MUNI Cf inQool,,. 2. Modern Javascript & ES6 First things first 1 Basic syntactic constructs in JS (es2015+) 2 First things first At first, you need to install a minimal set of tools necessary for development. The most important (means that there is not an alternative to) is Node.js nude Node.js is a javascript environment able to run JS code outside of a web browser. It is based on the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. ds) What is a V8 engine? V8 is an open-source high performance JavaScript WebAssembly engine, written in C++. It is used in Chrome web browser or Node.js, among others. It implements ECMAScript (explanation next) and WebAssembly. runs on every popular OS like Windows 7 and higher, macOS 10.12+, and Linux systems that use x64, IA-32, ARM, or MIPS processors, ( In this lesson, Node.js environment will be used for interpretation of simple javascript code snippets. IDE You can choose from plenty of various development environments. On the internet, there are plenty of articles with pros and cons for any of them (example). In InQool, we tend to use Visual Studio Code. For the examples, demos and snippets of this course, we will use this IDE as well. It's portable for all platforms and free to download. For later assignments you will also have an option to use online IDE with it's integration for github education. If anyone has personal preference to use something else, of course you can, but maybe we won't be able to help you with some problematic stuff. Useful extensions for VS Code: 1 MUNI £9 inQool - Bracket Pair Colorizer - GitLens — Git supercharged - Material Icon Theme - Path Intellisense - Prettier - Code formatter - ESLint - StvleLint - Error Lens - Import Cost - Vscode-styled-components Why should I as a React developer care about Javascript? React is a Javascript framework for development of web applications. So just from that we know there is a relation between them. To further separate what each is used for we may ask another question "What frontend applications do?". We need to display some information to users and for that React or other user interface framework are used. It supplies many useful features such as virtual DOM, that speed up development and allow better programmer experience than writing plain JavaScript. It then results in plain HTML + CSS + JS files that a browser can interpret. Information, in most cases, is represented by data that needs to be transformed and retrieved from source (backend server). Since React is a user interface framework, rest of the application logic is handled via normal JavaScript. Basic syntactic constructs in JS (es2015+) In this section, it is assumed you have some basic knowledge of JavaScript. The most common constructs will be described and shown on examples. Also there will be explained the difference between the older version, ECMAScript 5 (everyone who creates at least basic HTML page, meets this standard) and newer version, ES6, which comes with some news and syntactic changes. At this moment, a frontend developer can not exist without knowledge of this standard. There are of course a lot more differences between ES5 and ES6 than described in the lesson, but online sources are available and I hope a frontend developer can find the right information by him/herself:) Data types (Value vs. Reference) In JavaScript data types are split into these three types: Primitives undefined, Boolean, Number, String, Biglnt, Symbol Structural Types 2 MUNI £9 inQool Object (Object, Array, Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet), Function Structural Root Primitive null Just like in many other languages there is a difference between primitives and structural types in the way they are stored. Each non primitive type is stored as a reference pointing to memory on the heap. This means that you can get unexpected side effects such as modifying seemingly unrelated values through it's reference. Why this is important to keep in mind especially in React is because of the way it checks for updates in props of components. React uses shallow comparison which means that by passing objects (and functions) as props, while containing the same values, their references can differ, which can trigger unnecessary change (more on that later). Falsy and Truthy values When using any value type as a boolean JavaScript uses coercion to decide whether the result is considered true or false. Truthiness or falseness of an expression therefore means whether the expression is considered true or false in this context. false The keyword false 0 The number zero -0 The number negative zero On MM Bialnt, when used as a boolean, follows the same rule as a Number. On is falsy. Emptv strina value null null - the absence of any value undefined undefined - the primitive value NaN NaN - not a number All other values are considered truthy. (f.e. empty objects and arrays [] {}) This means that if not used correctly, you can get false negatives when checking string or number values for truthiness. 3 MUNI %f inQool function checkDefined(val) { return Ivalj } checkDefined(null)j // false checkDefined("")j // false because of "" being falsy checkDefined(0)j // false because of 0 being falsy Template literals Also known as template strings. Based on usage of back-tick (" ") compared to classic double ticks (" "). Text between brackets is managed like a classic string, but sequence of characters $ {} is replaced by expression inside (ex. variable, logic operation). var name = 'Slim'j var surname = 'Shady'j // classic ES5 version console.log("Hi, my name is " + name + " " + surname + "."); // written in ES6 console.log(^Hij my name is ${name} ${surname}.")j // both outputs end with: // > Hij my name is Slim Shady. Also supports multiline strings. // classic ES5 version console.log('Hi! My name is - what?