MLP training – practical issues 114 Architecture – Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Input Hidden Output x1 x2 y1 y2 Neurons partitioned into layers; one input layer, one output layer, possibly several hidden layers layers numbered from 0; the input layer has number 0 E.g. three-layer network has two hidden layers and one output layer Neurons in the i-th layer are connected with all neurons in the i + 1-st layer Architecture of a MLP is typically described by numbers of neurons in individual layers (e.g. 2-4-3-2) 115 MLP – architecture Notation: Denote X a set of input neurons Y a set of output neurons Z a set of all neurons (X, Y ⊆ Z) individual neurons denoted by indices i, j etc. ξj is the inner potential of the neuron j after the computation stops yj is the output of the neuron j after the computation stops (define y0 = 1 is the value of the formal unit input) wji is the weight of the connection from i to j (in particular, wj0 is the weight of the connection from the formal unit input, i.e. wj0 = −bj where bj is the bias of the neuron j) j← is a set of all i such that j is adjacent from i (i.e. there is an arc to j from i) j→ is a set of all i such that j is adjacent to i (i.e. there is an arc from j to i) 116 MLP – learning Learning: Given a training set T of the form xk , dk k = 1, . . . , p Here, every xk ∈ R|X| is an input vector end every dk ∈ R|Y| is the desired network output. For every j ∈ Y, denote by dkj the desired output of the neuron j for a given network input xk (the vector dk can be written as dkj j∈Y ). Error function: E(w) = p k=1 Ek (w) 117 SGD weights in w(0) are randomly initialized to values close to 0 in the step t + 1 (here t = 0, 1, 2 . . .), weights w(t+1) are computed as follows: Choose (randomly) a set of training examples T ⊆ {1, . . . , p} Compute w(t+1) = w(t) + ∆w(t) where ∆w(t) = −ε(t) · k∈T Ek (w(t) ) 0 < ε(t) ≤ 1 is a learning rate in step t + 1 Ek (w(t) ) is the gradient of the error of the example k Note that the random choice of the minibatch is typically implemented by randomly shuffling all data and then choosing minibatches sequentially. 118 MLP – mse gradient For every wji we have ∂E ∂wji = 1 p p k=1 ∂Ek ∂wji 119 MLP – mse gradient For every wji we have ∂E ∂wji = 1 p p k=1 ∂Ek ∂wji where for every k = 1, . . . , p holds ∂Ek ∂wji = ∂Ek ∂yj · σj (ξj) · yi and for every j ∈ Z X we get (for squared error) ∂Ek ∂yj = yj − dkj for j ∈ Y ∂Ek ∂yj = r∈j→ ∂Ek ∂yr · σr (ξr ) · wrj for j ∈ Z (Y ∪ X) (Here all yj are in fact yj(w, xk )). 119 (Some) error functions squared error: E(w) = p k=1 Ek (w) where Ek (w) = 1 2 j∈Y yj(w, xk ) − dkj 2 mean squared error (mse): E(w) = 1 p p k=1 Ek (w) (categorical) cross entropy: E(w) = − 1 p p k=1 j∈Y dkj ln(yj) 120 Practical issues of gradient descent Training efficiency: What size of a minibatch? How to choose the learning rate ε(t) and control SGD ? How to pre-process the inputs? How to initialize weights? How to choose desired output values of the network? 121 Practical issues of gradient descent Training efficiency: What size of a minibatch? How to choose the learning rate ε(t) and control SGD ? How to pre-process the inputs? How to initialize weights? How to choose desired output values of the network? Quality of the resulting model: When to stop training? Regularization techniques. How large network? For simplicity, I will illustrate the reasoning on MLP + mse. Later we will see other topologies and error functions with different but always somewhat related issues. 121 Issues in gradient descent Small networks: Lots of local minima where the descent gets stuck. The model identifiability problem: Swapping incoming weights of neurons i and j leaves the same network topology – weight space symmetry. Recent studies show that for sufficiently large networks all local minima have low values of the error function. 122 Issues in gradient descent Small networks: Lots of local minima where the descent gets stuck. The model identifiability problem: Swapping incoming weights of neurons i and j leaves the same network topology – weight space symmetry. Recent studies show that for sufficiently large networks all local minima have low values of the error function. Saddle points One can show (by a combinatorial argument) that larger networks have exponentially more saddle points than local minima. 122 Issues in gradient descent – too slow descent flat regions E.g. if the inner potentials are too large (in abs. value), then their derivative is extremely small. 123 Issues in gradient descent – too fast descent steep cliffs: the gradient is extremely large, descent skips important weight vectors 124 Issues in gradient descent – local vs global structure What if we initialize on the left? 125 Gradient Descent in Large Networks Theorem Assume (roughly), activation functions: "smooth" ReLU (softplus) σ(z) = log(1 + exp(z)) In general: Smooth, non-polynomial, analytic, Lipschitzs. inputs xk of Euclidean norm equal to 1, desired values dk satisfying |dk | ∈ O(1), the number of hidden neurons per layer sufficiently large (polynomial in certain numerical characteristics of inputs roughly measuring their similarity, and exponential in the depth of the network), the learning rate constant and sufficiently small. The gradient descent converges (with high probability) to a global minimum with zero error at linear rate. Later we get to a special type of networks called ResNet where the above result demands only polynomially many neurons per layer (w.r.t. depth). 126 Issues in computing the gradient vanishing and exploding gradients ∂Ek ∂yj = yj − dkj for j ∈ Y ∂Ek ∂yj = r∈j→ ∂Ek ∂yr · σr (ξr ) · wrj for j ∈ Z (Y ∪ X) 127 Issues in computing the gradient vanishing and exploding gradients ∂Ek ∂yj = yj − dkj for j ∈ Y ∂Ek ∂yj = r∈j→ ∂Ek ∂yr · σr (ξr ) · wrj for j ∈ Z (Y ∪ X) inexact gradient computation: Minibatch gradient is only an estimate of the true gradient. Note that the variance of the estimate is (roughly) σ/ √ m where m is the size of the minibatch and σ is the variance of the gradient estimate for a single training example. (E.g. minibatch size 10 000 means 100 times more computation than the size 100 but gives only 10 times less variance.) 127 Minibatch size Larger batches provide a more accurate estimate of the gradient, but with less than linear returns. 128 Minibatch size Larger batches provide a more accurate estimate of the gradient, but with less than linear returns. Multicore architectures are usually underutilized by extremely small batches. 