# Math and Statistics «This chapter is work in progress!» You have been warned. Submission for this chapter starts on 2021-11-29. Prep exercises: 1. ‹linear› – matrices warmup 2. ‹volume› – polyhedron volume 3. ‹signal› – generating sine waves 4. ‹stats› – simple stats with pandas 5. ‹outliers› – dealing with irregularities in data 6. ‹student› – the t-test Regular exercises: 1. ‹hist› – drawing histograms with ASCII art 2. ‹dft› – discrete Fourier transform 3. ‹null› – the null space of a matrix 4. ‹frames› – slicing and dicing pandas dataframes 5. ‹regress› – linear regression, with outliers 6. ‹anova› – TBD analysis of variance