from typing import Optional, Dict # In this exercise, we will move one level down and one step closer # to reality. Your task is to implement simplified versions of the # ‹malloc› and ‹free› functions, in a fixed-size memory represented # as a Python ‹list› of integers. # For simplicity, the memory will be ‘word-addressed’, that is, we # will not deal with individual bytes – instead, each addressable # memory cell will be an ‹int›. To further simplify matters, ‹free› # will get the size of the object as a second parameter (you can # assume that this is correct). # Use a first-fit strategy: allocate objects at the start of the # first free chunk of memory. It is okay to scan for free memory in # linear time. The ‹malloc› method should return ‹None› if there # isn't enough (continuous) memory left. class Heap: def __init__( self, size: int ) -> None: pass def read( self, addr: int ) -> int: pass def write( self, addr: int, value: int ) -> None: pass def malloc( self, size: int ) -> Optional[ int ]: pass def free( self, addr: int ) -> None: pass def test_basic() -> None: amap : Dict[ Optional[ int ], int ] = {} h = Heap( 20 ) def check_amap() -> None: for a_addr, a_size in amap.items(): assert a_addr is not None for b_addr, b_size in amap.items(): assert b_addr is not None a_bad = a_addr < b_addr < a_addr + a_size b_bad = b_addr < a_addr < b_addr + b_size assert not a_bad and not b_bad def check_write() -> None: from random import shuffle objs = list( amap.items() ) shuffle( objs ) i = 0 for start, size in objs: assert start is not None for addr in range( start, start + size ): h.write( addr, i ) i += addr i = 0 for start, size in objs: assert start is not None for addr in range( start, start + size ): assert addr ) == i i += addr amap[ ( a := h.malloc( 4 ) ) ] = 4 amap[ ( b := h.malloc( 6 ) ) ] = 6 check_amap() ; check_write() amap[ ( c := h.malloc( 5 ) ) ] = 5 check_amap() ; check_write() assert a is not None a, 4 ) ; del amap[ a ] amap[ ( a := h.malloc( 5 ) ) ] = 5 check_amap() ; check_write() assert h.malloc( 7 ) is None amap[ ( d := h.malloc( 4 ) ) ] = 4 check_amap() ; check_write() assert c is not None c, 5 ) ; del amap[ c ] amap[ h.malloc( 1 ) ] = 1 amap[ h.malloc( 1 ) ] = 1 check_amap() ; check_write() amap[ ( x := h.malloc( 1 ) ) ] = 1 amap[ ( y := h.malloc( 1 ) ) ] = 1 amap[ h.malloc( 1 ) ] = 1 check_amap() ; check_write() assert h.malloc( 1 ) is None assert x is not None assert y is not None x, 1 ) ; del amap[ x ] y, 1 ) ; del amap[ y ] amap[ h.malloc( 2 ) ] = 2 check_amap() ; check_write() if __name__ == '__main__': test_basic()