Developing without an IDE Oldřich Pecák, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University January 9, 2021 Motivation Motivation Why go IDE-less? spinning up the whole IDE is time consuming more portable in theory better control over the build process easier CI setup easier collaboration setup preference O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 2 / 13 Build and debug process What happens in the background? 1. compilation is mostly same as normal cross-compilation with few notable "quirks" 2. the code needs to uploaded/flashed/written to the target1 2.1 connect to the target 2.2 wipe the memory of the target 2.3 upload the compiled binary 2.4 (optional) verify the uploaded binary 3. debug the target 3.1 connect to the target 3.2 (optional) upload the binary 3.3 reset the target to get to known state 3.4 debug - either stepping through, waiting for breakpoints etc. 1 the device we are programming O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 3 / 13 Tools Required tools Overview editor of your choice compilation toolchain debug probe software auxilary tools like cmake, make, etc. usually also SDK/HAL from manufacturer for your MCU O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 4 / 13 Tools Required tools Toolchain nowadays usually GCC based there are also proprietary paid compilers cross-compiling - you compile for different architecture often baremetal - no OS and it’s API no dynamic linking, more often than not no standard library for CMake, you usually have to provide a toolchain file another quirk are linker scripts - provide linker with information on where to place what ...and startup scripts - somewhat scary looking ASM or low level C code - it’s the code that calls main() O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 5 / 13 Tools Required tools Uploading the code very specific for each manufacturer, each has different tools multiple ways you can get the binary into the memory use some kind of a bootloader directly upload to the external memory chip via separate hardware uploader in large scale production, you might even get the MCUs preprogrammed from the manufacturer usually the debug tools also can upload the code O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 6 / 13 Tools Required tools Debugging each MCU architecture may have different debugging protocol modern ARM MCUs support JTAG almost universally ARM-based MCUs also support SWD - Single Wire Debug you need a debug probe that supports the protocol of your target common debug probes are from the manufacturer, or SEGGER J-Link, PEMicro for general use high-end debug probes also often support realtime tracing for debugging via GDB, the debug probe connects to the target and acts as a GDB server to which you connect O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 7 / 13 Tools NXP NXP Overview SDK MCUXpresso SDK2 can export a CMake project the Config Tools we used are also a standalone application Compilation GNU ARM Embedded GCC Toolchain3 provides arm-none-eabi toolchain Upload and debug the K66F dev board we used has onboard OpenSDA debug probe you need PEMicro’s OpenSDA drivers for that (but J-Link also works) for custom boards, LPC-Link2 can be used as debug probe 2 3 GNU ARM Toolchain(link) O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 8 / 13 Tools NXP NXP Practical example O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 9 / 13 Tools Other manufacturers Other manufacturers STM most of their MCUs are ARM Cortex-M 32bit based STM32Cube SDK/HAL STM32CubeMX for code generation, can generate make project provide compiler toolchain for their STM8 line STLink debug probe (works with J-Link) O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 10 / 13 Tools Other manufacturers Other manufacturers Microchip the PIC/AVR family is bit of a mess - multiple compilers, various proprietary debug protocols, they are slowly merging together the SAM line is based on ARM Cortex-M SDK depends on line multiple various debuggers - PICKit, ICD, Atmel-ICE, MPLAB Snap O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 11 / 13 Tools Other manufacturers Other manufacturers Other in general, manufacturers with MCUs based on Cortex-M cores are easy to develop otherwise each manufacturer has specific toolchain and debug tools nowadays almost every manufacturer provides an SDK/HAL for quick developement O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 12 / 13 PlatformIO PlatformIO can setup the whole toolchain from config file support for many architectures, SDKs both an IDE (based on VSCode) and CLI platformio-core O. Pecák ·Developing without an IDE ·January 9, 2021 13 / 13