128 Minibatch size Larger batches provide a more accurate estimate of the gradient, but with less than linear returns. Multicore architectures are usually underutilized by extremely small batches. If all examples in the batch are to be processed in parallel (as is the typical case), then the amount of memory scales with the batch size. For many hardware setups this is the limiting factor in batch size. 128 Minibatch size Larger batches provide a more accurate estimate of the gradient, but with less than linear returns. Multicore architectures are usually underutilized by extremely small batches. If all examples in the batch are to be processed in parallel (as is the typical case), then the amount of memory scales with the batch size. For many hardware setups this is the limiting factor in batch size. It is common (especially when using GPUs) for power of 2 batch sizes to offer better runtime. Typical power of 2 batch sizes range from 32 to 256, with 16 sometimes being attempted for large models. 128 Minibatch size Larger batches provide a more accurate estimate of the gradient, but with less than linear returns. Multicore architectures are usually underutilized by extremely small batches. If all examples in the batch are to be processed in parallel (as is the typical case), then the amount of memory scales with the batch size. For many hardware setups this is the limiting factor in batch size. It is common (especially when using GPUs) for power of 2 batch sizes to offer better runtime. Typical power of 2 batch sizes range from 32 to 256, with 16 sometimes being attempted for large models. Small batches can offer a regularizing effect, perhaps due to the noise they add to the learning process. It has been observed in practice that when using a larger batch there is a degradation in the quality of the model, as measured by its ability to generalize. ("On Large-Batch Training for Deep Learning: Generalization Gap and Sharp Minima". Keskar et al, ICLR’17) 128 Momentum Issue in the gradient descent: E(w(t)) constantly changes direction (but the error steadily decreases). 129 Momentum Issue in the gradient descent: E(w(t)) constantly changes direction (but the error steadily decreases). Solution: In every step add the change made in the previous step (weighted by a factor α): ∆w(t) = −ε(t) · k∈T Ek (w(t) ) + α · ∆w (t−1) ji where 0 < α < 1. 129 Momentum – illustration 130 SGD with momentum weights in w(0) are randomly initialized to values close to 0 in the step t + 1 (here t = 0, 1, 2 . . .), weights w(t+1) are computed as follows: Choose (randomly) a set of training examples T ⊆ {1, . . . , p} Compute w(t+1) = w(t) + ∆w(t) where ∆w(t) = −ε(t) · k∈T Ek (w(t) ) + α∆w(t−1) 0 < ε(t) ≤ 1 is a learning rate in step t + 1 0 < α < 1 measures the "influence" of the momentum Ek (w(t) ) is the gradient of the error of the example k Note that the random choice of the minibatch is typically implemented by randomly shuffling all data and then choosing minibatches sequentially. 131 Learning rate 132 Search for the learning rate Use settings from a successful solution of a similar problem as a baseline. Search for the learning rate using the learning monitoring: Search through values from small (e.g. 0.001) to (0.1), possibly multiplying by 2. Train for several epochs, observe the learning curves (see cross-validation later). 133 Adaptive learning rate Power scheduling: Set (t) = 0/(1 + t/s) where 0 is an initial learning rate and s a number of steps (after s steps the learning rate is 0/2, after 2s it is 0/3 etc.) 134 Adaptive learning rate Power scheduling: Set (t) = 0/(1 + t/s) where 0 is an initial learning rate and s a number of steps (after s steps the learning rate is 0/2, after 2s it is 0/3 etc.) Exponential scheduling: Set (t) = 0 · 0.1t/s . (the learning rate decays faster than in the power scheduling) 134 Adaptive learning rate Power scheduling: Set (t) = 0/(1 + t/s) where 0 is an initial learning rate and s a number of steps (after s steps the learning rate is 0/2, after 2s it is 0/3 etc.) Exponential scheduling: Set (t) = 0 · 0.1t/s . (the learning rate decays faster than in the power scheduling) Piecewise constant scheduling: A constant learning rate for a number of steps/epochs, then a smaller learning rate, and so on. 134 Adaptive learning rate Power scheduling: Set (t) = 0/(1 + t/s) where 0 is an initial learning rate and s a number of steps (after s steps the learning rate is 0/2, after 2s it is 0/3 etc.) Exponential scheduling: Set (t) = 0 · 0.1t/s . (the learning rate decays faster than in the power scheduling) Piecewise constant scheduling: A constant learning rate for a number of steps/epochs, then a smaller learning rate, and so on. 1cycle scheduling: Start by increasing the initial learning rate from 0 linearly to 1 (approx. 1 = 10 0) halfway through training. Then decrease from 1 linearly to 0. Finish by dropping the learning rate by several orders of magnitude (still linearly). According to a 2018 paper by Leslie Smith this may converge much faster (100 epochs vs 800 epochs on CIFAR10 dataset). For comparison of some methods see: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF LEARNING RATES IN DEEP NEURAL NETWORKS FOR SPEECH RECOGNITION, Senior et al 134 AdaGrad So far we have considered fixed schedules for learning rates. It is better to have larger rates for weights with smaller updates, smaller rates for weights with larger updates. AdaGrad uses individually adapting learning rate for each weight. 135 SGD with AdaGrad weights in w(0) are randomly initialized to values close to 0 in the step t + 1 (here t = 0, 1, 2 . . .), compute w(t+1) : Choose (randomly) a minibatch T ⊆ {1, . . . , p} Compute w (t+1) ji = w (t) ji + ∆w (t) ji 136 SGD with AdaGrad weights in w(0) are randomly initialized to values close to 0 in the step t + 1 (here t = 0, 1, 2 . . .), compute w(t+1) : Choose (randomly) a minibatch T ⊆ {1, . . . , p} Compute w (t+1) ji = w (t) ji + ∆w (t) ji where ∆w (t) ji = − η r (t) ji + δ · k∈T ∂Ek ∂wji (w(t) ) and r (t) ji = r (t−1) ji +   k∈T ∂Ek ∂wji (w(t) )   2 η is a constant expressing the influence of the learning rate, typically 0.01. δ > 0 is a smoothing term (typically 1e-8) avoiding division by 0. 