WWW.FI.MUNI.CZ Graphic Design 2 Daniel Echeverri daniel.echeverri@mail.muni.cz PV083/01 Tue 10:00–11:50 PV083/02 Wed 14:00–15:50 Office Hours: Mon 14:00-16:00 / Tue 14:00–16:00 Please email me first to schedule meeting. Objectives This course is a follow-up to the course Graphic Design I. It focuses on corporate identity and creating a graphic manual. At the end of the course students: - will know how to design a symbol, logotype, and their combination; - will be able to apply pictograms and logotype to various media; - will understand the principles of graphical manual design; - will gain the practical experiences with various graphics tools. Learning Outcomes A student will be: - orientated in a corporate design terminology; - know how to design a symbol or logotype or their combination; be able to apply symbol or logotype to various media; – create an electronic version of design manual; – able to reproduce print data; gain the practical experiences with various graphics tools in Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. Teaching Methods Work in studio: Assignment, consultation, working on the assignment (usage of graphic software), assignment completion. Students consult the assignment with teachers and take their remarks into account. Final digital presentation. General Brief: You will be designing for the same client through the semester (with a little twist at the end). Your client is a fictional character inspired by the life and work of a real „famous“ person born between the 15th and 18th centuries. You will build this fictional character based on the traits of an existing person but recontextualizing their work and life to the early 21st century. You can come up with exciting and funny stories that will give you clues on what the branding for your client will be. For instance, Ludwig van Beethoven, composer, and pianist, in the 21st century, would probably be a famous DJ resident in one of Ibiza‘s biggest club, an Instagram influencer, or maybe an acclaimed phono audiologist battling children‘s auditive issues at a highly reputed medical center in Germany. It is up to you who your client will be, consider that somehow your character conducts a business, sells a product, or provides a service. While we have three assignments, the work on the logo itself continues through the 13 weeks, with different iterations and improvements. Some suggestions, but feel free to come up with your own: 1. Nikola Tesla: inventor, engineer, and futurist 2. Katsushika Hokusai: printmaker and artist 3. Lizzie Magie: game designer and writer 4. Lisa del Giocondo: noblewoman 5. Catherine the Great: empress, stateswoman, and patron of the arts 6. Queen Nzinga: queen and diplomat 7. Blackbeard: pirate 8. Simon Bolivar: a military and political leader 9. Peggy Shippen: spy MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF INFORMATICS BOTANICKÁ 554/68A, 602 00 BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC Assignment 1: Logo Design Duration: 5 weeks Description: In this first assignment, you will create the identity of your client. You will start by conducting research about your character’s inspiration and later making a design brief. This brief must include: • Information about the business your character conducts • The target audience and industry • Values that will be assigned to your character’s brand, their products, or services. With the research and brief complete, you will develop the logo for your client. Creating this logo includes, of course, conducting research and finding inspiration that will inform your design. This process is long and requires thorough exploration and iteration of different ideas and concepts. The logo MUST contain a typographic element (monogram or a wordmark) and an iconographic or pictographic element (pictorial or abstract). To submit: • A3 application of the logo in color, black and white, and negative. Submit PDF and printed • Original Illustrator file • Scans or photos of the process Assignment 2: Corporate Identity Manual Duration: 4 weeks Description: Imagine now that your client has approved one of the logos you submitted. It is now time to present your client with their own identity manual. In this manual, you will state the brand’s personality and story, the voice, and the guidelines of use. These guidelines include color palette and variations, proportions and grid, size, space, and