MUNI £9 inQool as 5. React - advanced Fragments 1 Conditional rendering 3 React Router 5 Lists and keys 7 Forms 8 Theming 9 Material-UI: custom theme 10 This lesson is aimed at building on your React basics knowledge. Now, we are going to show you the ways of doing things even better than in the previous lesson. All examples extend the Tic-Tac-Toe game created in the previous lesson. Fragments React fragments are used to group JSX elements without the need to create unnecessary DOM elements. In earlier versions of React, they were not available. If you wanted to return multiple React elements you had to wrap them into a
element or an array. Let's demonstrate with an example. Before Let's come up with something like this. function Title() { // This is not allowed even in the newest version of React. // You always have to return a single React element, return ( I am the first line

HellOj my name is second line

1 MUNI £9 inQool as } So in the past, the solution to this problem was something like this. function Title() { return ( // Cool., function now returns a single element...
I am the first line

HellOj my name is second line

)J } But imagine, that you don't want to wrap them into a
element, because for example layout breaks it breaks your layout. Now Now React provides a solution to this problem in form of React Fragment. All will be shown on examples in our Tic-Tac-Toe application. Fragment will not be printed into virtual DOM at all, it is just a wrapper so you don't need to create additional elements. function returnTwoTextsQ { return ( // Cool., function now returns a single element... I am the first line

HellOj my name is second line

)J } You can also use a shorthand by omitting the name completely. function returnTwoTextsQ { 2 MUNI £9 inQool as return ( // Cool., function now returns a single element... <> I am the first line

HellOj my name is second line

Conditional rendering It's a pattern where part of JSX is rendered depending on evaluation of some condition. To explain it we can use an example from the previous lesson. Let's start with it. function renderlcon(value) { if (value === 'X') { return ; } else if (value === '0') { return ; } else { return {value}j } } rendericon function accepts one parameter and depending on its value returns Cross, Circle or Typography component. This logic can be moved (and it is a very common approach) directly into JSX. export function Square({ value., handleClick }) { const classes = useStyles()j return ( 3 MUNI %f inQool handleClick('X')} > {/* Logic from function moved into 3SX */} {value !== 'X' && value !== '0' && ( •typography variant="text">{value} )} {value === 'X' && } {value === '0' && } Or you can also use ternary operators "[condition] ? [return-if-true]: [return-if-false]". {value !== 'X' && value !== '0' ? ( •typography variant="text">{value} ) : value === 'X' ? ( ) : ( )} In our case we have 3 possible return values, so we need to nest our ternary operator. It's not the best practice, because readability of the code suffers, but in some cases it's acceptable. 4 MUNI £9 inQool React Router As we spoke before about Single Page Application, it doesn't mean that we are forced to use only one single URL. <- C A^icaragl^/|^|ic Facebook Q hlavne Q CSFD Q web Q hovadiny Q inqool Q react Routing is not difficult to understand, behavior is very similar to conditional rendering behavior described before with one difference - rendering content is not dependent on evaluation of condition but on matching the url. Collection of navigation components is not part of React library, it is separated into react-router-dom package. It works like this (yes, copied from docs, I added some explanation comments). import React from 'react'j import { BrowserRouter as Router., Route., Link } from ' react-router-dom'j // Imagine index page function Index() { return


j } // Imagine about page function About() { return


j } // Imagine page about users function Users() { return


j } function AppRouterQ { 5 MUNI £9 inQool as return (
{/* Navigation will be rendered on all pages */} {/* Index page show only! (used "exact") if pathname is "/" */} {/* About page show if pathname is "/about/*" */} {/* Page about users show if pathname is "/users/*" */}
export default AppRouterj 6 MUNI £9 inQool Lists and keys We can add into JSX as much logic as we want to. The only limitation should be readability of the source code. Iterating over an array in JSX is also a very common approach. It's how the lists are built in React applications. Syntax of jS map function is following: array .map( (currentValue., index., arr) => { // modify currentValue return currentValuej })J Let's go back to an example of a list we used in the Board component in the previous lesson.. {/* IndexValues: [0, 1, 2, 3, A, 5, b, 1, 8] */} { => ( onSquareClicked(i)}> {board[i] ?? i} ))} You should see the below error in your developer console when inspecting the app. 9 ► Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Keys should be given to the elements inside the array to give the elements a stable identity. If you choose not to assign an explicit key to list items then React will by default use indexes as keys. React then compares elements with previous ones and re-render only changed elements. We don't recommend using indexes for keys if the order of items may change. This can negatively impact performance and may cause issues with component state. Though, it is highly recommended to use keys. Moreover, React warns you when you don't have proper keys used. 7 MUNI £9 inQool as {/* IndexValues: [0, 1, 2, 3, A, 5, b, 1, 8] */} { => ( onSquareClicked(i)}> {board[i] ?? i} ))} Key always needs to be on the top-most element you are rendering as a list item, in our case the Square component. Although we are in reality still just using indexes as keys, the warning is gone since we explicitly specified those keys (thus React believes we know what we are doing). Forms HTML form elements work a little bit differently than static elements because they naturally need to store users input. There are 3 basic HTML form elements: input, textarea, select. In React there are two approaches we can choose when dealing with form components. They can either be controlled or uncontrolled. The main difference is that controlled elements have their value directly controlled by React while with uncontrolled elements you access their value through their form element. Let's demonstrate the differences in an example. To create a new controlled input element we need a state (usestate hook) and a onchange handler. const ControlledForm = () => { // We need to provide an initial value to our state const [email., setEmail] = useState(' ') j return (
{ e.preventDefault()j console.log({ email })j 8 MUNI £9 inQool as }} > setEmail(} />
)J /Vote; We must provide an initial value to the useState hook, otherwise React would interpret the input as uncontrolled at first and then complain that you are switching between two approaches after setting it's value. To create an uncontrolled input, we must provide it with a name in order to find it in our form in onSubmit event. const UncontrolledForm = () => { return (
) => { e.preventDefault()j console.log({ email: (( as HTMLFormElement).email as HTMLInputElement) ?. value., })J }} >
)J }J 9 MUNI £9 inQool Theming Often you want to declare a consistent set of rules for the styling of your app, a theme (e.g. Dark Mode can also be a theme). It is recommended to extract repeating values in your CSS/JS into constants (good programming practice). For example you may want all of your title texts to have the same font size, and all your divs have the particular padding in the application. To avoid unwanted "magic values" it's much smarter to extract your paddings, colors etc. into constants. Then, you can easily change them for all your elements in one place. We are going to show you what's Material-UI approach is. Material-UI: custom theme The theme specifies the color of the components, darkness of the surfaces, level of shadow, appropriate opacity of ink elements, etc. If you wish to customize the theme, you need to use the ThemeProvider component in order to inject a theme into your application. However, this is optional, Material-UI components come with a default theme. import { createMuiTheme } from '(Smaterial-ui/core/styles'j import purple from '(Smaterial-ui/core/colors/purple'j import green from '(Smaterial-ui/core/colors/green'j const theme = createMuiTheme({ palette: { primary: purple., secondary: green., h status: { danger: 'orange'j h })J 10 MUNI £9 inQool as ThemeProvider relies on the context feature of React to pass the theme down to the components, so you need to make sure that the ThemeProvider is a parent of the components you are trying to customize. const App = () => { return ( {/* Rest of you app */} )J You can read more about MUI Theme here and explore all it's properties here. 11