Synchronization Memory Access Optimization oooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo GPU Hardware Performance in Fihpovic Fall 2020 Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization •ooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo Atomic operations 9 performs read-modify-write operations on shared or global memory o no interference with other threads 9 for 32-bit and 64-bit integers (c. c. > 1.2), float addition (c. c. > 2.0), double addition (c.c. > 6.0) o using global memory for c. c. > 1.1 and shared memory for c. c. > 1.2 9 arithmetic (Add, Sub, Exch, Min, Max, Inc, Dec, CAS) a bitwise (And, Or, Xor) operations Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization O0OOOO Memory Access Optimization ooooooooooooooooooooo Warp Voting All threads in one warp evaluate the same condition and perform its comparison. Available in c. c. > 1.2. int __all(int predicate); Result is non-zero iff the predicate is non-zero for all the threads in the warp. int __any(int predicate); Result is non-zero iff the predicate is non-zero for at least one thread in the warp. unsigned int __ballot(int predicate); Contains voting bit mask of individual threads. Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization OO0OOO Memory Access Optimization ooooooooooooooooooooo Shuffle Functions Threads within a warp can efficiently communicate using warp shuffle functions (from c.c. > 3.0). float __shfl_sync(float var , int srcLane , int width=warpSize ) ; Copy value from srcLane. float __shfl_up_sync(float var, unsigned int delta, int width=warpSize ) ; Copy value from threads with lower ID relative to caller. Analogically __shf l_down. float __shfl_xor_sync(float var, int laneMask, int width=warpSize ) ; Copy from a thread based on bitwise XOR of own ID and laneMask. Parameter width defines the number of participating threads. It must be power of two, indexing starts at 0. J in Fihpovic GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization OOO0OO Memory Access Optimization ooooooooooooooooooooo Synchronization of Memory Operations Compiler can optimize operations on shared/global memory (intermediate results may be kept in registers) and can reorder them o if we need to ensure that the data are visible for others, we use __threadf enceO or __threadf ence_block() • if a variable is declared as volatile, all load/store operations are implemented in shared/global memory • very important if we assume implicit warp synchronization (c.c. 6.0 or lower) Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization OOOO0O ooooooooooooooooooooo Global Synchronization using Atomic Operations Alternative implementation of a vector reduction 9 each block sums elements in its part of a vector • barrier (weak global barrier) • one block sums results of all the blocks Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization 00000« Memory Access Optimization ooooooooooooooooooooo __device__ unsigned int count = 0; __shared__ bool isLastBlockDone; __global__ void sum(const float* array, unsigned int N, float* result) { float partialSum = calculatePartialSum(array, N); if (threadldx.x = 0) { result[blockldx.x] = partialSum; __threadfence(); unsigned int value = atomicInc(&count , gridDim.x); isLastBlockDone = (value = (gridDim.x — 1)); } __syncthreads () ; if (isLastBlockDone) { float totalSum = calculateTotalSum(result ) ; if (threadldx.x = 0) { result[0] = totalSum; count = 0; } } } Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization OOOOOO «00000000000000000000 Global Memory Access Optimization Performance of global memory becomes a bottleneck easily • global memory bandwdith is low relatively to arithmetic performance of GPU (GT200 > 24 FLOPS/float, GF100 > 30, GK110 > 62, GM200 > 73, GP100 > 53, GV100 > 67, TU102 > 76, GA100 > 50) • 400-600 cycles latency The throughput can be significantly worse with bad parallel access pattern • the memory has to be accessed coalesced • use of just certain subset of memory regions should be avoided (partition camping) Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization oooooo o«ooooooooooooooooooo Coalesced Memory Access (C. C. < 2.0) GPU memory needs to be accessed in larger blocks for efficiency 9 global memory is split into 64 B segments • two of these segments are aggregated into 128 B segments } 64B aligned segment J128B aligned segment n Half warp of threads Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization OOOOOO OO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Coalesced Memory Access (C C < 2.0) A half of a warp can transfer data using single transaction or one to two transactions when transferring a 128 B word • it is necessary to use large words • one memory transaction can transfer 32 B, 64 B, or 128 B words • GPUs with c. c. < 1.2 • the accessed block has to begin at an address divisible by 16x data size • k-th thread has to access k-th block element • some threads may not participate • if these rules are not obeyed, each element is retrieved using a separate memory transaction Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization OOOOOO OOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Coalesced Memory Access (C. C. < 2.0) GPUs with c. c. > 1.2 are less restrictive • each transfer is split into 32 B, 64 B, or 128 B transactions in a way to serve all requests with the least number of transactions • order of threads can be arbitrarily permuted w.r.t. transferred elements Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization oooooo Memory Access Optimization OOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Coalesced Memory Access (C. C. < 2.0) Threads are aligned, element block is contiguous, order is not permuted - coalesced access on all GPUs J in Fihpovic GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization oooooo oooooo«oooooooooooooo Unaligned Memory Access (C. C. < 2.0) Similar case may result in a need for two transactions HH4 □ [31 Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization OOOOOO OOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOO Unaligned Memory Access Performance (C. C. < 