136 RMSProp The main disadvantage of AdaGrad is the accumulation of the gradient throughout the whole learning process. In case the learning needs to get over several "hills" before settling in a deep "valley", the weight updates get far too small before getting to it. RMSProp uses an exponentially decaying average to discard history from the extreme past so that it can converge rapidly after finding a convex bowl, as if it were an instance of the AdaGrad algorithm initialized within that bowl. 137 SGD with RMSProp weights in w(0) are randomly initialized to values close to 0 in the step t + 1 (here t = 0, 1, 2 . . .), compute w(t+1) : Choose (randomly) a minibatch T ⊆ {1, . . . , p} Compute w (t+1) ji = w (t) ji + ∆w (t) ji 138 SGD with RMSProp weights in w(0) are randomly initialized to values close to 0 in the step t + 1 (here t = 0, 1, 2 . . .), compute w(t+1) : Choose (randomly) a minibatch T ⊆ {1, . . . , p} Compute w (t+1) ji = w (t) ji + ∆w (t) ji where ∆w (t) ji = − η r (t) ji + δ · k∈T ∂Ek ∂wji (w(t) ) and r (t) ji = ρr (t−1) ji + (1 − ρ)   k∈T ∂Ek ∂wji (w(t) )   2 η is a constant expressing the influence of the learning rate (Hinton suggests ρ = 0.9 and η = 0.001). δ > 0 is a smoothing term (typically 1e-8) avoiding division by 0. 138 Other optimization methods There are more methods such as AdaDelta, Adam (roughly RMSProp combined with momentum), etc. A natural question: Which algorithm should one choose? 139 Other optimization methods There are more methods such as AdaDelta, Adam (roughly RMSProp combined with momentum), etc. A natural question: Which algorithm should one choose? Unfortunately, there is currently no consensus on this point. According to a recent study, the family of algorithms with adaptive learning rates (represented by RMSProp and AdaDelta) performed fairly robustly, no single best algorithm has emerged. 139 Other optimization methods There are more methods such as AdaDelta, Adam (roughly RMSProp combined with momentum), etc. A natural question: Which algorithm should one choose? Unfortunately, there is currently no consensus on this point. According to a recent study, the family of algorithms with adaptive learning rates (represented by RMSProp and AdaDelta) performed fairly robustly, no single best algorithm has emerged. Currently, the most popular optimization algorithms actively in use include SGD, SGD with momentum, RMSProp, RMSProp with momentum, AdaDelta and Adam. The choice of which algorithm to use, at this point, seems to depend largely on the user’s familiarity with the algorithm. 139 Choice of (hidden) activations Generic requirements imposed on activation functions: 1. differentiability (to do gradient descent) 2. non-linearity (linear multi-layer networks are equivalent to single-layer) 3. monotonicity (local extrema of activation functions induce local extrema of the error function) 4. "linearity" (i.e. preserve as much linearity as possible; linear models are easiest to fit; find the "minimum" non-linearity needed to solve a given task) The choice of activation functions is closely related to input preprocessing and the initial choice of weights. I will illustrate the reasoning on sigmoidal functions; say few words about other activation functions later. 140 Activation functions – tanh σ(ξ) = 1.7159 · tanh(2 3 · ξ), we have limξ→∞ σ(ξ) = 1.7159 and limξ→−∞ σ(ξ) = −1.7159 141 Activation functions – tanh σ(ξ) = 1.7159 · tanh(2 3 · ξ) is almost linear on [−1, 1] 142 Activation functions – tanh first derivative: σ(ξ) = 1.7159 · tanh(2 3 · ξ) 143 Input preprocessing Some inputs may be much larger than others. E.g..: Height vs weight of a person, maximum speed of a car (in km/h) vs its price (in CZK), etc. 144 Input preprocessing Some inputs may be much larger than others. E.g..: Height vs weight of a person, maximum speed of a car (in km/h) vs its price (in CZK), etc. Large inputs have greater influence on the training than the small ones. In addition, too large inputs may slow down learning (saturation of activation functions). 144 Input preprocessing Some inputs may be much larger than others. E.g..: Height vs weight of a person, maximum speed of a car (in km/h) vs its price (in CZK), etc. Large inputs have greater influence on the training than the small ones. In addition, too large inputs may slow down learning (saturation of activation functions). Typical standardization: average = 0 (subtract the mean) variance = 1 (divide by the standard deviation) Here the mean and standard deviation may be estimated from data (the training set). (illustration of standard deviation) 144 Initial weights (for tanh) Assume weights chosen uniformly in random from an interval [−w, w] where w depends on the number of inputs of a given neuron. 145 Initial weights (for tanh) Assume weights chosen uniformly in random from an interval [−w, w] where w depends on the number of inputs of a given neuron. Consider the activation function σ(ξ) = 1.7159 · tanh(2 3 · ξ) for all neurons. σ is almost linear on [−1, 1], σ saturates out of the interval [−4, 4] (i.e. it is close to its limit values and its derivative is close to 0. 145 Initial weights (for tanh) Assume weights chosen uniformly in random from an interval [−w, w] where w depends on the number of inputs of a given neuron. Consider the activation function σ(ξ) = 1.7159 · tanh(2 3 · ξ) for all neurons. σ is almost linear on [−1, 1], σ saturates out of the interval [−4, 4] (i.e. it is close to its limit values and its derivative is close to 0. Thus for too small w we may get (almost) linear model. for too large w (i.e. much larger than 1) the activations may get saturated and the learning will be very slow. Hence, we want to choose w so that the inner potentials of neurons will be roughly in the interval [−1, 1]. 145 Initial weights (for tanh) Standardization gives mean = 0 and variance = 1 of the input data. 146 Initial weights (for tanh) Standardization gives mean = 0 and variance = 1 of the input data. Consider a neuron j from the first layer with n inputs. Assume that its weights are chosen uniformly from [−w, w]. 146 Initial weights (for tanh) Standardization gives mean = 0 and variance = 1 of the input data. Consider a neuron j from the first layer with n inputs. Assume that its weights are chosen uniformly from [−w, w]. The rule: choose w so that the standard deviation of ξj (denote by oj) is close to the border of the interval on which σj is linear. In our case: oj ≈ 1. 146 Initial weights (for tanh) Standardization gives mean = 0 and variance = 1 of the input data. Consider a neuron j from the first layer with n inputs. Assume that its weights are chosen uniformly from [−w, w]. The rule: choose w so that the standard deviation of ξj (denote by oj) is close to the border of the interval on which σj is linear. In our case: oj ≈ 1. Our assumptions imply: oj = n 3 · w. Thus we put w = √ 3√ n . 