Time Management and Effectiveness

** - Presentation day 6/12/2021

Your ideas, reflections and inspiration:

Escape game - Time management
How to play is in interactive pdf (Matúš Dugáček)

Eating habits
(Andrea Ficková)

Digital Minimalism
(Petr Knetl) https://youtu.be/dpqSPlsRQ5g

How to be truly effective
(Tomáš Bouma presenting :))

Becoming a Billionaire
Do not try it at home! (Jakub Bateľ)

(Tomáš Nereča)

(Albert Sukaný)

It s not about time management
it is about very important aspect of TM. TM should help you be happy, not productive yet unhealthy. (Xhenis Behluli)

Home Office Productivity
(Veronika Kudělková)

How to motivate employees
Záznam k prezentaci: https://ucnmuni-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/456585_muni_cz1/Eb9habJ8P_9Frq_9q4t51dgBIGG6rVuSBVutzGEhbEVW_g?e=T2JP1V (Jan Kaláb)

Meal prep
(Martin Gregorík)

(Marek Radiměřský)
Can it be an advantage? (Ivana Papcunova)

Effective Meetings
(Šárka Zbožínková)