Úvod do PhD studia

Health Information

The course will take place in-person in case the COVID situation does not get significantly worse as compared with the present state. It is hard to define what exactly "significantly worse" means (imagine something like new, vaccine-busting variant spreading rapidly). 

Medical data shows that an effective way of lowering the risk stemming from COVID is vaccination. We highly encourage all participants to complete their COVID shot schedules before the retreat starts. Current government and university guidelines will be followed to further minimise the risk of transmission.

If, at any point, you feel that attending the course is too risky for you, please reach out to us.

In case of cancellation, the in-person meeting will be replaced by a Zoom event in the planned dates of the course. However, certain (in our opinion rather interesting) parts of the course would be absent in such a scenario.

Possible Measures (legacy text from 2020)

This summarises the measures taken in the previous year. We expect that the progress on the vaccination front will allow us to dispense with most of these measures, but let's see how the situation evolves.

  • You will be required to submit/sign a declaration of absence of symptoms upon arrival to the course. Please read the declaration here. If you, at any point before the start of the course, you conclude that you cannot sign the declaration, please notify us immediately. 2021 update: we will follow the university guidelines w.r.t. this.
  • We encourage you to wear a facemask when taking travelling by public transport. 2021 update: as of now, this is still required by law.
    • You can use the IS discussion forum if you seek someone to share a ride. Since this will be limited to course participants, it should not increase the baseline risk. :)
  • We do not plan to mingle with the local people (which is not that much due to COVID: the course programme takes most of the time and we have a private lounge booked for the Tuesday dinner, so there is not much time to mingle). When venturing outside (e.g. to a shop), please follow the general hygienic recommendations as well as orders of the local public health office ("KHS pro Jihlavský kraj") and the government guidelines. Consider wearing a facemask when visiting a public indoor space. 2021 update: as of now, this is still required by law.
  • Disinfection will be available, and you can also bring your own hand sanitizer.
  • During the opening session, we will devote some time to negotiating collective measures we can take to increase the safety. Some of you have indicated a willingness to adhere to stricter measures due to, e.g. sharing a household with an at-risk person. This might mean, e.g. the others to conscientiously keep the recommended distance from you, or other requests. This will be a proper time to openly voice such requests. It is expected that all of us will do our best to conform to these requests.
  • Regarding facemasks: we do not plan to enforce wearing of these during indoor events, as it might be uncomfortable during the all-day programme. Still, if you wish to wear one, you are encouraged to do so. In any case, please bring your own facemask/FPP2 mask. It might come handy, e.g. if you develop respiratory symptoms while on the way to the course or if wearing is imposed by the authorities on a short notice. 2021 update: no change here.