from e1_geometry import * # as before from typing import Union # ----- %< ----- %< ----- # In case there are no intersections, it makes sense to ask about # distances of two objects. In this case, it also makes sense to # include points, and we will start with those: def distance_point_point( a: Point, b: Point ) -> float: pass def distance_point_line( a: Point, l: Line ) -> float: pass # If we already have the point-line distance, it's easy to also find # the distance of two parallel lines: def distance_line_line( p: Line, q: Line ) -> float: pass # Circles vs points are rather easy, too: def distance_point_circle( a: Point, c: Circle ) -> float: pass # A similar idea works for circles and lines. Note that if they # intersect, we set the distance to 0. def distance_line_circle( l: Line, c: Circle ) -> float: pass # And finally, let's do the friendly dispatch function: def distance( a: Union[ Point, Line, Circle ], b: Union[ Point, Line, Circle ] ) -> float: pass # ----- >% ----- >% ----- from math import isclose def test_point_point() -> None: p1 = Point( 9, 7 ) p2 = Point( 3, 2 ) assert isclose( distance_point_point( p1, p2 ), 7.81024967590665 ) def test_point_line() -> None: p = Point( 2 , -1 ) l = Line( Point( 3, 6 ), Point( -4, -2 ) ) assert isclose( distance_point_line( p, l ), 3.85695556037274 ) def test_line_line() -> None: l1 = Line( Point( -3, -6 ), Point( 3 , 1 ) ) l2 = Line( Point( 3, 6 ), Point( -3 , -1 ) ) assert isclose( distance_line_line( l1, l2 ), 3.25395686727984 ) def test_point_circle() -> None: # point outside circle p = Point( 0, -2 ) c = Circle( Point( 2, 9 ), 2 ) assert isclose( distance_point_circle( p, c ), 9.18033988749894 ) # point within circle p = Point( 3, 2 ) c = Circle( Point( 2, 5 ), 4 ) assert isclose( distance_point_circle( p, c ), 0.83772233983162 ) # point on circle p = Point( 0, 1 ) c = Circle( Point( 0, 5 ), 4 ) assert isclose( distance_point_circle( p, c ), 0 ) def test_line_circle() -> None: l = Line( Point( 1, -3 ), Point( 2, -1 ) ) c = Circle( Point( 2, 7 ), 2 ) assert isclose( distance_line_circle( l, c ), 1.57770876399966 ) def test_distance() -> None: p1 = Point( 9, 7 ) p2 = Point( 3, 2 ) assert isclose( distance( p1, p2 ), 7.81024967590665 ) p = Point( 3, 2 ) c = Circle( Point( 2, 5 ), 4 ) assert isclose( distance( c, p ), 0.83772233983162 ) if __name__ == "__main__": test_point_point() test_point_line() test_line_line() test_point_circle() test_line_circle() test_distance()