This document is a collection of exercises and commented examples of
source code (in Python). All of the source code included here is
also available as source files which you can edit and directly
execute (we will refer to these files as the source bundle).
Additionally, this section contains the rules and general guidelines
that apply to the course as a whole.
The latest version of this document along with the source bundle is
available both in the study materials in IS and on the student
server aisa: – a PDF in
pv248.seminar.pdf and the source bundle in directories 01
through 12, t1 through t4 and sol – use the ‘download as
ZIP’ option in the sidebar to get entire directories in one go,
log into aisa using ssh or putty, run pv248 update, then
look under ~/pv248 (this chapter is in subdirectory 00).
We will update the files as needed, to correct mistakes and to
include additional material. On aisa, running pv248 update at
any time will update your working copies, taking care not to
overwrite your changes. It will also tell you which files have been
Each of the following chapters corresponds to a single week of the
semester. The correspondence between exercises and the content of
the lectures is, however, somewhat loose, especially at the start of
the semester.
NB. If you are going to attend the lectures (you need to enroll
separately, subject code is PV288), all you need at the start is
intuitive familiarity with common programming concepts like classes,
objects, higher-order functions and function closures (which can be
stored in variables), as covered in e.g. PB006. You will get all
the details that you may need in the lectures. On the other hand, if
you are not going to attend lectures, you either need to already
know all the theory, or you need to study it in your free time (this
subject is purely practical).
A.1 Course Overview
Welcome to PV248 Python Seminar.
Since this is a programming subject, most of the coursework – and
grading – will center around actual programming. There will be 2
types of programs that you will write in this seminar: tiny programs
for weekly exercises (around 10–30 minutes each) and small programs
for homework (a few hundred lines and anything from a few hours to a
day or two of work).
As you probably know by now, writing programs is hard and this
course won't be entirely easy either. You will need to put in effort
to pass the subject. Hopefully, you will have learned something by
the end of it. Further details on the organisation of this course
are in the remaining files in this directory:
2_grading.txt – what is graded and how; what you need to pass,
3_tasks.txt – general guidelines that govern assignments,
4_reviews.txt – writing and receiving peer reviews.
Study materials for each week are in directories 01 through 12.
Start by reading 00_intro.txt. Assignments are in directories t1
through t4, one for each 4-week block and one extra for the exam
period. They will be made available according to the schedule shown
in 2_grading.txt.
The exercises for any given week will make use of the material
covered in the lecture, though some weeks it will be a fairly loose
fit. Especially when the lecture material is broad (like in weeks 1,
2 and 5), the seminar will mainly include general programming
exercises. Topics will get more specific and focused as the semester
progresses. The lectures are divided into 3 blocks, 4 lectures each.
They will cover the following topics:
expressions, variables, functions
objects, classes, types, mypy
scopes, lexical closures
iterators, generators, coroutines
memory management, refcounting
object and class internals
generators & coroutines cont'd
testing, profiling, pitfalls
text, predictive parsing
databases, relations vs objects
asynchronous programming, http
math and statistics
A.2 Grading
To pass the subject, you need to meet the following criteria:
complete 8 out of the 12 seminars, that is:
submit at least 3 preparatory exercises
attend the corresponding seminar
complete 4 tasks selected from 3 or 4 sets
the tasks must come from at least 3 different sets
which tasks you pick is entirely up to you
write 6 peer reviews for tasks:
you can only review what you passed yourself
you must cover 2 different tasks (with at least 2 reviews each)
The deadline for peer reviews is 13.2.2022 (the Sunday after the end
of the exam period, or a week and a half after the last deadline for
the last task set). Doing more work than required is always OK.
A.2.1 Seminars
Each chapter in this exercise collection has 2 types of exercises:
‘preparatory’ and ‘regular’. Completing a seminar, then, has 2
parts: working out 3 of the preparatory exercises and attending the
seminar, which will include the following (group) activities:
analysis of some of the submitted solutions,
making improvements to the same,
solving some of the ‘regular’ exercises live.
In addition to the group activities, the teacher will live-solve one
of the regular exercises with comments, input and questions from you
as a group.
All weekly exercises have test cases enclosed: it is sufficient to
pass those test cases. Any bugs that slip by may be dissected in the
following seminar. The submission deadlines for prep exercises are
as follows:
18.9. 23:59
20.9. –23.9.
25.9. 23:59
27.9. –30.9.
2.10. 23:59
4.10.– 7.10.
9.10. 23:59
16.10. 23:59
23.10. 23:59
30.10. 23:59
1.11.– 4.11.
6.11. 23:59
13.11. 23:59
20.11. 23:59
27.11. 23:59
29.11.– 2.12.
4.12. 23:59
6.12.– 9.12.
If your seminar falls on a holiday (this affects Tuesday 28.9.,
Thursday 28.10. and Wednesday 17.11.), you can attend with a
different group that week.
A.2.2 Tasks
There will be 4 sets of 3 tasks each. As mentioned earlier, you are
required to complete, at minimum, 4 tasks covering at least 3 of the
sets. Submitting more is of course allowed and encouraged. There are
8 deadlines for each set, summarised in the next section.
Please remember that the test suite is strictly binary: you either
pass or you fail, and that the deadlines are firm. More details and
guidelines are in 3_tasks.txt.
A.2.3 Peer Review
Reading and understanding code is an important skill, and even
though it's not easy to practice, we are going to at least try. You
will be required to read, understand and provide feedback for 6 task
solutions written by your classmates. The rules for peer review are
as follows:
only tasks are eligible for reviews (not the weekly exercises),
you can submit any code (even completely broken) for peer review,
to write a review for any given submission, you must have already
passed the respective task yourself,
there are no interim deadlines for requesting or providing peer
reviews (only the deadline at the end of the exam period).
It is okay to point out correctness problems during peer reviews,
with the expectation that this might help the recipient complete the
task. This is the only allowed form of cooperation (more on that
A.2.4 Plagiarism
Copying someone else's work or letting someone else copy yours will
cause that item to be crossed off your achievements, along with one
more of the same kind. That is, if you ‘borrow’ a solution to a
preparatory exercise, that week won't count toward the 8 seminars
that you need to complete, and you will be required to complete 9
other seminars, instead of 8. Likewise, if you borrow a solution to
a task, that task will be crossed off. You will then have to solve 4
tasks in 3 different sets to pass the subject.
You are also responsible for keeping your solutions private. If you
only use the pv248 command on aisa, it will make your ~/pv248
directory inaccessible to anyone else (this also applies to
school-provided UNIX workstations). Keep it that way. If you work on
your solution using other computers, make sure they are secure. Do
not publish your solutions anywhere (on the internet or otherwise).
All parties in a copying incident will be treated equally.
No cooperation is allowed (not even design-level discussion about
how to solve the exercise) on tasks and on weekly exercises which
you submit. If you want to study with your classmates, that is okay
– but only cooperate on code which is not going to be submitted by
either party. If you want to be sure of this, limit teamwork to the
‘regular’ exercises (in files called rN_*.py).
A.3 Tasks
A.3.1 Schedule
There are 4 sets of tasks and each has a 4-week window when it can
be handed in. The dates are as follows (both start and end are at
the midnight which ends the given day):
24.9. 0:00
21.10. 23:59
22.10. 0:00
18.11. 23:59
19.11. 0:00
16.12. 23:59
7.1. 0:00
3.2. 23:59
A.3.2 Evaluation
There are three sets of automated tests which are executed on the
solutions you submit:
The first set is called syntax and runs immediately after you
submit. Only 2 checks are performed: the code can be loaded (no
syntax errors) and it passes mypy.
The next step is sanity and runs every noon and midnight. Its
main role is to check that your program meets basic semantic
requirements, e.g. that it recognizes correct inputs and
produces correctly formatted outputs. The ‘sanity’ test suite is
for your information only and does not guarantee that your
solution will be accepted. The ‘sanity’ test suite is only
executed if you passed ‘syntax’.
Finally the verity test suite covers most of the specified
functionality and runs twice a week – every Thursday and Monday
at midnight, right after the deadline. If you pass the verity
suite, the task is considered complete. The verity suite will
not run unless the code passes ‘sanity’.
Only the most recent submission is evaluated, and each submission is
evaluated at most once in the ‘sanity’ and once in the ‘verity’
mode. You will find your latest evaluation results in the IS in
notepads (one per assignment). You can still submit new versions
after you pass ‘verity’ on a given task (e.g. because you want to
improve the code for review). If your later submission happens to
fail tests, this is of no consequence (the task is still considered
The deadlines for verity tests are as follows:
A.3.3 Submitting Solutions
The easiest way to submit a solution is this:
$ ssh
$ cd ~/pv248/t1
<edit files until satisfied>
$ pv248 submit t1_splay
The number of times you submit is not limited (but not every
submission will be necessarily evaluated, as explained above).
NB. Only the files listed in the assignment will be submitted and
evaluated. Please put your entire solution into existing files.
You can check the status of your submissions by issuing the
following command:
$ pv248 status
In case you already submitted a solution, but later changed it, you
can see the differences between your most recent submitted version
and your current version by issuing:
$ pv248 diff
The lines starting with - have been removed since the submission,
those with + have been added and those with neither are common to
both versions.
A.3.4 Guidelines
The general principles outlined here apply to all assignments. The
first and most important rule is, use your brain -- the
specifications are not exhaustive and sometimes leave room for
different interpretations. Do your best to apply the most sensible
one. Do not try to find loopholes (all you are likely to get is
failed tests). Technically correct is not the best kind of
Think about pre- and postconditions. Aim for weakest preconditions
that still allow you to guarantee the postconditions required by the
assignment. If your preconditions are too strong (i.e. you disallow
inputs that are not ruled out by the spec) you may fail the tests.
Do not print anything that you are not specifically directed to.
Programs which print anything that wasn't specified will fail tests.
You can use the standard library. Third-party libraries are not
allowed, unless specified as part of the assignment. Make sure that
your classes and methods use the correct spelling, and that you
accept and/or return the correct types. In most cases, either the
‘syntax’ or the ‘sanity’ test suite will catch problems of this
kind, but we cannot guarantee that it always will – do not rely on
If you don't get everything right the first time around, do not
despair. The expectation is that most of the time, you will pass
on the second or third attempt. In the real world, the first
delivered version of your product will rarely be perfect, or even
acceptable, despite your best effort to fulfill every customer
requirement. Only very small programs can be realistically written
completely correctly in one go.
A.4 Peer Reviews
You must participate in the peer review system, both as a reviewer
(see earlier section on grading) and as a review recipient. In
addition to fulfilling the requirements of the course, we hope that
the reviews you get will help you better understand how other people
see your code, and perhaps also learn something new about writing
A.4.1 Requesting Reviews
Not all submissions are worth reviewing, and only you can decide
which are. Therefore, when you would like to have your code
reviewed, use the following command:
$ pv248 review --request t1_splay
Substitute other tasks for t1_splay as appropriate. You can
request a review on a task which you did not pass yet. You may get
up to 3 reviews for any given request. The request you create is for
your latest submission at the time (so make sure you submit first,
ask for reviews later).
The pv248 update command will indicate whether someone reviewed
your code, by printing a line of the form:
A reviews/hw1.from.xlogin
To read the review, look at the files in
~/pv248/reviews/hw1.from.xlogin -- you will find a copy of your
submitted sources along with comments provided by the reviewer.
After you read your review, you should write a few sentences for the
reviewer into note.txt in the review directory (please wrap lines
to 80 columns) and then run:
$ pv248 review --accept 100
Instead of 100, you can use a smaller number, indicating a 0–100
rating of the review you received. This does not serve any other
purpose except give an idea to the recipient how satisfied you were,
except if you indicate 0 (in which case, we will investigate what
went wrong). Please rate the reviews honestly!
A.4.2 Writing Reviews
To write a review, start with the following command:
$ pv248 review --list
You will get a list of review requests for which you are an eligible
reviewer. In particular, only tasks that you have already
successfully solved will show up. If you like one of the entries,
note its number (e.g. 7) and type:
$ pv248 review --checkout 7
$ cd ~/pv248/reviews/
$ ls
There will be a directory for each of the reviews you agreed to
write. Each directory contains the source code submitted for review,
along with further instructions (the file readme.txt).
When inserting your comments, please use double ## to make the
comment stand out, like this:
## A longer comment should be wrapped to 80 columns or less,
## and each line should start with the ## marker.
You can write up to 9 reviews (though you only need to do 6, but you
can help out more people if you write more reviews, and get more
practice while doing it). The limit of 9 is applied at checkout
time: once you agree to do a particular review, you cannot change
your mind and ‘uncheckout’ it to reclaim one of the 9 slots.
1 Python 101
As we have mentioned, each chapter is split into 3 sections:
demonstrations, preparatory exercises and regular exercises. The
demos are complete programs with comments that should give you a
quick introduction to using the constructs that you will need in the
actual exercises. The demos for the first week are these:
list – using lists
dict – using dictionaries
str – using strings
Sometimes, there will be ‘elementary’ exercises: these are too
simple to be a real challenge, but they are perhaps good warm-up
exercises to get into the spirit of things. You might want to do
them before you move on to the prep exercises.
fibfib – iterated Fibonacci sequence
The second set of exercises are those that are meant to be solved
before the corresponding seminar. The first set should be
submitted by 18th of September (you need to solve at least 3 of
the exercises). The corresponding seminars are in the week starting
on 20th of September. Now for the exercises:
rpn – Reverse Polish Notation with lists
image – compute the image of a given function
ts3esc – escaping magic character sequences
alchemy – transmute and mix inputs to reach a goal
chain – solving a word puzzle
cycles – a simple graph algorithm with dictionaries
The third set of exercises are so-called ‘regular’ exercises. Feel
free to solve them ahead of time if you like. Some of them will be
done in the seminar. When you are done (or get stuck), you can
compare your code to the example solutions listed near the end of
the PDF, or in the directory sol in the source bundle. The
exercises are:
permute – compute digit permutations of numbers
rfence – the rail fence transposition cipher
life – the game of life
breadth – statistics about a tree
radix – radix sorting of strings
bipartite – check whether an input graph is bipartite
1.d Demonstrations
1.d.1 [list]
In Python, list literals are written in square brackets, with
items separated by commas, like this:
a_list = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Lists are mutable: the value of a list may change, without the
list itself changing identity. Methods like append and operators
like += update the list in place.
Lists are internally implemented as arrays. Appending elements is
cheap, and so is indexing. Adding and removing items at the front
is expensive. Lists are indexed using (again) square brackets and
indices start from zero:
one = a_list[ 0 ]
Lists can be sliced: if you put 2 indices in the indexing
brackets, separated by a colon, the result is a list with the
range of elements on those indices (the element on the first index
is included, but the one on the second index is not). The slice is
copied (this can become expensive).
b_list = a_list[ 1 : 3 ]
You can put pretty much anything in a list, including another
c_list = [ a_list, [ 3, 2, 1 ] ]
You can also construct lists using comprehensions, which are
written like for loops:
d_list = [ x * 2 for x in a_list if x % 2 == 1 ]
There are many useful methods and functions which work with lists.
We will discover some of them as we go along. To see the values of
the variables above, you can do:
python -i
>>> d_list
[2, 6]
1.d.2 [dict]
Dictionaries (associative arrays) are another basic (and very
useful) data structure. Literals are written using curly braces,
with colons separating keys from values and commas separating
multiple key-value pairs from each other:
a_dict = { 1: 1, 2: 7, 3: 1 }
In Python, dictionaries are implemented as hash tables. This gives
constant expected complexity for most single-item operations
(insertion, lookup, erase, etc.). One would expect that this also
means that dictionaries are unordered, but this is not quite so
(details some other day, though).
Like lists, dictionaries are mutable: you can add or remove
items, or, if the values stored in the dictionary are themselves
mutable, update those. However, keys cannot be changed, since
this would break the internal representation. Hence, only
immutable values can be used as keys (or, to be more precise,
only ‘hashable’ values).
Most operations on items in the dictionary are written using
subscripts, like with lists. Unlike lists, the keys don't need to
be integers, and if they are integers, they don't need to be
contiguous. To update a value associated with a key, use the
assignment syntax:
a_dict[ 1 ] = 2
a_dict[ 337 ] = 1
To iterate over key-value pairs, use the items() method:
a_list = []
for key, value in a_dict.items():
a_list.append( key )
You can ask (efficiently) whether a key is present in a dictionary
using the in operator:
assert 2 in a_dict
assert 4 not in a_dict
(side note: assert does what you would expect it to do; just
make sure you do not write it like a function call, with
parentheses, that will give you unexpected results if combined
with a comma)
Again, like with lists, we will encounter dictionaries pretty
often, so you will get acquainted with their methods soon enough.
1.d.3 [str]
The last data type we will look at for now is str, which
represents Unicode strings. Unlike lists and dictionaries, but
quite like integers, strings in Python are immutable. You can
construct new strings from old strings, but once a string exists,
it cannot be updated.
There are many kinds of string literals in Python, some of them
quite complicated. The basic variations use single or double
quotes (and there is no difference between them, though some
programmers give them different semantics).
a_str = 'some string'
To access a string, you can index it, like you would a list:
b_str = a_str[ 1 ]
Rather confusingly, the result of indexing a str is another
str, with just one character (code point) in it. In this sense,
indexing strings behaves more like slicing than real indexing.
There is no data type to represent a single character (other than
int, of course).
Since strings are immutable, you cannot update them in place; the
following will not work:
a_str[ 1 ] = 'x'
Also somewhat confusingly, you can use += to seemingly mutate a
a_str += ' duh'
What happened? Well, += can do two different things, depending
on its left-hand side. If the LHS is a mutable type, it will
internally call a method on the value to update it. If this is not
possible, it is treated as the equivalent of:
c_str = 'string'
c_str = c_str + ' …and another'
which of course builds a new string (using +, which concatenates
two strings to make a new one) and then binds that new string to
the name c_str. We will deal with this in more detail in the
Important corollaries: strings, being immutable, can be used as
dictionary keys. Building long strings with += is pretty
inefficient. In essence, even though you can subscript them,
strings behave more like integers than like lists. Try to keep
this in mind.
As with previous two data types, we will encounter quite a few
methods and functions which work with strings in the course. Also,
the reference documentation is pretty good. Use it. The most basic
way to get to it is using the help function of the interpreter:
>>> help('')
>>> help({})
>>> help([])
Of course, you can also break out the web browser and point it to
s[1][k] = fib(fib(k)) is the s[0][k]-th Fibonacci number,
s[2][k] = fib(k) is the s[0][s[1][k]]-th Fibonacci number,
and so on.
Write fibfib, a function which computes s[n][k].
def fibfib( n, k ):
1.p Prep Exercises
1.p.1 [rpn]
In the first exercise, we will implement a simple RPN (Reverse
Polish Notation) evaluator.
The only argument the evaluator takes is a list with two kinds of
objects in it: numbers (of type int, float or similar) and
operators (for simplicity, these will be of type str). To
evaluate an RPN expression, we will need a stack (which can be
represented using a list, which has useful append and pop
Implement the following unary operators: neg (for negation, i.e.
unary minus) and recip (for reciprocal, i.e. the multiplicative
inverse). The entry point will be a single function, with the
following prototype:
def rpn_unary( rpn ):
The second part of the exercise is now quite simple: extend the
rpn_unary evaluator with the following binary operators: +,
-, *, /, ** and two ‘greedy’ operators, sum and prod,
which reduce the entire content of the stack to a single number.
Think about how to share code between the two evaluators.
Note that we write the stack with ‘top’ to the right, and
operators take arguments from left to right in this ordering (i.e.
the top of the stack is the right argument of binary operators).
This is important for non-commutative operators.
def rpn_binary( rpn ):
Some test cases are included below. Write a few more to convince
yourself that your code works correctly.
