Seminar on Design and Architecture Patterns
Ošlejšek: Architecture Design II
The goal of this lab is to complete an initial component model that will be the basis of the deployment.
Lesson outline
- The teacher recapitulates the principles of component-based design (slides 1-20).
- The teacher explains the Component Identification (slides 21-26)
- Students update their design class diagrams
- All use cases have their scenarios reflected in the class diagram as operations of interfaces. Update specification of use cases if necessary.
- All "management" classes (often singletons) are transformed into interfaces.
- Students create an initial component diagram
- All packages and interfaces of the class model appear in the component model as components and their interfaces
- Add external systems and their interfaces (slide 28)
- The teacher briefly explains the Component Interaction and Component Specification (slides 31-57)
- Students specify contracts (pre- and post-conditions) of two interfaces so that the part of the class diagram looks like the one on slide 51. Choose them at your own preference. Use either OCL or non-structured (but clear!) text specification.
- Students define important invariants of two components in the component diagram
- Focus mainly on the specification of the provided-required interfaces relationship (slide 55)
- Use either OCL or non-structured (but clear!) text specification.
Study Material
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.