146 Initial weights (for tanh) Standardization gives mean = 0 and variance = 1 of the input data. Consider a neuron j from the first layer with n inputs. Assume that its weights are chosen uniformly from [−w, w]. The rule: choose w so that the standard deviation of ξj (denote by oj) is close to the border of the interval on which σj is linear. In our case: oj ≈ 1. Our assumptions imply: oj = n 3 · w. Thus we put w = √ 3√ n . The same works for higher layers, n corresponds to the number of neurons in the layer one level lower. 146 Glorot & Bengio initialization The previous heuristics for weight initialization ignores variance of the gradient (i.e. it is concerned only with the "size" of activations in the forward pass). 147 Glorot & Bengio initialization The previous heuristics for weight initialization ignores variance of the gradient (i.e. it is concerned only with the "size" of activations in the forward pass). Glorot & Bengio (2010) presented a normalized initialization by choosing w uniformly from the interval:  − 6 m + n , 6 m + n   =   − 3 (m + n)/2 , 3 (m + n)/2   Here n is the number of inputs to the layer, m is the number of outputs of the layer (i.e. the number of neurons in the layer). 147 Glorot & Bengio initialization The previous heuristics for weight initialization ignores variance of the gradient (i.e. it is concerned only with the "size" of activations in the forward pass). Glorot & Bengio (2010) presented a normalized initialization by choosing w uniformly from the interval:  − 6 m + n , 6 m + n   =   − 3 (m + n)/2 , 3 (m + n)/2   Here n is the number of inputs to the layer, m is the number of outputs of the layer (i.e. the number of neurons in the layer). This is designed to compromise between the goal of initializing all layers to have the same activation variance and the goal of initializing all layers to have the same gradient variance. The formula is derived using the assumption that the network consists only of a chain of matrix multiplications, with no non-linearities. Real neural networks obviously violate this assumption, but many strategies designed for the linear model perform reasonably well on its non-linear counterparts. 147 Modern activation functions For hidden neurons sigmoidal functions are often substituted with piece-wise linear activations functions. Most prominent is ReLU: σ(ξ) = max{0, ξ} THE default activation function recommended for use with most feedforward neural networks. As close to linear function as possible; very simple; does not saturate for large potentials. Dead for negative potentials. 148 More modern activation functions Leaky ReLU (greenboard): Generalizes ReLU, not dead for negative potentials. Experimentally not much better than ReLU. 149 More modern activation functions Leaky ReLU (greenboard): Generalizes ReLU, not dead for negative potentials. Experimentally not much better than ReLU. ELU: "Smoothed" ReLU: σ(ξ) =    α(exp(ξ) − 1) for ξ < 0 ξ for ξ ≥ 0 Here α is a parameter, ELU converges to −α as ξ → −∞. As opposed to ReLU: Smooth, always non-zero gradient (but saturates), slower to compute. 149 More modern activation functions Leaky ReLU (greenboard): Generalizes ReLU, not dead for negative potentials. Experimentally not much better than ReLU. ELU: "Smoothed" ReLU: σ(ξ) =    α(exp(ξ) − 1) for ξ < 0 ξ for ξ ≥ 0 Here α is a parameter, ELU converges to −α as ξ → −∞. As opposed to ReLU: Smooth, always non-zero gradient (but saturates), slower to compute. SELU: Scaled variant of ELU: : σ(ξ) = λ    α(exp(ξ) − 1) for ξ < 0 ξ for ξ ≥ 0 Self-normalizing, i.e. output of each layer will tend to preserve a mean (close to) 0 and a standard deviation (close to) 1 for λ ≈ 1.050 and α ≈ 1.673, properly initialized weights (see below) and normalized inputs (zero mean, standard deviation 1). 149 Initializing with Normal Distribution Denote by n the number of inputs to the initialized layer, and m the number of neurons in the layer. Glorot & Bengio (2010): Choose weights randomly from the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 2/(n + m) Suitable for activation functions: None, tanh, logistic, softmax 150 Initializing with Normal Distribution Denote by n the number of inputs to the initialized layer, and m the number of neurons in the layer. Glorot & Bengio (2010): Choose weights randomly from the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 2/(n + m) Suitable for activation functions: None, tanh, logistic, softmax He (2015): Choose weights randomly from the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 2/n Designed for ReLU, leaky ReLU 150 Initializing with Normal Distribution Denote by n the number of inputs to the initialized layer, and m the number of neurons in the layer. Glorot & Bengio (2010): Choose weights randomly from the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 2/(n + m) Suitable for activation functions: None, tanh, logistic, softmax He (2015): Choose weights randomly from the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 2/n Designed for ReLU, leaky ReLU LeCun (1990): Choose weights randomly from the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1/n Suitable for SELU 150 How to choose activation of hidden neurons Default is ReLU. According to Aurélien Géron: SELU > ELU > leakyReLU > ReLU > tanh > logistic For discussion see: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems, Aurélien Géron 151 Output neurons The choice of activation functions for output units depends on the concrete applications. For regression (function approximation) the output is typically linear. 152 Output neurons The choice of activation functions for output units depends on the concrete applications. For regression (function approximation) the output is typically linear. For classification, the current activation functions of choice are logistic sigmoid – binary classification softmax: Given an output neuron j ∈ Y yj = σj(ξj) = eξj i∈Y eξi for multi-class classification. 152 Output neurons The choice of activation functions for output units depends on the concrete applications. For regression (function approximation) the output is typically linear. For classification, the current activation functions of choice are logistic sigmoid – binary classification softmax: Given an output neuron j ∈ Y yj = σj(ξj) = eξj i∈Y eξi for multi-class classification. The error function used with softmax (assuming that the target values dkj are from {0, 1}) is typically cross-entropy: − 1 p p k=1 j∈Y dkj ln(yj) ... which somewhat corresponds to the maximum likelihood principle. 