1.p.2 [image]
You are given a function f which takes a single integer
argument, and a list of closed intervals domain. For instance:
Find the image of the set represented by domain under f, as
a list of disjoint, closed intervals, sorted in ascending order.
Produce the shortest list possible.
Values which are not in the image must not appear in the result
(e.g. if the image is , the intervals would be – not nor ).
def image( f, domain ):
1.p.3 [ts3esc]
Big Corp has an in-house knowledge base / information filing
system. It does many things, as legacy systems are prone to, and
many of them are somewhat idiosyncratic. Either because the
relevant standards did not exist at the time, or the responsible
programmer didn't like the standard, so they rolled their own.
The system has become impossible to maintain, but the databases
contain a vast amount of information and are in active use. The
system will be rewritten from scratch, but will stay
backward-compatible with all the existing formats. You are on the
team doing the rewrite (we are really sorry to hear this, honest).
The system stores structured documents, and one of its features is
that it can format those documents using templates. However, the
template system got a little out of hand (they always do, don't
they) and among other things, it is recursive. Each piece of
information inserted into the template is itself treated as a
template and can have other pieces of the document substituted.
A template looks like this:
template_1 = '''The product ‘${product}’ is made by ${manufacturer}
in ${country}. The production uses these rare-earth metals:
#{ingredients.rare_earth_metals} and these toxic substances:
The system does not treat $ and # specially, unless they are
followed by a left brace. This is a rare combination, but it turns
out it sometimes appears in documents. To mitigate this, the
sequences $${ and ##{ are interpreted as literal ${ and
#{. At some point, the authors of the system realized that they
need to write literal $${ into a document. So they came up with
the scheme that when a string of 2 or more $ is followed by a
left brace, one of the $ is removed and the rest is passed
through. Same with #.
Your first task is to write functions which escape and un-escape
strings using the scheme explained above. The template component
of the system is known simply as ‘template system 3’, so the
functions will be called ts3_escape and ts3_unescape. Return
the altered string. If the string passed to ts3_unescape
contains the sequence #{ or ${, return None, since such
string could not have been returned from ts3_escape.
def ts3_escape( string ):
def ts3_unescape( string ):
1.p.4 [alchemy]
You are given:
a list of available substances and their quantities,
a list of desired substances and their quantities,
a list of transmutation rules, where each is a 2-tuple:
first element is the list of required inputs,
the second element is the list of outputs,
both input and output is a tuple of an element and quantity.
The sum of the quantities on the right hand side of the list is
strictly less than that on the left side. Decide whether it is
possible to get from the available substances to the desired,
using the given rules: return a boolean. It does not matter
whether there are leftovers. Rules can be used repeatedly.
def alchemy(available, desired, rules):
The rules from tests in a more readable format, for your convenience:
4 water + 2 mandrake root + 2 valerian root + nightshade → elixir of life
5 tea leaves → tea tree oil
2 primrose oil + 2 water + 1 tea tree oil → skin cleaning oil
1 iron + 1 carbon → steel
1 footprint → 1 carbon
6 ice → 5 water
3 steel → 1 cable
10 lead + philosopher stone + 2 unicorn hair → 10 gold
1.p.5 [chain]
In this exercise, your task is to find the longest possible word
chain constructible from the input words. The input is a set of
words. Return the largest number of words that can be chained one
after the other, such that the first letter of the second word is
the same as the last letter of the first word. Repetition of words
is not allowed.
You are given a graph, in the form of a dictionary, where keys are
numbers and values are lists of numbers (i.e. it is an oriented
graph and its vertices are numbered; however, note that the
numbering does not need to be consecutive, or only use small
Write a function, has_cycle which decides whether a cycle with
at least one even-numbered vertex is reachable from vertex 1.
Hint: look up Nested DFS. Essentially, run DFS from vertex 1 and
when you backtrack through an even-numbered vertex (i.e. in DFS
postorder), run another DFS from that vertex to detect any cycles
that reach the (even-numbered) initial vertex of the inner DFS.
All the inner searches should share the ‘visited’ marks. Be
careful to implement the DFS correctly.
def has_cycle( graph ):
1.r Regular Exercises
1.r.1 [permute]
Given a number n and a base b, find all numbers whose digits
(in base b) are a permutation of the digits of n.
In this exercise, you will implement the Rail Fence cipher
algorithm, also called the Zig-Zag cipher.
The way this cipher works is as follows: there is a given number
of rows (‘rails’). You write your message on those rails, starting
in the top-left corner and moving in a zig-zag pattern: ↘ ↗ ↘ ↗ ↘
↗ from top to bottom rail and back to top rail, until the text
message is exhausted.
Example: HELLO_WORLD with 3 rails
The encrypted message is read off row by row: HOREL_OLLWD.
Your task is to write the function which, given the number of
rails/rows, returns the encrypted text.
def encrypt(text, rails):
And decipher the text back to the sent message.
def decrypt(text, rails):
1.r.3 [life]
The game of life is a 2D cellular automaton: cells form a 2D grid,
where each cell is either alive or dead. In each generation (step
of the simulation), the new value of a given cell is computed from
its value and the values of its 8 neighbours in the previous
generation. The rules are as follows:
alive neigh.
An example of a short periodic game:
Write a function which, given a set of life cells, computes the
set of life cells after n generations. Live cells are given
using their coordinates in the grid, i.e. as (x, y) pairs.
def life( cells, n ):
1.r.4 [breadth]
Assume a non-empty tree with nodes labelled by unique integers:
We can store such a tree in a dictionary like this:
Keys are node numbers while the values are lists of their (direct)
descendants. Write a function which computes a few simple
statistics about the widths of individual levels of the tree (a
level is the set of nodes with the same distance from the root;
its width is the number of nodes in it). Return a tuple of
average, median and maximum level width.
def breadth(tree):
from math import isclose
1.r.5 [radix]
Implement the radix sort algorithm for strings. Use a dictionary
to keep the buckets, since the ‘radix’ (the number of all possible
‘digits’) is huge for Unicode. To iterate the dictionary in the
correct order, you can use:
sorted( d.items(), key = lambda x: x[ 0 ] )
NB. Make sure that you don't accidentally sort the whole sequence
using the built-in sort in your implementation.
def radix_sort( strings ):
1.r.6 [bipartite]
Given an undirected graph in the form of a set of 2-tuples (see
below), decide whether the graph is bipartite. That is, whether
each vertex can be assigned one of 2 colours, such that no edge
goes between vertices of the same colour. Hint: BFS.
The graph is given as a set of edges . For any , it
is also true that (you can assume this in your
algorithm). The set of vertices is implicit (i.e. it contains
exactly the vertices which appear in ).
def is_bipartite(graph):
2 Objects, Classes and Types
This week, the exercises require static type annotations that can be
checked with mypy --strict. In most weeks from now on, prep
exercises will require mypy annotations, though they will be
optional in most tasks (but you may find them helpful). Please do
not use Any in the annotations, or the type: ignore pragma.
While not enforced by the submission evaluator (sometimes those are
hard to avoid, like the cases already present in the skeletons),
over-use will be frowned upon.
mypy – annotation basics
Elementary exercises:
geometry – define basic types for planar geometry
Prep exercises:
dsw – Day, Stout & Warren balance binary trees
ts3norm – template system 3, normalization
ts3render – template system 3, rendering into strings
bool – boolean expression trees
intersect – computing intersections in a plane
list – linked list with generic type annotations
Regular exercises:
json – recursive data types without gross hacks
rotate – traversing a tree using rotations
ts3bugs – more fun with template system 3
treap – randomized search trees
distance – shortest distance between two 2D objects
istree – finding cycles in object graphs
2.d Demonstrations
2.d.1 [mypy]
In this unit (and most future units), we will add static type
annotations to our programs, to be checked by mypy. Annotations
can be attached to variables, function arguments and return types.
In --strict mode (which we will be using), mypy requires that
each function header (arguments and return type) is annotated.
e.g. the function divisor_count takes a single int parameter
and returns another int:
def divisor_count( n: int ) -> int:
count = 0
for i in range( 1, n + 1 ):
if n % i == 0:
count += 1
return count
2.e Elementary Exercises
2.e.1 [geometry]
In this exercise, you will implement basic types for planar
analytic geometry. First define classes Point and Vector
(tests expect the coordinate attributes to be named x and y):
class Point:
def __init__( self, x: float, y: float ) -> None:
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __sub__( self, other: Point ) -> Vector: # self - other
pass # compute a vector
def translated( self, vec: Vector ) -> Point:
pass # compute a new point
Let us define a line next. The vector returned by get_direction
should have a unit length and point from p1 to p2. The point
returned by get_point should be p1.
def point_eq( p1: Point, p2: Point ) -> bool:
return isclose( p1.x, p2.x ) and \
isclose( p1.y, p2.y )
def dir_eq( u: Vector, v: Vector ) -> bool:
return isclose( u.angle( v ), 0 ) or \
isclose( u.angle( v ), pi )
def line_eq( l1: Line, l2: Line ) -> bool:
return dir_eq( l1.get_direction(), l2.get_direction() ) and \
( point_eq( l1.get_point(), l2.get_point() ) or
dir_eq( l1.get_point() - l2.get_point(),
l1.get_direction() ) )
Please make sure that your implementation is finished before
consulting tests; specifically, try to avoid reverse-engineering
the tests to find out how to write your program.
2.p Prep Exercises
2.p.1 [dsw]
Implement the DSW (Day, Stout and Warren) algorithm for
rebalancing binary search trees. The algorithm is ‘in place’ –
implement it as a procedure that modifies the input tree. You will
find suitable pseudocode on Wikipedia, for instance.
The constructor of Node should accept a single parameter (the
class Node: pass # add ‹left›, ‹right› and ‹value› attributes
class Tree: pass # add a ‹root› attribute
def dsw( tree ): # add a type signature here
2.p.2 [ts3norm]
(continued from 01/p3_ts3esc) Eventually, we will want to
replicate the actual substitution into the templates. This will be
done by the ts3_render function (next exercise). However,
somewhat surprisingly, that function will only take one argument,
which is the structured document to be converted into a string.
Recall that the template system is recursive: before ts3_render,
another function, ts3_combine combines the document and the
templates into a single tree-like structure. One of your less
fortunate colleagues is doing that one.
This structure has 5 types of nodes: lists, maps, templates
(strings), documents (also strings) and integers. In the original
system there are more types (like decimal numbers, booleans and so
on) but it has been decided to add those later. Many documents
only make use of the above 5.
A somewhat unfortunate quirk of the system is that there are
multiple types of nodes represented using strings. The way the
original system dealt with this is by prefixing each string by its
type; $document$ (with a trailing space!) and $template$ .
Those prefixes are stored in the database. To make matters worse,
there are strings with no prefix: earlier versions looked for ${
and #{ sequences in the string, and if it found some, treated
the string as a template, and as a document otherwise.
The team has rightly decided that this is stupid. You drew the
short straw and now you are responsible for function
ts3_normalize, which takes the above slightly baroque structure
and sorts the strings into two distinct types, which are
represented using Python classes. Someone else will deal with
converting the database ‘later’.
class Document:
def __init__( self, text: str ) -> None:
self.text = text
class Template:
def __init__( self, text: str ) -> None:
self.text = text
Each of the above classes keeps the actual text in a string
attribute called text, without the funny prefixes. The lists,
maps and integers fortunately arrive as Python list, dict and
int into this function. Return the altered tree: the strings
substituted for their respective types.
At this point, we have a structure made of dict, list,
Template, Document and int instances. The lists and maps can
be arbitrarily nested. Within templates, the substitutions give
dot-separated paths into this tree-like structure. If the
top-level object is a map, the first component of a path is a
string which matches a key of that map. The first component is
then chopped off, the value corresponding to the matched key is
picked as a new root and the process is repeated recursively. If
the current root is a list and the path component is a number, the
number is used as an index into the list.
If a dict meets a number in the path (we will only deal with
string keys), or a list meets a string, treat this as a
precondition violation – fail an assert – and let someone else
deal with the problem later.
The ${path} substitution performs scalar rendering, while
#{path} substitution performs composite rendering. Scalar
rendering resolves the path to an object, and depending on its
type, performs the following:
Document → replace the ${…} with the text of the document;
the pasted text is excluded from further processing,
Template → the ${…} is replaced with the text of the
template; occurrences of ${…} and #{…} within the pasted text
are further processed,
int → it is formatted as a decimal number and the resulting
string replaces the ${…},
list → the length of the list is formatted as if it was an
int, and finally,
dict → .default is appended to the path and the
substitution is retried.
Composite rendering using #{…} is similar, but:
a dict is rendered as a comma-separated (with a space) list
of its values, after the keys are sorted alphabetically, where
each value is rendered as a scalar,
a list is likewise rendered as a comma-separated list of its
values as scalars,
everything else is an error: again, treat this as a failed
precondition, fail an assert, and leave it to someone else to
fix later.
The top-level entity passed to ts3_render must always be a
dict. The starting template is expected to be in the key
$template of that dict. Remember that ##{…} and $${…} must
remain untouched. If you encounter nested templates while parsing
the path, e.g. ${abc${d}}, give up (again via a failed
assertion); however, see also exercise r3).
def ts3_render( tree: OutputDoc ) -> str:
2.p.4 [bool]
In this exercise, we will evaluate boolean trees, where operators
are represented as internal nodes of the tree. All of the Node
types should have an evaluate method. Implement the following
Node types (logical operators): and, or, implication,
equality, nand. The operators should short-circuit (skip
evaluating the right subtree) where applicable. Leaves of the tree
contain boolean constants.
Example of a boolean tree:
In this case the or (∨) node evaluates to True, the
implication (⇒) evaluates to True as well, and hence the whole
tree (and, ∧) also evaluates to True.
Add methods and attributes to Node and Leaf as/if needed.
class Leaf( Node ):
def __init__( self, value: bool ) -> None:
self.truth_value = value
Complete the following classes as appropriate.
class AndNode: pass
class OrNode: pass
class ImplicationNode: pass
class EqualityNode: pass
class NandNode: pass
2.p.5 [intersect]
We first import all the classes from e1_geometry, since we will
want to use them.
What we will do now is compute intersection points of a few object
type combinations. We will start with lines, which are the
simplest. You can find closed-form general solutions for all the
problems in this exercise on the internet. Use them.
Line-line intersect either returns a points, or a Line, if the two
lines are coincident, or None if they are parallel.
def intersect_line_line( p: Line, q: Line ) \
-> Union[ Point, Line, None ]:
Intersecting lines with circles is a little more tricky. Checking
e.g. MathWorld sounds like a good idea. It might be helpful to
translate both objects so that the circle is centered at the
origin. The function returns a either None (the line and circle
do not intersect), a single Point (the line is tangent to the
circle) or a pair of points.
def intersect_line_circle( p: Line, c: Circle ) \
-> Union[ None, Point, Tuple[ Point, Point ] ]:
It's probably quite obvious that users won't like the above API.
Let's make a single intersect() that will work on anything (that
we know how to intersect, anyway). You can use type( a ) or
isinstance( a, some_type ) to find the type of object a. You
can compare types for equality, too: type( a ) == Circle will do
what you think it should.
def intersect( a: Union[ Line, Segment, Circle ],
b: Union[ Line, Segment, Circle ] ) \
-> Union[ None, Point, Line, Segment,
Tuple[ Point, Point ] ]:
2.p.6 [list]
Implement a linked list with the following operations:
append – add an item at the end
join – concatenate 2 lists
shift – remove an item from the front and return it
empty – is the list empty?
The class should be called Linked and should have a single type
parameter (the type of item stored in the list). The join method
should re-use nodes of the second list. The second list thus
becomes empty.
class Linked: pass
2.r Regular Exercises
2.r.1 [json]
Now implement the classes JsonArray and JsonObject, with get
and set methods (which take a key/index) and in the case of
JsonArray, an append and a pop method. The set methods
should also accept ‘raw’ str and int objects.
class JsonArray: pass
class JsonObject: pass
The classes JsonStr and JsonInt are going to be a little
special, since they should behave like str and int, but also
provide get/set (which fail with an assertion) to make life
easier for the user.
class JsonInt: pass
class JsonStr: pass
2.r.2 [rotate]
You might be familiar with the zipper data structure, which is
essentially a ‘linked list with a finger’. Let us consider
traversal of binary trees instead of lists. Implement two methods,
rotate_left and rotate_right, on a binary tree object.
These methods shuffle the tree so that the left/right child of the
current root becomes the new root. If rotating right, the old root
becomes the left child of the new root, and the previous left
child of the new root is attached as the right child of the old
root. If rotating left, the opposite. Notably, these
rearrangements preserve the in-order of the tree.
Question: can we reach all nodes using just these two rotations?
Can you think of an operation that, combined with the two
rotations, would make the entire tree reachable? Can you think of
a set of operations that make the entire tree reachable and
preserve in-order? Learn more in T.1.
class Tree:
def __init__( self, value ) -> None:
self.left : Optional[ Tree ] = None
self.right : Optional[ Tree ] = None
self.value = value
Let's pick up where p3_ts3render left off. It turns out that the
original system had a bug, where a template could look like this:
${}.baz} – if ${} referenced a template and
that template ended with ${quux (notice all the oddly
unbalanced brackets!), the system would then paste the strings to
get ${quux.baz} and proceed to perform that substitution.
The real clincher is that template authors started to use this as
a feature, and now we are stuck with it. Replicate this
functionality. However, make sure that this does not happen when
the first part of the pasted substitution comes from a document!
The original bug would still do the substitution if the second
part was a document and not a template. Feel free to replicate
that part of the bug too. As far as anyone knows, the variant
with template + document is not abused in the wild, so it is also
okay to fix it.
Now the other part. If you encounter nested templates while
parsing the path, first process the innermost substitutions,
resolve the inside path and append the path to the outer one, then
continue resolving the outer path.
Example: ${path${inner.tpl}}, first resolve inner.tpl, append
the result after path, then continue parsing. If the inner.tpl
path leads to a document with text .outside.2, the outer path is
2.r.4 [treap]
A treap is a combination of a binary search tree and a binary
heap. Of course, a single structure cannot be a heap and a search
tree on the same value:
a search tree demands the value in the right child to be
greater than the value in the root,
a max heap demands that the value in both children be smaller
than the root (and hence specifically in the right child).
Treap has therefore a pair of values in each node: a key and a
priority. The tree is arranged so that it is a binary search
tree with respect to keys, and a binary heap with respect to
The role of the heap part of the structure is to keep the tree
approximately balanced. Your task is to implement the insertion
algorithm which works as follows:
insert a new node into the tree, based on the key alone, as
with a standard binary search tree,
if this violates the heap property, rotate the newly inserted
node toward the root, until the heap property is restored.
The deeper the node is inserted, the more likely it is to violate
the heap property and the more likely it is to bubble up, causing
the affected portion of the tree to be rebalanced by the
rotations. Remember that rotations do not change the in-order of
the tree and hence cannot disturb the search tree property.
