduling is the process of deciding how the work in a project will be organized as separate tasks, and when and how these tasks will be executed.  You estimate the calendar time needed to complete each task, the effort required and who will work on the tasks that have been identified.  You also have to estimate the resources needed to complete each task, such as the disk space required on a server, the time required on specialized hardware, such as a simulator, and what the travel budget will be. Chapter 23 Project planning The project scheduling process  Split project into tasks, which are not too small (about week or two).  Organize tasks concurrently to make optimal use of workforce.  Minimize task dependencies to avoid delays caused by one task waiting for another to complete.  Use graphical notation to visualise and manage project schedule. Chapter 23 Project planning Schedule representation – Gantt chart Chapter 23 Project planning Schedule representation – Staff allocation chart Chapter 23 Project planning Scheduling problems  Estimating the difficulty of problems and hence the cost of developing a solution is hard.  Productivity is not proportional to the number of people working on a task.  Adding people to a late project often makes it later because of communication overheads.  The unexpected always happens. Always allow contingency in planning. Chapter 23 Project planning Scrum Team Size Productivity Curve  Let’s consider a Scrum Team of 5 persons who work 10 hours a day each.  These 5 persons spend 2% of each day communicating with each individual in the team then: Team Productivity = 50 * ((100 – ((5 * (5 – 1) / 2) * 2)) / 100) = 40 hours http://www.59secondsagile.com/scrum-team-agile-project-management/scrum-team-size-what-size-should-they-be/ Agile planning  Agile methods of software development are iterative approaches with incremental delivery.  Unlike in plan-driven approaches, the functionality of these increments is not planned in advance but is decided during the development. ▪ The customer’s priorities and requirements change so it makes sense to have a flexible plan that can accommodate these changes.  While plan-driven approaches work with fixed functionality and decide on the time plan accordingly, agile approaches have fixed time plan (e.g. weekly sprints) and decide on the functionality accordingly. Chapter 23 Project planning Software pricing  Estimates are made to discover the cost, to the developer company, of producing a software system. ▪ You take into account hardware, software, travel, training, effort and other costs. ▪ Both fixed and variable costs need to be considered.  There is not a simple relationship between the development cost and the price charged to the customer.  Broader organisational, economic, political and business considerations influence the price charged. Chapter 23 Project planning Factors affecting software pricing Factor Description Market opportunity A development organization may quote a low price because accepting a low profit on one project may give the organization the opportunity to make a greater profit later. The experience gained may also help in future products. Cost estimate uncertainty If an organization is unsure of its cost estimate, it may increase its price by a contingency over and above its normal profit. Contractual terms A customer may be willing to allow the developer to retain ownership of the source code and reuse it in other projects. The price charged may then be less than if the software source code is handed over to the customer. Financial health Developers in financial difficulty may lower their price to gain a contract. It is better to make a smaller than normal profit or break even than to go out of business. Cash flow is more important than profit in difficult economic times. Chapter 23 Project planning Cost estimate uncertainty Chapter 23 Project planning Estimation techniques  Organizations need to make software effort and cost estimates. There are two types of technique that can be used to do this: ▪ Experience-based techniques The estimate of future effort requirements is based on the manager’s experience of past projects and the application domain. Essentially, the manager makes an informed judgment of what the effort is likely to be. ▪ Algorithmic cost assessment In this approach, a formulaic approach is used to compute the project effort based on estimates of product attributes, such as size, and process characteristics, such as experience of staff involved. Chapter 23 Project planning Experience-based approaches  Experience-based techniques rely on judgments based on experience of past projects and the effort expended in these projects on software development activities.  Typically, you identify the deliverables to be produced in a project and the different software components or systems that are to be developed.  