# Implement the «splay tree» data structure (an adaptively # self-balancing binary search tree). Provide at least the following # operations: # # • ‹insert› – add an element to the tree (if not yet present) # • ‹find› – find a previously added element (return a ‹bool›) # • ‹erase› – remove an element # • ‹to_list› – return the tree as a sorted list # • ‹filter› – remove all elements failing a given predicate # • ‹root› – obtain a reference to the root node # # Nodes should have (at least) attributes ‹left›, ‹right› and # ‹value›. The class which represents the tree should be called # ‹SplayTree›. # You can find the required algorithms online (wikipedia comes to # mind, but also check out ‹https://is.muni.cz/go/ssyj4d› for some # intuition how the tree works). # The main operation is ‘splaying’ the tree, which moves a # particular node to the root, while rebalancing the tree. How # balanced the tree actually is depends on the order of splay # operations. The tree will have an «expected» logarithmic depth # after a random sequence of lookups (splays). If the sequence is # not random, the balance may suffer, but the most-frequently looked # up items will be near the root. In this sense, the tree is # self-optimizing. # Note: it's easier to implement ‹erase› using splaying than by using # the ‘normal’ BST delete operation: # # 1. splay the to-be-deleted node to the root, then # 2. join its two subtrees L and R: # ◦ use splay again, this time on the largest item of the # left subtree L, # ◦ the new root of L clearly can't have a right child, # ◦ attach the subtree R in place of the missing child. # EDIT 2021-09-27: Clarified that insert should not add duplicate # keys.