In case there are no intersections, it makes sense to ask about
distances of two objects. In this case, it also makes sense to
include points, and we will start with those:
def distance_point_point( a: Point, b: Point ) -> float:
def distance_point_line( a: Point, l: Line ) -> float:
If we already have the point-line distance, it's easy to also find
the distance of two parallel lines:
def distance_line_line( p: Line, q: Line ) -> float:
Circles vs points are rather easy, too:
def distance_point_circle( a: Point, c: Circle ) -> float:
A similar idea works for circles and lines. Note that if they
intersect, we set the distance to 0.
def distance_line_circle( l: Line, c: Circle ) -> float:
And finally, let's do the friendly dispatch function:
def distance( a: Union[ Point, Line, Circle ],
b: Union[ Point, Line, Circle ] ) -> float:
2.r.6 [istree]
We define a standard binary tree:
class Tree:
def __init__( self ) -> None:
self.left : Optional[ Tree ] = None
self.right : Optional[ Tree ] = None
However, not all structures built from the above data type are
necessarily trees, since it's possible to create cycles. Write a
predicate, is_tree, which decides if a given instance is
actually a tree (i.e. it does not contain an undirected cycle).
def is_tree( tree ):
3 Lexical Closures
Preparatory exercises:
merge – combine items in a dictionary
dice – dicing and slicing lists
newton – finding roots with closures
sort – sorting and grouping with callbacks
file – make pure functions work with files
counter – keeping state
Regular exercises:
fold – folding lists
trees – folding trees
bisect – finding roots of general functions
each – traversing data structures
objects – a closure-based object system
inherit – the same, extended with simple inheritance
3.p Prep Exercises
3.p.1 [merge]
Write a function merge_dict which takes these 3 arguments:
a dict instance, in which some keys are deemed equivalent:
the goal of merge_dict is to create a new dictionary, where
all equivalent keys have been merged; keys which are not
equivalent to anything else are left alone (though the single
value is still passed through combine),
a list of set instances, where each set describes one set
of equivalent keys (the sets are pairwise disjoint), and
a function combine which takes a list of values (not a set,
because we may care about duplicates): merge_dict will pass,
for each set of equivalent keys, all the values corresponding to
those keys into combine.
In the output dictionary, create a single key for each equivalent
the key is the smallest of the keys from the set which were
actually present in the input dict,
the value is the result of calling combine on the list of
values associated with all the equivalent keys in the input
Do not modify the input dictionary.
def merge_dict( dict_in: dict[ K, V ],
equiv: list[ set[ K ] ],
combine: Callable[ [ list[ V ] ], W ] ) \
-> dict[ K, W ]:
3.p.2 [dice]
The zip_with function takes 2 lists and a callback and
constructs a new list from results of applying the callback to
pairs of items from the input lists (each item from one of the
lists). Stop when the shorter list runs out.
def zip_with( func, list_1, list_2 ): pass
The pair_with function is similar, but only has a single input
list and applies the callback to consecutive non-overlapping pairs
of items in this list. Any unpaired items at the end of the list
are thrown away.
def pair_with( func, items ): pass
The following two functions are like the above, but work with more
than 2 items at a time. The lists in the zip case must be all of
the same type (to make things typecheck).
Implement Newton's method for finding roots (zeroes) of
differentiable, real-valued functions. The function newton takes
4 arguments: the function f for which we are finding the root,
its first derivative df, the initial guess ini and the
precision = prec. Return a number , such that .
How it works: if you have an estimate for , you can get a
better estimate by subtracting from (where
is the derivative, df). Repeat until satisfied (you can
assume quadratic convergence, meaning that the error is bounded by
the improvement one step earlier).
def newton( f, df, ini, prec ): pass
Using newton, implement a cube root function. Hint: given
(the number to be cube-rooted), find a function such that
iff . Clearly, the zero of is the cube root
of . The meaning of prec is the same as in newton.
def cbrt( z, prec ): pass
Note: if all inputs are integers, make sure the functions use
integers throughout, so that they can be used with very large
numbers. In type annotations, using float is OK, because mypy
treats float as a superclass of int (which is very wrong, but
alternatives are… complicated).
3.p.4 [sort]
Implement the following functions:
sort_by (with an order relation)
group_by (with an equivalence relation)
nub_by (likewise)
The order/equivalence relation are callbacks that take two
elements and return a boolean. The order is given as
less-or-equal: order( x, y ) means x <= y.
The sort_by function should return a new list, sorted according
to the order The sort must be stable (i.e. retain the relative
order of items which compare equal).
The group_by function should return a list of lists, where each
sub-list contains equivalent items. Joining all the sub-lists
together must yield the original list (i.e. the order of input
elements is retained). The sub-lists must be as long as possible.
Finally nub_by should output a list where each equivalence class
has at most one representative – the first one that appears in the
input list. The relative order of items must remain unperturbed.
In other words, if an item is equivalent (according to the
provided equivalence relation) to an earlier item, do not include
the new item in the output.
a function get_name which maps input filenames to output
a pure function fun which maps strings to strings,
For each input file file, read the content, apply fun to that
content and write the result to get_name( file ). Make sure
things work if get_name is an identity function. Process the
files left to right. Later files may be overwritten due to
processing of earlier files.
def with_files( files, get_name, fun ): pass
3.p.6 [counter]
The make_counter function should return a pair consisting of a
function fun and a dictionary ctr, where fun accepts a
single parameter of type K, which is also the key type of ctr.
Calling fun on a value key then increments the corresponding
counter in ctr. Don't forget the type annotations.
def make_counter(): pass
3.r Regular Exercises
3.r.1 [fold]
Implement foldr, a function which takes a binary callback f, a
list l and an initial value i. Use the function f to reduce
the list to a single value, from right to left. (Note: this is
similar, but not the same as functools.reduce, due to different
def foldr( f, l, i ): pass
Now use foldr to implement the following functions:
fold_len – get the length of a list,
fold_pairs – create a ‘cons list’ made of pairs, such that
[1, 2, 3] becomes (1, (2, (3, ()))),
fold_rev – reverse the input list.
def fold_len( l ): pass
def fold_pairs( l ): pass
def fold_rev( l ): pass
3.r.2 [trees]
Implement a bottom-up fold on binary trees, with the following
a ternary callback f: the first argument will be the value of
the current node and the other two the folded values of the left
and right child, respectively,
the binary tree tree,
an ‘initial’ value which is used whenever a child is missing
(leaf nodes are folded using f( leaf_val, initial, initial)).
def fold( f, tree, initial ): pass
3.r.3 [bisect]
Write a function bisect, which takes which is a continuous
function, two numbers, and such that and precision . Return such that .
def bisect( f, x_1, x_2, prec ): pass
3.r.4 [each]
Write a function each that accepts a unary callback and a
traversable data structure (one that is either iterable, or
provides an each method). Arrange for f to be called once on
each element.
def each( f, data ): pass
Use each to implement:
each_len – count the number of elements
each_sum – count the sum of all the elements
each_avg – compute the average of all elements
each_median – likewise, but median instead of average
(return the ⌊n/2⌋ element if there is no
definite median, or None on an empty list)
def each_len( data ): pass
def each_sum( data ): pass
def each_avg( data ): pass
def each_median( data ): pass
3.r.5 [objects]
Build a simple closure-based object system and use it to model a
pedestrian crossing with a button-operated traffic light. Design
two objects:
traffic_light – a 2-state light, either ‘red’ or ‘green’,
toggled by messages set_red, set_green and queried using
is_green; the set_green method operates immediately
(is_green right after set_green returns True) but
set_red has a safety timeout: the light turns red, but
is_green will only become False after 5 seconds to clear
the crossing,
button – takes a reference to two traffic lights; when pushed
(message push), it requests that the first is turned green,
then after a timeout (20s), requests it to go back to red; the
second light vice-versa; it must ensure that under no
circumstances the lights both return is_green at the same
Every second, all objects in the system receive a tick message
with no arguments.
mbox – event-based (SAX-like) parsing with coroutines
Regular exercises: TBD.
iscan – iterator-based scanning
gscan – similar, but with generators
itree – iterating a binary tree
gtree – generators vs trees
dfs – walking graphs with coroutines
guided – A* search with coroutines
4.d Demonstrations
4.d.1 [gen]
Normally, generators are used in for loops. However, when you
simply call a generator, the result is an object of type
generator, which represents the suspended computation. (For
future reference, native coroutines declared with async def
behave the same way, just the object type is different.)
To actually run the computation, you can call __next__() on the
generator object. Alternatively, you can call next with
generator object as the argument. Once you do that, the execution
of the body of gen1 starts, and continues until it hits a yield.
At that point, the yielded value becomes the return value of
__next__(), like this:
4.p Prep Exercises
4.p.1 [flat]
Write a generator that completely flattens iterable structures
(i.e. given arbitrarily nested iterables, it will generate a
stream of scalars). Note: while strings are iterable, there are
no ‘scalar’ characters, so you do not need to consider strings.
Note: This function is unreasonably hard to type statically with
mypy. Feel free to use Any for the items (but do give a
correct ‘outer’ (top-level) type for both the argument and the
return value).
def flatten( g ):
4.p.2 [send]
Write two generators, one which simply yields numbers 1-5 and
another which implements a counter (which also starts at 1):
sending a number to the generator will adjust its value by the
amount sent. Then write a driver loop that sends the output of
numbers() into counter(). Try adding print statements to both
to make it clear in which order the code executes.
def numbers(): pass # generate numbers 1-5
def counter(): pass
def driver(): pass # another generator – the driver loop
After you are done with the above, implement the same thing with
plain objects: Numbers with a get() method and Counter with
a get() and with a put( n ) method.
class Numbers: pass
class Counter: pass
def driver_obj(): pass # a driver loop again, now with objects
4.p.3 [getline]
This is the first in a series of exercises focused on working with
streams. A stream is like a sequence, but it is not held in
memory all at once: instead, pieces of the stream are extracted
from the input (e.g. a file), then processed and discarded, before
another piece is extracted from the input. Some of the concepts
that we will explore are available in the asyncio library which
we will look at later. However, for now, we will do everything by
hand, to get a better understanding of the principles.
A stream processor will be a (semi)coroutine (i.e. a generator)
which takes another (semi)coroutine as an argument. It will
extract data from the ‘upstream’ (the coroutine that it got as an
argument) using next and it'll send it further ‘downstream’
using yield.
For now, we will use the convention that an empty stream yields
None forever (i.e. we will not use StopIteration). A source
is like a stream processor, but does not take another stream
processor as an argument: instead, it creates a new stream ‘from
nothing’. A sink is another variation: it takes a stream, but
does not yield anything – instead, it consumes the stream.
Obviously, stream processors can be chained: the chain starts with
a source, followed by some processors and ends with a sink.
To see an example, look near the bottom of the file, where we
define a simple source, which yields chunks of text. To use it, do
something like: stream, cnt = make_test_source(). The cnt
variable will keep track of how many chunks were pulled out of the
stream – this is useful for testing.
What follows is a very simple sink, which prints the content of
the stream to stdout (might be useful for tinkering and
def dump_stream( stream ):
while True:
x = next( stream )
if x is None: break
print( end = x )
Your first goal is to define a simple stream processor, which
takes a stream of chunks (like the test source above) and produces
a stream of lines. Each line ends with a newline character. To
keep in line with the stated goal of minimizing memory use, the
processor should only pull out as many chunks as it needs to, and
not more.
def stream_getline( stream ):
4.p.4 [lexer]
In the second exercise in the stream series, we will define a
simple stream-based lexer. That is, we will take, as an input, a
stream of text chunks and on the output produce a stream of
lexemes (tokens). The lexemes will be tuples, where the first item
is the classification (a keyword, an identifier or a number) and
the second item is the string which holds the token itself.
Let the keywords be set, add and mul. Identifiers start with
an alphabetic letter and continue with letters and digits. Numbers
are made of digits.
In this exercise, we will write a very simple 2-stage parser (i.e.
one with a separate lexer) using coroutines (one for the lexer and
one for the parser itself). The protocol is as follows:
the parser will get the lexer in the form of a generator
object as an argument,
the parser will yield individual statements,
the parser will use next(lexer) to fetch a token when it
needs one,
the language has ‘include’ directives: the parser may need to
instruct the lexer to switch to a different input file, which
it'll do by send-ing it the name of that file.
For simplicity, the lexer will get a dict with file names as
keys and file content as values (both strings). It will start by
lexing the file named main. When the lexer reaches an end of
an included file, it will continue wherever it left off in the
stream which was interrupted by the include directive.
There are 4 basic lexeme (token) types: keyword, identifier,
number (literal) and a linebreak (which ends statements). The
keywords are: set, add, mul, print and include.
Identifiers are made of letters (isalpha) and literals are made
of digits (isdecimal). Statements are of these forms:
[set|add|mul] ident [num|ident]
print ident
include ident
A statement to be yielded is a 2- or 3-tuple, starting with the
keyword as a string, followed by the operands (int for literals,
strings for identifiers). E.g. mul x 3 shows up as ('mul', 'x',
3). The include statement is never yield-ed.
def lexer( program ):
def parser( lex ):
4.p.6 [mbox]
Write a coroutine-based parser for mbox files. It should yield
elements of the message as soon as it has enough bytes. The input
will be an iterable, but not indexable, sequence of characters.
In an mbox file, each message starts with a line like this:
From Wed May 1 06:30:00 MDT 2019
You do not need to look at the structure of this line, look for
the string From (with a trailing space) at the start of a line,
and gobble it up to the nearest newline.
After the separator line, an rfc-822 e-mail follows, with any
lines that start with From changed to >From (do not forget
to un-escape those). The headers are separated from the rest of
the body by a single blank line. You can also assume that each
header takes exactly one line.
The reported elements are always pairs of strings, with the
following content:
message start: the string 'message' followed by the content of
the separator line with the From removed,
header: yield the name of the field and the content; yield as
soon as you read the first character of the next header field, or
the body separator,
body: yield a single string with the entire body in it, as soon
as you encounter the end of the file
def parse_mbox( chars ):
4.r Regular Exercises
4.r.1 [iscan]
Implement a prefix sum and a prefix list on arbitrary Iterable
instances, using the iterator approach (class with an __iter__
Write an in-order iterator for binary trees. Write it as a class
with a __next__ method.
class TreeIter: pass
4.r.4 [gtree]
Write recursive generators which walk a binary tree in
def preorder( tree ): pass
def inorder( tree ): pass
def postorder( tree ): pass
4.r.5 [dfs]
Write a semi-coroutine which yields nodes of a graph in the
‘leftmost’ DFS post-order. That is, visit the successors of a
vertex in order, starting from leftmost (different exploration
order will result in different post-orders). The graph is encoded
using neighbour lists.
def dfs( graph, initial ):
4.r.6 [guided]
Write an A* ‘guided search’ that finds a shortest path in a graph,
implemented using coroutines. The search coroutine should yield
the nodes of the graph as they are explored. In response to each
yield, the driver (semantically also a coroutine, though not
necessarily a coroutine or a generator in the Python sense) will
send the corresponding priority which should be assigned to
exploring the successors of the given node.
class cor_iter( Generic[ T, S ] ): pass
Note: A* is essentially just BFS with a priority queue instead of
a regular queue. To simplify matters, here is an implementation of
standard BFS.
def bfs( graph: Graph[ T ], start : T ) -> Gen1[ T ]:
q : Queue[ T ] = Queue()
q.put( start )
seen : Set[ T ] = set()
while not q.empty():
item = q.get()
for succ in graph[ item ]:
yield succ
if succ not in seen:
q.put( succ )
seen.add( succ )
def a_star( graph, start ): pass
T.1 Introductory Tasks
The programming tasks for this block are as follows:
shelter – a simple information system,
splay – a self-balancing binary search tree,
while – an interpreter for simple ‘while programs’.
The tasks at hand only require basic programming skills and no
special tricks nor advanced Python constructs. Some of the tasks
require exceptions to be raised on errors, but again only basic use
is needed (you should be fine with raise RuntimeError( 'foo' )).
You may add mypy annotations to your solutions if you like, and
they will be checked (without --strict) and the result will be
shown to you as part of the syntax test, but any failures will be
T.1.1 [shelter]
You volunteer for a local animal shelter, and they really need to
get more organized. Since you are a programmer, you decide to step
up to the job and write a small information system for them. Here is
what it needs to do:
track all the resident animals and their basic stats: name, year
of birth, gender, date of entry, species and breed,
store veterinary records: animals undergo exams, each of which
has a date, the name of the attending vet and a text report,
record periods of foster care: animals can be moved out of the
shelter, into the care of individuals for a period of time –
record the start and end date of each instance, along with the
foster parent,
for each foster parent, keep the name, address, phone number and
the number of animals they can keep at once,
record adoptions: when was which animal adopted and by whom,
keep the name and address of each adopter.
In the remainder of the spec, we will make full use of duck
typing: for each entity, we will only specify the interface: the
exact classes and their relationships are up to you, as long as
they provide the required methods and attributes. The only class
given by name is Shelter, which is the entry point of the whole
The Shelter class needs to provide the following methods:
add_animal which accepts keyword arguments for each of the
basic stats listed above: name, year_of_birth, gender,
date_of_entry, species and breed, where:
the date of entry is a instance,
year_of_birth is an integer,
everything else is a string,
and returns the object representing the animal (see
list_animals below for details about its interface),
list_animals which accepts:
optional keyword arguments for each of the basic stats: only
animals that match all the criteria (their corresponding
attribute is equal to the value supplied to list_animals,
if it was supplied) should be listed,
a date keyword argument: only animals which were present in
the shelter at this time (i.e. were not adopted and not in
foster care) should be listed;
The elements of the list returned by list_animals should have:
each of the basic stats as an attribute of the corresponding
type (see add_animal),
method add_exam which accepts keyword arguments vet and
date and report, where vet and report are strings and
date is a instance,
method list_exams which takes keyword arguments start and
end, both instances, or None (the range is
inclusive; in the latter case, the range is not limited in
that direction),
method adopt which takes keyword arguments date (a instance) and adopter_name and
adopter_address which are strings,
method start_foster which takes a date (again a instance) and parent, which accepts one of
the objects returned by available_foster_parents listed
end_foster which takes a date,
add_foster_parent which accepts keyword arguments name,
address and phone_number (all strings) and max_animals
which is an int,
available_foster_parents which takes a keyword argument date
and lists foster parents with free capacity at this date (i.e.
those who can keep more animals than they are or were keeping at
the given date).
Raise a RuntimeError in (at least) these cases:
start_foster was called on an animal that was already in foster
care at the given date, or end_foster on an animal that was not
in foster care at the given date,
attempting to adopt an animal that was in foster care at the
time, or attempting to put an animal that has already been adopted
into foster care,
attempting to do a veterinary exam on an animal which is in
foster care or already adopted at the time,
an attempt is made to exceed the capacity of a foster parent.
T.1.2 [splay]
Implement the splay tree data structure (an adaptively
self-balancing binary search tree). Provide at least the following
insert – add an element to the tree (if not yet present)
find – find a previously added element (return a bool)
erase – remove an element
to_list – return the tree as a sorted list
filter – remove all elements failing a given predicate
root – obtain a reference to the root node
Nodes should have (at least) attributes left, right and
value. The class which represents the tree should be called
You can find the required algorithms online (wikipedia comes to
mind, but also check out for some
intuition how the tree works).
The main operation is ‘splaying’ the tree, which moves a
particular node to the root, while rebalancing the tree. How
balanced the tree actually is depends on the order of splay
operations. The tree will have an expected logarithmic depth
after a random sequence of lookups (splays). If the sequence is
not random, the balance may suffer, but the most-frequently looked
up items will be near the root. In this sense, the tree is
Note: it's easier to implement erase using splaying than by using
the ‘normal’ BST delete operation:
splay the to-be-deleted node to the root, then
join its two subtrees L and R:
use splay again, this time on the largest item of the
left subtree L,
the new root of L clearly can't have a right child,
attach the subtree R in place of the missing child.
EDIT 2021-09-27: Clarified that insert should not add duplicate
T.1.3 [while]
Implement an interpreter for simple ‘while programs’ (so called
because their only looping construct is while). The syntax is as
one line = one statement (no exceptions),
the program is a sequence of statements,
blocks are delimited by indentation (1–5 spaces),
there are following statement types:
if statement,
while statement.
All variables are global and do not need to be declared (they come
into existence when they are first used, with a default value 0).
