Data harmonization of Medical Records for federated search Radovan Tomášik Structure 15min presentation Context Harmonization 5min for Q&A Introduce czech biobanks to the 21st century Part of the BBMRI-ERIC Provide support and infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC Eouropean reseach infrastructure for biobanking Provide tools and software solutions Problems with sharing Medical data Hoarding opposed to Sharing Convenience opposed to Standardization Conservatism opposed to Innovation Sharing samples Publicly list samples available for research What other data sets are available for those samples Centralized vs Federated Search Centralized search Biobank n Central Storage Biobank 1 Biobank 2 Federated Search Central component Local components of federated search Install local components behind the institution's firewall 01 Open specific ports 02 Limit access from within the instituition 03 Extract Transform Load Extract Create export from (usually 2) databases Transform Harmonize the data into a standard format ( OMOP, FHIR) Load Upload the data into the local component Transform/Harmonize XML, CSV, JSON Magic FHIR.json OMOP.csv Example OMOP File OMOP CDM The Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model FHIR Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources Framework comprised of 92 so called “Resources” Usable for a variety of medical data Example XML patient file Example FHIR File Issues that need to be addressed Mapping Extending the data model Updating available samples Updating patient consent Correct formats Mapping Impossible to do a general mapping guide 1:1, 1:2 or even 1:3 mapping Biobanks don’t have the IT resources needed Leave the biobanks to do the mapping themselves • Expensive for the biobanks • hard to maintain • No benefits for others • Off-putting • Takes too long Support the biobanks by providing a set of tools for setting up the ETL pipeline • Documentation! • GUI app for less tech savvy biobanks • Libraries for more demanding cases Questions? Thank you for your attention Radovan Tomášik