2.0) Older GPUs perform smallest possible transfer (32 B) for each element, thus reducing performance to 1/8 Newer GPUs perform (c. c. > 1.2) two transfers 140 GTX260 FX56Q0 D 2 4 6 B 10 12 14 16 Offset Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization oooooo Memory Access Optimization 00000000*000000000000 Interleaved Memory Access Performance (C. C. < 2.0) The bigger the spaces between elements, the bigger performance drop on GPUs with c. c. > 1.2 - the effect is rather dramatic i i i i i i i i i i D 2 4 6 a 10 12 14 16 18 Stride Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization OOOOOO OOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOO Global Memory Access with Fermi (C. C. = 2.x) Fermi has LI and L2 cache • LI: 256 B per row, 16 kB or 48 kB per multiprocesor in total • L2: 32 B per row, 768 kB on GPU in total What are the advantages? • more efficient programs with unpredictable data locality • more efficient when shared memory is not used from some reason <* unaligned access - no slowdown in principle • interleaved access - data needs to be used before it is flushed from the cache, otherwise the same or bigger problem as with c. c. < 2.0 (LI cache may be turned of to avoid overfetching) J in Fihpovic GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization oooooo oooooooooo«oooooooooo Global Memory Access with "gaming"Kepler (C. C. = 3.0) There is only L2 cache for read/write global memory access • L2: 32 B per row, up to 1.5 MB per GPU o LI: for local memory, 16 KB, 32 KB or 48 KB in total Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization oooooo ooooooooooo«ooooooooo Global Memory Access with fully-featured Kepler and newer (C. C. > 3.5) Read-only data cache • shared with textures o compiler tries to use, we can help with __restrict__ and -ldg() o slower than Fermi's LI Maxwell and Pascal does not have LI cache for local memory • inefficient for programs heavily using local memory Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization oooooo Memory Access Optimization OOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOO Partition camping • relevant for c. c. 1.x (and AMD GPUs) • processors based on G80 have 6 regions, G200 have 8 regions of global memory • the memory is split into regions in 256 B chunks 9 even access among the regions is needed for maximum performance • among individual blocks • block are usually run in order given by their position in the grid • if only part of regions is used, the resulting condition is called partition camping 9 generally not as critical as the coalesced access • more tricky, problem size dependent, not visible from fine-grained perspective J in Fihpovic GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization Memory Access Optimization oooooo ooooooooooooo«ooooooo HW Organization of Shared Memory Shared memory is organized into memory banks, which can be accessed in parallel 9 c. c. 1.x 16 banks, c. c. > 2.0 32 banks • memory space mapped in an interleaved way with 32 b shift or 64 b shift (c.c. 3.x) • to use full memory performance, we have to access data in different banks • broadcast implemented - if all threads access the same data Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization oooooo Bank Conflict Memory Access Optimization OOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOO Bank conflict • occurs when some threads in warp/half-warp access data in the same memory bank with several exceptions • threads access exactly the same data • threads access different half-words of 64 b word (c.c. 3.x) • when occurs, memory access gets serialized • performance drop is proportional to number of parallel operations that the memory has to perform to serve a request Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization oooooo Memory Access Optimization OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOO Access without Conflicts ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ V -J -J Bank 11 -J -J -J Bank 3 • Bank 5 * Bank 6 J in Fihpovic GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization oooooo Memory Access Optimization oooooooooooooooo«oooi n-Way Conflicts J in Fihpovic GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization oooooo Memory Access Optimization OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOO J in Fihpovic GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization oooooo Access Patterns Memory Access Optimization oooooooooooooooooo«oo Alignment is not needed, bank conflicts not generated int x = s[threadldx.x + offset]; Interleaving does not create conflicts if c is odd, for c.c. > 3.0 no conflict if c = 2 and 32 b numbers are accessed int x = s[threadldx.x * c]; Access to the same variable never generates conflicts on c. c. 2.x, while on 1.x only if thread count accessing the variable is multiple of 16 int x = s[threadldx.x / c]; Jiří Filipovič GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization oooooo Memory Access Optimization ooooooooooooooooooo«o Other Memory Types Transfers between host and GPU memory • need to be minimized (often at cost of decreasing efficiency of computation on GPU) • may be accelerated using page-locked memory • it is more efficient to transfer large blocks at once • computations and memory transfers should be overlapped Texture memory • designed to reduce number of transfers from the global memory • does not help if latency is the bottleneck • may simplify addressing or add filtering J in Fihpovic GPU Hardware Performance Synchronization oooooo Memory Access Optimization oooooooooooooooooooo* Other Memory Types Constant memory • as fast as registers if the same value is read by all threads within a warp • performance decreases linearly with number of different values read Registers • read-after-write latency, hidden if at least 192 threads are running for c. c. 1.x or at least 768 threads are running for c. c. 2.x (approximation) • possible bank conflicts even in registers • compiler tries to avoid them • we can make life easier for the compiler if we set block size to multiple of 64 J in Fihpovic GPU Hardware Performance