PATTERNInspiration Generative Design Programming Mgr. art. Helena Lukášová, ArtD. InspirationInspirationInspirationInspirationInspirationInspirationInspirationInspiration PATTERN IS a regularity in the world, in humanmade design, or in abstract ideas. As such, the elements of a pattern repeat in a predictable manner. Tesselation is created when a shape is repeated over and over again covering a plane without any gaps or overlaps. Another word for a tessellation is a tiling. Islamic Pattern In Islamic culture very complex geometric patterns were created. We can admire them especially in architecture as tile walls and ceiling. The abstract visual thining comes also from the Islamic rule not to depict Allah. We do not see images of the real world in Islamic architecture. The construction of the pattern is done with the straigh lines and circles. Islamic Pattern Islamic Pattern Islamic Pattern Islamic Pattern Op Art gives an illusion of 3D spatial structure or optical illusion of movement Op Art gives an illusion of 3D spatial structure or optical illusion of movement Op Art Victor Vasarely African Pattern Ndebele African Pattern Ndebele Art Deco Pattern Art Deco Pattern to-create-a-great-gatsby-style- art-deco-pattern.html Grid Pattern M. C. Escher Pattern Procedurally Generated Pattern Let’s unleash the beast of creativity now!