from typing import Sized, Callable, Awaitable, TypeVar, Iterable, \ List, Protocol, Any, Generator, Tuple, Sequence class Array( Sized ): def compare( self, a: int, b: int ) -> int: ... def swap( self, a: int, b: int ) -> None: ... class SupportsLessThan( Protocol ): def __lt__( self, other: Any ) -> bool: ... def __le__( self, other: Any ) -> bool: ... Suspend = Callable[ [], Awaitable[ None ] ] T = TypeVar( 'T', bound = SupportsLessThan ) # ----- %< ----- %< ----- # You are given ‹sched_yield›, an awaitable that allows the # scheduler to switch to a different coroutine, if needed. Given # that, write a ‘low-latency’ sort function – one that does only # O(1) work between two consecutive calls to ‹sched_yield›. # Requirements: # # • the sort should be in-place, # • the total runtime should be O(n⋅logn), # • use ‹ a, b )› to compare items: # ◦ ‹-1› means ‹data[ a ] < data[ b ]›, # ◦ ‹0› means ‹data[ a ] == data[ b ]› # ◦ finally ‹1› means ‹data[ a ] > data[ b ]›, # • use ‹data.swap( a, b )› to swap values with indices ‹a›, ‹b›, # • ‹len( data )› gives you the number of items. async def sort( data: Array, suspend: Suspend ) -> None: pass # ----- >% ----- >% ----- def check_run( data: Sequence[ T ] ) -> List[ int ]: counter = 0 work_done = [] def tick() -> None: nonlocal counter counter += 1 def lap() -> None: nonlocal counter work_done.append( counter ) counter = 0 class array( Array ): def __init__( self, data: List[ T ] ) -> None: self.__data = data def compare( self, idx_a: int, idx_b: int ) -> int: tick() a = self.__data[ idx_a ] b = self.__data[ idx_b ] return 0 if a == b else 1 if a > b else -1 def swap( self, idx_a: int, idx_b: int ) -> None: tick() val_a = self.__data[ idx_a ] val_b = self.__data[ idx_b ] self.__data[ idx_b ] = val_a self.__data[ idx_a ] = val_b def __len__( self ) -> int: return len( self.__data ) Pause = Generator[ Tuple[ () ], None, None ] class pause( Awaitable[ None ] ): def __await__( self ) -> Pause: yield () to_sort = array( list( data ) ) the_sort = sort( to_sort, pause ).__await__() try: while True: assert next( the_sort ) == () lap() except StopIteration: lap() for i in range( len( data ) - 1 ): assert i, i + 1 ) <= 0 return work_done def test_order() -> None: check_run( [ 3, 1, 2 ] ) check_run( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) check_run( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ) check_run( [ 3, 4, 1, 2 ] ) def test_latency() -> None: def do_test( data: Sequence[ int ] ) -> None: work = check_run( data ) for ops in work: assert ops <= 16, work from random import shuffle do_test( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) do_test( range( 1024 ) ) do_test( range( 2047, -1, -1 ) ) data = list( range( 0, 32768, 7 ) ) for i in range( 5 ): shuffle( data ) do_test( data ) def test_complexity() -> None: from random import shuffle def do_test( data: List[ int ] ) -> float: return sum( check_run( data ) ) / len( data ) data = list( range( 8 ) ) trials = [] for i in range( 12 ): count = len( data ) new = range( count // 2, 3 * count // 2 ) data.extend( new ) shuffle( data ) trials.append( do_test( data ) ) bound = 2 * ( trials[ 1 ] - trials[ 0 ] ) for i in range( len( trials ) - 1 ): assert trials[ i + 1 ] - trials[ i ] < bound if __name__ == '__main__': test_order() test_latency() test_complexity()