152 Sigmoidal outputs with cross-entropy – in detail Consider Binary classification, two classes {0, 1} One output neuron j, its activation logistic sigmoid σj(ξj) = 1 1 + e−ξj The output of the network is y = σj(ξj). 153 Sigmoidal outputs with cross-entropy – in detail Consider Binary classification, two classes {0, 1} One output neuron j, its activation logistic sigmoid σj(ξj) = 1 1 + e−ξj The output of the network is y = σj(ξj). For a training set T = xk , dk k = 1, . . . , p (here xk ∈ R|X| and dk ∈ R), the cross-entropy looks like this: Ecross = − 1 p p k=1 [dk ln(yk ) + (1 − dk ) ln(1 − yk )] where yk is the output of the network for the k-th training input xk , and dk is the k-th desired output. 153 Generalization Intuition: Generalization = ability to cope with new unseen instances. Data are mostly noisy, so it is not good idea to fit exactly. In case of function approximation, the network should not return exact results as in the training set. 154 Generalization Intuition: Generalization = ability to cope with new unseen instances. Data are mostly noisy, so it is not good idea to fit exactly. In case of function approximation, the network should not return exact results as in the training set. More formally: It is typically assumed that the training set has been generated as follows: dkj = gj(xk ) + Θkj where gj is the "underlying" function corresponding to the output neuron j ∈ Y and Θkj is random noise. The network should fit gj not the noise. Methods improving generalization are called regularization methods. 154 Regularization Regularization is a big issue in neural networks, as they typically use a huge amount of parameters and thus are very susceptible to overfitting. 155 Regularization Regularization is a big issue in neural networks, as they typically use a huge amount of parameters and thus are very susceptible to overfitting. von Neumann: "With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk." ... and I ask you prof. Neumann: What can you fit with 40GB of parameters?? 155 Early stopping Early stopping means that we stop learning before it reaches a minimum of the error E. When to stop? 156 Early stopping Early stopping means that we stop learning before it reaches a minimum of the error E. When to stop? In many applications the error function is not the main thing we want to optimize. E.g. in the case of a trading system, we typically want to maximize our profit not to minimize (strange) error functions designed to be easily differentiable. Also, as noted before, minimizing E completely is not good for generalization. For start: We may employ standard approach of training on one set and stopping on another one. 156 Early stopping Divide your dataset into several subsets: training set (e.g. 60%) – train the network here validation set (e.g. 20%) – use to stop the training (possibly) test set (e.g. 20%) – use to compare trained models What to use as a stopping rule? 157 Early stopping Divide your dataset into several subsets: training set (e.g. 60%) – train the network here validation set (e.g. 20%) – use to stop the training (possibly) test set (e.g. 20%) – use to compare trained models What to use as a stopping rule? You may observe E (or any other function of interest) on the validation set, if it does not improve for last k steps, stop. Alternatively, you may observe the gradient, if it is small for some time, stop. (recent studies shown that this traditional rule is not too good: it may happen that the gradient is larger close to minimum values; on the other hand, E does not have to be evaluated which saves time. To compare models you may use ML techniques such as various types of cross-validation etc. 157 Size of the network Similar problem as in the case of the training duration: Too small network is not able to capture intrinsic properties of the training set. Large networks overfit faster. Solution: Optimal number of neurons :-) 158 Size of the network Similar problem as in the case of the training duration: Too small network is not able to capture intrinsic properties of the training set. Large networks overfit faster. Solution: Optimal number of neurons :-) there are some (useless) theoretical bounds there are algorithms dynamically adding/removing neurons (not much use nowadays) In practice: start using a rule of thumb: the number of neurons ≈ ten times less than the number of training instances. experiment, experiment, experiment. 158 Feature extraction Consider a two layer network. Hidden neurons are supposed to represent "patterns" in the inputs. Example: Network 64-2-3 for letter classification: 159 Ensemble methods Techniques for reducing generalization error by combining several models. The reason that ensemble methods work is that different models will usually not make all the same errors on the test set. Idea: Train several different models separately, then have all of the models vote on the output for test examples. 160 Ensemble methods Techniques for reducing generalization error by combining several models. The reason that ensemble methods work is that different models will usually not make all the same errors on the test set. Idea: Train several different models separately, then have all of the models vote on the output for test examples. Bagging: Generate k training sets T1, ..., Tk by sampling from T uniformly with replacement. If the number of samples is |T |, then on average |Ti| = (1 − 1/e)|T |. For each i, train a model Mi on Ti. Combine outputs of the models: for regression by averaging, for classification by (majority) voting. 160 Dropout The algorithm: In every step of the gradient descent choose randomly a set N of neurons, each neuron is included in N independently with probability 1/2, (in practice, different probabilities are used as well). do forward and backward propagations only using the selected neurons (i.e. leave weights of the other neurons unchanged) 161 Dropout The algorithm: In every step of the gradient descent choose randomly a set N of neurons, each neuron is included in N independently with probability 1/2, (in practice, different probabilities are used as well). do forward and backward propagations only using the selected neurons (i.e. leave weights of the other neurons unchanged) Dropout resembles bagging: Large ensemble of neural networks is trained "at once" on parts of the data. Dropout is not exactly the same as bagging: The models share parameters, with each model inheriting a different subset of parameters from the parent neural network. This parameter sharing makes it possible to represent an exponential number of models with a tractable amount of memory. In the case of bagging, each model is trained to convergence on its respective training set. This would be infeasible for large networks/training sets. 161 Weight decay and L2 regularization Generalization can be improved by removing "unimportant" weights. Penalising large weights gives stronger indication about their importance. 