Class #4 PV 267 - UX workshop Final presentations of your prototypes Final project Our last class serves as a presentation of your project. You should be able to create a portfolio piece describing your work and process. ▸ You should present: ▸ present high fidelity detailed prototype of micro interaction of enhanced (or new) functionality of messaging app of your choice ▸ go wild and come up with a new feature or crazy enhancement that can be unrealistic (focus on thinking outside of the box) ▸ state clearly what you're showing us (what is your main use case of the enhancement) and what we are seeing (use titles and description to explain), show different options of interactions you considered (demonstrate what worked and what did not - use feedback you got in third class) ▸ use Figma for your prototype, use the appropriate design system (if you choose Messenger - find the library for it, same for iMessage, WhatsApp etc. ) ▸ optional: add low fidelity or even paper sketches, if you have them ▸ optional: create mobile view, dark/light view, developer handoff (what if you were sharing a design and all your communication lived in the prototype - add notes that are necessary). Feedback ▸ You give presentation with your prototype ▸ 7min total ・ 5 min preso ・ 2 min discussion (I will be asking questions, you are encouraged to ask questions) ▸ You share feedback on your classmates prototype ▸ On our Mural board, for each of your classmate, share one positive fact you liked and one idea for an improvement Agenda (7 minutes = 5 min of presentation + 2 min of class discussion) ▸ 10:00 - 10:10 Intro ▸ 1 - 10:10 - 10:17 Natalia Bebjakova ▸ 2 - 10:17 - 10:24 Peter Gambos ▸ 3 - 10:24 - 10:31 Julka Gonova ▸ 4 - 10:31 - 10:38 Georgy Karataev ▸ 5 - 10:38 - 10:45 Megi Kejstova ▸ 6 - 10:45 - 10:52 Lazar Bence Kis ▸ 7 - 10:52 - 11:59 Marketa Kucerova ▸ 8 - 11:59 - 11:06 Tomas Linceni ▸ 9 - 11:06 - 11:13 Simona Nemcokova ▸ 10 - 11:13 - 11:20 Jakub Petrjanos ▸ 11 - 11:20 - 11:27 Sarka Portesova ▸ 12 - 11:27 - 11:35 Juraj Vavrik ▸ 11:35 - 11:50 - Wrap up Let’s start ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide. Tell me one thing you've learned and you're taking away from this class Let’s stay in touch ▸ Don’t be strangers, if you need any help in the future, feel free to reach out ▸ Connect on LinkedIn. Thank you ▸ Thank you for your active participation, I appreciate your time you have devoted to this class. ▸ Take care during the rest of the semester. ▸ Feedback form Slido responses