PV 168 Seminar 08 Agenda - Project: Second Milestone - Seminar task - Seminar task reflection Project: Second Milestone ● Implement the application in the scope of MVP ○ Including data persistence and business logic ○ Use Apache Derby in embedded mode for storing data ○ Fix all issues from the First Milestone ● Deadline: 4. 12. 2020 23:59 ○ The master branch of your repository at https://gitlab.fi.muni.cz contains complete MVP ● If you have any questions, ask assigned seminar tutor (the one who has customer role for your project) Seminar task - You will be now split to teams consisting of four students - Create and push the branch (see the next slides) - Work on the tasks in the specified order (see the next slides) - You have 60 minutes to solve all the tasks - If you need any help, Ask for Help in Zoom Working with branches in Git ● Clone the project https://gitlab.fi.muni.cz/pv168/employee-evidence ● Create new local branch ○ based on commit a9ff78cb (current head of master branch) ○ with name week08-group0X-roomY (0X is seminar group, Y is breakout room number) ○ If you from group PV168/01 and breakout room 3, branch name is week08-group01-room3 ● Pavel Hrdina or Petr Adámek will give you write access to employee-evidence repository ○ Only one person per breakout room - the one who will use the computer for coding ○ Petr or Pavel will visit your breakout room to ask who is this person ○ In the meantime work on other tasks ● Push the branch to origin repository Seminar task ● Fix EmployeeDao so that all tests are passing (including the disabled ones) ○ #1 EmployeeDaoTest.createEmployeeWithExistingId() ○ #2 EmployeeDaoTest.delete() ○ #3 EmployeeDaoTest.deleteWithNullId() ○ #4 EmployeeDaoTest.deleteNonExisting() ○ #5 EmployeeDaoTest.update() ○ #6 EmployeeDaoTest.updateWithNullId() ○ #7 EmployeeDaoTest.updateNonExisting() ● Add Non-binary gender (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-binary_gender) ○ Add enum constant ○ Modify EmployeeDaoTest to help verify that the new constant is handled correctly ○ Modify EmployeeDao to handle the new enum constant correctly Seminar task ● Implement the Department class ○ Each department has a name (e.g. IT) and a number (e.g. 007) ○ Just fields are sufficient, no need to implement get/set/toString methods ● Update Employee class to include Department ○ Each employee is a member of a single department ● Prepare DDL for creating tables ○ Department (create a new one) ○ Employe (update the existing one) ● If you still have time, try to ○ Update EmployeeDao to handle department attribute ○ Create DepartmentDao Link to slides https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/fi/podzim2020/PV168/um/seminare/PV168-seminar-08.pdf Conclusion Any questions?