You document these in a spreadsheet, estimate them individually and compute the total effort required.  It usually helps to get a group of people involved in the effort estimation and to ask each member of the group to explain their estimate. Chapter 23 Project planning Algorithmic cost assessment  Cost is estimated as a mathematical function of product, project and process attributes whose values are estimated by project managers: ▪ Effort = (A * SizeB ) * M ▪ A is an organisation-dependent constant, B reflects the disproportionate effort for large projects and M is a multiplier reflecting product, process and people attributes.  The most commonly used product attribute for cost estimation is code size.  Most models are similar but they use different values for A, B and M. Chapter 23 Project planning Estimation accuracy  The size of a software system can only be known accurately when it is finished.  Several factors influence the final size ▪ Use of COTS and components; ▪ Programming language; ▪ Distribution of system.  As the development process progresses then the size estimate becomes more accurate.  The estimates of the factors contributing to B and M are subjective and vary according to the judgment of the estimator. Chapter 23 Project planning The COCOMO II model  An empirical model based on project experience.  Well-documented, ‘independent’ model which is not tied to a specific software vendor.  Long history from initial version published in 1981 (COCOMO-81) through various instantiations to COCOMO II (published in 2000).  COCOMO II takes into account different approaches to software development, reuse, etc.  COCOMO II incorporates a range of sub-models that produce increasingly detailed software estimates. Chapter 23 Project planning COCOMO II estimation models Chapter 23 Project planning COCOMO II factors Chapter 23 Project planning Ratings Cost Drivers Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Product attributes Required software reliability 0.75 0.88 1.00 1.15 1.40 Size of application database 0.94 1.00 1.08 1.16 Complexity of the product 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.65 Hardware attributes Run-time performance constraints 1.00 1.11 1.30 1.66 Memory constraints 1.00 1.06 1.21 1.56 Volatility of the virtual machine environment 0.87 1.00 1.15 1.30 Required turnabout time 0.87 1.00 1.07 1.15 Personnel attributes Analyst capability 1.46 1.19 1.00 0.86 0.71 Applications experience 1.29 1.13 1.00 0.91 0.82 Software engineer capability 1.42 1.17 1.00 0.86 0.70 Virtual machine experience 1.21 1.10 1.00 0.90 Programming language experience 1.14 1.07 1.00 0.95 Project attributes Application of software engineering methods 1.24 1.10 1.00 0.91 0.82 Use of software tools 1.24 1.10 1.00 0.91 0.83 Required development schedule 1.23 1.08 1.00 1.04 1.10 Key points  Plan-driven development is organized around a complete project plan that defines the project activities, the planned effort, the activity schedule and who is responsible for each activity.  Project scheduling involves the creation of graphical representations the project plan. Bar charts show the activity duration and staffing timelines, are the most commonly used schedule representations.  The price charged for a system does not just depend on its estimated development costs; it may be adjusted depending on the market and organizational priorities.  The COCOMO II costing model is an algorithmic cost model that uses project, product, hardware and personnel attributes as well as product size and complexity attributes to derive a cost estimate. Chapter 23 Project planning Risk Management Lecture 11/Part 3 30Chapter 22 Project management Risk management  Risk management is concerned with identifying risks and drawing up plans to minimise their effect on a project.  A risk is a probability that some adverse circumstance will occur ▪ Project risks affect schedule or resources; ▪ Product risks affect the quality of the software being developed; ▪ Business risks affect the organisation developing or procuring the software. 31Chapter 22 Project management Examples of common project, product, and business risks Risk Affects Description Staff turnover Project Experienced staff will leave the project before it is finished. Management change Project There will be a change of organizational management with different priorities. Hardware unavailability Project Hardware will not be delivered on schedule. Requirements change Project and product There will be a larger number of changes to the requirements than anticipated. Specification delays Project and product Specifications of essential interfaces are not available on schedule. Size underestimate Project and product The size of the system has been underestimated. CASE tool underperformance Product CASE tools, which support the project, do not perform as anticipated. Technology change Business The underlying technology on which the system is built is superseded by new technology. Product competition Business A competitive product is marketed before the system is completed. 