Variables are always integers. Variable names start with a letter
and may contain letters, underscores and digits.
The if and while statements are followed by a body: a block
indented one space beyond the if or while itself. The body
might be empty. The if and while keywords are followed by a
single variable name. Zero means false, anything else means true.
Assignments are of two forms:
constant assignments of the form name = number (where
number is an integer written in decimal, and might be
3-address code operations, of the form
name₀ = operation name₁ name₂
Valid operations are:
logic: and, or, nand (the result is always 0 or 1),
arithmetic: add, sub, mul, div,
lt, gt (less/greater than),
eq (equals),
leq and geq (less/greater or equal).
Example program:
x = 0
y = 7
one = 1
if x
x = add x x
while y
y = sub y one
x = add x one
Write a function do_while which takes a ‘while program’ (as a
string) and returns a dictionary with variable names as keys and
their final values as values (of type int).
If the program contains an error, create a special variable named
#error and set its value to the offending line number. Return
immediately after encountering the error. In this case, other
variables may or may not be included in the resulting dictionary.
Check syntax before you start executing the program (i.e. the
following program should return an error on line 3 and should
not loop forever):
x = 1
while x
x ++
Syntax errors may be due to malformed statements (e.g. while x =
1, x ++ above, etc.), or due to undefined operations (e.g. x =
mod x y). Report the first error (nearest to the top of the
input). At runtime, detect and report any attempts to divide by
5 Memory management, reference counting
Prep exercises:
refcnt – a reference counting manager
final – deterministic object finalization
reach – reachability from a set of roots
sweep – a mark and sweep collector
malloc – low-level memory management
trace – tracing composite objects
Regular exercises:
refcnt – reference counting with data
reach – reachability again
sweep – mark and sweep v2
semi – a copying ‘semi-space’ collector
cheney – improved version of the same
python – reference counting + mark & sweep
5.p Prep Exercises
5.p.1 [refcnt]
Implement a simple reference-counting garbage collector. The
interface is described in the class Heap below. The root objects
are immortal (those are established by add_root). The count
method returns the number of reachable live objects. The alive
method checks whether a given object is alive. All objects start
out dead.
References are added/removed using add_ref and del_ref. You
can assume that the number of del_ref calls on given arguments
is always at most the same as the number of corresponding
add_ref calls. Assume that no reference cycles are created. You
need to keep track of the references yourself.
class Heap:
def add_root( self, obj: int ) -> None: pass
def add_ref( self, obj_from: int, obj_to: int ) -> None: pass
def del_ref( self, obj_from: int, obj_to: int ) -> None: pass
def count( self ) -> int: pass
def alive( self, obj: int ) -> bool: pass
5.p.2 [final]
Same as previous exercise, but with the additional requirement
that whenever an object becomes garbage (unreachable), a finalizer
is immediately called on it. The finalizer may perform arbitrary
heap manipulation (as long as it is otherwise legal; in
particular, it may ‘re-animate’ the object it is finalizing, by
storing a reference to this object). A finalizer must not be
called on an object if a reference exists to this object (even if
that reference is from another dead object).
Implement the ‘mark’ phase of a mark & sweep collector. That is,
find all objects which are reachable from the root set.
Like before, roots are marked using add_root and references are
added/removed using add_ref and del_ref. You can assume that
the number of del_ref calls on given arguments is always at most
the same as the number of corresponding add_ref calls.
class Heap:
def add_root( self, obj: int ) -> None: pass
def add_ref( self, obj_from: int, obj_to: int ) -> None: pass
def del_ref( self, obj_from: int, obj_to: int ) -> None: pass
def reachable( self ) -> Set[ int ]: pass
5.p.4 [sweep]
Add the ‘sweep’ phase to the mark & sweep collector from previous
exercise. That is, find all objects which are reachable from the
root set, then ‘free’ all objects which were previously alive but
are not anymore. Freeing objects is simulated using a callback,
which is passed to the constructor of Heap. The callback must be
passive (unlike the finalizer from p2_final).
Again, roots are marked using add_root and references are
added/removed using add_ref and del_ref. You can assume that
the number of del_ref calls on given arguments is always at most
the same as the number of corresponding add_ref calls.
In this exercise, we will move one level down and one step closer
to reality. Your task is to implement simplified versions of the
malloc and free functions, in a fixed-size memory represented
as a Python list of integers.
For simplicity, the memory will be ‘word-addressed’, that is, we
will not deal with individual bytes – instead, each addressable
memory cell will be an int. To further simplify matters, free
will get the size of the object as a second parameter (you can
assume that this is correct).
Use a first-fit strategy: allocate objects at the start of the
first free chunk of memory. It is okay to scan for free memory in
linear time. The malloc method should return None if there
isn't enough (continuous) memory left.
class Heap:
def __init__( self, size: int ) -> None: pass
def read( self, addr: int ) -> int: pass
def write( self, addr: int, value: int ) -> None: pass
def malloc( self, size: int ) -> Optional[ int ]: pass
def free( self, addr: int ) -> None: pass
5.r Regular Exercises
5.r.1 [refcnt]
Implement a simple reference-counting garbage collector. The
interface is described in the class Heap below. Objects are
represented using lists of integers, and the heap as a whole is a
list of such objects. Negative numbers are data, non-negative
numbers are references (indices into the main list of objects).
The root object (with index 0) is immortal.
The interface:
the count method returns the number of live objects,
the write method returns True iff the write was successful
(the object was alive and the index was within its bounds)
likewise, the read method returns None if the object is
dead or invalid or the index is out of bounds.
the make method returns an unused object identifier (and
grows the heap as required).
The first call to make creates the root object. A freshly-made
objects starts out with zero references. A reference to this
object must be written somewhere into the heap.
class Heap:
def __init__( self ): : List[ List[ int ] ] = []
pass # …
Write a semi-space collector, using the same interface as before.
The requirement is that after a collection, the objects all occupy
contiguous indices. For simplicity, we index the semispaces
independently, so the objects always start from 0. Make sure that
the root always retains index 0.
class Heap:
def __init__( self ): : List[ List[ int ] ] = []
Write a Cheney-style semi-space collector, using the same
interface and requirements as before. The main difference is in
the overhead of the algorithm (only 2 pointers outside of to/from
spaces are available in the implementation of collect in this
class Heap:
def __init__( self ): : List[ List[ int ] ] = []
Implement the ‘Python’ collector: reference counting, with mark &
sweep to deal with cycles. Objects that are not on loops, or
reachable from loops, are destroyed immediately when last
reference to them is lost. Unreachable loops are destroyed on
class Heap:
def __init__( self ): : List[ List[ int ] ] = []
Implement polynomials which can be added and printed. Do not print
terms with coefficient 0, unless it is in place of ones and the
only term.
x = Poly( 2, 7, 0, 5 )
y = Poly( 2, 4 )
print( x ) # prints: 2x³ + 7x² + 5
print( y ) # prints 2x + 4
print( x + y ) # prints 2x³ + 7x² + 2x + 9
class Poly:
We will do one more exercise with operators,, before
moving on to exceptions.
6.p.2 [mod]
In this exercise, you will implement the ring of integers
modulo . Welcome to abstract algebra: a ring is a set with two
operations defined on it: addition and multiplication. The
operations must have some nice properties. Specifically, the set
we consider in this exercise is the set of all possible remainders
in the division by ; you can read up on the necessary axioms on
e.g. Wikipedia (under `Ring (mathematics)`).
Interaction of elements in different modulo classes results in a
TypeError. When printing, use the notation [class]ₙ, such as
[5]₇ to represent all integers with remainder 5. Implement
equality, comparison, printing, and the respective addition and
multiplication (all should also work with plain integer operands
on either side).
An instance of Mod represents a congruence class modulo .
class Mod:
def __init__( self, x: int, n: int ) -> None:
6.p.3 [noexcept]
Write a decorator @noexcept(), which turns a function which might
throw an exception into one that will instead return None. If
used with arguments, those arguments indicate which exception
types should be suppressed.
Note: typing this correctly with mypy is probably impossible. Use
Callable[ ..., Any ] and/or Any as appropriate.
def noexcept( *ignore ):
def decorate( f ):
return f
return decorate
6.p.4 [with]
Write a simple context manager to be used in a with block. The
goal is to enrich stack traces with additional context, like this:
def context( *args ):
For example:
def foo( x: int, y: int ) -> None:
with context( "asserting equality", x, '=', y ):
assert x == y
Calling foo( 1, 1 ) should print nothing (the assertion does not
fail and no exceptions are thrown). Ont the other hand,
foo( 7, 8 ) should print something like this:
asserting equality 7 = 8
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 20, in <module>
foo( 7, 8 )
File "", line 17, in foo
assert x == y
6.p.5 [numeric]
Implement a meta-class Numeric such that numbers (floats,
integers, …) may appear to be instances of Numeric-based classes
(the normal, non-meta class itself should be able to decide which,
if any; you may find a class attribute useful here).
Don't forget to derive your custom metaclass from the builtin
(default) metaclass, type. When dealing with mypy, you can get
away with annotating the type of the (non-meta!) class attribute
you want to use in the isinstance override directly in the
class Numeric: pass
Now implement classes Complex which represents standard complex
numbers (based on float) and Gaussian, which represents Gaussian
integers (complex numbers with integer real and imaginary part).
The following should hold:
integer values (including literals) are instances of Gaussian,
float values are not instances of Gaussian,
both integer and float values (including literals) are
instances of Complex.
Other than that, implement addition and equality so that all
reasonable combinations of parameters work (integers can be added
to Gaussian integers and all of floats, normal integers and
Gaussian integers can be added to Complex numbers).
class Gaussian: pass
class Complex: pass
6.p.6 [record]
Implement Field, a data descriptor which can be used to create
classes that simply keep attributes (records, data classes),
without having to type out the __init__ method. The use case is
similar to the dataclass decorator, though our approach will be
much simpler (and also much more limited). When initializing an
instance, make sure that the default value is copied, so that
default lists and other mutable values are not accidentally shared
between instances (see also standard module copy).
Hint: The data descriptor can keep the value in the regular
instance__dict__. Remember the diagram used by the default
__getattribute__ for lookup? You can even use the same name, so
the value is not directly exposed.
Bonus: If you like a challenge, extend Field so that it
monkey-patches an __init__ method into the ‘data’ class (i.e.
the one with Field-typed attributes). This synthetic __init__
should accept arguments in the declaration order of the fields and
initialize them to non-default values, if provided (see tests
Type annotations: You can make Field a Generic and with some
fiddling, make the types sort of work (may need a cast in
__get__). Use of Any in this exercise won't be held against
class Field: pass
class Data: # helper to silence ‹mypy› in the bonus part
def __init__( self, *args: Any ) -> None: pass
6.r Regular Exercises
6.r.1 [trace]
Write a decorator that prints a message every time a function is
called or it returns. The output should be indented when calls are
nested, and should include arguments and the return value.
Aim for output like this:
foo [13]
bar [13] -> 20
bar [26] -> 33
returned 53
def traced( f ):
6.r.2 [profile]
Implement a decorator which will keep track of how many times
which function was called. The decorator should be available as
@profile and calling profile.get() should return a dictionary
with function names as keys and call counts as values.
def profile( f ): pass
6.r.3 [record]
Re-do p6_record, including the bonus, but using a class
decorator. That is, implement a decorator record which takes a
class which only contains (class) variables and turn it into a
proper class with instance attributes of the same names, and with
appropriate default values.
def record( cls ): pass
class Data: # helper to silence ‹mypy›
def __init__( self, *args: Any ) -> None: pass
6.r.4 [array]
Implement a class Array which acts like a list, with the
following differences:
no push, pop, remove and similar ‘list-like’ methods –
only item access via indexing,
the constructor takes a default value, which is used as the
initial value for cells that have not been explicitly set,
all indices are always valid: both reading and writing an index
automatically resizes the underlying list (using the default
given above to fill in missing cells).
The default value should be copied into new cells, so that arrays
with mutable work reasonably. Use shallow copies.
class Array: pass
7 Pitfalls, testing, profiling
This week will cover hypothesis, a rather useful tool for testing
Python code. Hypothesis is a property-based testing system: unlike
traditional unit testing, we do not specify exact inputs. Instead,
we provide a description of an entire class of inputs; hypothesis
then randomly samples the space of all inputs in that class,
invoking our test cases for each such sample.
The main interface to hypothesis is the hypothesis.given
decorator. It is used like this:
import hypothesis
import hypothesis.strategies as s
@hypothesis.given( s.lists( s.integers() ) )
def test_sorted( x ):
assert sorted( x ) == x # should fail
@hypothesis.given( x = s.integers(), y = s.integers() )
def test_cancel( x, y ):
assert ( x + y ) - y == x # looks okay
Calling the decorated function will perform a number of randomized
tests. The strategies dictate what values will be attempted for
each argument (arguments and strategies are matched by name).
Prep exercises:
inner – dot product on 3D vectors with integer components
cross – same, but cross product
part – partitioning lists based on a predicate
search – binary search, an off-by-one bonanza
sort – sorting lists
heap – tests for heap-organized arrays
Regular exercises:
7.p Prep Exercises
7.p.1 [inner]
Implement the standard dot product on 3D integer vectors.
Use hypothesis to check its properties:
distributivity over addition a⋅(b + c) = a⋅b + a⋅c
bilinearity a⋅(rb + c) = r(a⋅b) + (a⋅c)
compatibility with scalar multiplication: (r₁a)⋅(r₂b) = r₁r₂(a⋅b)
Bonus: Try the same with floats. Cry quietly. Disallow inf. And
nan. Then cry some more.
Vector = Tuple[ int, int, int ]
Inner = Callable[ [ Vector, Vector ], int ]
def add( a: Vector, b: Vector ) -> Vector:
ax, ay, az = a
bx, by, bz = b
return ( ax + bx, ay + by, az + bz )
def mul( r: int, a: Vector ) -> Vector:
ax, ay, az = a
return ( r * ax, r * ay, r * az )
Write a function, partition, which takes a predicate and a list
and returns a pair of lists: one with items that pass the
predicate (like filter) and the other with items which don't.
def partition( predicate, items ): pass
Then write tests using hypothesis that show a given
implementation of partition works as expected.
def check_partition( part ): pass
7.p.4 [search]
Write a function, search, which takes an item and a sorted
list of integers and returns a bool indicating whether the item
was present in the list. Implement it using binary search.
def search( needle, haystack ): pass
As before, make sure the search predicate is correct. Write some
tests by hand and then write a hypothesis check. Which do you
reckon is easier and which harder?
def check_search_manual( part ): pass
def check_search_auto( part ): pass
7.p.5 [sort]
Write a procedure which sorts the input list and removes any
duplicated entries (in place).
def sort_uniq( items ): pass
Write a hypothesis-based test function which ensures a given
sort-uniq procedure is correct.
def check_sort( sort ): pass
7.p.6 [heap]
Write sift_down, a procedure which takes 2 parameters: a list,
and an index idx. The list is a max-heap, with the possible
exception of the node stored at index idx, which may be out of
The children of the node stored at an arbitrary index are
stored at indices and .
def sift_down( heap: List[ int ], idx: int ) -> None:
Write a hypothesis-based test function which ensures that
sift_down is correct.
def check_sift( sift ): pass
7.r Regular Exercises
7.r.1 [life]
Remember the game of life from week 1? A quick reminder: it is a
2D cellular automaton where each cell is either alive or dead. In
each generation (step of the simulation), the new value of a given
cell is computed from its value and the values of its 8 neighbours
in the previous generation. The rules are as follows:
alive neigh.
An example of a short periodic game:
Enclosed is an implementation of the game that is maybe correct,
but maybe not. Write tests and find out which it is. Fix the bugs
if you find any.
def updated( x, y, cells ):
count = 0
alive = ( x, y ) in cells
for dx in [ -1, 0, 1 ]:
for dy in [ -1, 0, 1 ]:
if dx and dy:
count += ( x + dx, y + dy ) in cells
return count in { 2, 3 } if alive else count == 3
def life( cells, n ):
if n == 0:
return cells
todo = set()
for x, y in cells:
for dx in [ -1, 0, 1 ]:
for dy in [ -1, 0, 1 ]:
todo.add( ( x + dx, y + dy ) )
ngen = { ( x, y ) for x, y in todo if updated( x, y, cells ) }
return life( ngen , n - 1 )
7.r.2 [dfs]
You are given a semi-coroutine which is supposed to yield nodes of
a graph in the ‘leftmost’ DFS post-order. That is, it visits the
successors of a vertex in order, starting from leftmost. The input
graph is encoded using a dictionary of neighbour lists.
Make sure it is correct (and if not, fix it).
T = TypeVar( 'T' )
def dfs( graph: Dict[ T, List[ T ] ], initial: T ) \
-> Iterable[ T ]:
seen : Set[ T ] = set()
yield from dfs_rec( graph, initial, seen )
def dfs_rec( graph: Dict[ T, List[ T ] ], initial: T,
seen: Set[ T ] ) -> Iterable[ T ]:
seen.add( initial )
for n in graph[ initial ]:
yield from dfs_rec( graph, n, seen )
yield initial
7.r.3 [record]
Below is an implementation of a @record decorator which can be
used to create classes that simply keep attributes (records, data
classes), without having to type out the __init__ method.
The use case is similar to the dataclass decorator, but the
below implementation is much simpler. Default values must always
be set, and they are shallow-copied into each instance.
Additionally, the synthetic __init__ method takes an optional
argument for each attribute, in which case the given attribute is
initialized to that value, instead of the default.
Make sure the decorator works as advertised. If not, fix it.
def record( cls: type ) -> type:
class rec:
def __init__( self, *args: Any ) -> None:
from copy import copy
counter = 0
for k, v in cls.__dict__.items():
if not k.startswith( '__' ):
if len( args ) > counter:
self.__dict__[ k ] = args[ counter ]
self.__dict__[ k ] = copy( v )
counter += 1
return rec
7.r.4 [bipartite]
An undirected graph is given as a set of edges . For any , it must also be true that . The set of
vertices is implicit (i.e. it contains exactly the vertices which
appear in ).
Below is a predicate which should decide whether a given graph is
bipartite (can be coloured with at most 2 colours, such that no
edge goes between vertices of the same colour). Make sure it is
correct, or fix it.
vertices = list( set( [ x for x,_ in graph ] ) )
for v in vertices: # can be disconnected
if v in colours:
queue.append( v )
colours[ v ] = 1
colour = 1
while queue:
v = queue.pop( 0 )
colour = 2 if colours[ v ] == 1 else 1
for neighb in [ y for x, y in graph if x == v ]:
if neighb in colours and \
colours[ neighb ] != colour:
return False
if neighb not in colours:
colours[ neighb ] = colour
queue.append( neighb )
return True
7.r.5 [treap]
Remember treaps from week 2? A treap is a combination of a binary
search tree and a binary heap: each node has a key (these form a
search tree) and a randomized priority (these form a heap).
The role of the heap part of the structure is to keep the tree
approximately balanced. Your task is to decide whether the below
treap implementation works correctly. Keep in mind that treaps
are only approximately balanced: your tests need to take this
into account.
class Treap( Generic[ T ] ):
def __init__( self, key: T, priority: int ):
self.left : Optional[ Treap[ T ] ] = None
self.right : Optional[ Treap[ T ] ] = None
self.key = key
self.priority = priority
def rotate_left( self: Treap[ T ] ) -> Treap[ T ]:
assert self.left is not None
r = self.left
detach = r.right
r.right = self
self.left = detach
return r
def rotate_right( self: Treap[ T ] ) -> Treap[ T ]:
assert self.right is not None
r = self.right
detach = r.left
r.left = self
self.right = detach
return r
def _insert( node: Optional[ Treap[ T ] ], key: T, prio: int ) -> Treap[ T ]:
if node is None:
return Treap( key, prio )
return node.insert( key, prio )
def _fix_right( self ) -> Treap[ T ]:
assert self.right is not None
if self.priority > self.right.priority:
return self
return self.rotate_right()
def _fix_left( self ) -> Treap[ T ]:
assert self.left is not None
if self.priority > self.left.priority:
return self
return self.rotate_left()
Below, you will find an implementation of an in-order iterator for
binary trees. Make sure it is correct and fix it if it isn't.
