IA010: Principles of Programming Languages Introduction Achim Blumensath blumens@fi.muni.cz Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Warm-up: A Quiz What does this program do? ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++ ..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>. Warm-up: A Quiz What does this program do? ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++ ..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>. Prints“Hello World!” Warm-up: A Quiz What does this program do? ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++ ..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>. Prints“Hello World!” Brainfuck (1993) ▸ Turing-complete programming language ▸ tape containing numbers (inc/dec), a data pointer (l/r), input/output, conditional jump ▸ compiler of size 100 bytes known to exist Before high-level programming languages … Now … C C++ Java C# Ada Python PHP JavaScript VisualBasic Perl Haskell OCaml F# Scheme … Scala Rust Go Swift Now … C C++ Java C# Ada Python PHP JavaScript VisualBasic Perl Haskell OCaml F# Scheme … Scala Rust Go Swift A zoo of programming languages Now … C C++ Java C# Ada Python PHP JavaScript VisualBasic Perl Haskell OCaml F# Scheme … Scala Rust Go Swift A zoo of programming languages Can we somehow categorise them? How do we choose one? Language popularity TIOBE index, January 2017, www.tiobe.com Language popularity Desirable language features Desirable language features ▸ simplicity ▸ orthogonality ▸ clear (and defined) semantics ▸ ease of use ▸ easy to learn ▸ clean and readable syntax ▸ expressive power ▸ support for many paradigms and coding styles ▸ strong safety guarantees ▸ produces fast code ▸ compilation speed ▸ reduced memory usage ▸ good library and tool chain support ▸ standardisation and documentation ▸ interoperability with other languages ▸ hardware and system independence ▸ support for hardware and system programming ▸ usability by non-programmers ▸ … Kinds of software Kinds of software ▸ business applications ▸ office software, graphics software ▸ server software ▸ video games ▸ number crunching ▸ phone apps ▸ control software for embedded devices ▸ scripts, utilities Programming paradigms Programming paradigms ▸ procedural: program is structured as a collection of procedures/functions ▸ imperative: list of commands ▸ functional: expressions that compute a value ▸ declarative: describe what you want to compute, not how ▸ object-oriented: objects communicating via messages ▸ data-oriented: layout of your data in memory ▸ reactive: network of components that react to events Which language/paradigm/coding style is the best? Which language/paradigm/coding style is the best? Choose the right tools for the job! Which language/paradigm/coding style is the best? Choose the right tools for the job! ⇒ the more tools available, the better Which language/paradigm/coding style is the best? Choose the right tools for the job! ⇒ the more tools available, the better ⇒ need to be familiar with many styles and paradigms Which language/paradigm/coding style is the best? Choose the right tools for the job! ⇒ the more tools available, the better ⇒ need to be familiar with many styles and paradigms Multi-paradigm languages The more paradigms your language support, the more tools you have in your toolbox. State of the art ▸ functional programming, dependent types: Idris ▸ linear types, borrow checker: Rust ▸ imperative programming, error handling: Zig ▸ imperative programming, design by contract: Dafny,Whiley ▸ module system: SML, Ocaml ▸ declarative programming: Mercury ▸ object-oriented programming: Scala ▸ concurrency: Go, Pony (list somewhat biased and certainly incomplete) Why study programming languages and paradigms? The study of language features and programming styles helps you to ▸ choose a language most appropriate for a given task ▸ think about problems in new ways ▸ learn new ways to express your ideas and structure your code (⇒ more tools in your toolbox) ▸ read other peoples code ▸ learn new languages faster (you only need to learn a new syntax) ▸ understand the design/implementation decisions and limitations of a given language, so you can use it better: ▸ You can choose between alternative ways of expressing things. ▸ You understand more obscure features. ▸ You can simulate features not available in this particular language. Aspects of programming languages Syntax: the structure of programs. Describes how the various constructs (statements, expressions, …) can be combined into well-formed programs. Semantics: the meaning of programs. Tells us what behaviour we can expect from a program. Pragmatics: the use of programming languages. In which way is the language intended to be used in practice? What are the various language constructions good for? Aspects of programming languages Syntax: the structure of programs. Describes how the various constructs (statements, expressions, …) can be combined into well-formed programs. PA008 Compiler Construction, PA037 Compiler Project, IB005/IA006 Formal Languages Semantics: the meaning of programs. Tells us what behaviour we can expect from a program. IA011 Programming Language Semantics, IA014 Advanced Functional Programming Pragmatics: the use of programming languages. In which way is the language intended to be used in practice? What are the various language constructions good for? this course Course organisation Lectures ▸ Monday, 12:00, A318 ▸ language: English ▸ slides, lecture notes, and source code can be found in IS ▸ video recordings will also be made available there Examination ▸ final written exam, in English ▸ k and z completion possible Prerequisites ▸ no formal requirements ▸ knowledge of at least one programming language ▸ some basic knowledge of Haskell helpful ▸ the more languages you know the better Study materials Books (only somewhat relevant) ▸ P. V. Roy, S. Haridi, Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming, 1st ed., MIT Press, 2004. ▸ R.W. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming Languages, 10th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2012. ▸ Programming language pragmatics, (Ed. M. L. Scott) 3rd ed. Oxford, Elsevier Science, 2009. Additional resources ▸ Crafting Interpreters, www.craftinginterpreters.com Topics covered ▸ a brief history of programming languages ▸ expressions and functions ▸ types, type checking, type inference ▸ state and side-effects ▸ modules ▸ control-flow ▸ declarative programming ▸ object-oriented programming ▸ concurrency