typography/lettering. You are free to provide other details you consider relevant to your client’s brand. To submit: • A5 size of the identity manual. Submit in PDF and printed. • Original Illustrator file • Scans or photos of initial sketches Assignment 3: Application and branding Duration: 4 weeks Description: It is time to apply the brand in real life. It is time to consider branding applications in collaterals, stationery, spaces, and other requirements your client’s industry needs (cars, trucks, packing, t-shirts, etc.). The minimum required elements for this assignment are a basic stationery package (business card, letterhead, envelope), and a basic social media package (Facebook or Twitter profile), and the homepage of your client’s website. If you want to get extra credit, also consider designing a space for your client (an office, a shop, a studio…) or the design of other collateral like packages, posters, or a full-page newspaper ad. To submit: • A3 size file in PDF format. • Original Illustrator file • Scans or photos of initial sketches • Mockup (sketched and final) WWW.FI.MUNI.CZ Assignments MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF INFORMATICS BOTANICKÁ 554/68A, 602 00 BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC WWW.FI.MUNI.CZ MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF INFORMATICS BOTANICKÁ 554/68A, 602 00 BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC Assignment Wk Activities Design topics Homework Assignment 1: Logo design 1 1. Introduction: Course structure, objectives, and rules. 2. Description of the semester’s assignments. 3. Assignment 1 Briefing 4. Start thinking about your client. Research and inspiration Reference Lecture Introduction to Logo Design 1. Who is your client? Be prepared to present your client’s inspiration and story briefly. Who is she/he? What does she/he do? What traits are you bringing to your 21st client? 2. Research. Create the design brief: business, audience, industry, and product/ service 2 1. Group discussion: This is my client 3. Start exploring/sketching ideas (none) 1. Initial wordmark. Be ready to present at least three different ideas. Explore different typographies and applications/variations/ layouts. 2. Required: You must watch Saul Bass’s pitch for AT&T logo redesign: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=xKu2de0yCJI 3 1. Consultation: Initial ideas for the wordmark 2. In-class work: Refine ideas for the wordmark Reference lecture: the grid. 1. Select the best wordmark and continue iterating. 2. Apply wordmark to the grid. 2. Start thinking about color application. 4 1. Consultation / Small group critique (Students– Prof) / (Student–Student) 2. In-class work: exploring iconographic components of the brand. Design with the grid. Reference lecture: Working with a global company– Coca-Cola case study. 1. Consider possible combinations of wordmark and pictogram. 2. Prepare three different color combinations. Look at your initial research and inspiration. Include black and white and negative appli- cations. 5 1. Group discussion: This is my client’s brand. Initial pitch, feedback, and critique about your logo proposal. None 1. Develop a final idea and prepare a submission file. (Submit next class) 2. Required watch: How to create a great brand name https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzbXht- 7MJVM Assignment 2: Corporate Identity Manual 6 1. Assignment 2 brief 2. Structuring the manual. 3. In-class work: First pages of the manual: logo variations and color palette Show and tell: Identity manuals from across the world. 1. Complete: variations (horizontal, vertical, wordmark only, pictograph only). Present color palette in CMYK, RGB, Pantone, and HEX 7 1. Consultation: logo variations and color palette 2. In-class work: proportions and grid, size, space. (none) 1. Complete: proportions and grid, size, space 8 1. Consultation: proportions and grid, size, space 2. In-class work: Do’s and Don’t (none) 1. Complete: do’s and dont’s 9 1. Group discussion: This is my client’s corporate identity. (none) 1. Finalize and print manual (Submit next class). WWW.FI.MUNI.CZ MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF INFORMATICS BOTANICKÁ 554/68A, 602 00 BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC Bibliography Required literature 22nd International Biennale of Graphic Design in Brno 2006 :poster/corporate identity/information and advertising graphics : 13.6.