162 Weight decay and L2 regularization Generalization can be improved by removing "unimportant" weights. Penalising large weights gives stronger indication about their importance. In every step we decrease weights (multiplicatively) as follows: w (t+1) ji = (1 − ζ)(w (t) ji + ∆w (t) ji ) Intuition: Unimportant weights will be pushed to 0, important weights will survive the decay. 162 Weight decay and L2 regularization Generalization can be improved by removing "unimportant" weights. Penalising large weights gives stronger indication about their importance. In every step we decrease weights (multiplicatively) as follows: w (t+1) ji = (1 − ζ)(w (t) ji + ∆w (t) ji ) Intuition: Unimportant weights will be pushed to 0, important weights will survive the decay. Weight decay is equivalent to the gradient descent with a constant learning rate ε and the following error function: E (w) = E(w) + 2ζ ε (w · w) Here 2ζ ε (w · w) is the L2 regularization that penalizes large weights. 162 More optimization, regularization ... There are many more practical tips, optimization methods, regularization methods, etc. For a very nice survey see ... and also all other infinitely many urls concerned with deep learning. 163 Some applications 164 ALVINN (history) 165 ALVINN Architecture: MLP, 960 − 4 − 30 (also 960 − 5 − 30) inputs correspond to pixels 166 ALVINN Architecture: MLP, 960 − 4 − 30 (also 960 − 5 − 30) inputs correspond to pixels Activity: activation functions: logistic sigmoid Steering wheel position determined by "center of mass" of neuron values. 166 ALVINN Learning: Trained during (live) drive. Front window view captured by a camera, 25 images per second. Training samples of the form (xk , dk ) where xk = image of the road dk = corresponding position of the steering wheel position of the steering wheel "blurred" by Gaussian distribution: dki = e−D2 i /10 where Di is the distance of the i-th output from the one which corresponds to the correct position of the wheel. (The authors claim that this was better than the binary output.) 167 ALVINN – Selection of training samples Naive approach: take images directly from the camera and adapt accordingly. 168 ALVINN – Selection of training samples Naive approach: take images directly from the camera and adapt accordingly. Problems: If the driver is gentle enough, the car never learns how to get out of dangerous situations. A solution may be turn off learning for a moment, then suddenly switch on, and let the net catch on, let the driver drive as if being insane (dangerous, possibly expensive). The real view out of the front window is repetitive and boring, the net would overfit on few examples. 168 ALVINN – Selection of training examples Problem with a "good" driver is solved as follows: 169 ALVINN – Selection of training examples Problem with a "good" driver is solved as follows: 15 distorted copies of each image: desired output generated for each copy 169 ALVINN – Selection of training examples Problem with a "good" driver is solved as follows: 15 distorted copies of each image: desired output generated for each copy "Boring" images solved as follows: a buffer of 200 images (including 15 copies of the original), in every step the system trains on the buffer after several updates a new image is captured, 15 copies are made and they will substitute 15 images in the buffer (5 chosen randomly, 10 with the smallest error). 169 ALVINN - learning pure backpropagation constant learning rate momentum, slowly increasing. Results: Trained for 5 minutes, speed 4 miles per hour. ALVINN was able to drive well on a new road it has never seen (in different weather conditions). 170 ALVINN - learning pure backpropagation constant learning rate momentum, slowly increasing. Results: Trained for 5 minutes, speed 4 miles per hour. ALVINN was able to drive well on a new road it has never seen (in different weather conditions). The maximum speed was limited by the hydraulic controller of the steering wheel, not the learning algorithm. 170 ALVINN - weight development round 0 round 10 round 20 round 50 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 Here h1, . . . , h5 are hidden neurons. 171 MNIST – handwritten digits recognition Database of labelled images of handwritten digits: 60 000 training examples, 10 000 testing. Dimensions: 28 x 28, digits are centered to the "center of gravity" of pixel values and normalized to fixed size. More at http: // The database is used as a standard benchmark in lots of publications. 172 MNIST – handwritten digits recognition Database of labelled images of handwritten digits: 60 000 training examples, 10 000 testing. Dimensions: 28 x 28, digits are centered to the "center of gravity" of pixel values and normalized to fixed size. More at http: // The database is used as a standard benchmark in lots of publications. Allows comparison of various methods. 172 MNIST One of the best "old" results is the following: 6-layer NN 784-2500-2000-1500-1000-500-10 (on GPU) (Ciresan et al. 2010) Abstract: Good old on-line back-propagation for plain multi-layer perceptrons yields a very low 0.35 error rate on the famous MNIST handwritten digits benchmark. All we need to achieve this best result so far are many hidden layers, many neurons per layer, numerous deformed training images, and graphics cards to greatly speed up learning. A famous application of a learning convolutional network LeNet-1 in 1998. 173 MNIST – LeNet1 174 MNIST – LeNet1 Interpretation of output: the output neuron with the highest value identifies the digit. the same, but if the two largest neuron values are too close together, the input is rejected (i.e. no answer). Learning: Inputs: training on 7291 samples, tested on 2007 samples Results: error on test set without rejection: 5% error on test set with rejection: 1% (12% rejected) compare with dense MLP with 40 hidden neurons: error 1% (19.4% rejected) 175 Modern convolutional networks The rest of the lecture is based on the online book Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen. Convolutional networks are currently the best networks for image classification. Their common ancestor is LeNet-5 (and other LeNets) from nineties. Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner. Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE, 1998 176 AlexNet In 2012 this network made a breakthrough in ILVSCR competition, taking the classification error from around 28% to 16%: A convolutional network, trained on two GPUs. 177 Convolutional networks - local receptive fields Every neuron is connected with a field of k × k (in this case 5 × 5) neurons in the lower layer (this filed is receptive field). Neuron is "standard": Computes a weighted sum of its inputs, applies an activation function. 178 Convolutional networks - stride length Then we slide the local receptive field over by one pixel to the right (i.e., by one neuron), to connect to a second hidden neuron: The "size" of the slide is called stride length. The group of all such neurons is feature map. all these neurons share weights and biases! 179 Feature maps Each feature map represents a property of the input that is supposed to be spatially invariant. Typically, we consider several feature maps in a single layer. 180 Pooling Neurons in the pooling layer compute functions of their receptive fields: Max-pooling : maximum of inputs L2-pooling : square root of the sum of squres Average-pooling : mean · · · 181 Trained feature maps (20 feature maps, receptive fields 5 × 5) 182 Trained feature maps 183 Simple convolutional network 28 × 28 input image, 3 feature maps, each feature map has its own max-pooling (field 5 × 5, stride = 1), 10 output neurons. Each neuron in the output layer gets input from each neuron in the pooling layer. Trained using backprop, which can be easily adapted to convolutional networks. 184 Convolutional network 185 Simple convolutional network vs MNIST two convolutional-pooling layers, one 20, second 40 feature maps, two dense (MLP) layers (1000-1000), outputs (10) Activation functions of the feature maps and dense layers: ReLU max-pooling output layer: soft-max Error function: negative log-likelihood (= cross-entropy) Training: SGD, mini-batch size 10 learning rate 0.03 L2 regularization with "weight" λ = 0.1 + dropout with prob. 1/2 training for 40 epochs (i.e. every training example is considered 40 times) Expanded dataset: displacement by one pixel to an arbitrary direction. Committee voting of 5 networks. 186 MNIST Out of 10 000 images in the test set, only these 33 have been incorrectly classified: 187 More complex convolutional networks Convolutional networks have been used for classification of images from the ImageNet database (16 million color images, 20 thousand classes) 188 ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) Competition in classification over a subset of images from ImageNet. Started in 2010, assisted in breakthrough in image recognition. Training set 1.2 million images, 1000 classes. Validation set: 50 000, test set: 150 000. Many images contain more than one object ⇒ model is allowed to choose five classes, the correct label must be among the five. (top-5 criterion). 189 AlexNet ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks, by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoffrey E. Hinton (2012). Trained on two GPUs (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580) Výsledky: accuracy 84.7% in top-5 (second best algorithm at the time 73.8%) 63.3% "perfect" (top-1) classification 190 ILSVRC 2014 The same set as in 2012, top-5 criterion. GoogLeNet: deep convolutional network, 22 layers Results: Accuracy 93.33% top-5 191 ILSVRC 2015 Deep convolutional network Various numbers of layers, the winner has 152 layers Skip connections implementing residual learning Error 3.57% in top-5. 192 ILSVRC 2016 Trimps-Soushen (The Third Research Institute of Ministry of Public Security) There is no new innovative technology or novelty by Trimps-Soushen. Ensemble of the pretrained models from Inception-v3, Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet-v2, Pre-Activation ResNet-200, and Wide ResNet (WRN-68–2). Each of the models are strong at classifying some categories, but also weak at classifying some categories. Test error: 2.99% 193 Top-k accuracy analyzed 194 Top-20 typical errors Out of 1458 misclassified images in Top-20: 195 Top-k accuracy analyzed 196 Top-k accuracy analyzed 197 Top-k accuracy analyzed 198 Top-k accuracy analyzed 199 Superhuman convolutional nets?! Andrej Karpathy: ...the task of labeling images with 5 out of 1000 categories quickly turned out to be extremely challenging, even for some friends in the lab who have been working on ILSVRC and its classes for a while. First we thought we would put it up on [Amazon Mechanical Turk]. Then we thought we could recruit paid undergrads. Then I organized a labeling party of intense labeling effort only among the (expert labelers) in our lab. Then I developed a modified interface that used GoogLeNet predictions to prune the number of categories from 1000 to only about 100. It was still too hard - people kept missing categories and getting up to ranges of 13-15% error rates. In the end I realized that to get anywhere competitively close to GoogLeNet, it was most efficient if I sat down and went through the painfully long training process and the subsequent careful annotation process myself... The labeling happened at a rate of about 1 per minute, but this decreased over time... Some images are easily recognized, while some images (such as those of fine-grained breeds of dogs, birds, or monkeys) can require multiple minutes of concentrated effort. I became very good at identifying breeds of dogs... Based on the sample of images I worked on, the GoogLeNet classification error turned out to be 6.8%... My own error in the end turned out to be 5.1%, approximately 1.7% better. 200 Does it really work? 201 Convolutional networks – theory 202 Convolutional network 203 Convolutional layers Every neuron is connected with a (typically small) receptive field of neurons in the lower layer. Neuron is "standard": Computes a weighted sum of its inputs, applies an activation function. 204 Convolutional layers Neurons grouped into feature maps sharing weights. 205 Convolutional layers Each feature map represents a property of the input that is supposed to be spatially invariant. Typically, we consider several feature maps in a single layer. 