T = TypeVar( 'T' )
class Tree( Generic[ T ] ):
def __init__( self, value: T,
left: Optional[ Tree[ T ] ] = None,
right: Optional[ Tree[ T ] ] = None ) -> None:
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.value = value
self.parent : Optional[ Tree[ T ] ] = None
if left is not None:
left.parent = self
if right is not None:
right.parent = self
class TreeIter( Generic[ T ] ):
def __init__( self, tree: Tree[ T ] ) -> None:
self.n : Optional[ Tree[ T ] ] = tree
def descend( self ) -> None:
assert self.n is not None
while self.n.left is not None:
self.n = self.n.left
def ascend( self ) -> None:
assert self.n is not None
while ( self.n.parent is not None and
self.n == self.n.parent.right ):
self.n = self.n.parent
self.n = self.n.parent # coming from left
def __iter__( self ) -> TreeIter[ T ]:
assert self.n is not None
i = TreeIter( self.n )
return i
def __next__( self ) -> T:
v = self.n.value
if self.n.right is not None:
self.n = self.n.right
return v
8 Coroutines 2
Prep exercises:
rrsched – a round-robin coroutine scheduler
priority – a simple priority-driven scheduler
exchange – coordinate async producers and consumers
box – a simplified version of the above
sort – sorting with real-time latency constraints
Regular exercises:
sleep – planning execution of sleepy coroutines
ioplex – multiplex incoming IO to multiple coroutines
search – low-latency binary search trees
8.p Prep Exercises
8.p.1 [rrsched]
Write an async (coroutine) scheduler which executes a given list
of coroutines (the async def type) in a round-robin fashion.
That is:
provide suspend, an async method, which, when awaited,
suspends the currently executing coroutine and allows the
others to be scheduled (that is, given sched, a reference to
the scheduler, a coroutine should be able to perform await
tasks are added using add, which takes an unstarted (never
awaited) coroutine as an argument and appends it to the end of
the round-robin execution order (i.e. the coroutine that is
added first is executed first, until it suspends, then the
second executes until it suspends, and so on; when the last
coroutine on the list suspends, wake up the first to continue,
until it suspends, wake up the second, …),
after at least one coroutine is added, calling run on the
scheduler will start executing the tasks; run returns
normally after all the tasks finish (note, however, that some
tasks may terminate earlier than others).
See test_basic for a simple usage example. A few hints follow
(you can skip them if you know what you are doing):
To implement suspend, you will want to create a low-level
awaitable object (i.e. one which is not the result of async
def). This is done by providing a special method __await__,
which is a generator (i.e. it uses yield).
This yield suspends the entire stack of awaitables (most of
which will be typically async coroutines), returning control
to whoever called next on the iterator (the result of
__await__()) of the top-level awaitable.
Regarding mypy:
the task passed to add should be a Coroutine (since
the scheduler won't touch any of its outputs, these can be
all set to object, instead of the much more problematic
the Awaitable protocol needs __await__ to be a
Generator (you will need this for implementing suspend),
when you call __await__() on an awaitable, the result is,
among others, an Iterator.
class RoundRobin: pass
8.p.2 [priority]
Write an async scheduler which executes a given list of
coroutines in a priority-driven fashion. The add method takes,
in addition to the coroutine itself, a static priority. Higher
priorities get executed more often. Here is how it works:
In addition to the static priority (a fixed number), each
task is assigned a dynamic priority. The dynamic priority
starts out equal to the static one, but is decremented each
time a coroutine is awakened.
The next coroutine to be awakened is always the one with the
highest dynamic priority.
Whenever the highest dynamic priority in the system drops to
zero, all tasks get their dynamic priority reset to their
static priority.
Except as noted above, the interface and semantics of the
scheduler carry over from p1.
class PrioritySched: pass
8.p.3 [exchange]
Implement a class which coordinates a multi-producer,
multi-consumer system built out of async coroutines. Each
coroutine can either produce items (by calling put) or consume
them (by calling get). Constraints:
a given coroutine cannot call both put and get,
a producer is blocked until the item can be consumed,
a consumer is blocked until an item is produced.
These constraints mean that there can be at most one unconsumed
item per producer in the system. If multiple producers have a
value ready, the system picks up the one that has been waiting the
longest. If multiple consumers are waiting for an item, again, the
longest-waiting one is given the next item.
When run is called, all coroutines are started up, until each
blocks on either put or get. The system terminates when no
further items can be produced (there are no producers left).
T = TypeVar( 'T' )
class Exchange( Generic[ T ] ): pass
8.p.4 [box]
Implement a class which coordinates a single producer and a single
consumer (the producer puts the value in the ‘box’, where the
consumer fetches it). The roles (producer vs consumer) are known
upfront. The coroutines are passed to the constructor unevaluated
(i.e. not as coroutine objects, but as functions which take the
box as a parameter and return coroutine objects; see also below).
T = TypeVar( 'T' )
class Box( Generic[ T ] ): pass
8.p.5 [sort]
You are given sched_yield, an awaitable that allows the
scheduler to switch to a different coroutine, if needed. Given
that, write a ‘low-latency’ sort function – one that does only
O(1) work between two consecutive calls to sched_yield.
the sort should be in-place,
the total runtime should be O(n⋅logn),
use a, b ) to compare items:
-1 means data[ a ] < data[ b ],
0 means data[ a ] == data[ b ]
finally 1 means data[ a ] > data[ b ],
use data.swap( a, b ) to swap values with indices a, b,
Write an async (coroutine) scheduler which executes a given list
of coroutines (the async def type). When a coroutine suspends
(using sched.suspend) it specifies how long it wants to sleep,
in milliseconds. The scheduler wakes up a particular coroutine
when its sleep timer expires (it should try to do it exactly on
time, but sometimes this will be impossible because another
coroutine blocks for too long).
Like before, implement add to attach coroutines to the scheduler
and run to start executing them. The latter returns when no
coroutines remain.
class Sched: pass
8.r.2 [ioplex]
Write an IO multiplexer for async coroutines. The constructor is
given a ‘coroutine function’ (i.e. an async def, that is a
function which returns a coroutine object) which serves as a
factory. There are 3 methods:
connect, which creates a new connection (i.e. it spawns a new
server coroutine to handle requests) and returns a connection
close which, given a valid identifier, terminates the
corresponding connection,
send which, given a connection identifier and a piece of
data, sends the latter on to the corresponding server coroutine
and returns the reply of that coroutine.
When creating server coroutines, the multiplexer passes read and
write as arguments to the factory, where read is an async
function (i.e. its result is await-ed) and returns the data that
was passed to send; write, on the other hand, is a regular
function and is called when the server coroutine wants to send
data to the client. In other words, reading may block, but not
class IOPlex: pass
8.r.3 [search]
The class Tree represents a binary search tree. Implement
search that performs a search for a given key, in logarithmic
time and constant latency (between two calls to suspend). In
each step, pass the value through which the search has passed to
suspend, so that the caller can monitor the progress of the
T = TypeVar( 'T' )
class Tree( Generic[ T ] ):
def __init__( self, value ) -> None:
self.left : Optional[ Tree ] = None
self.right : Optional[ Tree ] = None
self.value = value
async def search( self, key, suspend ):
T.2 Interpreters, Coroutines
In this set, there are 2 interpreters of simple languages – one with
recursion and closures, another with explicit pointers and garbage
collection. The third task is focused on the use of semi-coroutines
rec – recursive programs
ptr – pointers and garbage collection
rst – real-time splay trees
T.2.1 [rec]
Implement an interpreter for simple recursive programs. The
following syntax is taken unchanged from t1_while:
one line = one statement (no exceptions),
blocks are delimited by indentation (1–5 spaces),
there are following statement types:
if statement.
There are also two important changes:
The right-hand side of an assignment can be a function call, in
addition to a built-in operation, written as:
name₀ = func name₁ name₂ … nameₙ
There is a new statement type, function definition, which can
only appear in the top-level scope (and is the only statement
than can appear there), of the form:
def funcname name₁ name₂ … nameₙ
All functions can call all other functions, regardless of the
order in which they are defined in the source. Function names
follow the same rules as variable names.
Semantics change in the following way:
all variables are local to the function in which they are
used (declarations are still not needed),
the result of a function call is the value of a variable with
the same name, i.e. in function foo, the statement foo = 7
sets the return value to 7 (but does not terminate the
the namespaces for variables and for functions are separate;
operation names (add, and, …) must not be used for
functions (but they can be used for variables).
Like if, a def statement is followed by a body, indented by a
single space. Other restrictions on blocks remain the same as in
Example program:
def fib n
one = 1
two = 2
fib = 1
rec = gt n two
if rec
n_1 = sub n one
n_2 = sub n two
fib_1 = fib n_1
fib_2 = fib n_2
fib = add fib_1 fib_2
Write a function do_rec which takes a recursive program (as a
string), a function name, and an arbitrary number of integers. The
result is the return value of the function invoked, or a tuple of
(line number, error string) in case the program fails. Return the
first error in this order (within a group, return the number of
the first line with an error):
syntax errors (including attempts to redefine a function),
use of an undefined function or bad argument count,
runtime errors (division by zero).
T.2.2 [ptr]
In this task, you will extend t1_while with pointers and garbage
collection. The syntax is unchanged, except for addition of 3 new
addr_ = set addr val stores the value in variable val at
the address addr; the result is addr shifted one cell to
the right,
val = get addr off loads the value from address addr + off
and stores it in val,
addr = alloc count init allocates a new object with count
cells; all the cells are set to init.
The memory available to the program is a fixed-size array of cells
(its size is given to the interpreter at the start). It is an
error if the program attempts to allocate more memory than
it has available.
However, if the total size of reachable objects never exceeds that
of the fixed-size memory, the program must not die with an
out-of-memory error. A reachable object is one that the program
can, at least in principle, read using a get operation (‘in
principle’ means, in this case, that the program may execute an
arbitrary sequence of operations, even if it doesn't actually
appear in the program).
Only addresses (which are distinct from numbers) can be passed to
get and set as their first argument. Addresses are created by
alloc. Adding a number and an address results in an address if
the result is within the bounds of the same object as the original
address (same limitation applies to the result of set). An
address may be stored in memory using set, and will still be an
address if it is later retrieved by get. The result of any other
operation is a number. Addresses always evaluate as true in
while or if.
The numeric values of addresses are unspecified, except that
addresses of different objects always compare unequal, and
addresses within the same object compare reasonably (higher
offsets are greater).
New semantic errors (compared to t1_while):
passing a number (i.e. not an address) as a first argument of
get or set, or an address as the first argument to alloc
or second argument to get,
adding the address and the offset passed to get is out of
bounds of the object into which the address originally pointed,
memory allocation which would exceed the permitted memory size.
The error reporting mechanism is otherwise unchanged. An example
one = 1
two = 2
off = 2
x = alloc off two
while off
off = sub off one
y = get x off
z = add z y
The interpreter shall be available via do_ptr with the program
and the memory size in cells as arguments, and a dictionary of
variables as a result.
T.2.3 [rst]
This task is based on the splay tree from t1_splay. The changes
are aimed at making the tree useful in low-latency applications:
all operations become coroutines which must perform at most a
constant amount of work between yields. This way, if the
application needs to attend to other tasks while a lengthy splay
is ongoing, it can simply keep the coroutine suspended. At any
point of execution, the time until the next suspend is bounded by
a constant, giving us a worst-case latency guarantee (i.e. the
data structure is, in principle, suitable for hard-realtime
To achieve the required properties, the tree needs to use top-down
splaying, where the lookup is performed as part of the splay.
Resources describing the top-down splay operation can be found
here: (including pseudocode
and a C implementation of the operation). Here is my own
description of the top-down splay operation:
set up 2 subtrees, initially both empty, called l and r,
there are 3 or 4 helper functions:
link_left, which takes a subtree and hangs it onto l
using the rightmost link (i.e. as the right child of the
bottom-right node) – you must maintain a pointer to that
bottom-right node, to ensure link_left runs in O(1),
link_right, which is the mirror image of link_left,
the usual rotate (with two nodes as arguments, or possibly
split into rotate_left and rotate_right);
repeat until not interrupted:
if the value belongs into the left-left subtree of the
current root, rotate the root with its left child (if this
child exists) [first step of the zig-zig case],
if the new root lacks its left child, break the loop,
if the value belongs to the left subtree, perform
link_right on the root and shift the root pointer to its
right child [completes the zig-zig, or performs a
simplified zig-zag],
the right-right and right cases are mirror images of the
reassemble the tree:
perform link_left on the left child of the current root,
link_right on its right child,
attach l and r to the root, l as the left and r as
the right child (replacing the now invalid links).
Remaining operations (find, insert and erase) must perform
all operations that are not O(1) by splaying the tree (and yield
to the caller whenever the splay operation yields). The ‘splay
maximum to the top’ operation (needed for erase) can be
implemented by repeatedly ‘splaying to the right’ (in the sense of
splay( root.right.value ), though of course taking 2 steps at a
time will leave the tree in a significantly better shape),
The splay itself proceeds in a standard manner, except that after
each step (zig, zig-zag, or zig-zig as appropriate), it yields the
key of the new root. If the result of that yield is None (as
happens when simply iterating the coroutine), the splay continues
as usual. If it is anything else (delivered via send), the tree
is reassembled into a consistent state (this must still happen in
constant time!) and the operation is aborted.
The code to perform tree operations looks like this:
for _ in tree.insert( 7 ): pass
for _ in tree.erase( 3 ): pass
for _ in tree.filter( pred ): pass
for x in tree.find( 5 ):
if x == 5:
Finally, the to_list operation is replaced by an iterator. This
iterator is the only exception to the O(1) latency bound – it
should not use splay. Instead, it should implement standard
in-order traversal of the tree (i.e. yielding the keys stored in
the tree in sorted order). It must be possible to have multiple
simultaneously-active iterators over a single tree. All iterators
however become invalid upon invocation of any of the remaining 4
operations. (Note: it is possible to implement an O(1)-latency
iterator with a standard interface, but not one that also iterates
the tree in sorted order.)
9 Text, JSON
Prep exercises:
grep – match regular expressions against text files
magic – identify file type by content
report – parse JSON and print human-readable output
elements – convert CSV to JSON
mueval – evaluate LISPy (prefix) expressions
flatten – convert JSON to TOML(-ish)
Regular exercises:
email – parsing e-mails the simple way
toml – recursive descent and INI files
resolv – parse a simplified resolv.conf
fstab – read and parse /etc/fstab
yaml – convert JSON to (readable) YAML
cpp – a simplified C preprocessor
9.p Prep Exercises
9.p.1 [grep]
The goal of this exercise is to write a simple program that works
like UNIX grep.
Part 1: Write a procedure which takes 2 arguments, a string
representation of a regex and a filename. It will print the lines
of the file that match the regular expression (in the same order
as they appear in the file). Prefix the line with its line number
like so (hint: check out the enumerate built-in):
43: This line matched a regex,
Part 2: Change the code in the if __name__ … block below to only
run test_main if an argument --test is given. Otherwise,
expect 2 command-line arguments: a regular expression and a file
name, and pass those to the grep procedure.
def grep( regex, filename ):
9.p.2 [magic]
Write function identify which takes rules, a list of rules,
and data, a bytes object to be identified. It then tries to
apply each rule and return the identifier associated with the
first matching rule, or None if no rules match. Each rule is
a tuple with 2 components:
name, a string to be returned if the rule matches,
a list of patterns, where each pattern is a tuple with:
offset, an integer,
bits, a bytes object,
mask, another bytes object,
positivity, a bool.
The mask and the pattern must have the same length. A rule matches
the data if all of its patterns match.
A pattern match is decided by comparing the slice of data at the
given offset to the ‘bits’ field of the pattern, after both the
slice and the bits have been bitwise-anded with the mask. The
pattern matches iff:
the bits and slice compare equal and positivity is True, or
they compare inequal and positivity is False.
def identify( rules, data ):
9.p.3 [report]
The goal here is to load the file which contains
a report about a bug in a C program, and print out a simple stack
trace. You will be interested in the key active stack (near the
end of the file) and its format. The output will be plain text:
for each stack frame, print a single line in this format:
function_name at source.c:32
import json # go for ‹load› (via io) or ‹loads› (via strings)
def report():
9.p.4 [elements]
In this exercise, we will read in a CSV (comma-separated values)
file and produce a JSON file. The input is in zz.elements.csv
and each row describes a single chemical element. The columns are,
in order, the atomic number, the symbol (shorthand) and the full
name of the element. Generate a JSON file which will consist of a
list of objects, where each object will have attributes atomic
number, symbol and name. The first of these will be a number
and the latter two will be strings. The names of the input and
output files are given to csv_to_json as strings.
Note that the first line of the CSV file is a header.
import csv # we want csv.reader
import json # and json.dumps
def csv_to_json( source, target ):
9.p.5 [mueval]
Write an evaluator for a very small lisp-like language. Let there
only be compound expressions (delimited by parentheses) which
always have an integer arithmetic operator in the first position
(+, -, *, /) and the remainder of the compound are either
non-negative integer constants or other compounds. Assume the
input is well-formed.
def mueval( expr: str ) -> int:
9.p.6 [flatten]
In this exercise, your task is to write a function that flattens
JSON data to a form suitable for storing as TOML.
The result is a single-level (flat) dictionary, where the keys
represent the previous structure of the data. We will use the
period . for subobjects and # for subarrays. To make
unambiguous un-flattening possible, if you encounter . or # in
the original data, prefix it with a dollar sign, $ (i.e. write
out $. or $#), if you encounter $. or $#, escape it with
another dollar sign, to $$. or $$#, etc.
In this exercise, we will parse a format that is based on RFC 822
headers, though our implementation will only handle the simplest
cases. The format looks like this:
From: Petr Ročkai <>
To: Random X. Student <>
Subject: PV248
and so on and so forth. In real e-mail (and in HTTP), each header
entry may span multiple lines, but we will not deal with that.
Our goal is to create a dict where the keys are the individual
header fields and the corresponding values are the strings coming
after the colon. In this iteration, assume that each header is
def parse_rfc822( filename ):
9.r.2 [toml]
Write a recursive descent parser for simplified TOML (essentially
an old-style INI file with restricted right-hand sides), with the
following grammar:
top = { line } ;
line = ( header | kvpair ), '\n' ;
header = '[' word ']' ;
kvpair = word, '=', word ;
word = alpha, { alnum } ;
alpha = ? any letter on which isalpha() is true ? ;
alnum = ? any letter on which isalnum() is true ? ;
If the input does not conform to the grammar exactly, reject it
and return None. Otherwise return a dictionary of sections (see
the type below). If the initial section does not have a header, it
is stored under '' (empty string) in the section dictionary.
Write a non-validating parser for the fstab file, which in
traditional UNIXes contains information about filesystems. The
format is as follows:
Comments start with # and extend until the end of line.
Comments, additional whitespace, and blank lines are ignored.
After comments and blanks are stripped, each line of the file
describes a single filesystem. Each such description has 6
the device (path to a block device or an UUID),
the mount point,
the file system type,
a comma-separated list of mount options,
dump frequency in days (a non-negative integer, optional),
file system check pass number (same).
The type below describes the form in which to return the parsed
data. If items 5 or 6 are missing, set them to 0.
