Úvod do PhD studia

Financial Info

The purpose of this section is to give you an idea how much you will need to pay on the spot and how much you will get back later.

On-the-spot payments for accommodation:

Students with a contract (have a travel form): 0 Kč

Students without a contract and with a double room: 800 Kč for the whole stay. You can pay 

On-the-spot payments for breakfasts, lunches, and Monday buffet dinner:

Ca. 950-1000 Kč for each participant (we are still arranging the Monday dinner, the exact price will be specified ASAP).

How to pay:

Accommodation can be paid at check-out in UC Telč. Card payments are available.

Regarding the meals: you can pay the organizers by either by cash upon arrival, or via a bank transfer to the account of Petr Novotný: 35-4721440207/0100 (please notify me - Petr - in advance via e-mail if you want to use this option).

Tuesday dinner is "everyone for themselves," i.e. you pay at the end of the night. Please remember to pay your bill so as not to unpleasantly surprise the last person leaving. :)

What reimbursement to expect:

Students with a contract/travel form: You will receive full reimbursement for your travel costs. (Keep the tickets if you go by public transport!) The per-diems are calculated automatically according to a labour law, and they will likely be smaller than the true amount you pay for meals.

Students without a contract/travel form: You will receive a stipend equivalent to the typical reimbursement of those with a contract, plus the accommodation costs. Please be sure to collect not only the tickets but also the accommodation receipts.