\n' + 'My name is - who?\n' + 'My name is\n' + 'Slim Shady!')j // written in ES6 4 MUNI £9 inQool console.log(^Hi! My name is - what? My name is - who? My name is Slim ShadyP); // both outputs end with: // > Hi! My name is - what? // > My name is - who? // > My name is // > Slim Shady! More info can be found on Constants - let, const Keyword const means a constant (mind-blowing, I know) - if a variable has been assigned a value once, it can not be overridden during her lifetime. On the other hand, if you want to override a variable, you should use keyword let. const a = 10; try { a = 20; II ends with: Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared } catch(e) { console.error(e); } console.log(a); // 10 let a = 10; a = 20; console.log(a); // 20 5 MUNI £9 inQool It's important to say that const / let variable is accessible only inside of the scope ( in which variable is defined (unlike var). if (true) { var a = 10; } console.log(a)j // 10 if (true) { const a = 10; } console.log(a); // undefined if (true) { let a = 10; } console.log(a) // undefined Arrow function Basically this is only a more compact writing of a function. It is interpreted like a classic function, but without its own this. It also can not be used with a constructor. Functionality is described with the following examples. 1. Arrow function returning number function getNumberQ { return 10; } II basic variant 6 MUNI £9 inQool as const getNumber = () => { return 10; } II short variant const getNumber = () => 10J 2. Arrow function returning array function getArray() { return [1, 2, 3]j } const getArray = () => [1, 2, 3]j 3. Arrow function returning object function getObjectQ { return { a: 1 }J } const getObject =()=>({ a: 1 }); 4. Arrow function with parameters function pow(a) { return a * a; } const pow = a => a * a; 5. Arrow function with block of code 7 MUNI £9 inQool function getHigherValue(a, b) { if (a > b) { return a; } else { return bj } } const getHigherValue = (a., b) => a > b ? a : b; // used ternary operator Spread operator This new syntax allows to group parameters of functions, iterate over items of array and from standard ES 2018 also over attributes of JSON objects. This functionality is easier to understand in the following examples. 1. Function call const sum = (a., bj c) => a + b + c; const array = [1, 2, 3]j const value = sum(... array)j console.log(value)j // 6 // Bonus question: How to create a sum function for N values using spread operator? const sumN = (a., => rest, length > 0 ? a + sumN(... rest) : a; 2. Work with array const arrayl = [1, 2, 3]j const array2 = [A, 5, 6]j const array3 = [...arraylj ...array2]j MUNI £y inQool as console.log(array3)j // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] 3. Work with object const objl = { foo: const obj2 = { foo: 'bar', x: 'baz'j y: 1 }J 2 }; const clonedObj = { const mergedObj = { ...objl }; ...objl, . // Object { foo: "bar", x: ..obj2 }; II Object { foo: i } "baz", x: 1, y: 2 } Destructuring The destructuring assignment syntax is an expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. Let's see it in practice. 1. Array destructuring const [a, b] = [10, 20]j console.log(a)j // 10 console.log(b)j // 20 2. Can be even more sophisticated const getAB = () => [10, 20]j const [a, b] = getABQj console.log(a)j // 10 console.log(b)j // 20 3. Object destructuring const getObject = () => ({ a: 10, b: { c: 20 } })J 9 MUNI £9 inQool as const { a, b: { c }} = getObject()j console.log(a)j // 10 console.log(b)j // b is not defined console.log(c)j // 20 4. Destructuring with spread operator const getObject = () => ({ arr: [0, 1, 2], b: 3, c: A, })i const { arr: [head., ...tail]., } = getObjectQj console.log(head)j // 0 console.log(tail); // [1, 2] console.log(c)j // { b: 3, c: 4 } Class The class declaration creates a new class with a given name using prototype-based inheritance. Classes can be created also with class expression, for more information please read documentation. In React, classes were used as class components, which were now replaced by the newer function components and hooks (more on that later). 10 MUNI £9 inQool as class Rectangle { constructor^, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } getArea() { return this.a * } } class Square extends Rectangle { constructor(a) { super(aj a)j } } const s = new Square(15)j const r = new Rectangle(10j 5)j console.log(s.getArea())j // 225 console.log(r.getArea())j // 50 Optional chaining This operator allows you to safely try to access nested properties of objects that are possibly undefined, without the need to manually write all the checks. For more information please read documentation. const foo = {}; const goo ={a:{b:l}}j // Without optional chaining without checks console.log(f00.a.b)j // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'b' of undefined console.log(goo.a.b)j // 1 11 MUNI £9 inQool as // Without optional chaining with checks console.log(foo.a && foo.a.b); // undefined console.log(goo.a && goo.a.b); // 1 // With optional chaining console.log(foo?.a?.b)j // undefined console.log(goo?.a?.b)j // 1 Nullish coalescing This operator works great together with optional chaining operator. It replaces previously used operator which achieved a similar goal but was less safe to use because of false negatives when using falsy values (0, empty string, etc.). For more information please read documentation. const foo = {}; const goo ={a:{b:0}}j // Without nullish coalescing console.log(foo?.a?.b || 42)j // 42 console.log(goo?.a?.b || 42)j // 42 (wrong because 0 is falsy) // With nullish coalescing console.log(foo?.a?.b ?? 42)j // 42 console.log(goo?.a?.b ?? 42)j // 0 12