from typing import TypeVar, Generic # You might be familiar with the «zipper» data structure, which is # essentially a ‘linked list with a finger’. Let us consider # traversal of binary trees instead of lists. Implement two methods, # ‹rotate_left› and ‹rotate_right›, on a binary tree object. # These methods shuffle the tree so that the left/right child of the # current root becomes the new root. If rotating right, the old root # becomes the left child of the new root, and the previous left # child of the new root is attached as the right child of the old # root. If rotating left, the opposite. Notably, these # rearrangements preserve the in-order of the tree. # Question: can we reach all nodes using just these two rotations? # Can you think of an operation that, combined with the two # rotations, would make the entire tree reachable? Can you think of # a set of operations that make the entire tree reachable «and» # preserve in-order? Learn more in T.1. class Tree: def __init__( self, value ) -> None: self.left : Optional[ Tree ] = None self.right : Optional[ Tree ] = None self.value = value def rotate_left( self ): pass def rotate_right( self ): pass def test_basic() -> None: r = Tree( 7 ) r.left = Tree( 1 ) r.right = Tree( 2 ) r = r.rotate_left() assert r.left is None assert r.right is not None assert r.right.right is not None assert r.right.value == 7 assert r.right.right.value == 2 r = r.rotate_right() assert r.left is not None assert r.right is not None assert r.value == 7 assert r.left.value == 1 assert r.right.value == 2 r.right.left = Tree( 5 ) r.right.right = Tree( 6 ) r = r.rotate_right() assert r.left is not None assert r.right is not None assert r.left.left is not None assert r.left.right is not None assert r.value == 2 assert r.left.value == 7 assert r.right.value == 6 assert r.left.left.value == 1 assert r.left.right.value == 5 r = r.rotate_left() assert r.left is not None assert r.right is not None assert r.right.left is not None assert r.right.right is not None assert r.value == 7 assert r.left.value == 1 assert r.right.value == 2 assert r.right.left.value == 5 assert r.right.right.value == 6 if __name__ == '__main__': test_basic()