Implement a C preprocessor which supports #include "foo"
(without a search path, working directory only), #define without
a value, #undef, #ifdef and #endif. The input is provided in
a file, but the output should be returned as a string. Do not
include line and filename information that cpp normally adds to
def cpp( filename: str ) -> str:
10 Databases
Prep exercises:
bimport – import books into a database
bexport – export books from a database
bquery – query the book database
lcreate – shopping with Python and SQL
lsearch – retrieve shopping lists from the database
lupdate – update lists in the database
Regular exercises:
schema – create tables given as JSON
upgrade – same, but with schema upgrade
pkgs – simple queries on a package database
depends – fetching transitive dependencies
10.p Prep Exercises
10.p.1 [bimport]
Load the file zz.books.json and store the data in a database
with 3 tables: author, book and book_author_list. Each
author is uniquely identified by their name (which is a
substantial simplification, but let's roll with it). The complete
schema is defined in zz.books.sql and you can create an empty
database with the correct data definitions by running the
following command:
$ sqlite3 books.dat < zz.books.sql
import sqlite3
import json
NB. You want to execute pragma foreign_keys = on before
inserting anything into sqlite. Otherwise, your foreign key
constraints are just documentation and are not actually enforced.
Let's write an opendb function which takes a filename and
returns an open connection. Execute the above-mentioned pragma
before returning.
def opendb( filename ):
Of course, you can also create the schema using Python after
opening an empty database. See executescript. Define a function
initdb which takes an open sqlite3 connection, and creates the
tables described in sql_file (in our case zz.books.sql). You
can (and perhaps should) open and read the file and feed it into
sqlite using executescript.
def initdb( conn, sql_file ):
Now for the business logic. Write a function store_book which
takes a dict that describes a single book (using the schema used
by books.json) and stores it in an open database. Use the
execute method of the connection. Make use of query parameters,
like this (cur is a cursor, i.e. what you get by calling
The second argument is a tuple (one-tuples are written using a
trailing comma). To fetch results of a query, use cur.fetchone()
or cur.fetchall(). The result is a tuple (even if you only
selected a single column). Or rather, it is a sufficiently
tuple-like object (quacks like a tuple and all that).
def store_book( conn, book ):
With the core logic done, we need a procedure which will set up
the database, parse the input JSON and iterate over individual
books, storing each:
def import_books( file_in, file_out ):
10.p.2 [bexport]
In the second exercise, we will take the database created in the
previous exercise (books.dat) and generate the original JSON.
You may want to use a join or two.
First write a function which will produce a list of dict's
that represent the books, starting from an open sqlite
import sqlite3
import json
def read_books( conn ):
Now write a driver that takes two filenames. It should open the
database (do you need the foreign keys pragma this time? why yes
or why not? what are the cons of leaving it out?), read the books,
convert the list to JSON and store it in the output file.
def export_books( file_in, file_out ):
10.p.3 [bquery]
In the final exercise of this set, you will write a few functions
which search the book data. Like you did for export, get a cursor
from the connection and use execute and fetchone or fetchall
to process the results. Use SQL to limit the result set.
Fetching everything (select * from table without a where
clause) and processing the data using Python constructs is bad
and will make your program unusable for realistic data sets.
The first function will fetch all books by a given author. Use the
like operator to allow substring matches on the name. E.g.
calling books_by_author( conn, "Brontë" ) should return books
authored by any of the Brontë sisters.
def books_by_author( conn, name ):
The second will fetch the set of people (i.e. each person
appears at most once) who authored a book with a name that
contains a given string. For instance, authors_by_book( conn,
"Bell" ) should return the 3 Brontë sisters and Ernest Hemingway.
Try to avoid fetching the same person multiple times (i.e. use SQL
to get a set, instead of a list).
def authors_by_book( conn, name ):
Another function will return names of books which have at least
count authors. For instance, there are 3 books in the data set
with 2 or more authors.
def books_by_author_count( conn, count ):
Finally, write a function which returns the average author count
for a book. The function should return a single float, and
ideally it would not fetch anything from the database other than
the result: try to do the computation only using SQL.
def average_author_count( conn ):
10.p.4 [lcreate]
The file zz.lists.sql contains a database schema for keeping
shopping lists. Besides shopping lists themselves, we will keep a
table of item descriptions, a table of shops (vendors) and a table
of supplies currently in your pantry. This last table also keeps
track of a ‘minimal’ and ‘preferred’ amount for each item. Those
will come in handy when we will want to create shopping lists
Each item may be available from multiple vendors, and of course
each vendor stocks multiple items. Therefore, items and shops are
in an M:N relationship, and we will keep this relationship in an
auxiliary table. Finally, each vendor has, for each item, an
individual unit price that is valid starting on a given date. A
null price indicates that the item is not available in the given
timespan. New start date overrides the price.
A shopping list, then, is a list of items to obtain. Each item on
the list comes with:
the quantity to obtain,
the shop where to buy it and
the quantity actually obtained.
Besides the list of items, the shopping list has a date attached
to it. In this exercise, we will start by providing an interface
for creating new lists.
from datetime import date
from sqlite3 import Connection
from typing import Optional, Callable, Type
The classes in this exercise (and its follow-ups) will be
associated with records in the database. Each class will hold onto
an optional id: if the id is None, the record is not
stored in the database (yet). So far, we will only set the id in
the create method.
The only method which is allowed to change the database is
create (in a later exercise, we will add update). All set_*
and add_* methods (and later remove_*) methods should simply
remember the changes and additions, until the user calls create,
which then stores everything at once. Other methods may, however,
query the database for data, if it is convenient to do so.
Finally, feel free to add a suitable base class, from which the
other classes can be derived.
class Shop:
Creates an empty item, not yet associated with anything in the
database. Set the internal id to None.
def __init__( self, db: Connection ):
def set_name( self, name: str ):
Create a record in the database. If the instance is already
associated with a record, raise a RuntimeError. If the
shop does not have a name, raise a RuntimeError.
def create( self ):
All the remaining classes are analogous to Shop.
class Item:
def __init__( self, db: Connection ):
def set_name( self, name: str ):
Prices are associated not with just an item, but also a time
period and a specific shop.
If the item does not have a name, raise a RuntimeError.
def create( self ):
class ShoppingList:
def __init__( self, db: Connection ):
def set_date( self, when: date ):
def add_item( self, item: Item, qty: int ):
A shopping list might be empty, but it must have a date set.
If it does not, refuse to create it (raise a RuntimeError).
def create( self ):
10.p.5 [lsearch]
In this exercise, we will extend the classes from list_create by
adding various ways to fetch them from the database.
class Shop( list_create.Shop ):
Find the shop in the database by its name. If no such shop is
in the database, raise a RuntimeError. If found, set the
internal id of the instance. Only allow fetching if the
calling Shop instance's id is not set yet. If there are
several shops with the same name, raise a RuntimeError.
def fetch_by_name( self, name: str ):
def fetch_by_id( self, ID: int ):
The top-level function find_shops will do a substring search on
all the shops in the database, and return a Shop instance for
each match.
Find a price at the given time in the given shop. Return
None if the item is not available from the vendor at the
def get_price( self, vendor: Shop, when: date ):
Find the best price available on a given date. Return a tuple
of int (the price) and a Shop (the vendor which has this
price), or None if the item is not available at all. Tie
breaks alphabetically (prefer vendors with names that come
first in a dictionary).
def get_best_price( self, when: date ):
class ShoppingList( list_create.ShoppingList ):
def fetch_by_id( self, ID: int ):
Find all shopping lists that have a given item on it, in quantity
at least qty. Returns a list of ShoppingList instances.
def find_lists_by_item( db: Connection, item: Item, qty: int ):
10.p.6 [lupdate]
In this exercise, we will extend the classes from list_search by
adding an update method to each. If the entity does not exist in
the database, update should raise a RuntimeError. After
update, the database should reflect any changes and additions
that have been done on the instance since it was either created,
fetched or last updated.
Also add a delete method, which removes the entry and all the
records it owns, from all relevant tables in the database. If
you are deleting an entry that has associated records in other
tables but does not own these records, raise a RuntimeError
instead (an example would be removing a shop, while a pricing
entry for that shop exists).
After delete, the instance can no longer be used for anything
(but you do not need to enforce this).
class Shop( list_search.Shop ):
def update( self ):
def delete( self ):
class Item( list_search.Item ):
def update( self ):
def delete( self ):
class ShoppingList( list_search.ShoppingList ):
def remove_item( self, item: Item ):
def update( self ):
def delete( self ):
The following function will check the current supplies and update
the given shopping list so that afterwards, fetching everything on
the list results in all supplies being at least at their ‘minimum’
level (if preferred is False) or at their ‘preferred’ level
(if preferred is True). Do not remove anything from the list.
Note that some of the required items might be already on the list
(but possibly in an insufficient quantity). Do not add more of an
item than required for the restock, unless it already was on the
list (specifically, calling add_missing a second time should
have no effect, unless the current supply levels changed in the
You are given a JSON file which describes a (very rudimentary)
database schema. The top-level value is an object (dictionary)
with table names as keys and objects which describe the columns
as values.
The keys in the table description are column names and values
(strings) are SQL types of those columns. Given a database
connection and a path to the JSON file, create the tables. If one
of them already exists, raise an error.
from sqlite3 import Connection, OperationalError, connect
This exercise is the same as the previous one, with one important
difference: if some of the tables already exist, this is not an
error. However, the columns of the existing table and those
specified by the schema might be different. In this case, create
any missing columns, but do not touch columns that already exist.
Optional extension: print names of any extra columns, as a warning
to the user that they no longer appear in the current schema and
should be removed.
Note: the alter table command in sqlite is very limited. In a
‘real’ database, it is possible to alter column types, add and
remove constraints and so on, all transactionally protected.
from sqlite3 import Connection, OperationalError, connect
Return the package versions (as a tuple of the package name and
version ‘number’) that are not required by any other package (i.e.
they form leaf nodes in the dependency tree).
Use gather() to spawn 10 tasks, each running an infinite loop.
Create a global semaphore that is shared by all those tasks and
set its initial value to 3. In each iteration, each task should
queue on the semaphore and when it is allowed to proceed, sleep 2
seconds before calling notify, and relinquishing the semaphore
notify adds a tuple -- containing the task id ( 1 - 10 ) and the
time when the task reached the semaphore -- to the global list
Observe the behaviour of the program. Add a short sleep outside
of the critical section of the task. Compare the difference in
After your program works as expected, i.e. only 3 tasks are active
at any given moment and the tasks alternate fairly, switch the
infinite loop for a bounded loop: each task running twice, to be
consistent with the tests.
Note: Most asyncio objects, semaphores included, are tied to an
event loop. You need to create the semaphore from within the same
event loop in which your tasks will run. (Alternatively, you can
create the loop explicitly and pass it to the semaphore.)
import asyncio
import time
reached = []
begin = time.time()
def notify( i: int ) -> None:
t = time.time() - begin
print( "task {} reached semaphore at {}".format( i, t ) )
reached.append( ( i, t ) )
async def semaphores() -> None:
11.p.2 [proc]
In this exercise, we will look at talking to external programs
using asyncio. There are two coroutines in the asyncio module
for spawning new processes: for simplicity, we will use
However, before you start working, try the following shell
$ while read x; do echo x is $x; done
and type a few lines. Use ctrl+d to terminate the loop.
This is one of the programs we will interact with. Use stdout and
stdin streaming to talk to this simple shell program from python:
send a line and read back the reply from the program. Copy it to
the standard output of the python program. Apart from printing,
return a list of all outputs from the shell program. There are two
arguments, the command to run and a list of inputs to serve this
program one-by-one.
NOTE: The data that goes into the process and that comes out is
bytes, not strings. Make sure to encode and decode the bytes as
import asyncio
from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE
from typing import List
Spawn 2 slightly different instances of the shell program from
previous exercise, then use gather to run 3 tasks in parallel:
two that print the output from each of the processes
one that alternates feeding data into both of the subprocesses
First shell program reads its input and outputs p1: [input
value]. Second shell program reads its input and outputs p2:
[input value]. Process 3 sends characters a through h to the
two printing processes; it first sends the character to process 1,
then waits 0.5 seconds, then it sends the same character to
process 2 and waits 0.2 seconds. The outputs of the two main
processes are printed to stdout, so that you can follow what is
going on, and added to the global data list, along with a
timestamp (see p1) – as a tuple.
Don't forget to clean up at the end.
import asyncio
from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE
from typing import Tuple
data = []
async def multi() -> None:
11.p.4 [tcp]
Start a server, on localhost, on the given port (using
asyncio.start_server) and have two clients connect to it. The
server takes care of the underlying sockets, so we will not be
creating them manually. Data is, again, transferred as bytes
The server should return whatever data was sent to it. Clients
should send hello and world, respectively, then wait for the
answer from the server and return this answer. Add print
statements to make sure your server and clients behave as
expected; print data received by the server, sent to the clients
and sent and received by the clients on the client side. Make sure
to close the writing side of sockets once data is exhausted.
import asyncio
Server-side handler for connecting clients. Read the message from
the client and echo it back to the client.
Client: connect to the server, send a message, wait for the answer
and return this answer. Assert that the answer matches the message
sent. Sleep for 1 second after sending world, to ensure message
Start the server and the two clients, gather the data back from
the two clients into a list, return this list; starting with the
hello client. Use the provided port.
async def start( port ):
11.p.5 [http]
Use aiohttp (python -mpip install aiohttp) to fetch a given
URL and stream the HTML into tidy (
Specifically, use tidy 2>&1 as the command that you start with
asyncio.create_subprocess_shell. Capture the stdout and return
the output until the first blank line, as a list of bytes
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE
async def tidy( url ):
11.p.6 [merge]
Write a ‘merge server’, which will take 2 string arguments, both
paths to unix sockets. The first socket is the ‘input’ socket:
listen on this socket for client connections, until there are
exactly 2 clients. The clients will send lines, sorted
Connect to the ‘output’ socket (second argument) as a client. Read
lines as needed from each of the clients and write them out to the
output socket, again in sorted order. Do not buffer more than 1
line of input from each of the clients.
Use readline on the input sockets' streams to fetch data, and
relational operators (<, >, ==) to compare the bytes
import asyncio
The merge_server coroutine will simply start the unix server and
return the server object, just like asyncio.start_unix_server
async def merge_server( path_in, path_out ):
11.r Regular Exercises
11.r.1 [sleep]
Demonstrate the use of native coroutines and basic asyncio
constructs. Define 2 coroutines, say cor1() and cor2(), along
with an asynchronous driver, sleepy(). Make the coroutines
suspend for a different amount of time (say 0.7 seconds and 1
second) and then print the name of the function, in an infinite
Use asyncio.gather to run them in parallel (from your
sleepy(), which you should invoke by using at
the toplevel) and observe the result. What happens if you instead
await cor1() and then await cor2()? Try making the loops in
corN finite (tests are meant for 5 iterations, but feel free to
play around with them).
async def sleepy():
11.r.2 [counter]
Spawn a given number of instances of the following shell program:
while true; do echo .; sleep {n}; done
Where the values for {n} are given in the argument sleeps.
Run all these programs in parallel and monitor their output
(asserting that each line they print is exactly a single dot).
Once a second, use queue.put to send a list of numbers, each of
which gives the number of dots received from the -th subprocess.
For instance, the first list should be approximately [ 1, 2, 10
] if sleeps were given as [ 1, 0.5, 0.1 ]. The last
parameter, iterations tells you how many one-second intervals to
run for (and hence, how many items to put into the queue). After
the given number of iterations, kill all the subprocesses.
In this (and the next) exercise, we will write coroutines which
can be connected into a sort of pipeline, like what we did with
generator-based streams in week 4. Again, there will be sources,
sinks and processors and the coroutines will pass data to each
other as it becomes available.
Native coroutines have an arguably a more intuitive and more
powerful construct to send data to each other than what is
available with generators: asyncio.Queue. The queues are of two
basic types: bounded and unbounded. The former limits the amount
of memory taken up by ‘backlogs’ and enforce some level of
synchronicity in the system.
In the special case where the size bound is set to 1, the queue
behaves a lot like send/yield. Trying to get an item from a
queue that is empty naturally blocks the coroutine (making it
possible for the writer coroutine to run) – this is quite obvious.
However, if the queue is bounded, the opposite is also true:
writing into a full queue blocks the writer until space becomes
available. This lets the reader make progress at the expense of
the writer. Recall also the schedulers from week 8.
We will use such queues to build up our stream pipelines: sinks
and sources will accept a single queue as a parameter each (sink
as its input, source as its output), while a processor will accept
two (one input and one output). Like before, we will use None to
indicate an empty stream, however, we will not repeat it forever
(i.e. only send it once).
In this exercise, we will write two simple processors for our
stream pipelines:
a chunker which accepts str chunks of arbitrary sizes and
produces chunks of a fixed size,
getline which accepts chunks of arbitrary size and produces
chunks that correspond to individual lines [TBD pre-made tests
Note: if you use Python 3.8, asyncio.Queue is not a generic
type. You will need to adjust the type annotations accordingly.
Write an asynchronous parser for a very limited subset of the LISP
grammar from t3/ Specifically, only consider compound
expressions and atoms. Represent atoms using str and compound
expressions using lists (note: it might be hard to find a
reasonable mypy type – it is quite okay to skip mypy in this
exercise). The argument to the parser is an asyncio.StreamReader
instance. Your best bet is reading the data using readexactly( 1
). The parser should immediately return after reading the closing
bracket of the initial expression.
async def minilisp( reader ):
11.r.6 [rot13]
We will do something similar to p4_tcp, but this time we will
use a UNIX socket. UNIX sockets exist in the filesystem and need
to be given a (file)name. Additionally, instead of simply echoing
the text back, we will use Caesar cipher (rotate the characters)
with right shift (the intuitive one) of 13. We will have to
explicitly remove the socket once we are done with it, as it will
stay in the filesystem otherwise.
This chapter is work in progress! You have been warned.
Submission for this chapter starts on 2021-11-29.
Prep exercises:
linear – matrices warmup
volume – polyhedron volume
signal – generating sine waves
stats – simple stats with pandas
outliers – dealing with irregularities in data
student – the t-test
Regular exercises:
hist – drawing histograms with ASCII art
dft – discrete Fourier transform
null – the null space of a matrix
frames – slicing and dicing pandas dataframes
regress – linear regression, with outliers
anova – TBD analysis of variance
12.p Prep Exercises
12.p.1 [linear]
The goal of this exercise is to learn about numpy arrays. Write a
function which takes a list of numbers, interprets it as a square
matrix and computes the inverse, second power, the determinant.
The function should return those values as a 3-tuple, with
matrices represented the same way as input: as a flat list of
numbers. Return None in place of inverse if the matrix is
singular, i.e. has no inverse.
import numpy as np
def linalg( matrix ):
12.p.2 [volume]
Compute the volume of an -dimensional simplex, given as a list
of points. A 2D simplex is a triangle, given by 3 points,
a 3D simplex is a 3-sided pyramid given by 4 points and so on.
def volume( pts ):
12.p.3 [signal]
Write a function that generates 1 second of signal as a sequence
of amplitude samples, built from a given mix of sinus frequencies.
The result should contain count samples, including the initial
state at t = 0. 1 second is the time of 1 full cycle of a sine
wave with frequency 1. Return it as an ndarray.
Then write a function logscale, which takes a histogram
represented as a list of floats and converts its x axis to
logscale. That is: the first item is discarded, the second item
becomes first, the average of 3rd and 4th item comes second, the
average of 5th through 8th items comes third, and so on. Compare
np.ceil( np.log2( range( 1, 32 ) ) ).
import numpy as np
def freq( count, freqs ):
def logscale( data ):
12.p.4 [stats]
Grab the data from the given filename and compute the average,
median, first and last quartile and variance of each numeric
column. Put the data into a dictionary with sub-dictionaries as
values, e.g.
