Crypto libraries intro – examples Milan Brož PV181, FI MUNI, Brno Today’s examples  Low-level crypto primitives  RNG  Hash, HMAC  PBKDF  Examples comparison in libgcrypt, OpenSSL, and libsodium  See git (examples 1, 2, 3) Example 1: RNG in libraries libgcrypt see 1_rng_gcrypt example (void) gcry_randomize(buf, sizeof(buf), GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM) OpenSSL see 1_rng_openssl example (int) RAND_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)) libsodium see 1_rng_sodium example (void) randombytes_buf(buf, sizeof(buf)) Simple? Not in the real-world. RNG or pseudo RNG, optional parameters, initialization or another call for configuration, can/cannot fail, can/cannot block if not enough entropy, is it own implementation or wrapper to system RNG, can it be used in FIPS mode ... Example 2: Hash functions libgcrypt See 2_hash_hmac_gcrypt example gcry_md_open(context, hash_id, flags) gcry_md_write(context, data, data_len) gcry_md_read(context, hash_id) gcry_md_close(context) OpenSSL (new 1.1.0 syntax) EVP (envelope) interface, see 2_hash_hmac_openssl example EVP_MD_CTX_new(); EVP_DigestInit(context, hash_id) EVP_DigestUpdate(context, data, data_len) EVP_DigestFinal(context, out, &out_len) EVP_MD_CTX_free(context); libsodium See 2_hash_hmac_sodium example crypto_hash_sha256_init(context) crypto_hash_sha256_update(context, data, data_len) crypto_hash_sha256_final(context, out)) Example 2: HMAC Keyed Hash Message Authentication Code libgcrypt See 2_hash_hmac_gcrypt example gcry_md_open(context, hash_id, GCRY_MD_FLAG_HMAC) gcry_md_setkey(context, key, key_len) gcry_md_write(context, data, data_len) gcry_md_read(context, hash_id) gcry_md_close(context) OpenSSL (new 1.1.0 syntax) EVP interface or direct calls, see 2_hash_hmac_openssl example HMAC_CTX_new(); HMAC_Init(context, key, key_len, hash_id) HMAC_Update(context, data, data_len) HMAC_Final(context, out, &out_len) HMAC_CTX_free(context); libsodium NaCl compatible interface, see 2_hash_hmac_sodium example crypto_auth(out, data, data_len, key)) crypto_auth_verify(expected_out, data, data_len, key)) Example 3: PBKDF Password-Based Key Derivation Functions libgcrypt See 3_pbkdf_gcrypt example gcry_kdf_derive(password, password_len, GCRY_KDF_PBKDF2, GCRY_MD_SHA256, salt, salt_len, iterations, key_len, key) OpenSSL See 3_pbkdf_openssl example PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC(password, password_len, salt, salt_len, iterations, EVP_sha256, key_len, key) libsodium See 3_pbkdf_sodium example (Note: default algorithm is memory-hard Argon2id, PBKDF2 not implemented) crypto_pwhash(key, key_len, password, password_len, salt, opslimit, memlimit, algorithm) Note: old API functions based on PBKDF2 (supports only time cost – iterations) For recent algorithms (scrypt, Argon2i) API calls are often abused ...