-15.10.2006. Brno: Moravská galerie v Brně, 2006. 220 s. ISBN 80-7027-150-7. info The rise of asian design. Hong-Kong: HKDA Awards, 2005. 483 s. ISBN 9889705478. info Corporate identity 4 :an international compilation of corporate identity programs : ein internationale auswahlvon identitätsonzepten: panorama international des concepts d‘identité institutionnelle. New York: Graphis, 2001. 249 s. ISBN 1-888001- 70-4. info The best in world trademarks :corporate identity : brand identity. Seoul .: Millim Publishing Company, 2000. 295 s. ISBN 89- 951198-2-9. info Not specified 18th International Biennale of Graphic Design : poster, corporate identity, information and advertising graphics : Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum, Pražákův palác, Místodržitelský palác, 24.6.-27.9. 1998 (Souběž.) : 18. mezinárodní bienále grafického designu :. info 20th International Biennale of graphic design Brno 2002 : poster, corporate identity, information and advertising graphics : Brno capital of visual communication 2002 (Souběž.) : 20. mezinárodní bienále grafického designu Brno 2002 : plakát, firemní, inf. info LIDWELL, William, Kritina HOLDEN and Jill BUTLER. Univerzální principy designu : 125 způsobů jak zvýšit použitelnost a přitažlivost a ovlivnit vnímání designu. Vyd. 1. Brno: Computer Press, 2011. 272 s. ISBN 9788025135402. info SUTNAR, Ladislav. Ladislav Sutnar v textech : (mental vitamins). Edited by Iva Knobloch. Praha: Uměleckoprůmyslové museum, 2010. 267 s. ISBN 9788071010951. info Reviewing graphics in Britain. Edited by Marc Valli - Richard Brereton. New York: Actar, 2010. 288 s. ISBN 9788496954786. info Stationery design now! : stationery all over the world = Briefpapier aus der ganzen Welt =Papier à lettres du monde entier. Edited by Julius Wiedemann - Jürgen Dubau - Valérie Lavoyer. Köln: Taschen, 2010. 383 s. ISBN 9783836518970. info ZÁRUBA, Alan, Michal RICHTR and Dagmar KOUDELKOVÁ. CI.CZ 1990-2007 : firemní styl v České republice. Edited by Tomáš Machek. Praha: CI.CZ,s.r.o., 2008. 234 s. ISBN 9788025418352. info Short‘N‘Strong : taste the real italian corporate identity! Translated by Antonietta Sciuva. Modena: Red Publishing, 2008. 312 s. ISBN 9788888492100. info STOKLOSSA, Uwe. Advertising : new techniques for visual seduction. Edited by Thomas Rempen, Translated by David Wilson. London: Thames & Hudson, 2007. 270 s. ISBN 9780500513408. info Logomania : italien signs. Edited by Carlo Branzaglia, Translated by Antonietta Sciuva. Modena: Red Publishing, 2006. 287 s. ISBN 8888492054. info SVOBODA, Václav. Corporate identity : učební text. 1. vyd. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati, 2004. 67 s. ISBN 8073181061. info WHEELER, A. Designing brand identity: a complete guide to creating, building, and maintaining strong brands. 1st ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2003. 229 pp. ISBN 0-471-21326-8. info FIELL, Charlotte and Peter FIELL. Graphic design for the 21century : 100 of the world‘s best graphic designers. Köln: Taschen, 2003. 637 s. ISBN 3822816051. info Japanese graphics now! Edited by Gisela Ruth Kozak - Julius Wiedemann. Köln: Taschen, 2003. 607 s. ISBN 3822825891. info American corporate identity 2003. Edited by David E. Carter. New York: Harper Collins International, 2002. 320 s. ISBN 0060081252. info MYERSON, Jeremy and Graham VICKERS. Rewind forty years of design & advertising. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 2002. 512 s. ISBN 0714842710. info MORGAN, Conway Lloyd. Logos :logo, identity, brand, culture. Crans-Pres-Celigny: Rotovision, 1999. 160 s. ISBN 2-88046-328- 9. info MOLLERUP, Per. Marks of excellence : the history and taxonomy of trademarks. London Assignment Wk Activities Design topics Homework Assignment 3: Application and branding (group/individual project) 10 1. Assignment 3 brief 2. “Hand-in your brand” (Surprise!). 3. In-class work: Stationary package Reference Lecture Corporate Identity: MTA, Shell, Ferrari. 1. Complete stationary package 11 1. Consultation: Stationary package. 2. In-class work: Social media profile application (none) 1. Complete social media application 12 1. Consultation: Social media pack- age. 2. In-class work: Homepage mockup (none) 1. Complete homepage mockup. 13 1. Final critique (none) 1. Refine any deliverables and prepare to submit the final artwork in week 15.