Úvod do PhD studia

Submitting a Travel Form

The ideal time to complete the travel form is around 2-3 weeks before the retreat.  You will be reminded of that along with the necessary information on the source of your funding.

General info on using the INET travel forms can be found here (only in Czech as of now: https://is.muni.cz/auth/do/fi/informace_pro_zamestnance/navody/E_cestaky-jak_na_ne.pdf)

1. Go to https://inet.muni.cz/app/cestaky/prehled (switch to EN if required).

2. Click "Založit nový cestovní příkaz" ("Create a new travel form")

3. Into "Trip purpose" write "Účast na doktorandském kurzu DUVOD" ("Attending the DUVOD PhD course")

4. For "Cestu platí" ("Travel expenses paid by"), choose the Faculty of Informatics.

5. The "date/starting point, etc." is rather self-explanatory. Choose the place from which you travel and where you return and starting and end dates/times based on the estimated travel time (it is better to over-approximate the time spent on the trip a bit, you can always make it shorter later). The exception is when you travel by a car without being authorized to do so on a business trip. Then the start and end points have to be "nám. Zachariáše z Hradce 2, Telč", start time say September 27, 17:00, end time September 29, 13:00.

6. In "Související náklady" ("Related costs"), write "ubytování na UC Telč, 600 Kč" ("Accomodation at UC Telč, CZK 600").

7. Tick the modes of transport you plan to use while on the business trip.

8. Scroll to the table below. Click "Add a new resource" ("Přidat nový zdroj"). Check this to find your "Order" number ("Zakázka") and fill it in. As "Department" (Pracoviště) fill in your department (ask your supervisor if you are unsure). If you also need to select from multiple "suborders", you will again find the correct number in the table.

9. In the relevant fields, write reasonable over-approximations of your travel costs. Since your accommodation will be pre-paid, and per-diems are computed automatically, you only need to fill in the "jízdné" ("Fare") field. If you plan to officially use a car, you can enter the expected mileage based, say on Google maps.

10. Check once again the whole form and submit for a financial control.

You will also need to submit a second part of the form after the trip. More on that later.

Note: If you are unsure about whether you completed the form correctly, you can ask us to check it before submitting. To do this, go into the main travel form administration go to the "Authorised persons" ("pověřené osoby") bookmark and add one of the course teachers. Then contact him/her with a request for checking your form.