Seminar on Design and Architecture Patterns
Rossi: Architecture Design III
The goal of this lab is to finalize the creation of the architecture after two sessions on components identification and creation. Note: a mix of the different specifications created by teams last week has been collected here:
Lesson outline
- We
will follow the approach highlighted by Barbora Bühnová: In particular:
- System and architecture description (CoCoME Software Architecture example)
- If you were wondering about those extra requirements modeled as statistical properties, you can look at the reason - Palladio Component Model:
- Architecture recommendations - in IS folder
- Architecture inspiration - in IS folder
- The task will be to derive the final component and deployment diagrams of your project.
- Try to have at least one *inner* component definition (Fig.5 of the CoCoME PDF) - e.g., is there any analysis processing sub-component, metrics calculation sub-component, what about the quality configuration / management, etc...
- Finalize the overall component diagram;
- Add a deployment diagram about how you would distribute the components (similarly to Fig.14 of the CoCoME PDF - but also based on your experience with software architectures and the architecture recommendations / inspirations linked above, e.g., to have more kind of message-driven architecture)
- Try to have at least one *inner* component definition (Fig.5 of the CoCoME PDF) - e.g., is there any analysis processing sub-component, metrics calculation sub-component, what about the quality configuration / management, etc...
- Submit the final architectural representation (1. the class diagram with interfaces / packages, 2. the component diagram, 3. the deployment diagram) in the folder of week11. Note: if you export the diagram as an image *do not take a screenshot* just go to Project->Export->Active Diagram as Image... you can then select the format (jpg/png/etc...) and even export in 300dpi or higher resolution). Alternative way, just go to Tools->Doc Composer drag & drop the diagrams needed and then on the top right Save as PDF...
- Next week each team will present the project -> add to the folder week12 your presentation (PDF format) covering the analysis, design, and architectural aspects of your project. Try to cover the aspects of the project to stay within a 10min time limit, in particular the motivations of the choices made.