Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems
FINAL EXAM (online)
Before the exam
- Enroll in the exam term. Only enrolled students have the access to the assignment.
- Those of you who are not able (for any reason) to scan or take a picture of the practical part and then upload it into the IS MU (see below), contact me at least 5 days before the exam.
- The exam is strictly restricted to one hour. The first 15 minutes are strictly dedicated to the multiple-choice test. The rest of the time is for the practical part.
Multiple-choice test (26 points, max 15 minutes)
- Open the test in the IS MU (odpovědníky in Czech, ROPOT - Revision, Opinion Poll, and Testing in English). Be punctual as the time window for the test is strictly restricted!
- Start immediately when the assignment becomes available.
- Points are evenly distributed across the questions (each question = total_points/number_of_questions)
- Questions with radio buttons have only one correct answer.
- Questions with check-boxes can have multiple correct answers (including the situation when either no answer is correct or all answers are correct). You have to choose all the correct answers to get the points.
- There is no penalization for skipped or incorrectly answered questions.
- Questions are focused on the whole content of the course.
Practical test (24 points, roughly 45 minutes including submission!)
- After the multiple-choice test, go to the Homework vault (odevzdávárna in Czech) and read the ASSIGNMENT.pdf inside the corresponding directory. The assignment appears at the time of the exam. Reload the web page, if necessary.
- The assignment focuses on the practical application of patterns in a given problem domain.
- Here is an example of the assignment from previous years.
- Work out questions/tasks (including possible text answers) on empty paper sheets. Write legibly. Illegible answers will be ignored.
- Optionally, you can use a CASE system, e.g., Visual Paradigm, to draw the models. But train the process of picture/PDF export in advance so that you have no troubles during the exam.
- Take a picture of your answer sheets (by a scanner, mobile phone, PC camera, whatever) and submit them into the Homework vault (odevzdávárna)
- Images have to be readable! Otherwise, they will be ignored.
- The IS MU adds your name and UČO automatically as the prefix of your images.
- When submitting multiple pictures (multiple sheets of paper, multiple detail pictures of one sheet, etc.), number them accordingly so that I'm able to put them together again.
- Only PDF, JPG, and PNG formats are allowed!
- The submission deadline is strict (exactly one hour after the exam starts) and includes the submission process! Therefore, count on possible technical issues. Late submissions cannot be accepted, regardless of the originality of the excuse.
- Avoid cheating! The variability of possible solutions is high and then it's really easy to spot noticeably similar solutions.
During the exam
- This exam is prepared as a so-called Open Book. Therefore, you can use the study materials. You cannot cooperate with other students or other persons!
- I'll be available at Zoom (passcode 779067) for possible questions during the whole exam (and a few minutes before).
Feedback and consultations
- The results of the multiple-choice test will be available immediately in IS MU.
- Don't ask for correct answers. They are not published as the exam is not the part of learning process ;-) I automatically inspect the most problematic questions to identify possible flaws in the assignment. In case of serious flaws, the assessment will be adjusted for all of you.
- If still in doubt, send me an e-mail related to the specific question.
- Assessment of the practical part takes time. Be patient. Obtained points will appear in the IS MU. It's technically very demanding to provide online feedback on the practical part of your exam. Therefore, I will provide only a limited online consultation to those seriously interested. Technical and organizational details will be specified by e-mail.