from e1_geometry import * from typing import Union, Tuple from math import isclose # ----- %< ----- %< ----- # We first import all the classes from ‹e1_geometry›, since we will # want to use them. # What we will do now is compute intersection points of a few object # type combinations. We will start with lines, which are the # simplest. You can find closed-form general solutions for all the # problems in this exercise on the internet. Use them. # Line-line intersect either returns a points, or a Line, if the two # lines are coincident, or ‹None› if they are parallel. def intersect_line_line( p: Line, q: Line ) \ -> Union[ Point, Line, None ]: pass # A variation. Re-use the line-line case. def intersect_line_segment( p: Line, s: Segment ) \ -> Union[ Point, Segment, None ]: pass # Intersecting lines with circles is a little more tricky. Checking # e.g. MathWorld sounds like a good idea. It might be helpful to # translate both objects so that the circle is centered at the # origin. The function returns a either ‹None› (the line and circle # do not intersect), a single ‹Point› (the line is tangent to the # circle) or a pair of points. def intersect_line_circle( p: Line, c: Circle ) \ -> Union[ None, Point, Tuple[ Point, Point ] ]: pass # It's probably quite obvious that users won't like the above API. # Let's make a single ‹intersect()› that will work on anything (that # we know how to intersect, anyway). You can use ‹type( a )› or # ‹isinstance( a, some_type )› to find the type of object ‹a›. You # can compare types for equality, too: ‹type( a ) == Circle› will do # what you think it should. def intersect( a: Union[ Line, Segment, Circle ], b: Union[ Line, Segment, Circle ] ) \ -> Union[ None, Point, Line, Segment, Tuple[ Point, Point ] ]: pass # ----- >% ----- >% ----- def test_line_line() -> None: l1 = Line( Point( 2, 1 ), Point( -3, 7 ) ) l_i = intersect_line_line( l1, l1 ) assert type( l_i ) == Line assert l_i == l1 # Same as ‹l1›, but represented using different points. l2 = Line( Point( -0.5, 4 ), Point( 7, -5 ) ) l_i = intersect_line_line( l1, l2 ) assert type( l_i ) == Line assert line_eq( l_i, l1 ) assert line_eq( l_i, l2 ) l3 = Line( Point( 2, 2 ), Point( -1, 4 ) ) for line in [ l1, l2 ]: p = intersect_line_line( line, l3 ) assert type( p ) == Point assert isclose( p.x, 0.125 ) assert isclose( p.y, 3.25 ) # Parallel lines. l1 = Line( Point( 1, 1 ), Point( 3, 5 ) ) l2 = Line( Point( 6, 4 ), Point( 7, 6 ) ) assert intersect_line_line( l1, l2 ) is None def test_line_segment() -> None: # Segment which lies on a line. l = Line( Point( -2, -3 ), Point( -1, -2 ) ) s = Segment( Point( 3, 2 ), Point( 5, 4 ) ) assert intersect_line_segment( l, s ) == s # Line which crosses a segment. s = Segment( Point( -1, -5 ), Point( -4, -2 ) ) p = intersect_line_segment( l, s ) assert type( p ) == Point assert isclose( p.x, -2.5 ) assert isclose( p.y, -3.5 ) # Line crosses the line in which a segment lies, but not the # segment itself. s = Segment( Point( -5, -1 ), Point( -4, -2 ) ) assert intersect_line_segment( l, s ) is None # A line parallel to a segment. s = Segment( Point( 1, -2 ), Point( 2, -1 ) ) assert intersect_line_segment( l, s ) is None def test_line_circle() -> None: # A tangent line. l = Line( Point( 0, 5 ), Point( 3, 5 ) ) c = Circle( Point( 3, 3 ), 2 ) res = intersect_line_circle( l, c ) assert type( res ) == Point assert isclose( res.x, 3 ) assert isclose( res.y, 5 ) # Line which crosses a circle. l = Line( Point( 0, 3 ), Point( 7, 3 ) ) res = intersect_line_circle( l, c ) assert type( res ) == tuple p1, p2 = res assert ( isclose( p1.x, 1 ) and isclose( p2.x, 5 ) ) or \ ( isclose( p2.x, 1 ) and isclose( p1.x, 5 ) ) assert isclose( p1.y, 3 ) assert isclose( p2.y, 3 ) # No intersection. l = Line( Point( 6, -1 ), Point( 8, 3 ) ) assert intersect_line_circle( l, c ) is None def test_intersect() -> None: # Circle with a line, swapped order. l = Line( Point( 1, 3 ), Point( -1, -3 ) ) c = Circle( Point( 2, 0 ), 3 ) res_ = intersect( c, l ) assert type( res_ ) == tuple res = sorted( res_, key = lambda point: point.x ) p1_exp = Point( -0.5348469228349533, -1.6045407685048603 ) p2_exp = Point( 0.9348469228349539, 2.80454076850486 ) assert isclose( res[0].x, p1_exp.x ) and isclose( res[0].y, p1_exp.y ) assert isclose( res[1].x, p2_exp.x ) and isclose( res[1].y, p2_exp.y ) if __name__ == "__main__": test_line_line() test_line_segment() test_line_circle() test_intersect()