Write a function that removes outliers from an otherwise normally
distributed data set, given as a list of 2-tuples (x, y). You can
create random inputs for testing with numpy.random.normal( mean,
stddev, count ) and then add a few outliers manually.
import numpy as np
What exactly constitutes an outlier is somewhat domain- and
dataset-specific, but using some small integer multiple (3-5) of
(the standard deviation) as the cutoff is quite common.
You can use pandas data frames in the implementation if you like,
or even construct them outside and pass them to the function
directly. Remove all outliers strictly outside the range given by
the nsigmas argument. Return the filtered list.
def drop_outliers( data, nsigmas ):
Now that we have a function to remove outliers, let's look at what
effect it has. The following function should call f on both the
original data, and the outlier-culled variant. Return a 2-tuple of
(original data, outliers removed) where each is itself a 2-tuple
(x, y). Apply f on each axis separately (i.e. for a dataset with
values xs and values ys, return f( xs ), f( ys )).
def cmp_outliers( data, nsigmas, f ):
Try computing mean, median, quartiles and standard deviation of a
few data sets with a more or less severe outlier problem.
12.p.6 [student]
The t-test is used, among other things, to assess whether two
population means of some attribute are the same, based on a
sample of each of the two populations. The test makes a few
assumptions, the most important being:
the attribute is normally distributed,
the variances of the two samples are similar,
the sample sizes are equal.
The assumptions are not exact: small deviations only lead to small
inaccuracy in the result. Hence, we can set up some tolerances.
Implement a predicate t_validate that takes 2 sets of numbers, and
tolerance arguments as follows:
normality is the maximum p-value that we are willing to
accept for a normality test on the input data (use a
Shapiro-Wilk test to obtain the p-value),
variance is the difference of variances that we are willing
to tolerate, and finally
relsize is the relative size difference that we are willing
to accept (i.e. we accept the samples if their size difference
divided by their size average is less than relsize).
split_col, the column by which the data is split into two
disjoint sets,
split_val if None, split_col must have exactly 2 values,
which are taken to be the sample sets to compare, otherwise
split_val is a number and split_col is numeric: then the
two sets are given by data[split_col] < split_val and
data[split_col] >= split_val.
The result of split is two sets of numbers (in the form of
single-column data frames).
Finally implement pvalue which takes 2 samples (sets of numbers)
and produces a p-value indicating the likelihood that the means of
the corresponding populations are equal.
def pvalue( s_1, s_2 ):
Note on typing: if you decide to use scipy.stats, you will need
to import it with # type: ignore, since scipy does not have
mypy stubs.
12.r Regular Exercises
12.r.1 [hist]
Write a function that takes a list of numbers and draws an ASCII
histogram (into a string). Normalize the height to 25 characters.
You can compare your output with example output which uses the *
character to represent value frequency.
def histogram( bins ):
12.r.2 [dft]
Write a function which reconstructs the frequencies which were
given to freq in, as an ascending list of
Note that the FFT algorithm used in numpy will give you non-zero
amplitudes for every frequency – use isclose to check if the
amplitude is almost zero.
You can assume that the input only contains integer frequencies.
When testing, be careful to avoid aliasing (i.e. make sure the
highest frequency passed to freq from is less
than half the number of samples).
def dft( amp ):
12.r.3 [null]
Given a square matrix, find its ‘null space’ in the form of a list
of unit-length basis vectors for that space. The null space (or a
kernel) of a matrix is the space of all vectors which, multiplied
by the matrix, come out as zero. For instance:
This comes out zero if , regardless of . Hence, the
null space is spanned by the single vector (0, 0, 1). Indeed:
If we consider another matrix, we see:
The vector is zero whenever (and irrespective of ).
Hence, the null space is two-dimensional, spanned by (for
instance) the vectors (1, -1, 0) and (0, 0, 1).
Notice that we have chosen the basis so that it is orthogonal:
It's easy to make it orthonormal, just divide the first vector by
a square root of 2. In the exercise, however, orthogonality is not
required (it just makes it easy to see that the vectors are
linearly independent).
import numpy as np
from typing import cast, List
def null(m):
12.r.4 [frames]
The data for this exercise is in zz.frames.csv. The data
represents grading of a programming subject (with made-up names
and numbers, of course). The columns are names, number of points
from weekly exercises, from assignments and from reviews.
Implement the following functions:
Return a DataFrame which only contains rows of students, which
achieved the best result among their peers in one of the
categories (weekly, assignments, reviews). If there are multiple
such students for a given category, include all of them.
def best( data ):
Return a DataFrame which contains the name and the total score
(as the only 2 columns). Don't forget that the weekly exercises
contribute at most 9 points to the total.
def compute_total( data ):
Return a dictionary with 4 keys (weekly, assignments,
reviews and total) where each value is the average number of
points in the given category. Consider factoring out a helper
function from compute_total to get a DataFrame with 5 columns.
def compute_averages( data ):
12.r.5 [regress]
In this case, the input data will again be (x, y) tuples, but
distributed around a straight line and we will compute linear
regression on the data. This time, we will remove outliers
iteratively: find the term with the greatest squared residual and
if the squared residual is larger than cutoff-times the sum of
all squared residuals, drop the data point and restart the
regression. Stop when there are no more outliers.
Feel free to use pandas and/or numpy.
def drop_outliers( data, cutoff ): # add arguments if you like
pass # return filtered data
def regress( data, cutoff ):
pass # remove outliers iteratively
# return the slope and the intercept of the regression line
NOTE: In both p5 and in this exercise, we have taken a rather
cavalier approach to outlier removal. For real statistics on real
data, you often need to be much more careful and take the origin
of the data set into account. Always disclose any outliers you
have removed from further consideration.
T.3 Persistence
This task set is centered around persistent data. There are two
database-focused tasks (one of them with objects, another with
generators again), while the third is a small parsing project.
lisp – a simple context-free parser
squelter – storing the shelter objects with SQL
merkle – persistent trees
T.3.1 [lisp]
Write a simple LISP (expression) parser, following this EBNF grammar:
Alphabetic characters are those for which isalpha() returns
True. It is okay to accept additional whitespace where it makes
sense. For the semantics of (ISO) EBNF, see e.g. wikipedia.
The parser should be implemented as a toplevel function called
parse that takes a single str argument. If the string does not
conform to the above grammar, return None. Assuming expr is a
string with a valid expression, the following should hold about
x = parse(expr):
an x.is_foo() method is provided for each of the major
non-terminals: compound, atom, literal, bool, number,
string and identifier (e.g. there should be an is_atom()
method), returning a boolean,
if x.is_compound() is true, len(x) should be a valid
expression and x should be iterable, yielding sub-expressions
as objects which also implement this same interface,
if x.is_bool() is true, bool(x) should work,
if x.is_number() is true, basic arithmetic (+, -, *,
/) and relational (<, >, ==, !=) operators should
work (e.g. x < 7, or x * x) as well as int(x) and
x == parse(expr) should be true (i.e. equality should be
x == parse(str(x)) should also hold.
If a numeric literal x with a decimal dot is directly converted to
an int, this should behave the same as int( float( x ) ). A few
examples of valid inputs (one per line):
(+ 1 2 3)
(eq? [quote a b c] (quote a c b))
(concat "abc" "efg" "ugly \"string\"")
(set! var ((stuff) #t #f))
(< #t #t)
Note that str(parse(expr)) == expr does not need to hold.
Instead, str should always give a canonical representation,
e.g. this must hold:
str( parse( '+7' ) ) == str( parse( '7' ) )
T.3.2 [squelter]
In this task, we will add persistence to the Shelter class from
the previous installment (t1_shelter). You should provide 2 new
functions, load and store. The basic requirement is that doing a
store → load → store sequence will produce two identical
copies of the same data.
Both load and store expect a db keyword argument, which
takes an open sqlite3 connection.
The load function accepts a single positional argument, an id
of the Shelter snapshot to load and returns a Shelter
The store function takes a Shelter instance as its only
positional argument, and returns an id (which can be then
passed to load).
Please note that storing multiple Shelter instances in a single
database must be possible. Moreover, each animal and human should
appear in the entire database only once, even if they appear in
multiple Shelter snapshots stored in that database. We consider
two people or two animals the same if all their attributes match,
with two exceptions:
the max_capacity of a foster parent: the same foster parent
may appear in multiple Shelter instances with a different
the date_of_entry of an animal, which works the same way
(the same animal still cannot re-enter the same shelter though).
Beware! This is a departure from the semantics required in
t1_shelter, where it was possible to have multiple animals with
identical attribute sets. For this assignment, you will need to
modify add_animal to return an existing object if all attributes
match (again with the exception of date_of_entry: if all other
attributes match but not date_of_entry, raise a RuntimeError).
Same with foster parents and max_capacity. A foster parent and an
adopter with the same name and address are, however, distinct
entities and should be allowed. In this case, the name and address
will repeat in the database (once as a foster parent and once as an
Finally, if store is called on a Shelter with the keyword
argument deduplicate set to True, and a snapshot with the
exact same information (i.e. the list of animals, adopters, foster
parents, fostering records and vet exams) is already present, do
not add anything to the database and return the id of the existing
snapshot. It is okay for this check to be, in the worst case,
linear in the number of snapshots already stored.
The database schema is up to you, subject to the constraints above.
If store is called on an empty database, it should create the
necessary tables.
T.3.3 [merkle]
Implement class Merkle which provides the following methods:
__init__( conn ) sets up the object, using conn as the
database connection (you can assume that this is an sqlite3
store( path ) stores the tree corresponding to the directory
path from the filesystem into the database (see below about
format) and returns its hash,
diff_path( hash_old, path_new ) computes a recursive diff
between the directory given by the hash_old stored in the
database and the directory given by path_new (in the
diff( hash_old, hash_new ) computes a recursive diff between
two directories stored in the database,
fetch( hash, path ) creates directory path in the
filesystem (it is an error if it already exists, or if anything
else is in the way) and makes a copy of the tree with root
directory given by hash (from the database into the
filesystem), returning True on success and False on error,
find( root_hash, node_path ) returns the hash of a node that
is reached by following node_path starting from the directory
given by root_hash, or None if there is no such node.
The format of the trees is as follows:
a regular file corresponds to a leaf node, and its hash is
simply the hash of its content,
a directory node is a list of (item hash, item name) tuples; to
compute its hash, sort the tuples lexicographically by name,
separate the item hash from the name by a single space, and put
each tuple on a separate line (each line ended by a newline
These are the only node types. The same node (two nodes are the
same if they have the same hash) must never be stored in the
database twice. The find operation must be fast even for very
large directories (i.e. do not scan directories sequentially).
Paths are given as strings, components separated by a single /
(forward slash) character.
The recursive diff should be returned as a dict instance with
file paths as its keys, where:
a path appears in the dictionary if it appears in either of
the trees being compared (except if it is in both, and the
content of the associated files is the same),
the values are Diff objects, with the following methods:
predicates is_new, is_removed and is_changed,
old_content, new_content which return a bytes object
with the content of the respective file (if applicable),
unified which returns a str instance with a
difflib-formatted unified diff (it is the responsibility of
the caller to make sure the files are utf8-encoded text
For instance, doing diff( foo, foo ) should return an empty
dict. You are encouraged to fetch the file content lazily.
Diffing trees with a few hundred files each, where most files are
100MiB, should be very fast and use very little memory if we only
actually read the content diff for a single small file.
The hashes are SHA-2 256 and in the API, they are always passed
around as a bytes object (which contains the raw hash, 32 bytes
T.4 Asynchronous Programming, Math
In the final set, there are 2 tasks focused on programming with
asyncio and one that extends t3/ into a simple numeric
language based on numpy.
chat – a line-based chat server
reversi – an HTTP+JSON game server
numeval – a simple expression language for numeric computation
T.4.1 [chat]
Write a simple chat server that accepts connections on a UNIX domain socket,
which it should create in its working directory with the name chatsock. It
should implement a simple line-oriented protocol with the command types
described below. In the direction from client to server:
nick <nickname>
join <channel>
message <channel> <text>
part <channel>
replay <channel> <unix timestamp>
And in the opposite direction:
ok <text>
error <text>
message <channel> <unix timestamp> <nickname> <text>
Both nicknames and channel names are alphanumeric strings without
spaces, the latter must start with a # while the former must not
start with a #. Neither channel names nor nicknames can start
with an asterisk (*). Unix timestamp is an unsigned integer
denoting the number of seconds elapsed since midnight, 1.1.1970.
<text> is any utf-8 string with no newlines in it. The server
should respond to unknown or malformed commands with an error.
Upon connecting, the client sends the nick command. The server
accepts it and replies ok unless the nickname is already in use
by another connected client, in which case it replies error. It
is also an error to send any other command before nick has
been accepted. If the client sends a nick command later, that
will change the nick of the connected client.
The join command associates the client which sent the command
with the given channel. Joining an already-joined channel is an
'error'. Channels are transparently created when the first client
joins them, and are never destroyed. The part command removes
the association of the client with the channel. It is an error
to part a channel that is not joined. Both confirm the action with
an ok if they succeed.
When a client joins an existing channel, the server announces this
fact to all other clients already present in the channel.
Likewise, when a client changes its nickname while joined to a
channel, the server notifies each such channel about the change.
In both cases, the nickname of the message will be *server*,
and its text will be nick has joined the channel and oldnick
is now known as newnick respectively.
The message command (when sent by a client) causes the given
message to be broadcast to all users associated with the given
channel, including the originator. There is no other reply from
the server. However, if the target channel does not exist or the
client is not currently associated with it, the server replies
with an error and does not broadcast the message. The nickname
in the message command broadcast by the server is that of the
originator of the message, and the timestamp marks the moment
when the server received the command from the sending client.
Finally, the replay command causes the server to re-send all
messages that the given channel received since the given
timestamp (i.e. with a timestamp that is greater or equal to the
one given by the client) to the sender of the command. The server
gives ok before resending any messages if the request was valid
(even in the case that there are no matching messages). The
command results in an error (and no message replay) in case the
client is not associated with the channel, or if the timestamp
is in the future according to the server clock. The replay
includes both server messages (with nick *server*) and messages
sent by the client requesting the replay.
If the client sends multiple commands without waiting for replies,
the replies from the server should come in the order of the
commands received. Any message commands going from the server to
the client are, however, asynchronous to the rest of the command
stream, including message commands generated in response to a
replay. That is, a message may appear after the client sent a
command, but before the server sends the corresponding ok or
The server must remain responsive at all times and to all clients,
including during playback of long message histories in response to
a replay command. It is strongly encouraged that you program
the server in an async style, using the asyncio library.
T.4.2 [reversi]
T.4.3 [numeval]
Write an evaluator based on the grammar from t3/ The
basic semantic rules are as follows: the first item in a compound
expression is always an identifier, and the compound expression
itself is interpreted as a function application. Evaluation is
eager, i.e. innermost applications are evaluated first. Literals
evaluate to themselves, i.e. 3.14 becomes a real with the
value 3.14. Only numeric literals are relevant in this homework,
and all numeric literals represent reals (floats). Besides
literals, implement the following objects (<foo>+ means 1 or
more objects of type foo):
(vector <real>+) – creates a vector with given entries
(matrix <vector>+) – 1 vector = 1 row, starting from the top
And these operations on them:
(+ <vector> <vector>) vector addition, returns a vector
(dot <vector> <vector>) dot product, returns a real
(cross <vector> <vector>) cross product, returns a vector
(+ <matrix> <matrix>) matrix addition, returns a matrix
(* <matrix> <matrix>) matrix multiplication, returns a matrix
(det <matrix>) determinant, returns a real
(solve <matrix>) solve a system of linear equations, returns
a vector
For solve, the argument is a matrix of coefficients and the result
is an assignment of variables -- if there are multiple solutions,
return a non-zero one.
Expressions with argument type mismatches (both in object
constructors and in operations), attempts to construct a matrix
where the individual vectors (rows) are not of the same length,
addition of differently-shaped matrices, multiplication of
incompatible matrices, addition or dot product of different-sized
vectors, and so on, should evaluate to an error object. Attempt to
get a cross product of vectors with dimension other than 3 is an
error. Any expression with an error as an argument is also an
The evaluator should be available as evaluate() and take a string
for an argument. The result should be an object with methods
is_real(), is_vector(), is_matrix() and is_error().
Iterating vectors gives reals and iterating matrices gives
vectors. Both should also support indexing. float(x) for
x.is_real() should do the right thing.
You can use numpy in this task (in addition to standard
S Exercise Solutions
S.1 Python 101
S.1.e.1 [fibfib]
def fibfib( n, k ):
if n == 0:
a = 1
b = 1
for i in range( k - 2 ):
c = a + b
a = b
b = c
return b
return fibfib( 0, fibfib( n - 1, k ) )
S.1.r.1 [permute]
from math import log,floor
from itertools import permutations, dropwhile
def int_to_list( number, base ):
r = []
while number:
r.append( number % base )
number //= base
return r
def unique( lists ):
return list( set( lists ) )
def list_to_int( list_, base ):
res = 0
for i in range(len(list_)):
res += list_[i] * ( base ** (len(list_)-i-1))
return res
def permute_digits( n, b ):
perms = list( permutations( int_to_list( n, b ) ) )
return unique( map( lambda x : list_to_int( x, b ), perms ) )
S.1.r.2 [rfence]
def encrypt(text, rails):
res = ""
for i in range( 1, rails + 1 ):
j = 0
res += text[ i - 1 ]
next_i = False
while not next_i:
lines_until_up = None
lines_until_down = None
if i % rails != 0: # (==0) last row, no down
lines_until_down = rails - i
if i % rails != 1: # (==1) first row, no up
lines_until_up = i - 1
for shift in [ lines_until_down, lines_until_up ]:
if shift is not None:
j += shift * 2
if i + j - 1 >= len( text ):
next_i = True
res += text[ i + j - 1 ]
return res
i = first_row_len
while i < len( text ):
mid_row = ""
if len( text ) - i < switches: # last row
rows.append( text[ i : ] )
for j in range( switches ):
mid_row += text[ i ]
i += 1
if rest > 0:
mid_row += text[ i ]
i += 1
rest -= 1
rows.append( mid_row )
res = ""
while any( rows ):
for i in list( range( 0, len( rows ) ) ) + \
list( range( len( rows ) - 2, 0, -1 ) ):
if len( rows[ i ] ) == 0:
res += rows[ i ][ 0 ]
rows[ i ] = rows[ i ][ 1 : ]
return res
S.1.r.3 [life]
def updated( x, y, cells ):
count = 0
alive = ( x, y ) in cells
for dx in [ -1, 0, 1 ]:
for dy in [ -1, 0, 1 ]:
if dx or dy:
count += ( x + dx, y + dy ) in cells
return count in { 2, 3 } if alive else count == 3
def life( cells, n ):
if n == 0:
return cells
todo = set()
for x, y in cells:
for dx in [ -1, 0, 1 ]:
for dy in [ -1, 0, 1 ]:
todo.add( ( x + dx, y + dy ) )
ngen = { ( x, y ) for x, y in todo if updated( x, y, cells ) }
return life( ngen , n - 1 )
S.1.r.4 [breadth]
from statistics import median, mean
def breadth(tree):
last_level = [1]
widths = []
while last_level:
next_level = []
for i in last_level:
next_level += tree[i]
def radix_sort( strings, idx = 0 ):
buckets = {}
result = []
for s in strings:
if len( s ) > idx:
buckets.setdefault( s[ idx ], [] ).append( s )
result.append( s )
for _, b in sorted( buckets.items(), key = lambda x: x[ 0 ] ):
result.extend( radix_sort( b, idx + 1 ) )
return result
vertices = list( set( [ x for x,_ in graph ] ) )
for v in vertices: # can be disconnected
if v in colours:
queue.append( v )
colours[ v ] = 1
colour = 1
while queue:
v = queue.pop( 0 )
colour = 2 if colours[ v ] == 1 else 1
for neighb in [ y for x,y in graph if x == v ]:
if neighb in colours and \
colours[ neighb ] != colour:
return False
if neighb not in colours:
colours[ neighb ] = colour
queue.append( neighb )
return True
S.2 Objects, Classes and Types
S.2.e.1 [geometry]
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Tuple
from math import sqrt, acos
from math import isclose, pi
class Point:
def __init__( self, x: float, y: float ) -> None:
self.x = x
self.y = y
def distance_point_circle( a: Point, c: Circle ) -> float:
return abs( distance_point_point( a, ) - c.radius() )
def distance_line_circle( l: Line, c: Circle ) -> float:
dist = distance_point_line(, l ) - c.radius()
return 0 if dist <= 0 else dist
def distance( a: Union[ Point, Line, Circle ],
b: Union[ Point, Line, Circle ] ) -> float:
if type( a ) == Point and type( b ) == Point:
return distance_point_point( a, b )
if type( a ) == Point and type( b ) == Line:
return distance_point_line( a, b )
if type( a ) == Line and type( b ) == Point:
return distance_point_line( b, a )
if type( a ) == Line and type( b ) == Line:
return distance_line_line( a, b )
if type( a ) == Point and type( b ) == Circle:
return distance_point_circle( a, b )
if type( a ) == Circle and type( b ) == Point:
return distance_point_circle( b, a )
if type( a ) == Line and type( b ) == Circle:
return distance_line_circle( a, b )
if type( a ) == Circle and type( b ) == Line:
return distance_line_circle( b, a )
assert False
S.2.r.6 [istree]
from typing import Set, Optional
class Tree:
def __init__( self ) -> None:
self.left : Optional[ Tree ] = None
self.right : Optional[ Tree ] = None
def is_tree_rec( root: Tree, visited: Set[ Tree ] ) -> bool:
if root in visited:
return False
visited.add( root )
result = True
if root.left is not None:
result = result and is_tree_rec( root.left, visited )
if root.right is not None:
result = result and is_tree_rec( root.right, visited )
from math import floor
from typing import Generic, Protocol, Callable, TypeVar, Union, \
Iterable, cast, Optional, Any
T = TypeVar( 'T' )
S = TypeVar( 'S', covariant = True )
class EachProto( Protocol, Generic[ S ] ):
def each( self, __f: Callable[ [ S ], object ] ) -> None: ...
