Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems

Week 01: Introduction, OO fundamentals

Evaluation and exam:

In-term assessment [50 points max]

  • In the middle of the semester (will be specified), at the time of the lecture. 
  • Online test with multi-choice and open questions like “Let’s assume the following situation: ... What design pattern do you use and why?”
  • Focused on analysis and design patterns. 

Final exam [50 points max] 

  • In the examination period.
  • Multi-choice test + practical question(s) (drawing a model). The exact form (online, on-site) will be specified based on restrictions at this time. 
  • Focused on the whole content.

Grading scheme

  • A: 100–78 (was 100–90)
  • B: 7770 (was 8980)
  • C: 69–60 (was 79–70)
  • D: 5955 (69–60)
  • E: 5450 (was 59–50)
  • F: 49

Online lecture
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Visual Paradigm
A CASE system for UML modeling - installation and license. This SW is not required for the course but can be useful for you.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.