206 Pooling layers Neurons in the pooling layer compute simple functions of their receptive fields (the fields are typically disjoint): Max-pooling : maximum of inputs L2-pooling : square root of the sum of squres Average-pooling : mean · · · 207 Convolutional networks – architecture Neurons organized in layers, L0, L1, . . . , Ln, connections (typically) only from Lm to Lm+1. 208 Convolutional networks – architecture Neurons organized in layers, L0, L1, . . . , Ln, connections (typically) only from Lm to Lm+1. Several types of layers: input layer L0 208 Convolutional networks – architecture Neurons organized in layers, L0, L1, . . . , Ln, connections (typically) only from Lm to Lm+1. Several types of layers: input layer L0 dense layer Lm: Each neuron of Lm connected with each neuron of Lm−1. 208 Convolutional networks – architecture Neurons organized in layers, L0, L1, . . . , Ln, connections (typically) only from Lm to Lm+1. Several types of layers: input layer L0 dense layer Lm: Each neuron of Lm connected with each neuron of Lm−1. convolutional & pooling layer Lm: Contains two sub-layers: convolutional layer: Neurons organized into disjoint feature maps, all neurons of a given feature map share weights (but have different inputs) pooling layer: Each (convolutional) feature map F has a corresponding pooling map P. Neurons of P have inputs only from F (typically few of them), compute a simple aggregate function (such as max), have disjoint inputs. 208 Convolutional networks – architecture Denote X a set of input neurons Y a set of output neurons Z a set of all neurons (X, Y ⊆ Z) individual neurons denoted by indices i, j etc. ξj is the inner potential of the neuron j after the computation stops yj is the output of the neuron j after the computation stops (define y0 = 1 is the value of the formal unit input) wji is the weight of the connection from i to j (in particular, wj0 is the weight of the connection from the formal unit input, i.e. wj0 = −bj where bj is the bias of the neuron j) j← is a set of all i such that j is adjacent from i (i.e. there is an arc to j from i) j→ is a set of all i such that j is adjacent to i (i.e. there is an arc from j to i) [ji] is a set of all connections (i.e. pairs of neurons) sharing the weight wji. 209 Convolutional networks – activity neurons of dense and convolutional layers: inner potential of neuron j: ξj = i∈j← wjiyi activation function σj for neuron j (arbitrary differentiable): yj = σj(ξj) 210 Convolutional networks – activity neurons of dense and convolutional layers: inner potential of neuron j: ξj = i∈j← wjiyi activation function σj for neuron j (arbitrary differentiable): yj = σj(ξj) Neurons of pooling layers: Apply the "pooling" function: max-pooling: yj = max i∈j← yi avg-pooling: yj = i∈j← yi |j←| A convolutional network is evaluated layer-wise (as MLP), for each j ∈ Y we have that yj(w, x) is the value of the output neuron j after evaluating the network with weights w and input x. 210 Convolutional networks – learning Learning: Given a training set T of the form xk , dk k = 1, . . . , p Here, every xk ∈ R|X| is an input vector end every dk ∈ R|Y| is the desired network output. For every j ∈ Y, denote by dkj the desired output of the neuron j for a given network input xk (the vector dk can be written as dkj j∈Y ). Error function – mean squared error (for example): E(w) = 1 p p k=1 Ek (w) where Ek (w) = 1 2 j∈Y yj(w, xk ) − dkj 2 211 Convolutional networks – SGD The algorithm computes a sequence of weight vectors w(0), w(1), w(2), . . .. weights in w(0) are randomly initialized to values close to 0 in the step t + 1 (here t = 0, 1, 2 . . .), weights w(t+1) are computed as follows: Choose (randomly) a set of training examples T ⊆ {1, . . . , p} Compute w(t+1) = w(t) + ∆w(t) where ∆w(t) = −ε(t) · 1 |T| k∈T Ek (w(t) ) Here T is a minibatch (of a fixed size), 0 < ε(t) ≤ 1 is a learning rate in step t + 1 Ek (w(t)) is the gradient of the error of the example k Note that the random choice of the minibatch is typically implemented by randomly shuffling all data and then choosing minibatches sequentially. Epoch consists of one round through all data. 212 Backprop Recall that Ek (w(t)) is a vector of all partial derivatives of the form ∂Ek ∂wji . How to compute ∂Ek ∂wji ? 213 Backprop Recall that Ek (w(t)) is a vector of all partial derivatives of the form ∂Ek ∂wji . How to compute ∂Ek ∂wji ? First, switch from derivatives w.r.t. wji to derivatives w.r.t. yj: Recall that for every wji where j is in a dense layer, i.e. does not share weights: ∂Ek ∂wji = ∂Ek ∂yj · σj (ξj) · yi 213 Backprop Recall that Ek (w(t)) is a vector of all partial derivatives of the form ∂Ek ∂wji . How to compute ∂Ek ∂wji ? First, switch from derivatives w.r.t. wji to derivatives w.r.t. yj: Recall that for every wji where j is in a dense layer, i.e. does not share weights: ∂Ek ∂wji = ∂Ek ∂yj · σj (ξj) · yi Now for every wji where j is in a convolutional layer: ∂Ek ∂wji = r ∈[ji] ∂Ek ∂yr · σr (ξr ) · y Neurons of pooling layers do not have weights. 213 Backprop Now compute derivatives w.r.t. yj: for every j ∈ Y: ∂Ek ∂yj = yj − dkj This holds for the squared error, for other error functions the derivative w.r.t. outputs will be different. 214 Backprop Now compute derivatives w.r.t. yj: for every j ∈ Y: ∂Ek ∂yj = yj − dkj This holds for the squared error, for other error functions the derivative w.r.t. outputs will be different. for every j ∈ Z Y such that j→ is either a dense layer, or a convolutional layer: ∂Ek ∂yj = r∈j→ ∂Ek ∂yr · σr (ξr ) · wrj 214 Backprop Now compute derivatives w.r.t. yj: for every j ∈ Y: ∂Ek ∂yj = yj − dkj This holds for the squared error, for other error functions the derivative w.r.t. outputs will be different. for every j ∈ Z Y such that j→ is either a dense layer, or a convolutional layer: ∂Ek ∂yj = r∈j→ ∂Ek ∂yr · σr (ξr ) · wrj for every j ∈ Z Y such that j→ is max-pooling: Then j→ = {i} for a single "max" neuron and we have ∂Ek ∂yj =    ∂Ek ∂yi if j = arg maxr∈i← yr 0 otherwise I.e. gradient can be propagated from the output layer downwards as in MLP. 214 Convolutional networks – summary Conv. nets. are nowadays the most used networks in image processing (and also in other areas where input has some local, "spatially" invariant properties) Typically trained using backpropagation. Due to the weight sharing allow (very) deep architectures. Typically extended with more adjustments and tricks in their topologies. 215