Each = Union[ Iterable[ T ], EachProto[ T ] ]
def each( f: Callable[ [ T ], object ], data: Each[ T ] ) -> None:
if hasattr( data, "each" ):
cast( EachProto[ T ], data ).each( f )
for x in cast( Iterable[ T ], data ):
f( x )
def each_len( data: Each[ T ] ) -> int:
counter = 0
def inc( _: T ) -> None:
nonlocal counter
counter += 1
each( inc, data )
return counter
def each_sum( data: Each[ int ] ) -> int:
sum_ = 0
def add( x: int ) -> None:
nonlocal sum_
sum_ += x
each( add, data )
return sum_
def each_avg( data: Each[ int ] ) -> float:
items = 0
sum_ = 0
def add( x: int ) -> None:
nonlocal items, sum_
items += 1
sum_ += x
each( add, data )
return sum_ / items
def each_median( data: Each[ int ] ) -> Optional[ int ]:
items = []
def add( x: int ) -> None:
items.append( x )
each( add, data )
if what == 'is_green':
return is_green
if what == 'set_green':
is_green = True
if what == 'set_red':
timeout = 5
if what == 'tick':
if timeout > 0:
timeout -= 1
if timeout == 0:
is_green = False
from __future__ import annotations
import types
from typing import Generator, Iterable
def suffixes( iter_in: Iterable[ int ] ) \
-> Generator[ Iterable[ int ], None, None ]:
list_in = list( iter_in )
for i in range( len( list_in ), -1, -1 ):
yield list_in[ i : ]
def suffix_sum( iter_in: Iterable[ int ] ) \
-> Generator[ int, None, None ]:
count = 0
for item in reversed( list( iter_in ) ):
count += item
yield count
S.4.r.3 [itree]
from __future__ import annotations
from r3_itree import Generic, T, Tree
class TreeIter( Generic[ T ] ):
def __init__( self, tree: Tree[ T ] ) -> None:
self.n : Optional[ Tree[ T ] ] = tree
def descend( self ) -> None:
assert self.n is not None
while self.n.left is not None:
self.n = self.n.left
def ascend( self ) -> None:
assert self.n is not None
while ( self.n.parent is not None and
self.n == self.n.parent.right ):
self.n = self.n.parent
self.n = self.n.parent # coming from left
def __iter__( self ) -> TreeIter[ T ]:
assert self.n is not None
i = TreeIter( self.n )
return i
def __next__( self ) -> T:
if self.n is None:
raise StopIteration()
assert self.n is not None # srsly
v = self.n.value
if self.n.right is not None:
self.n = self.n.right
return v
S.4.r.4 [gtree]
from r4_gtree import Tree, Generator, T, Optional
def preorder( tree: Optional[ Tree[ T ] ] ) \
-> Generator[ T, None, None ]:
if tree is not None:
yield tree.value
yield from preorder( tree.left )
yield from preorder( tree.right )
def inorder( tree: Optional[ Tree[ T ] ] ) \
-> Generator[ T, None, None ]:
if tree is not None:
yield from inorder( tree.left )
yield tree.value
yield from inorder( tree.right )
def postorder( tree: Optional[ Tree[ T ] ] ) \
-> Generator[ T, None, None ]:
if tree is not None:
yield from postorder( tree.left )
yield from postorder( tree.right )
yield tree.value
S.4.r.5 [dfs]
from typing import Dict, List, TypeVar, Set, Generator
T = TypeVar( 'T' )
def dfs( graph: Dict[ T, List[ T ] ], initial: T ) \
-> Generator[ T, None, None ]:
seen : Set[ T ] = set()
yield from dfs_rec( graph, initial, seen )
def __next__( self ) -> T:
if self.to_send is not None:
return self.cor.send( self.to_send )
return next( self.cor )
def reply( self, v: S ) -> None:
self.to_send = v
def bfs( graph: Graph[ T ], start : T ) -> Gen1[ T ]:
S.5 Memory management, reference counting
S.5.r.1 [refcnt]
from typing import Optional, List
class Heap:
def __init__( self ) -> None: : List[ List[ int ] ] = []
self.refs : List[ int ] = []
def boundcheck( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> bool:
return obj_id >= 0 and \
obj_id < len( ) and \
index < len([ obj_id ] )
def put( self, obj_id: int ) -> None:
if obj_id <= 0 or not self.boundcheck( obj_id, 0 ):
self.refs[ obj_id ] -= 1
if self.refs[ obj_id ] == 0:
for val in[ obj_id ]:
self.put( val )[ obj_id ] = []
def get( self, obj_id: int ) -> None:
if self.boundcheck( obj_id, 0 ):
self.refs[ obj_id ] += 1
def read( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> Optional[int]:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return None
return[ obj_id ][ index ]
def write( self, obj_id: int, index: int, value: int ) -> bool:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return False
self.get( value )
self.put([ obj_id ][ index ] )[ obj_id ][ index ] = value
return True
def count( self ) -> int:
return 1 + sum( 1 if x else 0 for x in self.refs )
def make( self, size: int ) -> int: [ 0 for _ in range( size ) ] )
self.refs.append( 0 )
return len( ) - 1
def boundcheck( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> bool:
return obj_id >= 0 and \
obj_id < len( ) and \
index < len([ obj_id ] )
def read( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> Optional[int]:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return None
return[ obj_id ][ index ]
def write( self, obj_id: int, index: int, value: int ) -> bool:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return False[ obj_id ][ index ] = value
return True
def mark( self, now: int ) -> None:
if not self.boundcheck( now, 0 ) or self.marks[ now ]:
self.marks[ now ] = True
for x in[ now ]:
self.mark( x )
def boundcheck( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> bool:
return obj_id >= 0 and \
obj_id < len( ) and \
index < len([ obj_id ] )
def read( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> Optional[int]:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return None
return[ obj_id ][ index ]
def write( self, obj_id: int, index: int, value: int ) -> bool:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return False[ obj_id ][ index ] = value
return True
def mark( self, now: int ) -> None:
if not self.boundcheck( now, 0 ) or self.marks[ now ]:
self.marks[ now ] = True
for x in[ now ]:
self.mark( x )
def collect( self ) -> None:
self.marks = [ False for _ in ]
self.mark( 0 )
for obj_id, live in enumerate( self.marks ):
if not live:[ obj_id ] = []
def make( self, size: int ) -> int: [ 0 for _ in range( size ) ] )
return len( ) - 1
S.5.r.4 [semi]
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Set
class Heap:
def __init__( self ) -> None:
self.fro : List[ List[ int ] ] = [] : List[ List[ int ] ] = []
def boundcheck( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> bool:
return obj_id >= 0 and \
obj_id < len( ) and \
index < len([ obj_id ] )
def read( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> Optional[int]:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return None
return[ obj_id ][ index ]
def write( self, obj_id: int, index: int, value: int ) -> bool:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return False[ obj_id ][ index ] = value
return True
def copy( self, now: int, refmap: Dict[ int, int ] ) -> int:
if now < 0:
return now
if now in refmap:
return refmap[ now ]
refmap[ now ] = len( )
copy : List[ int ] = [] copy )
for val in self.fro[ now ]:
copy.append( self.copy( val, refmap ) )
return refmap[ now ]
def make( self, size: int ) -> int: [ 0 for _ in range( size ) ] )
return len( ) - 1
S.5.r.5 [cheney]
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Set
class Heap:
def __init__( self ) -> None:
self.fro : List[ List[ int ] ] = [] : List[ List[ int ] ] = []
self.scan = 0
def boundcheck( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> bool:
return obj_id >= 0 and \
obj_id < len( ) and \
index < len([ obj_id ] )
def read( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> Optional[int]:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return None
return[ obj_id ][ index ]
def write( self, obj_id: int, index: int, value: int ) -> bool:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return False[ obj_id ][ index ] = value
return True
def boundcheck( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> bool:
return obj_id >= 0 and \
obj_id < len( ) and \
index < len([ obj_id ] )
def read( self, obj_id: int, index: int ) -> Optional[int]:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return None
return[ obj_id ][ index ]
def write( self, obj_id: int, index: int, value: int ) -> bool:
if not self.boundcheck( obj_id, index ):
return False
self.get( value )
self.put([ obj_id ][ index ] )[ obj_id ][ index ] = value
return True
def put( self, obj_id: int ) -> None:
if obj_id <= 0 or not self.boundcheck( obj_id, 0 ):
self.refs[ obj_id ] -= 1
if self.refs[ obj_id ] == 0:
for val in[ obj_id ]:
self.put( val )[ obj_id ] = []
def get( self, obj_id: int ) -> None:
if self.boundcheck( obj_id, 0 ):
self.refs[ obj_id ] += 1
def mark( self, now: int ) -> None:
if not self.boundcheck( now, 0 ) or self.marks[ now ]:
self.marks[ now ] = True
for x in[ now ]:
self.mark( x )
def collect( self ) -> None:
self.marks = [ False for _ in ]
self.mark( 0 )
for obj_id, live in enumerate( self.marks ):
if not live:[ obj_id ] = []
def make( self, size: int ) -> int: [ 0 for _ in range( size ) ] )
self.refs.append( 0 )
return len( ) - 1
S.6 Objects 2
S.6.r.1 [trace]
from typing import Any, Callable, TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar( 'T' )
class traced( Generic[ T ] ):
indent = 0
counter = 0
def __init__( self, f: Callable[ ..., T ] ) -> None:
self.f = f
def __call__( self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> T:
traced.counter += 1
cnt = traced.counter
if cnt > 1:
print( ' ' * traced.indent, self.f.__name__, list( args ), end = '' )
print( kwargs if len(kwargs) else '', end = '' )
traced.indent += 2
r = self.f( *args, **kwargs )
traced.indent -= 2
if cnt != traced.counter:
print( '\n' + ' ' * traced.indent, "returned", r )
print( ' ->', r, end = '' )
return r
class Data: # helper to silence ‹mypy›
def __init__( self, *args: Any ) -> None: pass
def record( cls: type ) -> type:
class rec:
def __init__( self, *args: Any ) -> None:
from copy import copy
counter = 0
for k, v in cls.__dict__.items():
if not k.startswith( '__' ):
if len( args ) > counter:
self.__dict__[ k ] = args[ counter ]
self.__dict__[ k ] = copy( v )
counter += 1
return rec
S.6.r.4 [array]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, List
from copy import copy
T = TypeVar( 'T' )
class Array( Generic[ T ] ):
def __init__( self, defval: T ) -> None:
self.defval = copy( defval ) : List[ T ] = []
def extend( self, idx: int ) -> None:
while len( ) <= idx: copy( self.defval ) )
def __setitem__( self, idx: int, val: T ) -> None:
self.extend( idx )[ idx ] = val
def send( self, ident, data ):
if ident not in self.tasks:
return None
self.tasks[ ident ].send( data )
except StopIteration:
return None
r, self.reply = self.reply, None
return r
S.8.r.3 [search]
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar( 'T' )
class Tree( Generic[ T ] ):
def __init__( self, key ) -> None:
self.left : Optional[ Tree ] = None
self.right : Optional[ Tree ] = None
self.key = key
if key == self.key:
r = True
if key < self.key and self.left is not None:
r = await key, suspend )
if key > self.key and self.right is not None:
r = await key, suspend )
return r
S.9 Text, JSON
S.9.r.1 [email]
In this exercise, we will parse a format that is based on rfc 822 headers,
though our implementation will only handle the simplest cases. The format
looks like this:
From: Petr Ročkai <>
To: Random X. Student <>
Subject: PV248
and so on and so forth (for your convenience, the above example can be also
found in the file `rfc822.txt`). In real e-mail (and in HTTP), each header
entry may span multiple lines, but we will not deal with that.
Our goal is to create a `dict` where the keys are the individual header
fields and the corresponding values are the strings coming after the colon.
In this iteration, assume that each header is unique.
with open( path, 'r' ) as f:
for line in f:
line = comment.sub( '', line )
if ws.fullmatch( line ):
res.append( read_fs( line ) )
return res
S.9.r.6 [cpp]
def cpp( path: str ) -> str:
defined = set()
out = ''
emit : list[ bool ] = []
def process( line: str ) -> None:
if line.startswith( '#ifdef' ):
cmd, macro = line.split()
emit.append( macro in defined )
if line.startswith( '#endif' ):
if not emit or emit[ -1 ]:
if line.startswith( '#define' ):
cmd, macro = line.split()
defined.add( macro )
if line.startswith( '#undef' ):
cmd, macro = line.split()
defined.remove( macro )
if line.startswith( '#include' ):
cmd, path = line.split()
read( path[ 1: -1 ] )
def read( path: str ) -> None:
nonlocal out
with open( path, 'r' ) as f:
for line in f:
if line[ 0 ] == '#':
process( line )
if not emit or emit[ -1 ]:
out += line
read( path )
return out
S.10 Databases
S.10.r.1 [schema]
import json
from sqlite3 import Connection, OperationalError, connect
def create_tables( schema: str, db: Connection ) -> None:
tabs = json.load( open( schema ) )
for name, cols in tabs.items():
cdesc = ', '.join( f'{c} {t}' for c, t in cols.items() )
db.execute( f'create table {name} ( {cdesc} )' )
S.10.r.2 [upgrade]
import json
from sqlite3 import Connection, OperationalError, connect
def upgrade_tables( schema: str, db: Connection ) -> None:
tabs = json.load( open( schema ) )
for tab, cols in tabs.items():
cdesc = ', '.join( f'{c} {t}' for c, t in cols.items() )
cmd = f'create table if not exists {tab} ( {cdesc} )'
db.execute( cmd )
for c, t in cols.items():
cmd = f'alter table {tab} add column {c} {t}'
db.execute( cmd )
except OperationalError as e:
if not str( e ).startswith( 'duplicate column' ):
S.10.r.3 [pkgs]
from sqlite3 import Connection, connect, Cursor
def list_packages( db: Connection ) -> Cursor:
return db.execute( 'select name, count( number ) from ' + \
'package left join version ' + \
'on package_id = group by name' )
def list_leaves( db: Connection ) -> Cursor:
return db.execute( 'select name, number from ' + \
'package join version ' + \
'on package_id = ' + \
'where not in ' + \
'( select depends_on from depends )' )
from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE
import asyncio
from typing import List
async def counters( queue: asyncio.Queue[ list[ int ] ],
sleeps: list[ float ], iterations: int ) -> None:
ctr = [ 0 for _ in sleeps ]
proc = [ await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( f"while true; do echo .; sleep {i}; done",
stdout=PIPE )
for i in sleeps ]
async def monitor( idx : int ) -> None:
out = proc[ idx ].stdout
assert out is not None
async for l in out:
assert l == b".\n"
ctr[ idx ] += 1
async def printer() -> None:
await asyncio.sleep( 1 )
for i in range( iterations ):
await queue.put( ctr )
await asyncio.sleep( 1 )
for p in proc:
await p.wait()
await asyncio.gather( printer(), *[ monitor( i ) for i in
range(len(sleeps)) ] )
S.11.r.3 [pipeline]
import asyncio
from typing import Any, List, Optional
def chunker( limit: int ) -> Any:
async def process( q_in: asyncio.Queue[ Any ],
q_out: asyncio.Queue[ Any ] ) -> None:
s = ''
while True:
item = await q_in.get()
print( "{}, retrieved {}".format( limit, item ) )
if item is None:
while s:
if len( s ) <= limit:
await q_out.put( str( s ) )
s = ''
await q_out.put( str( s[:limit] ) )
s = s[ limit : ]
s += item
if len( s ) < limit:
if len( s ) <= limit:
await q_out.put( str( s ) )
s = ''
await q_out.put( str( s[ :limit ] ) )
s = s[ limit : ]
from collections import Counter
from typing import List
def normalize( n: int, max_ : int ) -> int:
return round( ( n / max_ ) * 25 )
def histogram( bins: List[ int ] ) -> str:
count = Counter( bins )
m = max( count.values() )
for b in count:
count[ b ] = normalize( count[ b ], m )
i = 1
height = 25
s = ""
while height > 0:
i = 0
for j in sorted( count.keys() ):
while i < j:
i += 1
s += ' '
if i == j and count[j] >= height:
s += '*'
s += ' '
i += 1
s += '\n'
height -= 1
return s
S.12.r.2 [dft]
import numpy as np
from typing import List
def dft( a: List[ float ] ) -> List[ float ]:
return [ i for i, v in enumerate( np.abs( np.fft.rfft( a ) ) )
if not np.isclose( v, 0 ) ]
S.12.r.3 [null]
import numpy as np
from typing import cast, List
def null( A: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray:
A = np.atleast_2d(A)
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(A)
tol = max(1e-13, 0)
nnz = (s >= tol).sum()
return cast( np.ndarray, vh[nnz:].conj() )
S.12.r.4 [frames]
import pandas as pd
from typing import Any, cast, Union, Dict
def regress( data: Data, cutoff: float ) -> Tuple[ float, float ]:
data = drop_outliers( data, cutoff )
x_ = [ x for x,_ in data ]
y_ = [ y for _,y in data ]
p = np.polyfit( x_, y_, 1 )
return ( p[0], p[1] )