32Chapter 22 Project management Fine-grained risk types and their examples Risk type Possible risks Technology The database used in the system cannot process as many transactions per second as expected. (1) Reusable software components contain defects that mean they cannot be reused as planned. (2) People It is impossible to recruit staff with the skills required. (3) Key staff are ill and unavailable at critical times. (4) Required training for staff is not available. (5) Organizational The organization is restructured so that different management are responsible for the project. (6) Organizational financial problems force reductions in the project budget. (7) Tools The code generated by software code generation tools is inefficient. (8) Software tools cannot work together in an integrated way. (9) Requirements Changes to requirements that require major design rework are proposed. (10) Customers fail to understand the impact of requirements changes. (11) Estimation The time required to develop the software is underestimated. (12) The rate of defect repair is underestimated. (13) The size of the software is underestimated. (14) 33Chapter 22 Project management The risk management process 34Chapter 22 Project management  Risk analysis ▪ Assess the likelihood and consequences of these risks;  Risk planning ▪ Draw up plans to avoid or minimise the effects of the risk; People Management Lecture 11/Part 4 35Chapter 22 Project management Managing people  People are an organisation’s most important assets. ▪ Especially in IT where the developer company does not need to invest into expensive input material (like in production companies). ▪ Most of the input investments are into people either directly (salaries) or indirectly (tools increasing people’s productivity, working environment, etc.).  The tasks of a manager are essentially people-oriented. Unless there is some understanding of people, management will be unsuccessful.  Poor people management is an important contributor to project failure. Chapter 22 Project management People management factors  Consistency ▪ Team members should all be treated in a comparable way without favourites or discrimination.  Respect ▪ Different team members have different skills and these differences should be respected.  Inclusion ▪ Involve all team members and make sure that people’s views are considered.  Honesty ▪ You should always be honest about what is going well and what is going badly in a project. Chapter 22 Project management Motivating people  An important role of a manager is to motivate the people working on a project.  Motivation means organizing the work and the working environment to encourage people to work effectively. ▪ If people are not motivated, they will not be interested in the work they are doing. They will work slowly, be more likely to make mistakes and will not contribute to the broader goals of the team or the organization.  Motivation is a complex issue but it appears that their are different types of motivation based on: ▪ Basic needs (e.g. food, sleep, etc.); ▪ Personal needs (e.g. respect, self-esteem); ▪ Social needs (e.g. to be accepted as part of a group). 38Chapter 22 Project management Maslow's hierarchy of needs 39Chapter 22 Project management Need satisfaction  In software development groups, basic physiological and safety needs are not an issue.  Social ▪ Provide communal facilities ▪ Allow informal communications e.g. via social networking  Esteem ▪ Recognition of achievements ▪ Appropriate rewards  Self-realization ▪ Training - people want to learn more ▪ Responsibility 40Chapter 22 Project management Team formation  Tuckman’s model of team dynamics 41Chapter 22 Project management Heterogenous team Homogenous team Personality traits  Each personality is a composition of various traits.  The Big Five personality traits include ▪ extraversion, ▪ conscientiousness, ▪ agreeableness, ▪ openness to experience, ▪ neuroticism (also referred to as emotional stability).  The traits may evolve with age, experience or other life conditions. 42Chapter 22 Project management Personality orientation  Task-oriented ▪ The motivation for doing the work is the work itself.  Self-oriented ▪ The work is a means to an end which is the achievement of individual goals - e.g. to get rich, to play tennis, to travel etc.  Interaction-oriented ▪ The principal motivation is the presence and actions of co-workers. People go to work because they like to go to work.  Individual motivations are made up of elements of each class, where teamwork plays an essential role. 43Chapter 22 Project management Diversity and Inclusion  Diversity refers to a workforce made up of = WHAT ▪ different ages, cultural backgrounds, geographies, physical abilities and disabilities, religions, genders; ▪ not forgetting uniqueness in perspectives, preferences, characteristics.  Inclusion refers to = HOW ▪ achievement of a work environment in which all individuals have equal access to opportunities and resources to contribute fully to the organization’s success, to participate and thrive. 44Chapter 22 Project management It is natural to prefer homogenous environment – in the short term  What peers do you choose when you get: 1. Stuck in the airport because of cancelled flight ▪ Homogeneous – easier to relate, comfort, safety (predictability) 2. Stuck in a lonely island you want to get out of ▪ Heterogenous – wider range of talents, problem solving strategies  Brain is a survival organ that primarily optimizes energy consumption (seeks safety). 45Chapter 22 Project management Teamwork  Most software engineering is a group activity ▪ The development schedule for most non-trivial software projects cannot be completed by one person working alone.  A good group is cohesive and has a team spirit. ▪ In a cohesive group, members consider the group to be more important than any individual in it.  The advantages of a cohesive group are: ▪ Team members learn from each other and get to know each other’s work; Inhibitions caused by ignorance are reduced. ▪ Knowledge is shared. Continuity can be maintained if a group member leaves. ▪ Refactoring and continual improvement is encouraged. Group members work collectively to deliver high quality results and fix problems. 46Chapter 22 Project management Optimal team size  Anywhere between 2-20 members depending on: ▪ the purpose for forming the team, ▪ the expectations you have of the team and its members, ▪ the roles that the team members need to play, ▪ the amount of cohesiveness and interconnectivity necessary for optimal team performance, and ▪ the function, activities, and goals of the team.  In software development, the most common optimal size is 4-6 members (Two Pizza Rule). Can you think of a task that makes an optimal team size equal to 2, and other where the optimal size can be 20? 47Chapter 22 Project management The effectiveness of a team  The people in the group ▪ You need a mix of people in a project group as software development involves diverse activities such as negotiating with clients, programming, testing and documentation.  The group organization ▪ A group should be organized so that individuals can contribute to the best of their abilities and tasks can be completed as expected.  Technical and managerial communications ▪ Good communications between group members, and between the software engineering team and other project stakeholders, is essential. Chapter 22 Project management 48  Group size ▪ The larger the group, the harder it is for people to communicate with other group members.  Group structure ▪ Communication is better in informally structured groups than in hierarchically structured groups.  Group composition ▪ Communication is better when there are different personality types in a group and when groups are mixed rather than single gender.  The physical work environment ▪ Good workplace organisation can help encourage communications. Group communications 49Chapter 22 Project management Key points  People are motivated by interaction with other people, the recognition of management and their peers, and by being given opportunities for personal development.  Software development groups should be fairly small and cohesive. The key factors that influence the effectiveness of a group are the people in that group, the way that it is organized and the communication between group members.  Communications within a group are influenced by factors such as the status of group members, the size of the group, the gender composition of the group, personalities and available communication channels. Chapter 22 Project management 50 Roles in a Software Company Lecture 11/Part 5 51© Papcunová Roles in a software company 52© Papcunová https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5612AQG2Iyoh-3dfnQ/article-inline_image- shrink_1500_2232/0?e=1593648000&v=beta&t=GLy799ZpVVCJmrloDtxpJikio0taboz8ZU9yJpVc8no Waterfall model team 53© Papcunová https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E12AQE9w5UELHCzEw/article-inline_image- shrink_1000_1488/0?e=1593648000&v=beta&t=79YTCHzq2tpqi8yYfavNh0J_6p093H9sIf1pVLKeoyw Scrum team 54© Papcunová https: //ww w.pn gitem .com/ pimg s/m/1 45- 1451 323_ what- is- scru m- team - illustr ation- hd- png- down load. png Key points  There is a variety of roles in a software company  In a waterfall team, we can find ▪ Business Analysts, Technical Architects, Developers, Testers, Helpdesk, Project Managers  In an agile team, we can find ▪ Scrum Master, Product Owner, Business Owner, Domain Expert, and Developers who can also act as Quality Engineers, Business Analysts and Architects Chapter 22 Project management 55